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DayZ launches in borderless minimized window mode regardless of Fullscreen setting
Need More Info, NormalPublic


5 seconds after launching DayZ, the client opens up a borderless game window even though my in-game graphics option is set to Fullscreen.
Clicking inside the Window does nothing to solve this, but minimizing it or refreshing Windows's focus resets it properly into Fullscreen mode instead.

RPT-log entry "ENGINE (W): Creating in minimized window mode"

Tested on experimental version 1.13.153989 but previously experienced in Stable DayZ before 1.12.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Version 1909/10.0.18363.1440
Additional Information

Another issue T139535 about the mouse pointer being confined to a rectangle in the upper left corner that is not the full screen,
talks about this being due to incompatibility with Windows's Display Scale and Layout feature. Unlike that issue however, I run everything at native resolution, so the issues are not related.

Event Timeline

Vitdom created this task.Jun 18 2021, 7:54 PM
Vitdom renamed this task from DayZ launches in minimized window mode regardless of Fullscreen setting to DayZ launches in borderless minimized window mode regardless of Fullscreen setting.
Vitdom updated the task description. (Show Details)
Vitdom edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Jun 18 2021, 8:05 PM
Vitdom edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Jun 18 2021, 8:07 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Jun 21 2021, 10:15 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello Vitdom.
Does any specific software running come to mind that could be causing this? Are you running any specific launch parameters? And have you tried to completely delete the config files and verify the game data to see if that has any effect?