currently it seems like positionCameraToWorld doesnt provide a visual position. It is apparent when using this code here in the debug console:
circle = "Sign_Sphere10cm_F" createVehicle position player;
onEachFrame { circle setPos (positionCameraToWorld [0,0,1]) }
As you can see, the object does not keep up with the camera, it sort of lags behind.
With this example, you can see it is not the game performance, using eyeDirection:
can = "Land_Can_V3_F" createVehicle position player;
onEachFrame {
can setPosASL [ (eyePos player select 0) + (eyeDirection player select 0), (eyePos player select 1) + (eyeDirection player select 1), (eyePos player select 2) + (eyeDirection player select 2) ]
Here you can see there is no lag. The only issue is that the can only moves with the player's head, and not the camera, but that is an unrelated issue.