"fake & gay" in the tags ? really T-Bone ? really ?
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May 10 2016
with or without a silencer, a bullet at point blank is fatal, period.
(except some lucky guys who get superficial damage)
to be fair with him, 9mm does feel like firing with an airsoft gun
an hitbox on missile would be nice indeed,even if most actual would be pure luck, it would make for awesome moments
title: have a way to remove the crosshair's object detection
nah really I'm too tired to do it myself man, just try not to make people feel like you're implying that they're assisted (aka avoid using the terms "aimbot" or "aim assist" and such since they're not used in the right context)
I disagree with you since the fact the the crosshair is moved means that you can't shoot anyway so it shouldn't change anything but I can understand why this could upsets you
and no it's not an aimbot, an aimbot aims for you, the crosshair just tells you when you if your gun is out of cover with you which you could tell in real life but can not in game
just give up on this ticket and do a new one without all the words that pissed people off because it insinuated that they were assisted while they weren't
@falconx1 well it's not "supposedly" obstructing, if the crosshair move over the object, it won't go through it
well the point is that it's not always obvious, some objects have a bigger hitbox than expected and you often ended up shooting on the ground because you were not off of the ground enough
for example go in the administrative buildings and pass your crosshair over the small walls all the way up to the top, you'll see that the weapon can't shoot through
also calling it aimin assisstance or aimbot sounds pretty dumb imo
by the way, I realized recently that the gun is not a perfect triangle but more like an isosceles
so basically it's fine, the gun just spawns with its top on its left
ticket can be closed
it's not a "major" issue, it's a graphic issue that doesn't prevent gameplay, it's a very minor issue
@AD2001 the issue is that the front of the mi 48 gun looks deformed, as in not perfectly triangular, but it might just be an illusion.
I kind of agree but this sentence "because if those new ones have radar... then following that logic, why the old ones don't have it?" doesn't make sense (or is it just me ?) since doing something new is usually to improve from the old version
actually the mi 48 is a HIND version of the mi 28, with a touch of ka 50. anyway, if the FLIR screen is actually included in the mi 28 that's a good reason for me to change my vote, I thought it was lacking it. /upvoted
those are two different factions, thus they don't use the same equipments
no no no, I have to agree with pops on this one, your title must be relevant to your content, so you should call it "simulate curvature of earth" or something, it's not very long and if you don't do it, the mods will
voted up but modifying the maps at this point sounds like asking too much
duplicate of 9820
APCs ability to go from water to land needs some tweaking, it's usually hard to do so if you don't find a flat beach
yeah it can do that and when wheels are deployed they autobrake your aircraft
couldn't reproduce
@Demongornot no I meant a vanilla script toggleable by server, so basically the same as your idea
should be added as a script, not as vanilla, too much risk of abuse in multiplayer servers
otherwise it's a good idea
category > feature request
yep, we should have two profile heads, one for BLUFOR one for OPFOR, because, as much as people are trying to convince them that we live in a world where everyone is white it's not the truth, OPFOR are from the middle east, and middle east people have different color, that's it, that's how it is, and if you think I'm being racist, you need to learn the difference between being racist and realist
yes it should be implemented as it's realistic, but keep the regular NV, after all, we have a slot that can take several types of equipments
why can't people make the difference between a landing light and a searchlight god dammit
it does
that would make sense in altis but in stratis it would just make the aircraft overpow-... wait, there is no such thing as overpowered in arma, /upvoted, realism comes first
my pleasure
I had this problem, it was CBA related, were you using CBA when this happened ?
@GeneralScott, yes, this apply to the passengers, not the pilot/gunners :)
and the rearm option should be used as the same as for the infantry, picking the ammo fast
well since pilots and gunners can't access their inventorys and don't really have any reason to do it, the inventory bind could work as the infantry inventory but for the aircraft, except that instead of a regular crate, it would be with the vehicle weapon crate. this way you could look at the content of the crate but the rockets/bombs etc would be incompatible with infantry (like the 3 fatigue slots)
as much as I'd like to see that, all those deformations and such are a huge ressource consumers more suitable for an enclosed race game. Plus all the models would have to be redone in order for this to work, everything can't be implemented in game...
issue still active in last game version
@NodUnit, no, you didn't get it, the lights you're talking about are the landing lights, nopuls is talking about a mobile spotlight
it could be added in combination with the co pilot screen idea
also no grenade nor gun animation when reloading the grenade launcher but I believe it's just not implemented yet
I'm right handed but I can understand how that could be a problem
and technically you would just have to flip the 3D model so it's not too hard
example of real life solution: the pilot in the AH 9 use a marker to draw a little circle on the cockpit to aim better
it's a duplicate but I'm just going to clarify a few things here, the small lights are called collision lights or navigation lights, those are designed so the aircraft can be seen in dark or low view conditions.
the big white light is called a landing light because it illuminates under the aircraft for it to see the ground in dark or low view situations, it can eventually be used as a searchlight but a searchlight would probably be more of a mobile light that you can move around.
technically it's really an useless feature since you don't use the same zamak twice
and they're right to do so because people can't understand that certain limitations apply and get angry
yay :D
well, there we go, the moderator has spoken :p
also, maybe change the description to Blackfoot/Ghosthawk/Mohawk ?
the stealth breaking should also work with the use of the opening of the rockets and missiles pod on the sides of the comanche
and for the mh 49 mohawk too, completely forgot to report that, thanks, upvoted
added a picture to show it with the zafir ironsights
@AD2001 actually it's not the mi 28 at all even though it looks a lot like it
oh my bad then :)
well, it's not "retractable" it's mobile as a periscope, retractable would mean it can hide into the vehicle, but yes, would be a nice feature
upvoted but fyi, night battle already look awesome :D
I encountered the same problem, upvoted (nice background btw)
voting up for unarmed stances being restricted, might want to edit your ticket
also can you put unconscious people in vehicle ? for extraction ?
pretty sure it's a duplicate, but again, yeah
you've got a point, but the amount of ressource for generating this much particles would kill your fps I think
it's going to be implemented
pick one
I thought it was only me so I didn't report it, good to know I'm not the only one
yes dr_death, I'm also surprised that an helo with the whole front being only the cockpit glass isn't armored
I did saw them suppressing me while their buddy is trying to get to my flank, it might be that lone guy trying to flank you that you're calling "rambo"
or maybe I'm seeing tactic where there is none
I like the icons idea and such but the fact that you have to hold the middle button and that your aim is stationary will probably cause lots of accidents.
for exemple, say you're town sweeping and need to open a door, you hold your middle mouse button, start moving your mouse down and at the same moment you see an ennemy coming, you realease your middle mouse button when your mouse was over "switch to pistol", which cause you to switch to pistol and by the time you actually do you get shot down
the actual system requires you to click for the action to perform, which means you can intercept an ennemy while the menu is still open since your aim isn't blocked or anything
and this is why I don't think this would be better
I think this dot is designed for long range firing
"the inability to jump is enough of a reason for them not to play"
good, we're not in a hurry to encounter call of duty like bunny hoppers on the armaverse
plus I doubt a soldier with all his equipment can really jump much
good initiative but I think there is already such things on the forums
this could go with a radius around vehicle ammo crates and ammo and/or repair truck
"Use of HUD and 3D GPS maps in every military vehicle." it might be a bit too futuristic for 2035, wouldn't it ?
As wrong as it feels to hear the game compared to call of duty, I'm gonna have to agree to this
Now the problem is: the amount of power needed to record the entire map of arma 3 along with all the details would simply kill your RAM.
Plus, an arma mission can continue indefinitely, so the video files produced would also be crazy.
So, I agree with the idea, but I know it won't be implemented.
indeed there would
but let's face it, in game, putting the gear in the water kills several parts without even needing any speed, and it shouldn't destroy anything UNTIL the aircraft actually crash into the water
now helos don't explode on water but as soon as they touch it (even with the gears) it highly damages some parts
you could put a wide angle and just cover/hide the spaces between the mirrors :)
wouldn't it give the immersion needed ?
oh... you mean the wheels under the ka 60 are not moving, I think it was fixed with the helo glued to the ground glitch in the last update
now that I think about it, pistol with sights isn't really needed
the idea isn't bad but personally I don't like what you did with the pistol slot, plus it lacks a sight slot
it's a question of difficulty settings
it's not a problem and certainly won't be removed
I don't know why, but BIS seems to have a problem with the wheels on the wheeles aircraft this far
solution would be to activate the wheels as actual wheels and add a key for the wheels brake on aircrafts
(while you're at it add a key for the landing gear deployment :3 )
is related to http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=2714
also, for the bullet impacts, IL2 Cliffs of Dover does that pretty well:
http://tiny.cc/xbyeyw (here is a lucky bullet that killed the pilot, you can see the impact)
the holes on the fuselage are all provoked by an actual impact, and at a certain point, the impacts are replaced by a damage layer/model (what we have in arma right now)
I liked the Saint's Row 3 system for pancakes, doesn't looks too ressource-intensive
I never talked about a key shotgun, same as you, it's in the scroll menu like the lock/unlock commands in the helo and after thinking deeply about the pros and cons they are pretty similar in utilisation, but the allow/deny has a wider range
an option that appears when you have a backpack on, it's always in the menu until you get rid of the backpack
that's a good point shotgun, it always has been, but it's only useful for one situation, after that, if a lock/unlock or allow/deny is implemented I would appreciate both, as they're both good systems, I just find the allow/deny system would take your attention away more than the lock/unlock
yeah well, that's the idea, just lock it :)
if you're playing alone never unlock it in public servers
the situation I gave was a very specific situation including a combination of:
_public server
_with a friend
_without mic
which is the only combination that could require such system while all the other would have the lock/unlock system sufficient
besides, I don't know which server you play on, but daaaam, what a bunch of douches
it depends if it's really just an option appearing in the scroll menu or if it's a pop up message that breaks the action
plus this require both the action of the asker and the receiver, which would take a bit more time, plus again, this option will probably be used for a whole team, I mean if you're in a public server you will just lock it and be done with it, and if you are with friends you'll keep it unlocked at all time
the only benefit I see for the notification system is when you're in a public server with a friend who doesn't have a mic
the ideas are good but still time consuming
the lock/unlock in the scroll menu avoid taking time to access ammo and avoid getting a pop up message that could freeze you in the middle of something