Dear devs and comunity,
A list of things i'd like to see become real in A3 regarding damage of units structures vehicles enc.
Planes: No explosions, large fires, more particles, more debris and structural damage while in flight(wing breaking off gear collapsing enc) look at DCS A-10/world.
Helicopters: Loss of tailrotor= extreem loss of rudder controll and uncontrollable rudder rotation(unless coaxial rotor config like KA 52 enc). And last visible deformation of structural elements.
Main rotor damage: Instad of having some nice textures covering the blades make them break! Look at blackshark:GTA4 and other games that have this damage. (and ofcourse reallife crashes.
Cars: Loss of wheels and parts of suspension
Visible damage to hull(dents loss of armor enc)
loss of parts like: Hood, Doors, Wheels, SUspension, Roof?... You get the point everything that moves can break: visible deformation of structural elements.
Boats: No massife explosions like arma always had just simply holes in the hull, visible deformation of structural elements.
Wheel los. Ammo cookoff suspension loss. Hatch that blows of due to explosion. And the turrent flying of.
Tracks that Break causeing A large snapping sound due to the fact they are under heavy tension. Vissible Lowering of main gun due to destruction of Gyro. Possible Flying turrent caused by explosion. and ofc ammo cookoff.
Damage models:
3 or 2 different for each vehicle including:
1st is triggerd due to no movement of the vehicle. Damage model looks to be at place of destruction and parts are all scaterd away from the model in all directions.
Model 2 Slow/Medium momentum. Triggerd whilst moving at either Q or W speed and then getting blown up(aircrafts it would be somthing like 100 to 200 KMH) Land vehicles particles would leave a trail behind it and enitial blast crater is a bit behind the vehicle.
Aircraft would have a large debris trial bout 100M in length.
Model 3
High speed damage model. triggerd by landvehicles moving E or W shift speed.
Aircraft speed 250 and higher.
AIrcraft: Long and visibel wide spread of debriss 200+M long and 50 M wide Parts such as wings engine vertical stabalizor(rudder) and Horizontal elevator(up and down wing), Wings, cockpit and weapon launchers would include this debriss field and mayhbey some small particles that despawn over a 1 min period and are only renderd when close +- 100M.
Land vehicles:
Damage spread of +- 20M in length and +- 10M in width(doesnt include small particles) Things such as weapons,turrents,wheels,shovels,suspension,doors are main things in this debriss field small particles like fuel cans exausts cauld be despawned After 1 min and only renderd at distances of +-10M.
Envoirment: Bring back the ground deformation from arma 2!
It was annoying but realistic you could use it as cover and it changed the area of operations in a dramatic way.
Structures: Look at (other post of mine regarding the same ting it only handles the subject keyholes)
Walls: Enable to knock down wall easyer with heavyer vehicles.
Chucks of buildings/walls and or types of vegetation that have physics aplied to them before automaticaly sliding off the vehicle(to prefent physics overload).
Ability to smash out parts of building that collapse using vehicles whit out resulting in massife damage taken to the vehicle: In arma 2 you would die if a building (2 story high made of mud) collapsed on your tank.
Towing ropes: Vehicle emprovement that could be used to tear down small structures like scaffholdings(im gona start a new post regarding some vehicle emprovements).
Breaking bones?
It would be intteresting and realistic now in arma you break your legs get firstaided and done you are good to go. What would it change? Better teamwork regarding medical teams: having to heal the woonds(if shot or open fracture) then carying him out of the battlefield with stracher.
Visible gore(could be enabled or disabled). Would change the entire game from a now weird ragdoll physics troll simulator to a REALLY advanced >simulator< that could really shock you from point to point during the battles.
Bleeding system:
Instead of seeing blood clouds(like now with chunks of meat) somthing more interesting like actuall blood splatters.
Heat damage:
Visible animation in response of a heat source like a cartridge hitting you on the arm. Fire can do damage depending on white typ: Fuel fire can couse burns from distance as 10M depending its intensity.
Bombs missiles enc have scrapnell.
//Character outfit\\\\\\
Tearing of clothing,Burnmarks and blood stains.
Weapons damage.
Scopes that fall of after an fall or hard impact(by car).
Breaking of NV from its holder on the helmet(would be really badluck but still it happends).
Visible jamming animation (Bolt stopping from moving back halfway).
Thats all pretty much feel free to add tags i will be adding lots of pictures from A2 realife life and other games.