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- Jul 18 2013, 8:56 PM (609 w, 6 d)
May 24 2016
Can also confirm for sure.
May 10 2016
I had that happen once, long ago though. Seems like it just happens at random, though I haven't encountered it in years at this point. I might've been mucking around with settings too much and crashed the display driver which then caused that to happen (just once though). Are you on latest drivers? what video card is it?
Lower the number of sound sources in audio to 16 or lower and see if that fixes it. Theres a running problem with the jet minigun creating many sound effects at once and overwhelming the engine's capablity to handle it
Even if they NEED to have a file with the data to save to run the mission, they could simply make a copy of the mission file (with the changes done to it) temporarily to use rather than overwriting the original. Then when you go back into editor, it simply deletes the second file and nothing happens to the original.
This is a problem with a mod, not the game. Theres a fat chance the mod developer went overboard with way too many polys on his guns, which is murdering framerate as the game isn't designed to utilize more than 15-20 thousand polys for models.
You should go tell the mod developer about this instead of Bohemia.
So, any relevant information to give in the description on this? How do you know theres a 100% probability of a crash? Are you running mods? What system are you on? Did you verify files?
Well this ticket can be closed now, dumping the mpmissions folder in documents fixed the problem.
Repro mission uploaded.
well for starters theres some addons conflicting which is probably causing other problems farther down in the .rpt log:
20:13:09 Conflicting addon SMA_HK416 in 'STOCK_RECOIL\', previous definition in 'SMA_HK416\'
20:13:09 Conflicting addon TRYK_Uniform in 'Zabb\', previous definition in 'tryk_unit\'
20:13:09 Conflicting addon TRYK_Uniform in 'Zara\', previous definition in 'tryk_unit\'
that usually causes a crash right there, and theres other things farther down near the bottom where the crash happens.
some of the addons have script errors which doesn't really help the situation but I doubt those would cause a crash as theres a safety net for them.
Happens to me sometimes without mods in MP when its trying to load in the terrain that is big like Altis it will freeze the game for a few seconds then unfreeze which probably is because the island is being loaded into the RAM and it bottlenecks somewhere along the line until everything gets through, if you just let it go and don't click anything (as that will bring up the application non responding message), it will start working again and you can play with no problem. Could also be caused by a large amount of scripts that need to be moved into RAM as well that also causes it to freeze up for a while in loadscreens.
also .rpt logs from the appdata folder and crashdumps would be good for the devs to have
has nothing to do with the game itself, but rather that specific server is using filters that are blocking a script because something inside it was detected by the server-side filters and the rule for it was to kick you.
Uploaded now
This is true. From the disscussion on the arma subreddit it would appear that the game sometimes tries to access restricted memory and windows blocks it of course then the game crashes from an access violation (in rpt anyways, on screen it shows something similar to the above with different memory addresses of course)
upvoted but it might not be possible due to technical limitations. Since scripts are running in the background the current save function needs time to grab them in their current state, which can't be done (probably) if everything is still moving at full speed.
Nothing to do with the game itself, you need to contact Battleye to unblock the file.
They're going to want directX information .rpt logs, and crashdumps, nothing can be done without them.
resolution is set as not fixable. Funny thing is it is fixable if the level designer would do a bit of fiddling to attach the three sections of the airport terminal perfectly with no breaks between them.
It would be a nice thing for them to do if theres time to 'go back for it', though not a big need in my opinion.
I highly doubt its possible to use this for anything that high scale. It not being possible with the engine is highly likely. Fat chance just like sendUDPMessage this was implemented for the sole perpouse of having the game send extremly simplistic information to an external debugger in something like Visual Studio for testing back in the pre-alpha/beta and was simply left in there so it wouldn't break anything else by being removed.
In most cases older code isn't removed, its just hidden away so nothing uses it and it just sits there.
you can also simply hit the ascend key (shift by default I believe) and the engine will also start automatically if it was turned off
Must agree the AAF and FIA need some unique weaponary. Currently they only differ in appearance from CSAT and NATO really.
They will fire out the windows of buildings if you use the building positions that are already ingame. No need to create additional memory points in the models when these things already exist. Only thing BI needs to really do is teach them how to get into the building and where to look after they reach the position they want to be at (e.g at the nearest doorway leading outside, out a window). Currently it's possible with scripting but it would be nice to have them do it on the fly.
This is probably a biproduct of using UDP to send data since its faster and more efficient, but doesn't have any error checking and only sends the data once. It also doesn't bother with setting up a port on the server and the client to send the data since that wastes time. If the packet doesn't get to the destination then it doesn't ever get resent.
There isn't a lot to go on here. Was this a server ban? or was it a battleye globalban (can't connect to ANY servers).
I agree. There is workarounds but I'm getting tired of jerry rigging things to work as they should in Arma 3.
don't need 80 metric tons of bullet casings laying all over the map after a few firefights. it'll just slaughter FPS even more.
Looks like this ticket got sucked into the black hole just like so many others that get dropped somewhere in the chain between devs that are on here and ones that are doing bug-fixes. This is why this game is such a banged up third-world car nowadays with the blue hood and rusty red paint job.
I must agree. It is an issue, and another one they refuse to fix even though its been assigned. One of those cases where it gets assigned to the manager then he never has the care to assign it to anyone else in the team who is actually going to fix it (Like Moricky).
you can save in zeus too if you have the scripting knowledge to pull it off. Anyhow, any update on when this is getting fixed?
I can confirm this is happening. I've lost literally hours of work over the past few days when working on an exporting script for zeus. Not to mention how poorly coded the snapping functionality is (if it is even supposed to exist). When I try to walls next to each other now they don't even get remotely close to each other, one always snaps like 3 meters apart from the other one. Though this appears from my testing, it ONLY occurs in single player or editor. In Multiplayer this snapping does not happen at. all. Tested on BIS's zeus servers.
It would be nice indeed. Though there is scroll up functionality for the chat window (use the chat key to bring up the message bar, then hit page up to scroll up in the history, it goes back quite a long ways)
EDIT: I see somebody above already posted it. I believe you can also make the chat window larger or smaller by editing the UI element sizes for your profile, thus allowing more text to fit on the screen
There is already tickets related to this problem and they've been Ignored by Bohemia completely.
I'd assume this could be possible in terrain builder to create a diagonal "sink hole" then pretend thats a tunnel, and build your facility into the side of a hill or something since it would all need to be above sealevel.
Being able to do things like trenches and stuff without them being above ground would be nice, but I don't think its possible with how far the engine has evolved already (RV needs to go into retirement after they're done with A3 and DayZ in my opinion), alot of the code for handling terrain is probably burried real deep, and it would be a hassleto rip it all out to redo it.
this error has since long been resolved. needs to be closed.
This problem has been here since they put in AA vehicles, and jets for that matter too. Anything that fires lots of bullets really fast (with the exception of the minigun on HELICOPTERS, probably because the rounds on them don't explode on impact) has this issue. The sound dupes way too fast and for some reason that bogs down everything else, causing FPS to drop to 0 while the game waits for the spamning of sounds and commands to stop.
It's very easy to dupe it every single time.
This problem also happens in SP and MP, it doesn't matter where you do it. It happens regardless of what environment you do it in, though in MP it does swamp every client to my knowledge, not just one thats firing.
You can turn it off in settings too I believe under your Profile.
I can confirm this is a new bug. There is a problem with the client being able to send get out data with vehicles to the server (probably because they didn't change something important when undoing the gauranteed network messaging), usually for me anyway it happens after about 20 minutes. Was on a dedicated server, friend showed on my screen as sitting in a truck, while he told me he was over 600 meters away. I spawned another truck where he said he was just to see what would happen, sure enough when he jumped in that truck I spawned, his character warped over there and out of the old vehicle he was in.
Agreed. This is very lazy on Bohemia's part, whats the point of even having this functionality in the engine if it won't be used?
looks like its a BEClient.dll related crash, I've been getting these as well. Usually after 30 or 40 minutes of gameplay (of course this happens after the netcode seems to break, certain actions with vehicle (Get in and get out), end up not being sent to everyone else on the server). The problem probably isn't visual in any way. It's something that is going on "under the hood" with BE.
It would appear they have put up a release candidate patch for the problem, heres the link:
+ 1 to the above. It is still broken.
Don't think anything can be done about this. It's hardly a feature, more of a quirk of the engine that probably can't be fixed because where the problem lies is so deep inside the engine it'd be impossible to fix it without breaking countless other features.
Well the guy on the quad technically should ' fall off' of it after hes dead. An animation would look hilariously out of place if the bike was going too slow or too fast.
You really should include more information as to what the problem is... One sentence isn't really going to get the developers to change anything.
Anyhow, I personally don't really notice a difference with weapon sway in the update, therefore I think its fine.
I agree, these should be added. Though it would probably be easy to hook it up in an addon as well, but if BI is adding new effect modules they should be added to zeus as well, not excluded.
This would be nice to get some control over this feature. It seems some of this stuff that was jammed into the game and is kinda botched to say the least is just being ignored by the devs now because of how messed up it is.
Well something like that wasn't listed as a "feature" (and you don't create features to not list them on the box or somewhere.) and dropping codec quality seems to help it.
I believe you can already do this if you cared to look hard enough. When the cinimatic starts press escape and there should be a few buttons in the menu in the lower left corner that allow you to skip the cinimatic.
If you wanted to you could probably jerry rig the game and make a script that has a lightpoint then attach it to a flare that you spawn, but it should be more bright automatically and not need to be done by the mission maker.
Believe I found a spot right outside Agia Marina on the road by the Gas Station, it would appear AI refuse to navigate around objects that may be blocking the road in that specific location, they just stop nearby and refuse to move on their own again.
EDIT: It seems they are able to get around the object in the road, but they stop once they are around it
edit edit: it would appear that the sign at the gas station, or the bush beside it is causing the main problem with the AI not being able to continue on his route.
I must agree. The limit makes it difficult to place units in the sky like helicopters. The thing will only go so high before I'll need to move the camera then have the helicopter move 100000 meters away because the mouse moved a tiny bit, where as if I was able to look up then that wouldn't have happened.
low hanging fruit for any dev who wants to tweak the texture of this to fix the bug.
It appears after a full game reinstall the problem has disappeared. Maybe that error i was getting ingame before the crash was related to something in one of the config files that got corrupted or something.
I notice this happens for me after the texture on the building has been flickering between two different shades for > 10 seconds, if I take a few steps back from where it started happening the texture returns to its normal state and the flickering stops as well.
This is adding onto the post above... It seems some servers are just randomly restarting on their own. Nobody is doing it on Rcon nor through server control. The server just does it by itself. BE logs show no hackers. I heard somebody even empied their server when this was happening, sure enough, it restarted itself again even though it was empty with only the guy who owned it on the server. This is happening every few minutes as well... Nothing is logged that shows anything that invovles a restart. I'll try to get some logs on here incase somebody wants to go digging around in loads of code.
On top of that, some servers are also dropping clients (people getting no message received) randomly as well. This usually happens for about 60 seconds before the server gets the random restart...
It seems almost all of the nearest commands (nearestObject,nearestBuilding) are broken so they crash the game. Even more strange is that not everybody has the issue. Some people only get lag, others have the whole game crash back to the desktop. This problem is ONLY on Altis. On Stratis the command works as it should with no issues. It never shows any errors, nothing. Theres nothing in the RPT log. I think they might be something if the game creates a dump file somewhere...
I can confirm this is an problem. Tested it with a custom AC-130 mod and same thing happens. Clouds avoid the plane by going into a sphere shape and continually move away from me as I fly around.
Before you could just use _DP = floor (random 10); which would return a random whole number between 1 and 10. Now you need to declare the variable as well... so you would also need to do _DP setVariable ["random 10"]; and even then that appears not to always work... in the way of the game still saying its undefined, even though it is...
Also worth noting once again that lots of people like to do fluent coding. if you already know what _DP for example equals... Why would you want to declare it??????
Well, there is a theory that is apparently confirmed that kiddies with scripts can break the function... Tonic ended up posting some code that apparently stops it from happening... soo...
May 9 2016
penalties already did exist from a2, damage to arms head and torso reduced aiming capability and increased fatigue heavily, same in a3, in a2 and a3 it seems also if you take enough leg damage you wont be able to run and only walk until you get treated. Anyhow any type of medical system is better than the hilariously simplistic FAK/medkit system we have now.