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- User Since
- Jan 4 2019, 7:38 PM (324 w, 20 h)
Dec 21 2024
Same here, in the FB DayZ page of my country there is a bunch of guys with the same problem
Apr 24 2023
- .... . -.-- / .... .- ...- . / -... . . -. / -.. --- .. -. --. / - .... .. ... / ..-. --- .-. / -.-- . .- .-. ... / -. --- .-- --..-- / - .... . / - . .- -- / .-.. . .- -.. . .-. / .. ... / .- / .-- . .-.. .-.. / -.- -. --- .-- -. / -- --- -.. -.. . .-. / .- -. -.. / .. / - .... .. -. -.- / - .... . -.-- / -.. --- / -. --- - / -. . . -.. / - --- / ... .--. . -. - / - .. -- . / .--. .-.. .- -.-- .. -. --. / .-- .... . -. / - .... . -.-- / .... .- ...- . / - --- / .-- --- .-. -.- / --- -. / -... ..- --. / ..-. .. -..- . ... / .- -. -.. / -. . .-- / ... - ..- ..-. ..-. .-.-.- / - .... . -.-- / .- .-. . / .- -. / ... -- .- .-.. .-.. / - . .- -- / .- -. -.. / - .... . -.-- / .- .-. . / .... .. .-. .. -. --. --..-- / ... --- / .. ..-. / -.-- --- ..- / - .... .. -. -.- / -.-- --- ..- / -.-. .- -. / -.. --- / .. - / -... . - - . .-. / - .... . -. / ... . -. -.. / - .... . -- / -.-- --- ..- .-. / .-. . ... ..- -- . .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.-
Nov 28 2022
If you couldn't manage to scape, you can simply change server and then get back to your original server. Once I was stucked I started punching the air and I got unstuck. Good luck
Nov 2 2022
I think jammed guns can only be fixed by pressing and holding the R key, not pressing the R multiple times.
Oct 26 2022
I think that those bullets are damaged or badly damaged, that's why the colour
Oct 19 2022
On police stations or castle towers stairs has the same problem
Oct 6 2022
This happens with the V3S as well. Loggin off and on does not help, I had to move the truck so my friend get unstuck.
Sep 29 2022
That's because is supossed to be an exit door only I think
Sep 27 2022
Sep 26 2022
The floating animation stuck happened to me inside the bunker as well, even after reloging I kept getting stuck in the air, in one of the large room between a ladder and the wall. By the way the clip is so faking funny XD
My friends have the same problem, but somehow I never get sick, and I play a lot more hours than them...
You don't neccesarily have to go to toxic zones to get the punched card, just saying...
Sep 19 2022
Tenés el mismo problema al entrar en servers oficiales? o sea, sin mods? que launcher usas para entrar? en todos los servers con mods que probaste te dice lo mismo?
It either could be a hacker or a player that disconnected inside the castle before you assembled your base
In officials servers, the player inventory is the same meanwhile the servers are first or third person. Your character´s stuff remains if you change from one first person servers to any other official one first person server, the same with third person servers.
Another good idea could be an animation to walk like a zombie, avoiding zombie to detect you while doing the action.
Aug 24 2022
Lol no you don't, sadly this is a known issue they are trying to fix with the new driving simulator from arma, but not yet fixed. Anyway, there is no possible way
Es un bug que ya conocen hace rato, pero una de las reglas del juego es no enamorarse del loot. Trata de siempre ponerte las cosas en la mano y no dejarlas directamente en el suelo cerca de una pared o mueble
Aug 8 2022
Did you place the flag pole in your base? was it a community server or official?
Jun 13 2022
The only part I don't agree with is the part of gas cannister damage, I think their current damage is correct, they are small and the pressure they contain is not even close to be able to kill a person.
Jun 6 2022
Hello Gremmie, I think the menu has arrows towards both sides, but if that's not enough for you what I tend to do is change the character's name in each server, for example I play in one official server 3pp and one official server in 1st person, so my character's name in one is just Paranaoialp and the other is ParanoialLP3PP to identify in which server each character play, I hope it helps.
May 24 2022
Suggestion: Make the hand gas grenade and gas grenade for the grenade launcher be safe wearing a gas mask only.
May 3 2022
Well, that's true, sometimes is not a sway but a sudden shake to the side, I think what the devs try to implement is an advantage among the possible players possitions, standing, crouch or laying on the ground. The sway of the scope is reduced if your body is closer to the ground.
Hola man, esta parte es para los bugs de PC, hay otra sección para consolas pero creo creo, que tu problema es que no tenes que apretar muchas veces la x si no que tenés que mantener apretada la tecla una vez que te posiciones en el lugar que te dé la opción para hacerlo. Fijate y cualquier cosa me avisas, yo juego en PC pero nunca tuve ese tipo de problemas.
Pro tip, if you do not want the swing, use binoculars or range finders to scope the area. Or you even can use the scope in your hand.
Just try to do the same with your cellphone camera zoomed out and then tell me what happens.
Apr 25 2022
I mean, at least for a month they have been telling us about the wipe in all official servers. They wipe servers one or twice a year. Don't get too attached to you gear, never.
Apr 20 2022
Actually, YOU never experienced it before. But the problem is that the items do not swap position exactly, sometimes the clothes get inside a wall, up on the roof or even underground in some buildings. But it is happening a long time ago. To avoid this problem put your clothes in your hands before swaping.
Apr 18 2022
Or it could give you cholera if you don't clean it before cooking, I mean, like in real life. Otherwise, there should be an increment of the respawn quantity,
Apr 13 2022
what about adding coins to use in these machines? the coins could be used as pins or keychains to decorate weapons
Mar 31 2022
The problem could be a player disconnecting during a firefight due to a game crash or connection lost. Imagine being defending your base from raiders and trying to connect back again asap. The game would put you in a different place, further away, so you could go back to your base and kill those raiders from behind. Sadly I think we have to deal with the possibility of a player reconnecting in front or behind us at any moment. We have to be aware all the time of our surroundings.
Mar 30 2022
Mar 29 2022
Because in that way, the hard work of getting all the materials and build a base would be pointless. It's too much effort to build a base and keep all your stuff there for some random freshie with a tarp to get in easily. It is called balance, something that regarding base building we are not getting yet.
Mar 28 2022
when you die you respwan with a random character unless you chose the option custom character, but you have to customize it previously according to your preferences. But take into account that 3rd person and only first person servers add a different character and in each one you have to customize your preferences as well. And the same happen with each one of the community servers.
Aug 18 2021
I don't think it will be usefull to trick players into thinking that there's a heli crash, but we need some kind of static lights that remains on at least all in game night long. I have seen many players leave a server when it's nightime because using movile light sources of any kind it's literally a death sentence on officials servers because players are not friendly at all. So tyre fire on the streets would be a solution to that, something like the fire they implemented during the witches event that keept turned on all the time. Electric lights are good but the cost of putting them in the right places and keeping them turned on is too high. The amount of fuel needed is too much.
Aug 17 2021
I remember yes, but what Geez replied didn't convince me so I keep testing with different pistols and other guns that's why I am reporting it now just for them to check again. It seems it only happens with pistols, the USG, or the MP5 work sometimes and sometimes don't, just like intended.
I only play on official servers and I can confirm this happening all the time. Unless you have hunter clothing you would be cold, specially if it reains heavily. 1.12 for me was "food" patch because all the added type of food and I was expecting a clothinn patch in 1.13 but that was not the case. More options would be great. Not only color. Being so hard to identify your friends from enemies the clothes should be more "customizable".
Aug 16 2021
Hello guys, I think I noticed a thing that maybe is one of the reason for this bug to happen. When using guns with a scope (specially the hunting scope) the scopes itself has a second or two to "load" the image in the screen. For a couple of seconds when you try to aim the gun looks like it has no scope. And just when the scope appears in the screen it let me aim properly. Maybe further testing is needed. Hope it helps
@Geez can you increase the max ping in the official server US 3664224 HC IP PLEASE? I have the same issue than with the others, thanks.
Aug 6 2021
Hola Kaaian, voy a traducir tu problema para los desarrolladores, si querés podes copiar la traducción y copiarla en el mensaje original modificado.
Aug 5 2021
@Geez Updating, yesterday I played in the server NY 5204 IP and it kicked me out twice, apparently for unstable connection and not for surpassing the ping max. The first time when some wolves were getting close and the second when my friend and I were approaching to some players that we followed up to the Nadbor.
Aug 4 2021
@Geez Yesterday I played in the NY 5084 IP Livonia map at least one and half hour, even though the lag sometimes was noticeable, the server never kicked me out again. I'll try the other servers asap.
Aug 3 2021
Ok Geez, I don't think that's the final solution but at least we can play without being kicked. I will let you know whatever happens
Aug 2 2021
Jul 29 2021
I woul like this to be implemented in the game but according to a friend of mine (an engineer) that would not be realistic. Yes, it may explode if a spark gets in but the pressure and the quantity of gas on those caninsters are not enough to be deadly.
Jul 26 2021
I have the same issue. I'm from Argentina and the game kicks me out from BR SERVERS wich normally are between 50 and 120 Ping. Those servers are normally full so it's quite anoying have to reconnect in queue 20...
Jul 1 2021
this used to happen randomly in the past, it is sad it is still happening
In official servers you can only have two characters, one for 1st/3rd person servers and the other is for only 1st person servers. You can not use the first person only character in 3rd person servers. The other character you may see is one of another community servers that only can be played in that specific server. Is that the problem or I am misunderstanding?
Jun 23 2021
I said it before but I can no longer find the comment so I'm repeating it. It is good to be able to block all the zombie hit but it makes no much sense doing it with your arms without receiving some damage this is not boxing and the infected are not using boxing globes, I think players should be able to block all the zeds hits using long tools or long weapons, like shovel, pickaxe, a shotgun or an SKS, but the hit should slightly damage the tool or weapon. Player should be able to block hits with their arms but not as much as it is possible in experimental now, but this is only my opinion
Jun 22 2021
Or as another player suggested, make the sval and vss not so rare. they are such a good looking guns to be ignored or mistreated like this. The same with .357 rounds.
I think blocking every zed hit should be only possible with a long tool or weapon in hands, sligthly damaging the tool or weapon. Anybody can be protected from a hit using a shovel or an sks if you hold it properly (with may require a new animation) but if you block the hit with your bare hands it makes no sense you suffer no damage. But I completely agree this is a good patch, it's sad I can not longer test it in experimental servers due to the lag and the 300 ping limit, we need a testing server in South America.
It could be interesting if the unconsciousness state lenght woul be also related to the the part of the body where the bullet hit. I mean, I've seen people get unconscious by way many minutes in real life just for losing a finger , I think a hit on a bullet proof helmet or a plate carrier should provoque the shortest unconsciousness periods, but being directly hit in the body (depending on which one) should make a player unconscious at least 30 seconds (considering the servers time speed set)
Jun 18 2021
I couldn´t agree more
Jun 17 2021
I mean, I am not completely sure off course but it is highly probable, specially the death inside the building without windows. The other two situations are pretty normal, if you were killed with a headshot you shouldn't hear the sound of the shot because most bullets travel faster than sound, it is kind of weird that you were not looted after but that sometimes happens too. The problem with modded servers are worst in my opinion, because admin abuse or wipes are in my experience more common than cheaters. But that is up to you
Jun 15 2021
Hi Geez, as I said before I think it is related to the ADS bug, because it seems like the rising knife action starts but does not end the swing animation, and MAYBE if you try to stand up at the same time you may reproduce this bug.
I agree with you except for the last part, there is absolutely no gun that gets damaged after only 5 shots.
I can confirm this happens quite often, I thought it was a problem on my end but it looks like I was wrong. I think is based in the same bug of the ADS not being responsive
Hello Kunete, I think that was because of a cheater, There's plenty of hacks and hackers in official servers, specially full or high populated servers. I would recommend to report to battle eye but I think is useless, they can analyse reports if they don't have at least the time when it happened or an account to check, and currently we have no tools to provide enough information. What I do when that happens is to change server, but is so sad this game get ruined by that kind of people...
Jun 11 2021
Jun 10 2021
Jun 9 2021
Jun 8 2021
Hello Geez, I'm afraid I didn't check the time of the crashes, but if it is useful for you I will keep your request in mind the next time it happens because it surely will
OK I think the purpose of the flag was to avoid base walls and towers from despawning, I don't think it works with all the items in the ground and if it was not in an official server it may be a problem with a mod or items lifetime configuration on that specific server. But according to what Geez said you may have to interact with the items in order to avoid them from disappearing. But if your base walls disappeared then I'm pretty sure it's a bug.
Jun 7 2021
hello Xacute, you're right that's a major bug, just wondering if you could describe the ground and the structures your base was made of, it was on flat ground? was the flag built near a wall or a tree? what about tents, barrels or cars inside? did they dissapeared as well? How long time your base last?
was your akm damaged? have it been damaged before? That used to happen when you had a ruined type of cloth or backpack on, all the items inside that damaged item would appear on the ground as soon as you join back
Jun 4 2021
May 30 2021
I also tried all the BR servers and they keep crashing every 5 minutes it's so annoying because South American players can only play on those official servers. It's so annoying
May 13 2021
In the main menu if you hover the mouse over the play option the last played server information is shown, but at least in Spanish the info can not be seen completely, so it´s currently useless. If you want to communicate your friends in which server you are currently playing in order they to join the same server, there is a filter in the launcher called "friends playing" or something similar, that shows them the server you´re at that moment. But no more than that as far as I know.
May 4 2021
Welcome to Dayz
Apr 30 2021
It's part of and event of walpurgis event, they explained it on their social media. It's just like the Christmas trees I guees. No other purpose
Apr 29 2021
Apr 27 2021
Did you place the flag pole and rise the flag?
Dude stop complaining about infected, they are hard because in 1.11 they were SO easy to kill they seem a joke. Zombies HAVE TO BE A THREAT, change you gameplay accordingly and stop dreaming, vampires? werewolves? what is this? a twilight movie?
Apr 22 2021
The hackers reports must be done to battle eye, not here. And surely they will ask for video evidence or something. But I did a suggestion in T157912 so they add a killfeed so we can know who exactly kill a player, if what your are saying is true, with the killfeed you could report the account so it gets banned. Please suscribe to T157912 and comment so they pay attention to that suggestion.
Apr 21 2021
This was suggested in one of Sumrak streaming, we also suggested to place two armbands at once, one on each arm, so at least the combination of colours make friends more recognizable. But despite of this, they need to add a wider variant of clothes, the same way they did it with food.
This is actually a good idea.
Apr 20 2021
I kind of agree, but they should then change the stamina values, if they make everything realistic the game would be boring af, it's also about gameplay. If they decrase the inventory slots the stamine would be higher so the game would feel "faster", but dude there are so many items and they are not durable enough to be realistic. I mean, I have never seen a "damaged" or wasted tool in my life and I work in a factory. This and other things make impossible this game be fully realistic.
Anyway, I would agree we need more types of clothes with specific slots, like vests have for grenades or the belt for knives and pistols holders. We need backpacks with smaller pockets attached and I would like to see the need to get a rope before you put a rifle in your back, naked guns don't simply stick to your back and remain there while running or jogging, or at least I want to see the guns already with a strap.
Also clothes are good to identify your friends, with the cold people use only the few hunter clothes options and friendly fire is quite common, but I am sure they are gonna add these in future updates.
Apr 16 2021
when you wake up from the uncon state, your gun was on the floor? or did it happen wit the one in your inventory?
Apr 13 2021
I found the same bug yesterday, no need to relog or something like that but clothes and other items are clipping inside walls
Apr 12 2021
WOBO is that you?
Apr 8 2021
@Geez I guess I'm not going to climb them anymore. A pity really, these towers were a really nice NVG providers. As the meme says "guess I'll die"
Apr 7 2021
just curious, with what weapon were you been shot?
I think is not about the video card, it's a bug they already acknowledge and happens to almost everybody.
Apr 6 2021
They changed this a few updates ago, I'm pretty sure it was intended
I didn't ask the question because I know it's practical. I have more than 2 thousand Hours and have never tried this actually, at least not again infected, I was just trying to think new ways to fight against zed without the need of the complaints.
Apr 5 2021
I keep seeing complainings about this changes, but dude this is a zombie's game, the infected don't have to be just as annoying as flies, they have to be a threat. In 1.11 with an axe I can clean a city of infected without major problems and without anyone notice it. Anyway, I would like to be able to avoid some hits, have you try dodging the hits? I mean, using Q &/or E key? That would be fair, but if you are outnumbered you are suppose to feel in danger.
As most of the previous patches that changed the gameplay is just a matter of time to get used to it. Be patience and play smart.