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Simultaneous deaths of players
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I and my friends were driving to Elektro in our car and along the way the three of us got killed at the same time and in the same place (in the car), I would like to get additional information on what exactly happened. We were heavily geared and we suspect a hacker might be involved because there is not a single explanation on how we got killed.
Bonus: we were traveling about 90 km/h and before the "attack" happened I got kicked out of the server as well for an expected reason.

This is not the first time a thing like this happened.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

The only info I could share on the steps would be the crash before the initial strike happened. Entered the car - closed the door - car started, moving in the general direction towards city Elektro. The screenshot provides the exact road we were going and the X marks where I got kicked out of the server so definitely check my relog into the server and the actions after that

Additional Information

Server: Dayz EU - DE 1486

Time of the incident: 06:25 - 06:45 CET

Will provide additional information if needed.

Related Objects

Event Timeline

I did a suggestion in T157912 so they add a killfeed so we can know who exactly kill a player, if what your are saying is true, with the killfeed you could report the account so it gets banned. Please suscribe to T157912 and comment so they pay attention to that suggestion.