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Unexpected database response.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


My computer restarted unexpectedly,
After the restart, I could not join any server, not the 1st (SY 2058) or 3rd person (SY 1023) official servers.

I keep getting the following.
Warning (0x00040034)
You were kicked off the game.
Login error:
Unexpected database response.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Click play or try to join a server from the launcher.

Additional Information

I tried renaming the character
Restarting my machine.
Restarting steam,
I tried joining via the launcher instead of choosing my character in the games menu.

Event Timeline

I am getting the same issue. Glad to see I am not alone

A friend of mine struggled all night last night. I'm fine. Not everyone can see.

I am getting the same. I usually just keep trying to join the (official) server and eventually it works. It can take 1-10 times of getting the error before it works. Just started getting this error in the last week.

same thing happened to me. i have tried logging in from the launcher and still not solved

Same here, if it gives you the error, just try again, it will eventually let you in

Same here, in the FB DayZ page of my country there is a bunch of guys with the same problem

This is happening continuously on xbox

Please stop ignoring what the gamers ate telling you and what we have paid for... You have serious infrastructure / database issues.

also getting in on windows 11 haven't found a workaround

Warrior_ZA added a comment.EditedDec 22 2024, 1:27 AM

Ok, what I did, and it resolved itself yesterday, I had to give the server time to restart.
I still don't know what caused it, or how it resolved it.
I suspect it is a problem with the main server database, and the data for my character got corrupted.
It is happening again.

Warrior_ZA changed Severity from Crash to Major.Dec 22 2024, 1:56 AM

I just watched a stream, and the streamer also had exactly the same error.
Seems a lot of people are experiencing this issue at the moment.

Same for me, hope the devs will fix that soon. I died on Livonia official server and I can't re-join to try to get my stuff back.

I am having the same issue. Tried to login to the last server I was on, refreshed the servers multiple times, tried joining other servers, nothing is working

Alehw added a subscriber: Alehw.Dec 22 2024, 7:46 PM

Same here… i cant play :(

igord added a subscriber: igord.Dec 22 2024, 8:01 PM
hxcmetal724 added a comment.EditedDec 23 2024, 3:40 AM

I use dayzsa launcher and it let me in. If you try to connect over and over, it eventually goes. Just be more bull headed then the game

It seems it has been resolved, I was able to log in normally yesterday.

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Jan 6 2025, 12:00 PM
Geez claimed this task.