Player: Ulrik
Official Server: DAYZ AP - SG 5197 (Chernaruplus)
I logged on to my base castle today (14/Sept) I am missing the following from by wooden boxes and Car Tent;
1 x M4 Suppressed
1 x AUG Suppressed
1 x LAR
8-10 boxes of .308
6 x Grenades
1 x Shovel
1 x 90 Slot backpack
Some medical supplies
My base has 3 gates with 3 four code pad locks all of which have different codes. I suspect a hack as none of my gates where damaged and I have lots of other items stored in my base but none save the above items where missing, furthermore, I have two barrels both of which where found to be open....I always close those. IF it was a raid there would be clear damage and most items takened.