Current weather/insulation/body temperature values force players to wear very specific clothing. Variety and uniqueness in clothing choice is very difficult.
Currently it feels like you are required to wear at least 4 items of best clothing and to be running to not be too cold. Sitting at NWAF firing range, wearing full TTSKO top and bottoms, Assault boots, A smersh vest, smersh backpack, working gloves, ski mask, SSH68 helmet in April, ~30% wind, no rain and the character is still cold.
Right now it feels like you almost definitely have to be either A) Wearing hunter clothing or B) stopping every 15 minutes to sit by a fire.
It feels like a lot of the uniqueness and part of the fun with DayZ and finding your own style has been stripped, everyone looks like a slightly different variant of a hunter with the only real difference being what colour your balaclava is :(
I feel like players are forced into wearing so many of the "best" insulation clothing that there is barely any point for items like the shirts, smersh vest or even the amazing chest holster because as soon as you get into a tier 2 zone, it's too cold to have any sort of uniqueness.