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Gas grenades feedback
Reviewed, NormalPublic


I think the gas grenades are a little strong and kind of out of place on DayZ. Especially for people with bases etc. I’ve got 5k hours in this game, in my opinion it’s not a good addition. The rest of the new items are great though


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

Suggestion: Make the hand gas grenade and gas grenade for the grenade launcher be safe wearing a gas mask only.

Suggestion: Make the hand gas grenade and gas grenade for the grenade launcher be safe wearing a gas mask only.

I agree with this 100%. Genuinely this is what should be done, nobody is pulling out a full nbc suit inside their base to defend themselves against one of these grenades. They also need to make it smaller range and last less time. In my opinion they should ONLY be found at heli crash sites. Realistically you build a base to be inside it freely, if people can just throw these in there it puts me off building one personally.

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.May 24 2022, 1:23 PM

Suggestion: Make the hand gas grenade and gas grenade for the grenade launcher be safe wearing a gas mask only.

I would also agree, I like the idea of gas grenades but you should only need a respirator, Not full NBC kit. Should be a bit like CS Gas grenades in real life.