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- User Since
- Jan 16 2014, 1:09 PM (583 w, 5 d)
May 11 2016
Can confirm it doesn't work with Avast installed
Win7 64bit ultimate
i5 3.4ghz
16gb ram
evga gtx970ftw
Started after Dayz 0.59 exp update #3 - no problems before that.
Installed Avast again. Until this is fixed, guess I'll just have to play one of the other games that doesn't have this problem..
I'd like to add that this is the case only for "rare" items. Where as normal backpacks, foodstuffs and ammo stay in the tents, it's scopes and high capacity vests that vanish.
Me and a friend are playing on a persistance on server, and have 2 tents set up. I've left a mosin with scope outside the tent, near it on the floor. And have a PU scope in the tent. We played last night, and left the gear. I logged on this morning, the tents and most of the standard items were there, but both the longrange scope and PU scope are gone from tent and rifle.
So, even though persistance "works" for the bigger part, I suggest not logging off from servers with rare items in tents or outside. Just have them on your character instead.
If persistance is "off", tents do not get saved on restart. Tents only work on server where persistance is "on"..!
May 10 2016
There is no experimental patch at the moment, so only stable servers to play on
Please use the search function, before posting here...
Yes, because thats really what you would need in a zombie apocolypse, an orange/pink tigerstripe weapon....
Please go play CounterStrike Global Offense, and let DayZ be DayZ...
This is not BF4. Please try and not have them change DayZ to look like a different game, just leave and go play BF4 instead
No problems with zombies as fresh spawn...
Please don't make the game easier, it's not supposed to be easy to survive a zombie apocolypse ( if it was, there wouldnt be any infected people )
Might be wrong here, but it seems like you have some firewall software installed on your PC, or a hardware firewall allowing only one PC to load serverlist ( might be the UDP packet flood )
Sorry, but I guess I was wrong then... :(
Wish I could help you here, I'm having the same issues myself at times. For me, it helps to turn off my hardware firewall and restarting Steam and DayZ...
Sadly, I've been having ( and seeing others with this as well ) this problem.. If I want to play DayZ, I have to turn off my hardware firewall... ( Cisco )
I believe it, when I see it.
I guess when you see it, take a screenshot of the player flying, and of the playerlist. Also include server name and IP address..
I dont have anything MSI in my system :) But thanks for the answer
Hey Calibre,
Yea, I have eVGA, I'll give it a try! Thanks for finding it for me, probably could have myself, but I'm just lazy like that :D
( offtopic, sorry )
@Calibre: Whats the monitoring tool you're using, that shows temps and fps, in the top left of the screen?
I think this question should be on the forums. Feedback tracker should not be used for a poll
It is because the files are stored in your documents folder, rather than in the accounts' steam applications folder. If you'd use a second computer, with your second Steam account, you will be able to play another char.
I'm not sure if its possible to move the DayZ files away from */user/documents folder
Tents and vehicles will come when they're ready...
Hey Husky,
Your English is fine, better than most ( even most native english speakers ). If your issue is DayZ related, you're surely not the only one who is affected. The devs will find the cause. In the meantime, I would suggest you keep a close eye on your system temperatures. Not just your graphics card, but CPU and Power Supply as well. The fact that you can play other games, is never a guarantee other games will work as well ( different game engines use system resources in a different way ).
Hope it gets fixed m8, goodluck
I'd be surprised if this is DayZ related, apart from the game being too demanding of your system.
May I ask what your computer specs are? What are the temperatures of your system while playing DayZ?
Also, just going to copy/paste what a moderator will ask you :)
To solve your problem we need dxdiag and files from this folder: "C:\Users\<Name>\AppData\Local\DayZ\"
Can you pack the files in winrar and upload it somewhere please?
When the *.rar will be smaller than 2.097k, you can attach it here. Thank you.
When reporting please refer to "How to guide" [^]
Would like to see this bugreport acknowledged!
You're supposed to use your flashlight to find stuff. The excitement from using it, is not knowing if there's anyone nearby who may have seen it. Also, some zombies do see you in the dark, and will be in your face without warning..
Let's not judge eachother on playstyle though, shall we? I hope night cycle will be fixed again, so I can play the game, the way I choose to. You have a choice to NOT play on a night server, but they need to be there for people who choose to play that way
@shogodz89: You dont HAVE to play on a night server. I love playing night servers, without gamma/brightness up to be able to see. The anxiety, the feeling of being watched, and that zombies might come out of nowhere, it's amazingly scary, and THATS why I play on night servers. I stopped playing now, because I dont get the same satisfaction from playing in daylight.
You say it's unplayable, because its "too" dark. For me, it cant be dark enough...
Not sure, but you were probably desynced when you logged off.
The change is after a character reset, so you have to die/respawn first
Your screenshot doesnt prove there were 99 bullets in the mosin, when you picked it up. Also, have not heard reports yet that weapons/items can be spawned into SA, like its possible in the mod
Well, I'd go as far as saying server admins should not be able to kick from server at all. These people abuse having their own server. Only thing they do, is allow a small group of people ( usually clanmates ) on their server, get a fully geared character ( and if they cant do it straight away, they restart their server for new loot ), and then log into other servers, just to PVP with that advantage...
It depends on how fast after logging in to a server, you hop to the next. If you only play 3 minutes on a server, your timer will be longer, when logging in to the next. If you switch servers after an hour, you dont have a timer at all.
Press and hold CAPS activates voice while pressing. Double tap CAPS enables voice, and you need to double tap again to disable it
You can change the status of this bug to "closed" yourself then. This way, devs wont get this as a follow up in their queue ( to-do list )
Look man, we're ( I am as well ) trying to help you here, and see if we can find a way to get you into the game.
What are your computer specs?
Are your drivers up to date?
Have you tried reinstalling the game/Steam?
Like R834 ( moderator ) asks for, which I have suggested as well, is upload a dxdiag report.
There's a lot of people here to help you, if you actually want help.. If you just want your money back, then goodluck with that...
Are you getting an error when launching the game? Have you tried reinstalling the game? What are your computer specs? Attach a dxdiag report here.
Just saying "it doesnt work" and demanding ( ! ) a refund will not help you in any way, and possibly one of the 1,5 million people who are running the game may be able to help....
Even though alot pf people already know and reported this, I think you should make this report "private" m8, so it doesnt get exploited by newer players, who are browsing these feedback forums, just to hear about exploits they can abuse!
This happens to me only when I'm not really looking at what kind of server I log in to. Regular and hardcore servers are on different hives. I only play regular, for 3pv, but every now and then, I get shocked to see all my gear gone when logging in to a hardcore server by accident.
This does make sense to me ( for the following reason )
- start PC with standard windows account
- start Steam with any user ID
- start DayZ
- Username ingame is that of Windows User, not Steam user
- Game/settings files are located in My Documents ( Windows folder )
- DayZ doesn't check for Steam ID, but only files in My Documents - which is computer owner...
Confirmed, GTX 560 Ti
Working as intended :D happy combatlogging!
Can you confirm the compensator is not ruined?
People ( including me ) are downvoting because:
- This is not a bug, but a feature request
- If you go to the forums, you will see that these features will be implemented
- This feature request has been requested several times here already, use the search function
- It will be ready, when it's ready
I wont upvote or downvote this, because I agree that wooden sticks should be craftable from any wood ( sheds, trees, furniture ) if you have an axe.
I however disagree that the spawn rate is too low, I'm having no problems finding sticks in barns and police stations. It's one of the things I gladly sacrifice 2 inventory slots for, when I find it.
@Endee: then there should be a "stuck" option ingame... Press it, you'll be disconnected after 5 minutes ( to avoid abuse / combatlogging ) and you spawn somewhere random again in a 1km radius of where you got stuck...
You do know that human instinct tells us we want to be alive, right? You wont be in an apocolypse, running around trying to find food, get hungry, and say "meh, I'll just kill myself", or have a broken leg and say "ouchie, that hurts, I think I will just commit suicide now".. No, you'll keep running til you find that can of tuna to still that hunger, and you'll crawl with a broken leg to the end of the world and back, because you want to live...
So, 2 things basically...
- If you want to suggest features, please visit the normal forums and go to the suggestions section.
- Please don't suggest this any more..anywhere
I believe thats why the server was hotfixed this morning. Should be fixed now ( havent been able to test yet )
In the top menu, use "view issues". You'll find filters you can adjust, and under the filters is a textbox with search button. If you cant exactly find what you're looking for, try using different words in the search box, or change filters
Please make this report private, it can be abused, and should not be public!!
This happened to me and a friend last night as well. We were at the military base NW of Cherno ( with the hospital and 3 or 4 barracks ) going through a barrack. My friends' game crashed with dayz.exe is not responding. At the moment he logged back in, I got that error and my game crashed. I logged back in, and within a few seconds, my game crashed again. Ofcourse, with the new ghosting/serverhopping mechanics in place, I could not log in for 240 seconds....
Sadly I dont have a video, but something similar happened to me last night. I climbed the ladder on the outside of the fire station, from the ground floor up. As I was nearly at the top, I was looking around on the roof ( still standing on the ladder ), my character moaned, and I was dead. It was just me and a friend online on that server, so I wasnt shot. My friend looted my body, all items were still in good condition, except for my pants, which were ruined ( from fall damage I assume ). My body was laying on the ground under the ladder
Double-tap run and press V ( jump ) should do the trick, it just takes time...
KoS will become less, with new additions to the game. Right now, killing other players is the only thing to do... There's no incentive to not kill other players, so if you dont want to get killed, I suggest you run straight inland from spawnpoint, and stay away from the major cities. I've survived with the character I'm playing now for 1,5 weeks, seen a few other people, they never saw me.. I have a mosin/scope, and could have easily taken them out. I only return fire. I've seen alot of the world so far, and only times I go into a miltary area, is when I need mosin ammo...
I wouldnt say no more weapons. But less weapons is a good idea. It forces people to play together more. If you want to go around killing people ( thats why some people want military grade loot ), go play Battlefield/CoD... This game is not about running around killing new spawns, or PVP in cities. Its about surviving a zombie apocolypse..
I'm fairly sure that, since you're the only one reporting this issue, there is no speed hack yet, as you describe. Also, people replying here, are trying to help you find out what it is what you saw/may have seen, and they're helping you on your way to better/other loot. Your report title ( READ BEFORE DOWNVOTING LIKE AN IDIOT ), and you calling people retards, suggests you're a bit butthurt from getting killed, and to an 11 year old such as yourself, that ofcourse CAN NOT HAPPEN!
move on kiddo, you made your point...
You really cant move on from this, can you?
How many times have you seen this happen? Once?
How many times has that specific HACK you talk about here, been reported?
Have you watched that video yourself, that you claim is a DayZ SA hack? - because its clearly NOT Dayz SA in that video!
Also, it's called a Rocket Scientist, not a rocket surgeon!
Now shoo!
I have this as well now. Flashlight and battery both badly damaged, but when testing the battery, it says there's enough power in. I cant turn on the flashlight though on nightserver ( server time 02.30 am )
Error message can be reproduced ( forced ) by blowing up gas station
Is this in the stable, or experimental build? If stable, that is very worrying, as it was reported already in experimental...
Well, it was in the experimental build, it was already reported there, and yet they pushed it to stable a day early, without fixing it first.. Its like frikking EA games is running the show there, instead of Bohemia..
*edit typo
Hi United.
Thanks for your comment. It doesnt change the fact that bug reports here arent being updated / moderated. Its easy enough for players to report a bug with the tool here. It should be equally easy for developers to acknowledge / close duplicate reports and keep those people that are reporting bugs updated here with a quick reply. With the millions already made by selling an alpha version, they could even hire some student to find duplicates and going around the developers with a list of questions to get answers for and update the reports, once a day or so.. Hell, for a small payment, I would do that for them.. One telephone meeting in the morning, and the rest of the day monitor and answer bugreports. It's not rocket science
I've had stuff dropped that wouldnt show up for 3-4 minutes...
Doesnt even look like its DayZ SA either.. Looks like the mod
If you're already wearing something like a tactical vest or holster, you have to empty that first and unequip. After that, you should be able to drag/drop from vicinity onto your character in the equipment screen
Yea, if you dont have a line of sight, it can be tricky ( not impossible ). But OP stated he couldnt pick them up from vicinity, and that is, to my knowledge, always possible if you have nothing equipped where you'd put the tactical vest
I dont want to connect to empty servers, I want to connect to servers to join friends.. In the end, I have to try 20 servers to find one to connect to, and they have to join me...
Apparantly, my modem ( from my ISP ) has a built-in firewall ( SPI firewall - Cisco Gateway Router ) which has to be turned off to be able to log into all servers...
Disable SPI Firewall on Cisco Gateway Router - port forwarding does not work
Suppressor, for Mosin? You have got to be kidding me, right? First off, try and find a real - manufactured specifically for the Mosin-Nagant rifle - silencer/suppressor, not some home made or generic silencer.. secondly, the Mosin-Nagant rifle is fine as it is. It's used as a sniper rifle. Which means, if you're using it correctly, no one should hear the shot from a distance. If they do, you're too close to your target
If you have a cisco modem/router, switch off the built-in firewall ( SPI Firewall ), its a little tickbox
If loot is floating, as it is in your screenshot, its probably bugged, and cannot be picked up. Loot that's on top of lockers or those high cabinets, can't be picked up from vicinity, you need to have it in your aimdot ( thingy ) and click it to be able to pick it up.
Able to reproduce on some servers, not all. Reproduced only with double-tap running. Normal walking and running doesnt seem to trigger this behaviour for me
Confirmed - M4a1 supressor still not working in build 0.33.114926
Connection speed: 30/3mb Internet
Modem/Router: Cisco EPC3925
Type: Cable Internet
Nic: Realtek Gbe Family, wired
ISP: ( Denmark )
@delset: asking for ( above ) details is a good idea, to find out if there is a pattern. Your last remark ( about getting a better router ) is condescending and, as you can see from my router/modem, not the issue!
Mentalenemy: It is not a server issue, if it was, everyone would have the issue. I fixed this issue on my end, by disabling the bult-in ( hardware ) firewall in my modem/router, which was provided by my ISP.
@Mentalenemy: I have 135+ games on Steam, and only had this issue with Dayz SA as well, and FIXED it by turning off my hardware firewall. FIXED, do you comprehend the meaning of the word FIXED? It is FIXED by turning off my hardware firewall. The issue was there, but it is FIXED now... So, not a BattleEye problem, but a hardware issue on my side!
Did I mention I FIXED it, by turning off my hardware firewall?
Played all night last night, with no issues. Had to relog once, and spawned where I had logged off. Played for about 1,5 hour more and logged off for the night. This morning, i logged on, as a fresh spawn. Played for about 45 minutes, logged off for breakfast, logged back on about 20 minutes later, as fresh spawn. Started server hopping a bit there and then, and kept spawning frsh somewhere on the beach, different locations all the time...
Just going to add my solution here ( no guarantee it works for all ). I could not connect to any server, unless it was a private hive server ( and not even to all of them either ).
After trying everything on my PC
- turn off virusscanner
- updating drivers
- flashing Bios
- run as administrator etc etc etc..
I logged in to my modem/router ( Cisco ) and found that it had one little tickbox, stating SPI Firewall.. Unticked that, and fixed my issue, can connect to every server now! So, from. my end, it was client-side, even though it was not my game client and/or PC. All hardware, not at Steam or gameserver hardware, should be considered client side
*edit typo