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Unable to attach Compensator on Mosin with Bayonet attached, but can attach Bayonet to Mosin when Compensator is attached first
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As title states, I cannot attach the Mosin M44 Compensator after attaching the Bayonet, but it works vice versa.



Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Attempt to attach Compensator to a Mosin with a Bayonet. It does not allow you to do this.
  1. Remove Bayonet, attach the Compensator to the Mosin and then attach the Bayonet to the Mosin
  1. It WILL allow you to attach the Compensator to the Mosin ONLY if the Bayonet is attached afterwards.
Additional Information

Note: If a Compensator and Bayonet are both attached at the same time and the user attempts to switch out the Compensator for another one, it will delete the Compensator.

Thanks to Magicks for finding this out.

What Magicks said: "Also if you have both bayonet and compensator attached (after you do it in the correct order that lets you have both attached) and you try to switch out your current compensator with another it will put the old one in your inventory, and completely delete the new one you were trying to put on. It doesn't drop it to floor and take awhile to reappear, it doesnt drop it threw the floor to another level. It just disappears."

Event Timeline

Georgeasaurusrex edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Georgeasaurusrex set Category to category:weapons.
Georgeasaurusrex set Reproducibility to Always.
Georgeasaurusrex set Severity to None.
Georgeasaurusrex set Resolution to Open.
Georgeasaurusrex set Legacy ID to 2228647564.May 8 2016, 5:11 PM
Nam added a subscriber: Nam.May 8 2016, 5:11 PM
Nam added a comment.Feb 15 2014, 11:01 PM

Can you confirm the compensator is not ruined?

Yep. Mine was pristine. Would show a screenshot but died at the NWAF about 2 hours ago. However, I know for a fact it was definitely Pristine.

Just had a thought... Maybe I can't attach it with the bayonet? *facepalm*
Will need to test this. It makes sense because both attachments go onto the barrel of the firearm.

Edit: So I tested this and yes, it is true, you cannot attach a Compensator to a Mosin when the Bayonet is attached, however you can still attach a Bayonet to a Mosin when the Compensator is attached BEFORE the Bayonet is attached.

Okay, I have edited my bug report accordingly after finding out that the spray painted Mosin was not the issue, but the Bayonet was.

i believe its intended effect, you cant put something over the barrel of the rifle if something is attached to the barrel already, think of it as trying to fill a bottle of water with the cap on.

aavil added a subscriber: aavil.May 8 2016, 5:11 PM

Yeah, I have the same issue. I thought it's due painted, but had no chance to confirm.

maybe the character is afraid he might get a cut while the bayonet is attached haha

Magicks added a subscriber: Magicks.May 8 2016, 5:11 PM

bumping this as its still an issue. Also if you have both bayonet and compensator attached (after you do it in the correct order that lets you have both attached) and you try to switch out your current compensator with another it will put the old one in your inventory, and completely delete the new one you were trying to put on. It doesn't drop it to floor and take awhile to reappear, it doesnt drop it threw the floor to another level. It just disappears.

I can veryfiy this. Just lost a pristine compensator to this bug.

Thanks for your help guys, edited the bug report accordingly towards what Magicks said: "Also if you have both bayonet and compensator attached (after you do it in the correct order that lets you have both attached) and you try to switch out your current compensator with another it will put the old one in your inventory, and completely delete the new one you were trying to put on. It doesn't drop it to floor and take awhile to reappear, it doesnt drop it threw the floor to another level. It just disappears."

Can anyone confirm that this bug (not allowed to attach Compensator if Bayonet is attached first) is still apparent in the latest Stable patch?

For realism's sake you shouldn't even be able to attach a compensator and the bayonet. The bayonet sits on the end of the barrel and twists, leaving no room for the compensator on the end of the barrel.

I agree with not allowing both to fit on at once, hence why they should fix it so that the compensator will not allow the bayonet to attach to the Mosin.

I believe this has been resolved now as I have tried to test it.

Same problem for me

@Geez hi

Please check this issue

I think devs need remove ability attach compensator if mosin already have bayonet