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User Since
Feb 18 2014, 3:46 PM (573 w, 1 d)

Recent Activity

May 11 2016

biggoron added a comment to T107273: Tactical shirts get soaked even though they are suppossed to be water repellent..

AS fare as I know they are water resistant, not water proof.

May 11 2016, 3:31 AM · DayZ
biggoron added a comment to T107260: Guard Tower- unable to descend ladder.

With enough trying it's possible to get the arrow, but even then instead of climbing on the ladder my character just ran off the platofrm and landed on the ground. A split second later I was back on top of the ladder an could climb down. As soon as I reached the bottom I died.

May 11 2016, 3:30 AM · DayZ
biggoron added a comment to T107229: Close ticket.

Sorry, but we don't know anything about the Health and Blood levels of the characters he's shooting at. And the guy at 8:00 wears a ballistic helmet, so that explains the two shots needed.

May 11 2016, 3:29 AM · DayZ
biggoron added a comment to T107188: DayZ server doesn't seem to fully restart, and the first person to join the server gets a character reset.

Same here with our vilayer server.

May 11 2016, 3:28 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

biggoron added a comment to T96830: Too much servers named "Don't join or kick" that are no private.

I think it's because there are no night servers anymore.
They don't want people on their servers, but are not allowed to password them, so they write kick into the name.

May 10 2016, 9:18 PM · DayZ
biggoron added a comment to T96827: If you are spawning into a server, you can die before you even get into the game because if someone is there they kill you.

So your arguments are basically that you can avoid this issue by logging out at a save space?
This could also be an argument for not fixing stairs breaking your legs when you run on them since you should slowly walk.

Additionally, as Tobbs already stated, you can't always choose where you logout (Desync, restart, kick)

May 10 2016, 9:18 PM · DayZ
biggoron added a comment to T96710: Magnum unloads make one ammo..

The 6 Bullet Stacks can also be used like speedloaders.

May 10 2016, 9:13 PM · DayZ
biggoron added a comment to T96611: Night doesn't exist ever since the last patch..

shogodz89: You do realize that you shouldn't be able to do this? Night IS dark without a light.

sabre05: Night is the great equaliser. It dosn't mather if you have a mosin with longerange scope or a magnum, so it isn't as easy to shoot newspawns.
It's harder to spot someone looting but even harder to see someone sneaking up on you.
And it's a constant fight weather you turn on your flashlight to get loot or leave it off and stay save.

May 10 2016, 9:10 PM · DayZ
biggoron added a comment to T96611: Night doesn't exist ever since the last patch..

I have a server and I can confirm this. Setting the Server time does nothing.

May 10 2016, 9:10 PM · DayZ
biggoron added a comment to T96603: Player able to identify our in game nicknames.

It's possible to lean into walls and look trough the building, so that's how he could have seen you.
If you compare the bandwiths of players you can tage a guess which players are in your proximity, so that's how he could have found out your names.

So he could be just exploiting, but I think he was cheating and using an esp.

May 10 2016, 9:10 PM · DayZ
biggoron added a comment to T96599: Carry more than 2 main guns.

Have a look at the picture cottox. He is carrying three Rifels: A M4, a SKS and a Mosin.

May 10 2016, 9:10 PM · DayZ
biggoron added a comment to T96424: Clone Magazine/Reloader [BUG increase item].

As far as I know this is only a copy in your inventory but it's teh same item. If you put one of them on the ground both will dissappear from your inventory.

May 10 2016, 9:04 PM · DayZ
biggoron added a comment to T96356: Gear: Hard headgear (ballistic, moto, construction and pilot helmets) cannot be wear together with masks.

A gasmask and a motorcycle helmet makes sense. Everything else should be possible.

May 10 2016, 9:01 PM · DayZ
biggoron added a comment to T96317: If you break your leg you just have to crawl for hours/suicide button.

What's really annoying is that there are many buildings you can't enter or leave without using vault. (For example the hospital in Elektro, where you would go if you are looking for morphine)

In the recent patch they removed the ability to vault if your legs are broken, making beaking your legs a gamebreaking expierience.

May 10 2016, 8:59 PM · DayZ
biggoron added a comment to T95289: Unable to attach Compensator on Mosin with Bayonet attached, but can attach Bayonet to Mosin when Compensator is attached first.

I can veryfiy this. Just lost a pristine compensator to this bug.

May 10 2016, 8:25 PM · DayZ
biggoron added a comment to T89707: Water ponds/fountains allow spamming of drinking water without infection.

I think ponds should be risky, but wells?
Wells are built to supply you with drinkable water. As long as the ground water isn't contaminated a closed well with a handpump is a source of drinkable water.

May 10 2016, 5:07 PM · DayZ
biggoron added a comment to T86496: Character save loss [PRIMARY REPORT].

Still not fixed with 0.52

May 10 2016, 1:47 PM · DayZ