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Jan 19 2014, 3:51 AM (578 w, 3 d)

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May 10 2016

Mentalenemy added a comment to T95616: Character automatically moves forward when switching between weapons..

0007879 Duplicate.

May 10 2016, 8:37 PM · DayZ
Mentalenemy added a comment to T94832: My Char was dead when i logged in, thanks to the new logout method..

This 30 second thing came out from some retarded community member and devs decided to do so... Thats weird. From all those ideas, they picked handicapped one. Why you become a dev if you cant develope any idea to "how to stop combat logging" ? Have you guys ever heard "Entering combat state"? or something like that? Its called game mechanism. You can actually "start developing" from here.
When i hit exit , i should exit. Nothing else. If you actually want to FIX something, dont came out with another broken idea. Like you did in "keep runing whatever you do" thing.
There was a bug, you cant run to switch weapons, you have to stop for it. Then they decided to do - "keep runing, even if you are dying , player shouldnt stop you" -button.
So in this case, players were crying ALOT about combat logging. Then they came up with that broken idea. Meanwhile they work on cowboy hats and sacks. Yea they really did good job there too. Completely ruining the game itself is better idea than working on game.
They still dont have a clue bout most of issiues, and no sign of they actually working on "fatal" bugs.
"Oh look new hats" they say...

Point is; dont try to came up with "actually good and working" idea to them. Forums are filled with it. But they jus ignoring them. And bunch of asslickers will start to flame on you if you do.

May 10 2016, 8:09 PM · DayZ
Mentalenemy edited Steps To Reproduce on T94304: Character keeps runing when switching weapons.
May 10 2016, 7:48 PM · DayZ
Mentalenemy added a comment to T94287: Extremly difficult to fill up canteen.

Put the canteen in your hands, mousewheel, fill the bottle. voila. it should take 2 sec.

May 10 2016, 7:48 PM · DayZ
Mentalenemy added a comment to T93757: Mosin-rifle not charging for 5 rounds..

Search before report.

May 10 2016, 7:29 PM · DayZ
Mentalenemy added a comment to T93583: Easy character duplication trick.

We all know that, grats for your findout lol. But i suggest remove that post. Since devs know that bug too, its not needed.

May 10 2016, 7:23 PM · DayZ
Mentalenemy added a comment to T93578: Connection to ANY DayZ Server Throttles/Tanks Internet Connection.

Do you still need more info??

May 10 2016, 7:23 PM · DayZ
Mentalenemy updated subscribers of T93578: Connection to ANY DayZ Server Throttles/Tanks Internet Connection.

I uploaded the files you asked. I have same issue and already reported here. Besides that we can not play together as two brother from same wi fi in same home. Huge desync issue there.
Also when i try to play alone i disconnect from skype,steam and cant browse.

May 10 2016, 7:23 PM · DayZ
Mentalenemy updated subscribers of T93578: Connection to ANY DayZ Server Throttles/Tanks Internet Connection.

nope, didnt work.

May 10 2016, 7:23 PM · DayZ
Mentalenemy added a comment to T92106: Removing trees, buildings, etc..

@xujnea and @Agilov , it is been fixed like month ago.

May 10 2016, 6:29 PM · DayZ
Mentalenemy added a comment to T88066: Same House -- Same IP: Cant connect to same Server, anymore...

It's almost same with issue no 1340. This game rapes our routers, connections etc. And It should get fixed asap instead of berrypicking thing. My brother and i can play together in experimental branch servers and it was almost no lag for us. But when the patch arrives to stable servers its not playable again. I dont want to waste money for any other server or modem solution. Seriously WTF! Drop everything what you doin already and fix this asap,hotfix or patch whatever.

May 10 2016, 4:04 PM · DayZ
Mentalenemy added a comment to T88063: Can't open a can - Receiving....

It seems server problem to me. Happens a lot due to lag. Down voted.

May 10 2016, 4:04 PM · DayZ
Mentalenemy added a comment to T87886: Refreshing Server Breaks my Internet.

Still not a single feedback... This shit is serious.

May 10 2016, 3:57 PM · DayZ
Mentalenemy added a comment to T87761: Dayz Serverbrowser slows down internet.

Yea, you might be the lucky one @Random, still problem is there. Many of us having this issue.

May 10 2016, 3:52 PM · DayZ
Mentalenemy added a comment to T87761: Dayz Serverbrowser slows down internet.

Well its in here since ages and devs looks like they dont give shit bout any problem. Oh look new hats! *

May 10 2016, 3:52 PM · DayZ
Mentalenemy added a comment to T87761: Dayz Serverbrowser slows down internet.

I can confirm full of this. When i launch the game, click to server browser, than all my internet connection dies. Cant browse on web. It does not effecting my skype anyways. When i hit the refresh buttton it clearly not refreshing at all too. It makes me disconnect from steam too.
I jus cant alt tab while playing cuz of this. Should b fixed asap.

May 10 2016, 3:52 PM · DayZ
Mentalenemy added a comment to T87761: Dayz Serverbrowser slows down internet.

Still not a single feedback about it? Come on. Cant play almost for a week already. Huge desync issue here...

May 10 2016, 3:52 PM · DayZ
Mentalenemy added a comment to T87761: Dayz Serverbrowser slows down internet.

Btw its not about how fast your internet is or what type modem you are using. There is bunch of topics or reports all over the internet if you do a little search bout it. Clearly its server or somekind game file issue. Address&fix it asap please.

May 10 2016, 3:52 PM · DayZ
Mentalenemy added a comment to T87761: Dayz Serverbrowser slows down internet.

So the patch arrived and still no feedback/news bout this one? (And many similiar issues...)

May 10 2016, 3:52 PM · DayZ
Mentalenemy added a comment to T87761: Dayz Serverbrowser slows down internet.

Oh btw @Nam , i got 80+ game in steam and only problem with this issue is dayz sa. And this issue is here since arma II mod.
yea nobody got that or similiar problem... right.

May 10 2016, 3:52 PM · DayZ
Mentalenemy added a comment to T87761: Dayz Serverbrowser slows down internet.

@Nam we figured it out. its not bout any kind modem. It caused by Battleeye. Unless they patch or fix ,it will keep doing this. I searched many forums and endless discussions bout that. After experimental branch out , problem is gone for good. But when we get back to stable, it starts again.

May 10 2016, 3:52 PM · DayZ