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- Mar 7 2013, 4:55 AM (628 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
Even a Welrod suppressed pistol is still 73 dB. This means it still would bring some attention, even if it's close to a door slamming. Nevermind some bigger guns that would make a bigger noise, and probably bring attention from a 100m radius.
They unlocked hidden stuff, hidden because they were hardly ready, probably.
+1. What would a CSAT counterpart be, though? AAF have their Hellcats, but CSAT? Just Mi-48s, unless you count drones. I suppose maybe you could have captured, reverse engineered As-350 Squirrels? A Kazan Ansat?
Sure was nice in Iron Front. The explosives and the armor system were some of the better parts of that game. +1
I'm confused, do you just want to drive in day with your vehicle's headlights on? Because as long as an AI isn't driving, you can just press L.
Can confirm here too. Seems a bit odd, isn't it? Other CTRG fatigues are fine, yet the standard with sleeves non rolled has MTP pants.
Also, CSAT Urban fatigues have the standard hex boots, as opposed to urban boots.
But the thing is, that better ragdoll ticket is exactly what this ticket is. It is an improvement of ragdoll, which is what you are complaining about, the ragdoll of bodies when they die. If his ticket were solved, then you would have no reason to complain. It is indeed a dupe.
+1. I miss in Arma 2 when I was playing Takistan Life, holding a violent protest, throwing stones at the police. Although, you could also kill someone with two stones, so maybe damage could be toned down a bit.
I'm guessing whatever allows access to Arsenal from ammo crates isn't working in dev branch now, for whatever reason. Main menu Arsenal, and use of the Arsenal module work fine, although when you copy paste units changed by Arsenal, they don't keep their changed characteristics.
I thought AP mines were banned by the Ottawa Treaty, not Geneva Convention? After all, the US and Russia are both not countries participating in said treaty, so it makes sense.
Also, it's worth noting COD has no actual targets for those rocket launchers besides infantry, but Arma most certainly does. I'll give you credit though, the mini-Titan can be loaded with anti-personnel missiles, as can the RPG-42 Alamut. As for the PCML and full size Titan, no. Nevermind that under no circumstance would you fire a AA missile into a building, it's wasteful if such an enemy does come and you are unprepared. Also, if you feel frustrated with AI subordinates not doing things, you can actually switch to them without even setting them as playable and do it as them.
+1, especially to being able to categorize loadouts by faction. I have multiple loadouts for each faction, and being able to categorize them would be really handy instead of sorting through a big list of loadouts.
I don't know about mags but when I go into Arsenal, and test a loadout with a gun in the launcher, the gun will have a mag loaded but the launcher won't. This is painful if you wanna airdrop soldiers with rocket launchers, since you can't have a backpack and a parachute.
If you mean adding ammo for different weapons, to make a custom ammo bearer, then +1.
Well, you can place an Arsenal module to edit a unit's loadout now apparently. That's a step in the direction, but it's still not as easy as designing your own unit to be reused throughout many missions with Zeus.
Don't spawn units with optics to get shot at? Alternatively, if you really feel the need, you could box off the body with invisible walls, found under "Structures (Walls) in Zeus. Or in editor, use zone protection or whatever the module was called to seal off the area so snipers outside can only be shot, not poked.
Although, I don't know what that has to do with fatigue.
Yes please. And preferably not just sandbags knocked down either. Maybe a destroyed sandbag model with the middle pushed through and shot everywhere, I don't know, but it just seems strange that a stack of sandbags provides better cover than anything else.
Yeah, I had the same thinking as Nullrick. Changed my vote as well. If it were put in layman's terms so that anyone could do it, that'd be nice.
Considering that this means you can't make any kind of long range sniper or marksman, I feel as if this should have a higher severity and priority.
Also, while all the other pistols are fine, you can't get suppressors for the P07 and the Rook-40.
I guess it's that scorching Mediterrenean sun, huh?
Yes please! This would make for good roleplay for say, an IED seriously damaged your Hunter and it couldn't be moved. If we can't tow, this is a good close second.
This feature would only be practical if chemical threats were implemented ingame. There's no reason to add NBC suits unless the game has chemical threats that require them.
When you copy paste units that have been changed with the new Arsenal module on devbranch, the pasted units have the original gear they spawned with, not the Arsenal gear.
It's worth noting the CSAT tank IS a T-95 Black Eagle. To-199 is a Yak-130, Po-30 even used to be named Ka-60 in alpha if I'm not mistaken, Mi-48... Well, still. That's real Russian gear in use of the Iranians, so I don't see a problem here no matter how you look at it.
Just realised my issue is a dupe of this one:
Could someone close this?
Related to what with the realistic healing and wounding.
BTW, use google. ACE has a devheaven for Arma 3 development.
Not that I dont' disagree, these would be nice, but there are probably already tickets for these.
AI does not fear puny human. Even when puny human runs them over with an armored car.
I think maybe this is a bug more than a feature. I guess the waves really push that water up high then?
I can understand why people here may not want the women to be soldiers, but there should at least be the model available as civilians, yes? Unless BI community really doesn't want about half the human race.
When placing FIA Offroad as Zeus, sometimes it would appear plain red, instead of camoflaged. Same for the armed variant. I tried reproducing in another session of ZGM Stratis NATO but no such luck, so it's only a sometimes problem.
M2A1 Slammer is just a designation, AD. Like M249 or M16, which are actually FN Minimi and AR-15, respectively.
Left out a detail, added it now.
And another. Zamak's got it too.
It also ends the mission however each time you click it, leading you to the debrief.
Also, I believe you can find Statistics on your map under the Statistics button.
I wouldn't say BF's optimization is top notch (for me, BF3 runs worse than Arma 3), but their audio is quality.
My main problem at the moment is that the small arms sound like they're going putt putt, not bang bang. The ACP 45 sounds like it has a hollywood silencer by default, when in reality it has much more of a bang, as shown in this video:
Also, apparently the same goes for the vehicles dropped on you if you heal before you are killed by the fire.
So why does the UAV fixed wing and helicopters have seperate controls for me?
It seems they are seperate, and you simply can't access fixed wing controls. My helicopter key for raising collective is W, but the greyhawk still uses Q.
Actually if you just click some where far enough away from the Greyhawk it takes off anyway. No need.
It also resets weather to clear and sunny, even if it's raining heavy.
That's strange, when I used a pistol, I forget if it was suppressed, on an Iranian soldier, helmet and armor and all, it only took 2 headshots.
Not that I don't agree that pistols feel too weak, it just seems odd.
So, carry a parachute like the mine detector in your uniform/vest/backpack, only with the weight of a backpack? Where would it go? Not that I don't agree, I just wonder where else we would put it, unless we went with Fireball's new inventory slot for parachute/waist bag.
Also, didn't paras in WWII, or at least the drop on June 5th 1944 drop their bag tied to their leg, also functioning as a way to get them out of the plane if they have any regret?
Yes please. It always seem strange how in Arma 2 women had all the functionality in the game as dogs, and when I tried the Take on Helicopters demo, women could fly helicopters but not drive a car.
I don't think the number of bullets in mag should be changed, but adding bullet in chamber accounting would be quite nice. I'll live, though.
COIN module sounds more like an autogenerated counter insurgency campaign than Construction Interface, might wanna adjust what you call it accordingly.
Even if AI do react as if being hit, they should still get knocked down. Maybe when a bullet his armor, it forces them into ragdoll as if hit by a car and they go into prone after a few seconds of lying down. You can hit people with 7.62 in the chest, and as long as they have some form is body armor there they'll survive and keep going. Even if it doesn't penetrate to your heart, lungs, or slips past your ribs, you'll be knocked down for certain.
Seen all those errors but so far only the invisi-coveralls make a difference. NATO has some pretty awesome tech in 2035, I guess, for pilots.
Didn't Arma 2 have snow? Granted, it didn't cover the land, but if you set it in December or January, and I'm not sure about this part, but I think you had to have the cloudy slider in editor pretty far, and then it would have a light snow, even on Takistan.
How would you go about attaching a charge to, say, a vehicle, or a box? Do you just tape it or what?
I find it does nothing when you do the action, and if you cancel it does the animation.
Oddly enough, if you steal a soldier (of any armed faction)'s uniform you can successfully use his FAK, though your original civilian clothing goes missing. Hopefully this issue is resolved before we see doctor units.
Ingame it says DAGR, and unlike the Littlebird's rockets which are not DAGR, the DAGR actually can lock onto vehicles and be guided in, similar to what we saw of the Comanche in early ArmA 3 videos.
Also, I've still blown up guard towers with enemy infantry in them, the afforementioned infantry being dead, so no.
May 9 2016 For an example of an ingame GL attached by rails. If you don't see it, it's at the bottom of the products section.
If they don't let you hit an enemy with your rifle or carry a knife, then there should at least be some way to program it in without having 100000 ammo for an ax or a crowbar or something. Maybe they can bring something in from how DayZ Standalone's improving it, I don't know.
Don't forget the recent Hell in the Pacific mod, which also has it mapped to keys at the ready for melee combat.
I'm for this, every once in a while you do need to do melee combat, whether you're sneaking up on a target, shocking your enemies with a bayonet charge, or caught by surprise and forced into hand to hand combat in CQB.
Yay. If the 3D editor is in the main game, it would make it a lot easier to say, put a sniper on a 5th floor window, or at least not have to switch in and out of preview and 2D editor.
+1. awesome. I wouldn't try firing from an armor plated window though, but the back of a truck, side of a MH-9 (SWAT actually trains snipers to fire like this), etc would be great. I imagine by default entering a vehicle you'd be as normal, but if you press raise weapon key it puts you in a firing position.
Maybe it could be a difficulty setting? Anyway, we can finally do this, make it so enemy don't shoot but friendlies do, please. It would make sense, assuming either not everyone on your side has radio or your don't.
Just because it's against the Geneva Convention doesn't mean it shouldn't be allowed. I can also fire a rocket launcher at a civ's car, but that's not very legal. Likewise, we should be able to wear enemy uniforms, and suffer the consequences.
Equal rights goes both ways. You get the worse and the better.
While I wouldn't mind female chars, they aren't necessary. Besides, it's only Alpha. If the devs really wanted women in combat (as if Rita Ensler were a KSK, not a doctor) they could make them within time, as Joris said that they're still making some super secret experimental weapons and vehicles.
Still needs to be fixed, no grenades but extremely irritating, especially if you lean around a corner and there's enemy.
I think they removed that feature, along with some content, because of a certain incident that forced them to take a couple steps back during development.
Still, it'd be nice if it were added back. I want my carbombs.