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Arsenal will not run
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When using ["AmmoboxInit",[this,true]] call BIS_fnc_arsenal; in the editor, Arsenal won't start.
This only happens in de DEV version though. In the stable build there's no problem.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce
  • Create a ammobox in the editor.
  • Put the following function in the init of the object: ["AmmoboxInit",[this,true]] call BIS_fnc_arsenal;
  • Preview the mission.
  • Walk towards the ammobox, and find that there's no Arsenal option (only ammobox content option).
Additional Information

Probably related to 0020030?

Event Timeline

ozzbik edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jul 31 2014, 2:56 PM
ozzbik edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
ozzbik set Category to Editor.
ozzbik set Reproducibility to Always.
ozzbik set Severity to None.
ozzbik set Resolution to Fixed.
ozzbik set Legacy ID to 2525820611.May 7 2016, 7:07 PM

I'm guessing whatever allows access to Arsenal from ammo crates isn't working in dev branch now, for whatever reason. Main menu Arsenal, and use of the Arsenal module work fine, although when you copy paste units changed by Arsenal, they don't keep their changed characteristics.

ozzbik added a subscriber: ozzbik.May 7 2016, 7:07 PM

Problem seems to be solved in the latest version of dev-build.
Ticket can be closed.

KDN added a comment.Dec 5 2015, 1:37 PM

Please check again on current dev ver. 1.55.133541. When the arsenal function is executed on a Dedicated server targeting an object that is owned by the server, it does not show up on any clients that approach that object (ammo crate). On a server/client machine it works fine.

Line run on server: 0 = [ "AmmoboxInit",[ hA,true,{ true } ] ] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal;

KDN added a comment.Dec 6 2015, 8:34 PM

Also, using: [ "AmmoboxInit",[ hA,true,{ true } ] ] remoteExec [ "BIS_fnc_arsenal",0 ];
does NOT produce any results either.

"hA" is the name of the crate and the description.ext has been configured to unrestrict remote function execution.

shukari added a subscriber: shukari.May 7 2016, 7:07 PM

same like here ->
You must whitelist all in CfgRemoteExec because og BIS_fnc_mp is now managed over remoteExec or use in CfgRemoteExec the mode = 2, but this open the gates vor script kiddies....

KDN added a comment.Dec 6 2015, 8:36 PM

I forgot to add the "NOT" in my comment. My apologies. The above statement has been corrected. My CfgRemoteExec in description.ext is set to mode = 2 and the Bis_fnc_arsenal still does NOT work

KDN added a comment.Dec 9 2015, 11:56 PM

This is kind of urgent...

Koala added a comment.Jan 19 2016, 9:13 PM

According to the author the issue seems to be resolved.

KDN added a comment.Jan 19 2016, 9:24 PM

Should I post a new ticket then?