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- Mar 9 2013, 9:45 PM (628 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
I have a few ideas how to improve the action-menu and some menus around it.
The use-key could spawn (and close) a little menu in the middle of the screen that is to be controlled either via mouse-cursor or scroll-wheel (which will not open the menu) whenever multiple world-actions are possible. Self-actions could be off-loaded to the inventory, and the squad controls need to have its own menu, simply because of its many options, similar to the inventory. That way the first few numerical keys (and the scroll-wheel) can be used for changing weapons (including put). Objects that have options and are being looked at need to be highlighted somehow.
What needs to be done amongst other things is, to remove the abillity to accidentally "do" something because you either didnt know the menu was open, or you tab the use key numeral times because you're "in a fucking hurry".
A combination of both context-sensitive-action-button and a action-scroll-menu would work perfectly fine. Use context-sensitive-actions for time-critical stuff, such as dragging a person, and if you have the time to heal someone, then you also have the time to scroll.
I also think that the action-list should show-up in the center of the screen. But that's a personal opinion. And maybe have the object whose actions are highlighted in the scroll-menu be outlined, as suggested in the video.
Device removed errors usually mean the device that is used to render the game is suddenly not available anymore.
It could be that the driver crashed (and recovered) or has turned off the device to reduce power consumption (i.e. on laptops).
Windows control panel > Sound > Recording: Right-click on the desired device and set it as default.
Shoot either through the fence or throw the grenade against the nearest object (like a house)?
Golf balls are lighter and fly further than bricks when thrown, too.
Just because they're both grenades doesn't mean their physical properties are the same.
That is an interesting dxdiag file. Are you trying to play on a tablet? :o
I'd like to see addactions removed that have a dedicated key assigned to them. Like inventory. Or does anyone else here see a reason why it should be in the menu?
I have also noticed that the cursor is not resized to fit the in-game resolution, until you alt-tab out and back in.
Just because there's a work around, doesn't mean it doesn't need fixing.
Disable DPI-scaling in the applications properties until this is fixed.
Most applications don't scale well. Although i'm suprised since WPF applications are supposed to scale very well, without further doing by programmers.
What do you expect when these things fall to the ground almost perfectly upright? Looks fine to me.
The problem i'm having with this is, that explosions or bullets don't apply any force to ragdolls. Thus making them and their equipment always collapse in the same way if they're on even ground.
Not a bug and not enough variation in the samples.
Have you considered that the headphones suck?
BI stated that they have looked at other methods, and this was the best solution so far that didn't look silly (like crawling up/down a 45° slope).
At least they changed the stance from standing up to a crouch.
That is not as easy as it sounds. The animation system is very restrictive right now. But they're working on it.
When they finish that, we may get other improvments that we can actually see. Like having the player grab the door handle or something.
I see the words, but i don't understand...
Sounds are ineed more important than animations. You clear buildings and shoot people in arma. So its common sense to at least add sounds to the doors.
As for animations: The "put" animation should be enough for a start.
*cough* %localappdata%
That is not true. %appdata% leads to appdata\roaming. The arma logs are not stored in appdata\roaming\arma 3. %localappdata% leads to appdata\local.
Unless of course your system somehow messed up its environment variables.
But mooooooom! D:
@Triada: How old are you, 10?
@Triada: Do you brush your teeth? What's with the questions?
@Triada: And nothing. It would be foolish to give the impression that everyone has this problem. Calm your tits.
@Triada: I have one and i've never seen it happening. :o
@SteveB117: Of course. And i wish to see as many people as possible enjoy this game.
Just poking at you for calling it an "upgrade".
From hi-end Radeon HD 6 series to a low-mid-range nVidia GTX 7 series? That doesn't sound like an upgrade...
There are quite a few soldier classes. One of them being "B_medic_F". The units abillities are defined there, i bet. It shouldn't be too hard to make the loadout-module look at the loadout first and then decide what class to spawn, or even change the class on the fly.
The SUV has been hard to control since its introduction.
@Killzone_Kid: I didn't mean the barrels in arma can have different fluids inside. But we don't know what the devs intent to have inside them either. They could very well be empty.
Bullets, rockets or mines only explode if you throw them into a extremely hot fire for very long times. Some of them may even just burn to crisp.
If barrels explode and what will cause them to explode depends on the fluid. It is unlikey that anything in those cans will explode when hit by bullets.
Add more realism? Most things don't explode when you throw bullets at them.
Can repro with ALL weapons and NO addons. (SP, Editor)
Looks like the game doesn't get the time to recognize the tab-key-up event before minimizing. I've also noticed that hitting a key (up and down) between two frames (after one frame has finished drawing and before the next is drawn) is not caught. Which means that input is only monitored at certain times (bad, especially for mouse input).
Here's a short video of it happening:
The shared mode sound format was set to 24 Bit, 192 KHz.
When i set it to 24 Bit, 44.1 KHz, the performance improved significantly.
This also happens when nothing else but me is on the map in a cheetah, holding the fire button down for a few seconds.
Does this mean i can finally use 192khz in shared mode? :U
I'm hyped.
I'm pretty sure Valve is responsible for hosting updates (and game content), so you might want to ask them instead.
And then parachutes explode when they hit the ground.
Speed of sound is known to be changing more then just sounds, depsite being labelled as a sound mod (yet it is a weapon mod). I bet that's your issue.
And every time a smoke grenade is fired, it switches back to HE (if there are any).
Same with the SoundBlaster Z. Changing from headphones to speakers or vice versa mutes the game.
Maybe edit the caption so it makes more sense? Like "Changing sound devices mutes game"?
Terrain detail is reduced over distance, including its form. Increase terrain detail and view distance to fix.
If you're trying to replicate Arma 2 OA controls, why aren't you using the Arma 2 preset?
Sound in Arma 3 is very general. Not very bad. You can't do much with what's provided. Until some more love goes into the sound department, we'll have to put up with it.
This is still an issue with 1.40. Here's a demonstreation video:
Turning with the "Turn left" and "Turn right" keys while running is exactly as fast as mouse turning while running into objects.
When standing still, key-turn speed returns to normal. Whereas mouse-turn speed stays the same when running or standing still, and NOT running into objects.
This bug only seems to occur when prone. Going into your inventory while looking through the scope will also always block the view completely. Having NVGoggles equipped does not make a difference.
Aside from the inventory, the headger is shoved in and out of the screen by the spastic idle-animation.
I know right?
I was shot down once and landed on top of a tree. Helicopter was not functional, and i couldn't get out. Had to quit the game.
@zero_sum: Yes, that does ring a bell. I've experienced this bug with the invade and annex missions, but was unable to repro in an empty mission.
There were other tickets describing the same issue. It's stated there that this only occurs in missions with (some) revive scrpts.
They're about as indestructable as the Cyber-Demon in Doom.
A weapon can block a body from being accessed. So i'd like improvement in this matter.
They could just increase the distance where DOF actually starts blurring. At least that's how i imagine this could be fixed. Not sure if their implementation actually allows for such a change.
I don't know how the engine handles these things, but im fairly certain that disabling such a limiter would result in an out-of-memory exception (CTD). Or even worse: invisible (or pink :D) objects/effects.
I can confirm this. It's like trying to turn a bag of sand.
Stars can also be planets or moons. As for the night sky being too bright: in comparison to the terrain that is not illuminated by the moon, yes. Even the moonless night sky does shine. Albeit not much.
Related to
I remember there being an issue when the stance-indicator was introduced. Maybe reset or delete your profile?
Have you restarted the game after changing the UI size?
Of course you can eject from (some) helicopters. The rotors are blown off and the pilot is ejected.
Also, landing without utilizing auto-rotation correctly (e.g. engine is not destroyed) is a death sentence.
Looks like it's not mouse-smoothing then. Would it be too hard to just change head-behavior when the free-look-key is pressed and released?
@DR_Death: That's a thing that was introduced with console games. Consoles are cancer for the pc. I'd like to know if this has been the case since OFP or was introduced with Arma 3.
I have a few ideas how to improve the action-menu and some menus around it.
The use-key could spawn (and close) a little menu in the middle of the screen that is to be controlled either via mouse-cursor or scroll-wheel (which will not open the menu) whenever multiple world-actions are possible. Self-actions could be off-loaded to the inventory, and the squad controls need to have its own menu, simply because of its many options, similar to the inventory. That way the first few numerical keys (and the scroll-wheel) can be used for changing weapons (including put). Objects that have options and are being looked at need to be highlighted somehow.
What needs to be done amongst other things is, to remove the abillity to accidentally "do" something because you either didnt know the menu was open, or you tab the use key numeral times because you're "in a fucking hurry".
A combination of both context-sensitive-action-button and a action-scroll-menu would work perfectly fine. Use context-sensitive-actions for time-critical stuff, such as dragging a person, and if you have the time to heal someone, then you also have the time to scroll.
I also think that the action-list should show-up in the center of the screen. But that's a personal opinion. And maybe have the object whose actions are highlighted in the scroll-menu be outlined, as suggested in the video.
I think seperating the direction you look and the direction you move to, would properly account for innertia and not brake controls and make it feel like you're steering a 500 pound bag of sand (negative mouse acceleration, brought to you by satan himself). Sort of like as if you're running on ice? Very much like GTA 4's character controls. Just don't fuck with the mouse-controls. Becuase that's where the fun ends.
Only armoured vehicles explode when their hull-damage value reaches 1.
Cars on the other hand will explode only when their fuel-damage value reaches 1.
Arma 3 does support some sort of armor simulation. However, it is not configured. Addons can enable it though (and need to configure it).
May 9 2016
I can confirm what k0rd said.
Not a bug. Post invalid.
I honestly dont know. It worked fine when i tried it in the editor, but not in the vehicle showcase.
Keep your retarded comments to yourself.
Under certain circumstances this is not possible.
This is a problem with alpha-to-coverage. Turn it off until the game is updated.
Visit the Intel website and search for drivers?
If you get killed looting a body, you shouldn't be looting a body.
I was in the army for 2 years. We have been trained to assemble our rifle while sprinting. So you might as well just be able to change your weapon.
@ Make Love Not War: Way to be an asshole.
Anyways. I see plenty of shadows in the screenshots provided.
Ever heard of diffuse light?
That's exactly what the world looks like without the added light and the blue and yellow colors from the clear sky and sun.
@the_Demongod: The issue is that all controls are active. You walk around, throw grenades...
Oh yes. I can't say how many times i've killed or almost killed team mates while trying to chat. And you cannot expect me to reset my controls every time i start arma and want to chat.
Make a new ticket. This probably wont be looked at again.
Use the search function before posting a bug report. It's odd though that i don't have this problem with my GTX570.