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WY55 Hellcat sound issue
Assigned, WishlistPublic


When climbing into the back of an empty WY55 Hellcat even though the doors are open almost all external ambient sounds are muted to the point that you can barely hear them - it's as if the doors are closed on the rear of the heli.

In other words sitting in the back of an empty WY55 you can barely hear any external sounds even though both doors are open.


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RickOShay edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
RickOShay set Category to Sound.
RickOShay set Reproducibility to Always.
RickOShay set Severity to None.
RickOShay set Resolution to Open.
RickOShay set Legacy ID to 241230543.May 7 2016, 5:45 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: AD2001.Jan 17 2014, 5:24 PM
FrankHH added a subscriber: FrankHH.May 7 2016, 5:45 PM

Happens with other helis as well. Sound in a3 is extremely bad in general.

I've been playing with some ARMA3 sound mods - Speedofsound and JRS something or other. They both are a big improvement but still a long way off. Anything would be an improvement over the vanilla sounds in the game. Given sound is such a critical part of the imersion process why doesn't BIS fix this? Are they expecting the community to do all the work for them? Most of the sounds in ARMA3 are so basic they kill the game for me.

Goomer added a subscriber: Goomer.May 7 2016, 5:45 PM

Sound in Arma 3 is very general. Not very bad. You can't do much with what's provided. Until some more love goes into the sound department, we'll have to put up with it.

Sound is very general? Sounds like a euphemism. The issue here is why should we? It's not like ARMA3 is that new anymore. And sound is one thing that could be fixed relatively easily with some effort.