Today we have no explosion, instead of explosion we have foolish animation or nothing!
Example 1:
On a box it is written "Explosive".
However after its destruction we do not see any explosion! It is a box with an explosive and mines.
Please create realistic destruction of a box with an any explosives.
There should be a powerful explosion with the big radius of damage (similar to explosion of a grenade from Titan weapon)
I think in this case destruction of any warehouse with the weapon, will be the real present for any player!
I think any storage container or backpacks with an explosive (NLAV or RPG Grenade, Mines, etc.) which soldiers carry behind the back, should have powerful explosion! Today at shooting in explosives we have no explosion!
Example 2:
Example 3: [^]
on the steel drum we have badge is explosive!
Please add more realism in Arma 3.
Thanks in advance.