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Please give the players animation of opening doors.
Acknowledged, WishlistPublic


In the Sitrep # 00067 from july 29, 2014 written:

"Last week, we managed to add sounds to opening and closing doors in game. The work is still in progress - all doors currently have the same sound - but we're looking to add different samples for distinctive types of door. Although it's a fairly minor feature, it's something that's been omitted for many years."

I think that the efforts of the developers need to change priorities(forgive for impudence). At first, it's better to add animation on the opening of the doors(movement by a hand), and then search and add sounds!
Today we have no animation, but instead, the player uses telekinesis.
Please give the players such animation, also.


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mickeymen edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Aug 5 2014, 2:17 PM
mickeymen edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
mickeymen set Category to Anims.
mickeymen set Reproducibility to Always.
mickeymen set Severity to None.
mickeymen set Resolution to Open.
mickeymen set Legacy ID to 2899227229.May 7 2016, 7:09 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: AD2001.Aug 5 2014, 2:17 PM

What normal man can vote against it?
You like the automatic opening of doors? Or you like the telekinesis?
ARMA is not a fantasy game!
In the game should be any animation opening of any door, including all vehicles!
Then we can say that this is a complete simulator

It's not that important.

And the sound of opening doors important!?
Then why the developer makes it?

I never said sounds are important, but they are easier then animations.

Do not agree! Developers can make only one animation for all doors in the game! What's so complicated!? Only one, simple animation.
Probably, I would not have mentioned this subject, if he had not seen the information about what the developers are working on the sound of the doors!
Then I thought: If you are working on sound, then make also one animation for opening all doors!
Instead of voting against this, better support me now, exactly then, when developers make the sound of the opening door!
Let's do Arma better and more realistic.

I'm not against animations for doors. Also, its not just one animation, depending on how they want to do it, they would need many animations of the player opening the door : standing, crouching if you will. Slamming the door, opening the door by turning the door knob. Then they got to script the AI to open the door right. Most of the time, at the moment, they just go through the door.

Yes one will be short, you're right! But I think it is enough to make four simple animation.

  1. open the door to the back ,
  2. open the door to ahead,
  3. close the door to back,
  4. close the door to ahead.

Still there's no complicated tasks. 2 from all this animation can be done simply by mean inverted animation. And it is not necessary to make contact with the door handle.

Goomer added a subscriber: Goomer.May 7 2016, 7:09 PM
Goomer added a comment.Aug 6 2014, 1:50 AM

Sounds are ineed more important than animations. You clear buildings and shoot people in arma. So its common sense to at least add sounds to the doors.

As for animations: The "put" animation should be enough for a start.

I do not agree.
Today opening the some doors in the city did not work well.
Sometimes you need to find the right angle or torso to activate this ability. Sometimes it is annoying players, I have seen messages on this topic.

But if you approach the door to make the animation touch a hand, we will be able to see the readiness to open this door. And we don't need to search for a position of a body!
Then we can just press "Space - button" and the character will directly open or close this door.

Goomer added a comment.Aug 7 2014, 8:30 PM

I see the words, but i don't understand...

Special for you: Voting against opening anim, you should to play in the fantasy, but not in the simulator-game.
Just at the moment when developers team do sound of opening the door, you are voting against animation(. Why?
Probably you all do not create a missions within many cities of Altis, among the many doors.
I will say again! Opening doors in this case sometimes difficult, because you cannot activate the command immediately.
The opening doors, requires a certain body position, body height, tilt angle of body. To open the door, you only need to stand.
And how to do open the door while lying on the floor?
Now developers are working on the sound and now we have chance to improve the system of opening doors, but your misunderstanding prevent them from doing it.

My simple suggestion for opening system:

  1. The player fits any door, and instead of an icon, which is we have now, the hand of player leans against door (in this moment we know that the contact with this door is implemented)
  2. Press space-button and the hand opens/closes the door to any position (squat, lying or standing in full size)

Give your votes!

Goomer added a comment.Aug 8 2014, 3:19 AM

That is not as easy as it sounds. The animation system is very restrictive right now. But they're working on it.
When they finish that, we may get other improvments that we can actually see. Like having the player grab the door handle or something.

To be honest, if players had to perform any animation to open a door, then they would most likely be killed. A cancel action for more basic animations is of higher priority, and could then make door animations possible.

No, will not be killed! We can make an animation with one hand, holding the other hand weapon.