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- Mar 6 2013, 7:15 PM (623 w, 5 d)
Jun 10 2016
May 10 2016
No, ShackTac is playing Arma 3 with vanila sounds. Just ask Dslyecxi. No mods. For reference i will post another video where he explains some things like supersonic crack. Also i ma really confused how can anyone confused vanilla sound with modded do people even play Arma 3, do they know that sounds got updated after marksman DLC? Supersonic crack and subsonic sound of fly by bullet is in engine, using weapons that aren't part of vanilla content does not change vanilla sounds. Yes, they will add sound for those weapons that were added, but weapons don't determine the sound of stuff like supersonic crack, that is determined by something else which can be changed with sound mods but ShackTac isn't using one. - watch the whole video
Already in game. Bullet needs to be in subsonic speed to hear it. Otherwise you will her supersonic crack..
They are not ignoring this issue and it isn't deliberate. They commented on this several times on the forums and in sitrep.
This is what they said in one of the sitreps.
"One of the most noted issues - helicopters' tendency to explode when rolled over to a side - is still a valid problem. It's not a deliberate design decision. Just like you, we despair when a skillful autorotation turns into a mass murder just by a tiny mistake. Different concurrent simulations have posed a limitation in collision detections. We are trying to tackle it and our programmers have already gone a couple of extra (air) miles. We don't yet know quite how far there is to go."
Yeah this isn't fixed in 1.48
It was in Dev branch changelog like 2 months ago, but it wasn't included in 1.48. I asked some people that are on dev built and they said its not fixed there either. I cannot currently get into dev built so can't confirm it myself...
Not fixed in 1.48
+1 Seriously BI this is just wrong...
+1 couldn't agree more.
On BI forums they said that some sort of anicheat will be added later.
+ 1. Come on Bi we are waiting for more than ten years for this. Make it happen.
What? You can use them on self....
Sound really need work +1
Yeah right now they can one shot you from 1 km without problem. +1
Sounds are not finished, they are still working on them..
This is mainly about vehicles with ammunition on them like tanks, APCs, etc.
You conveniently hit the spot where all the ammunition is being stored and therefore cause a chain reaction in which all the explosives start detonating.
Btw i read somewhere that there should be cook off in final version
Look at BI forums Fast-roping is Confirmed feature.
Flight model that is now in Arma 3 Alpha is only temporary. They're gonna use the Take on Helicopters flight model for later versions.
Agreed whit house.
well, we still don't know if there will be armour simulation for tanks, so idk if they will add this...
May 9 2016
As far as i know they removed rain effect from Alpha and working on new one.
Agree +1. I only add that on BI forums they said that they making new rain effect.
I think BigBigCheese nailed it. Sometime when you crash at angle, car jump like 2 meter in air and then with this jumpy up and down motion returns on ground. Its preaty much vehicle physic the cars feel realy light...
That's a known issue. Weather is not synced...
Hmm i like the idea. +1
"allow us to show the engine in its true beauty" Thats funny last time i watched sacriel 50% of livsteam was constant complaining about VR engine and how it is worst engine in history. Yeah that's totally selling the game...
Well once again. Flight model that is now in Arma 3 Alpha is only temporary. They're gonna use the Take on Helicopters flight model for later versions.
Agree this difficulty option is needed.
Agree with Dialn911
Make Love Not War: Oh didn't notice that. +1
Like Dagonath said flight model that is now in Arma 3 Alpha is only temporary. They're gonna use the Take on Helicopters flight model for later versions,
Thats a known bug...
Ok seriously you guys(girls) going in circles. There's almost 700 comments everything was already said. So stop beating dead horse....
Btw:"Bohemia HAS the resources to make it on time before release. " Funny how you know how much resources Bi has. ;)
FYI on AAA games works 300+ people(there was info that on Assassins creed IV works almost thousand) on Arma3 70 people.
"Where i said Arma isn't realistic? You made that up..."
Yeah sorry read that one wrong...
Like i said i would like to have female soldiers in game as well, but people need to understand, there are other thing that are wrong with this game. On some things we are waiting years...
"If Arma 3 want to be realistic combat simulation, it need female characters..."
I think it would be cool to have female soldiers but as i posted before Arma takes place in Armaverse not in this universe. So you can't say that it isn't realistic because there are no female soldiers.
Btw there are more issues like arcady flying model (they should add new one from TOH), no simulation of vehicle armour (Arma community is waiting for this 10 years), performance and much more that i'm not gonna list here...
"Women serve in all arms of the military in increasing numbers and its not just infantry depicted in ArmA games. "
Arma depicted more than just infantry...
I don't know if somebody already mentioned this here but all BI games takes places is Armaverse (even Take on Helicopters) not in this universe.
Once again. Flight model that is now in Arma 3 Alpha is only temporary. They're gonna use the Take on Helicopters flight model for later versions. From BI forums Confirmed features
You really should look at BI forums Confirmed features. Flight model that is now in Arma 3 Alpha is only temporary. They're gonna use the Take on Helicopters flight model for later versions.
How many times do i have to write it here. Flight model that is right now in Alpha is temporary. They going to use TOH (Take on Helicopters) flight model in later versions...
I actually really like that vault. Let say you approaching building and you aim at a window you can vault and still aim at window which is really cool. But when you running away from fire or running to building there should be running vault.
tet5uo: How about you learnt to read.
The rule is: One report per issue. The one with the most total votes (up + down) stays, all others get closed as duplicates.
Agreed +1
as MadDogX said see latest dev build....