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- Mar 8 2013, 2:41 AM (628 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
No, I'm afraid that would not work for this. I need them to be getting out and back in several times along the mission. So I can't properly do what I want without either A) Fixing the AI to get into all vehicles in a group rather than only the first vehicle of the group, or B) Adding the Follow waypoint.
Yes, getting very tired of being magic-shot by AI. Not only are they far too accurate at all ranges, but to be able to instantly detect you from sometimes long range, or even when all you do is fire a supressed weapon one time, is completely ridiculous.
Upvoted so we can actually have a fair chance against AI, instead of seeming like its suicide mode.
Oh I see, and I just noticed there is now an actual specific degree-indicator on the compass as well now, cool =D
You have my upvote, I hate that you can't make ranged or stealth kills properly because regardless of conditions they always know right where to fire, and un-realistically accurately take you down much faster than any human could detect, aim, and kill.
A lot of retards around here that don't pay attention to what the original post is talking about.
I fully agree that the Mi-48 needs FLIR support. It's a simple display to let the pilot see what the gunner is aiming at, it's completely realistic, it also is installed on the real life model this heli is based on, and it won't provide any advantages or disadvantages, it's just a feature you whiny little shits that keep downvoting.
Also, as stated above, Arma is not SUPPOSED to be balanced. REAL LIFE is not balanced and this is a war sim so guess what? Some things are better than others in this game but there is always something else to counter it, get over it.
I upvoted for common sense.
I don't understand what was wrong with "Medic" unless the devs plan to have a seperate Medic character with a different loadout and purpose. (such as better equipment, and a primary role in medical aid and operation of medical gear and vehicles). Who knows, but I would love to either change this name back to Medic or have a seperate Medic character.
There are icons to show Squad Leaders, Team Leaders, Medics, etc. Differing colors for each will create a rainbow on the map. Learn the icons =)
Okay, but I do urge you to go into the first mission I sent, just take the heli ride in the beginning (no combat is required, and will take less than 5 minutes to see the problem happen)
I did upload another great example of the pilot going crazy in the presence of enemy AI when trying to drop troops off. In MY test of it the pilot landed in the middle of the damn water after passing completely over the landing spot/waypoint. I'm sorry I forgot to turn the enemy AI behavior to Never Fire, so you might like to do that before testing it!
Thank you, I uploaded the example mission. I also added steps to reproduce up at the top of this post.
It wont let me upload the mission sqm.
It does not appear to be related to the Ghosthawk, as this is reproductable using the little bird/humming bird and I have not tried with any other vehicles.
I have also noticed AI-retarded behavior without use of vehicles. Like squad leaders not moving onto the next waypoint and giving orders for it. I'm afraid I don't have more info on that particular issue. Just something I have seen a few times in different missions.
This really needs to get noticed so it can be fixed. Squad leaders are failing to move to their next waypoint in some cases.
I'd like to note that after even further testing I still cannot get the squad leader to give any orders after they get out of the heli (if I even get that far).
Please fix the waypoints or the AI awareness of them or whatever the issue is!
Upvoted =D
There is not supposed to be a lot of recoil! Besides, there IS recoil on the submachineguns, you are just used to the OVER-recoil of the larger rifles like the MX.
I fired full auto, burst, and semi-auto on the submachineguns and I thought it was an appropriate amount of recoil.
These weapons are extremely WEAK and have poor range, their ONLY advantage is their size and low recoil!
EDIT: I see the point of the camera shake being high and not enough recoil on the weapon. Perhaps the sweet-spot would be to slightly lower the camera shake and up the recoil just barely in full auto. But again, these weapons NEED low recoil.
Yes please!
We finally got the rear seats put into the game don't call it weird or bad.
As for the mounting of specific seats, sure that could be nice.
No that isn't what I was meaning at first. I was talking about objects such as Ammo Crates, barricades, maybe even tents, and much more. But loading a vehicle into a cargo plane would actually be just as useful and the same concept really. Good idea =)
Yes and it would also be interesting for carrying precious cargo in a convoy. The possibilities are endless if this new feature really is getting looked at =D
Thanks so much for looking into this Dan =D
That's another use that I hadn't thought of as well, thank you =)
Hmm idk, maybe because I'd actually like the fog to show up properly for everyone in the game? Either enlighten me on how to get the result I want (which is what I originally asked for) or tell me it's impossible in which case this is a perfectly logical thread because then the Devs need to make the fog sync for everyone.
You must not have understood me. You linked me to the script for the OLD FOG. It clearly says "Introduced in Operation Flashpoint". Im looking for how to work the NEW FOG, with the falloff and density and base height. You know, the good looking fog that was introduced in ArmA 3 just yesterday. You probably shouldnt try to reply to an issue with incorrect information. Not to mention this is not a Bug-Reporter, it is a FEEDBACK TRACKER. And Im leaving feedback on my issues with the new fog. Thanks anyway.
I do not like how much I have to see the new blur effect. It hurts my eyes and is just plain annoying.
1- Give us the option to turn off the blur effect from being fatigued. This would allow players who are not bothered by it to use it without it being annoying to others. I personally don't need more than the sound of my out of breath character to understand how tired the character is. On top of that, your aim becomes very unsteady. I think that's plenty.
2- Make the blur effect only happen when the player is about to be out of sprint-stamina i.e. tired to the point of needing to stop printing and revert to jogging. At which point the effect should go away at differing speeds depending on whether the player continues to jog or slows to a walk or stops to rest.
I like being able to go into teammates backpacks rather than making them drop things on the floor, but perhaps make it so that the owner has to accept entry into the pack from the person. Or have a lock/unlock toggle. OR just keep it the way it is because it's perfectly fine and if you dont want to deal with dumb players who would steal things from your pack then dont play in servers with dumbasses. =D
Yeah I would definitely use that chopper a good amount in my missions if it had those 2 extra seats. =)
I think it's trying to communicate.
Let's not get carried away though, I don't want to be as limited as ArmA 2. I think just adding a bit more weight to just the rockets and the launcher of course. Maybe the guns. But I think the magazines and various other items are a good weight already.
I think some people are missing the point. We shouldn't have to spend so much time on such a simple thing such as respawns. I have done it so many times that yeah it's natural to me but I'd much rather have an option or module ready to go in the editor for things like that.
It isn't a bug, it's a lack of functionality in what is supposed to be a mil-sim. I have dealt with it since the old Flashpoint in 2001. And I think it's about time they stop walking in front of me. They dont even need to check for other AI's lines of fire, just players because that's where the problem exists. And it wouldnt cause any issues with them finding cover, so I dont quite understand why you even mentioned that. I clearly stated above that they should be aware of a line of fire at all times, and avoid if possible. **if possible** meaning hey guess what if theres a dire emergency or no possible way to get to where you told them to go without crossing in front of you, then, and only then, they are allowed to.
It won't require a full re-write of the AI. Adding one rule to the AI to make them avoid walking in front of you isn't going to break the game and needs to be put in for the release.
I have noticed all of about 10 bugs in the AI, and they all have reports on them so they're getting fixed. What I also see is these silly AIs running in front of me and my fellow squad mates at such annoying times and while it does not happen constantly, it happens often enough to notice and often enough to say hey this needs to be fixed.
I guess that's why a lot of people have donated with the Supporter package to help the devs do as much as they can huh?
I am not determining what the devs do, however, it appears they too believe this is something they want to work on since this report has been assigned to a dev. I guess I must have made it "feasible and logical" enough.
Now as much as I love to argue with you, I'm finished so you can continue but it wont do you any good. I tried reasoning with you but all you want is to be right and try to hold back the game. Sure I want bugs to be fixed, but I also want progress in this series and BIS believes in making the game as good as it can be and now is my chance to help them by suggesting new features and ideas.
Just stop for a minute and realize that it's not your decision on what the devs do or don't decide to put into the game or why they can or can't.
Also realize that the AI in ArmA should be one of the very top priorities, therefor the idea of adding a new function that will fix a horrible behavior should be taken seriously. This isn't just a "oh cool we should add this". It's actually a big deal to make the AI as good as they can be.
It's also not like it would break the game to have this in place; if the AI need to go in front of someone else then they still can, but those are very rare situations. Please stop trying to hold back this game and just let it reach it's potential dude.
If you cared about ArmA and actually have played ArmA for as long as I have you would understand how annoying it is to have them run in front of you or even stand in front of you.
Yes again with the "Just like Real life" because ArmA is a SIMULATOR! It should be as realistic as possible and we should want to add as much as possible.
About your idea of them needing thousands of rules. NO DUH, this would be another rule for them to NOT walk in front of players or other AIs.
And you must have missed when I said they should do this WHEN POSSIBLE. No one is saying the game has to break when you confuse them. If they CAN avoid walking into a line of fire, they SHOULD. Why are you trying to over complicate this?
mwnciboo maybe you shouldnt be taking a few steps, turning 90 degrees, taking a few steps and turning again. Sounds like you have some issues with orientation if you're doing that my friend and if thats the case dont be a squad leader.
For players moving normally however, this can be fixed by having the AI detect line of fire between 0 and maybe 25 meters or so. And yes, regardless of your formation they will have to run back behind everyone in the squad if they have to move, just like if it was real life because they do not want to be shot.
Whether or not Im the Team Leader (which I am) the AI should not run in front of eachother or in front of players when attempting to move or follow.
Hopefully there will be an option when calling the support to choose how far you want the rounds to spread.
This should definitely be changed =)
May 9 2016
Cant tell if the OP is a troll or just doesn't understand what he's saying.
This game is everything ArmA is plus FLUID GOOD CONTROL rather than clunky and sluggish and very irritating. I've been playing since the old Operation Flashpoint Elite in 2001 and I dont ever want to go back to the old feel. Why would anyone want to? You can have all the wonderful things that make ArmA amazing without the annoying feel of the older games.
TL;DR this guy is insane. Developers, keep doing what you are doing because I love ArmA 3.
I have already posted this issue with greater detail, use that instead and please search before you post.
The speed is FINE. You get tired after a very short time and can no longer sprint. It in there for very quickly running across a road, between rocks or trees, etc. The ONLY thing that should be changed is the actual animation to actually look more like a sprint.
Be patient.
I've had the issue as well.
Thanks for helping this get noticed guys, and cash I upvoted and replied to yours before as well. =)
ItaliaPRIME, I think showing how they build the showcase/campaign missions would also be nice in helping mission creators understand how to do various things.
You should learn your controls. Switch your optics mode to change the perspective to be actually IN the gun cam. Should be "0" on your NUM pad.
Im just going to say that while I strongly agree with not having a vehicle survive a drop from such a ridiculous height, I would like to still have some fun with the vehicles and not have them be non-drivable with the slightest falls.
I agree completely. Thermals would be MUCH better if you could see the actual environment rather than only living entities or running vehicles showing. Exactly like in the first set of comparison pictures.
If BIS impliments some kind of melee it better be nothing like CoD. I want it to be only useful in very rare cases and it should require complete stealth to pull off.
This sounds like it would be a nice feature.
Yeah like the whooshing sound^
I love the improvement over ArmA 2. If the comms stayed the same I would be able to deal with it and be happy.
But honestly I would flipping love what mwnciboo suggested! It would definitely clear up the chatter and stop providing constant updates on individual enemies. And I strongly agree with the idea that it's silly to keep repeating that you are "under fire". Saying it one time is okay. Or if the situation changes it's okay again I suppose. If you haven't been in combat for a few minutes and you come under fire again it's okay to say again then too. Just not every few seconds =)
I have a really good female friend who got into Arma after I showed her ArmA 2 a while back. Not having female soldiers does not mean a woman cant play the damn game people. I am not against it, I just don't like these comments about "ohhh it'll get more girls into the game!" Thats horse shit. If a girl wants to play a video game, you are not going to stop her by making male characters the only option.
Now, that being said I do support having female characters in the game for the sake of diversity, and realism. Femaile pilots, medics, vehicle crews, supporters, etc. In campaign I don't want to see female soldiers on the front lines as infantry grunts (aka the meat for the grinder), but all other roles are fine.
In multiplayer I don't want to see assclowns playing females in their underwear, with high pitch voices, running around like retards. We get enough of that already. Gamers in general (dont take offense if you are not like this, I said "in general" for a reason) tend to be immature and do very odd things because there is nothing stopping them. I don't want to help them further.
In the end, you are never ever going to see your damn character's face so what does it matter? Even in 3rd person, you have a helmet or headgear on in most cases, and if you don't you still can't reverse your cam, nor will you ever see yourself in a cutscene. So it does not matter. Everyone is a body in a uniform, vest and helmet with a rifle.
All of that being said, I cannot vote on this topic. I both want and don't want this feature.
They already made it possible to change your colors around (which is awesome) so just give that a try if you feel that the white is too hard to see.
The heli should definitely take a small amount of hull damage or something when you do an emergency landing or a gentle crash landing.
But I do NOT want heli's blowing up on the slightest of touches like in ArmA 2.
If you want to make the sun smaller to look realistic thats cool. But don't make it utterly annoying to have sunrise or sunset missions by blinding the hell out of the players. And do not make sunglasses work to decrease the effect. Simply dont make the effect bad enough to need a counter. Some people like their soldier model to be glasses-free.
I agree with this BUT we need an option to turn it off if we want to AND the indicator needs to be small, and out of the way.
Perhaps put it up in the top right where the rest of your information is for your weapon.
Plenty of room to fit a tiny stance indicator in that box!
I agree with this BUT we need an option to turn it off if we want to AND the indicator needs to be small, and out of the way.
Perhaps put it up in the top right where the rest of your information is for your weapon.
Plenty of room to fit a tiny stance indicator in that box!