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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 7:16 PM (628 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
Great ticket!
The Action menu mixing Player actions and Context interaction is one of the major flaws in Arma interface, in my opinion and I'd like to see the two systems separated eventually.
Here's my take on the separation.
The Action menu should be a fixed layout menu reserved to "Player actions" with no dynamic options altering it when aiming around.
"Context actions" should have no place in the Action menu and become an icon-only system.
A new key called "Cycle interactions" should be added (Alt for example) to cycle through all the available options in case of interactive objects with multiple actions attached to them.
Please, see this pic for a visual explanation
and #10847 for some other issues regarding the contextual interaction system.
duplicate of #3537
duplicate of #7257
related to #8799
You can achieve this through the Advance, Stay back, Flank Left, Flank Right orders under the Move menu (1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5).
These commands are cumulative: they will make the AI move about 50 m in the corresponding direction each time they are issued. So if you want a unit to take point 200 m in front of you, select it and order it to advance (1-2) 4 times.
Also, these orders can be combined: for example, if you issue a Flank order after an Advance one, the AI will move in a diagonal line to take point either to the front-left or front-right.
Yeah they don't leave the group.
Once in the new offset position, they'll move in sync with you as always.
related tickets: #4626, #4629, #8968
note edited. wrote 49 instead of 94.
@Fri13 is right
There's a countermeasure mode key to cycle between single and burst, but apparently it's not working.
So i guess this can be considered duplicate of #13945.
duplicate of #11751 and #1293.
devs said it can't be fixed.
I second the request.
This was also suggested for arma 2.
(see for example screenshot)
related to #12559
this remembered me of
related to #12777
basically, he wants the vertical stance adjustment system to work as "Cancel lowered weapon + Adjust stance" so that you don't have to raise the weapon back before going in low stand, high crouch, etc. (in case you previously toggled the lowered weapon on with 2xCTRL).
remember that you can always raise your weapon also by pressing "Fire" (LMB).
see also #12065
Laser designator should behave the same as Binoculars and Rangefinders.
At the moment, you can't lower/raise it with "Optics" key.
See also #11751 and #1293
duplicate of #8658, I guess.
see also #13856
I think this can be considered related to #10117 (SDV gunner w/ periscope-down issue in 3rd pers.).
In these cases, as says, the external view should be tied to the character and not the vehicle.
duplicate of #2699
Please devs, decrease the sway of binocs, rangefinders and laser designators, especially when zoomed in.
Don't forget the Inventory check!
It will cancel the adjusted stance as well (except when prone).
duplicate of #2907
Duplicate of #10143 or #11865
see #5454 and #5750
duplicate of #3913 or #4795
duplicate of #1980
duplicate of #1293?
If so, this can't be fixed according to the devs.
duplicate of #11606
duplicate of #2905
duplicate of #586.
Straight from Arma 2.
keySwitchWeapon("Switch gun/launcher") selects laser designator instead of launcher if the launcher is added in the inventory after the laser designator.
maybe the summary could use some rewording to be clearer and more concise.
I'd retitle it to something like "Launcher key selects laser designator instead of launcher" :)
This request is similar to #10731.
We already have a dedicated "Interact" button, it's the "Use default action" key.
The problem is it works even in the absence of available interactions since it can open the Action menu and work the same as "Use selected action".
I tried to explain why this is problematic in #10847.
Please vote and share your thoughts :)
duplicate of #1109
duplicate of #727
The underlying cause is the same as #727: there are assigned controls hidden in the player profile not showing up in game under Options > Controls.
1)Go to your profile in My Documents\Arma 3 or My Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles
2)Open it with Notepad and find these lines:
keyCommandLeft[]={30,203}; keyCommandRight[]={32,205}; keyCommandForward[]={17,200}; keyCommandBack[]={31,208};
3)Delete ",203" ",205" ",200" ",208" (those numbers are the arrow keys, the other numbers are WASD)
4)Close and save the file
5)Restart Arma 3
Right, he just needs to assign E to "Use default action" under Options > Controls > Common, but beware!
If you don't press it at the right time (that is when the interaction icon is showing), "Use default action" brings up the Action menu anyway and can actually select actions once the menu is open.
Please see and vote #10847
Great ticket!
The Action menu mixing Player actions and Context interaction is one of the major flaws in Arma interface, in my opinion and I'd like to see the two systems separated eventually.
Here's my take on the separation.
The Action menu should be a fixed layout menu reserved to "Player actions" with no dynamic options altering it when aiming around.
"Context actions" should have no place in the Action menu and become an icon-only system.
A new key called "Cycle interactions" should be added (Alt for example) to cycle through all the available options in case of interactive objects with multiple actions attached to them.
Please, see this pic for a visual explanation
and #10847 for some other issues regarding the contextual interaction system.
Noticed this also in Arma 2.
In Commanding mode, many cover spots among the L-shaped ones only accept AI in stand up or crouch stance.
If sent to one of these L-positions via Quick Command ("Move there" order), the AI will be stuck in the stance they'll reach the cover with and won't be able to change it when ordered or even in case of danger and enemy presence.
But as the video clearly shows, the stance change order is actually memorized in the background and the AI will assume the ordered stance as soon as they leave the cover after a "Return to formation" order.
related to #4854
Unable to reproduce.
Numpad+, Numpad0 and NumpadEnter seem fine to me.
I don't think this is related to #5881 (which is about the zoom function of "Lock or Zoom" control and is still reproducible in 0.71.107360)
only now I realize i've never used this radio command before, what is it supposed to do? I mean playing in SP and commanding AI.
anyway, upvoted!
This is due to the fact that 3rd person view in gunner seat (no matter what the vehicle) is tied to the turret crosshair.
In the specific case of SDV gunner position, the camera should be detached from turret aim when the periscope is put down, i guess.
Hope they fix it :)
maybe the ticket should be retitled as "Option for Optics mode indicator in hipfire" or something like that.
anyway, upvoted :)
Low crouch pistol to rifle -> unwanted prone
Low crouch rifle to pistol -> unwanted forward movement (already reported in #8796)
then they forgot to implement the lensatic compass in:
pilot seat of AH-9 and MH-9;
pilot and gunner seat of AH-99 and Mi-48;
gunners seat of UH-80.
Feel free to open a ticket.
duplicate of #5454?
duplicate of #8976
I agree.
Action icons should be hidden while in Optics.
more a duplicate of #988, i guess
But only when there's someone next to you as gunner or driver.
If the SDV is empty or the other units are riding in back, then there's no problem switching between driver and gunner seats.
Just assign A to "Aim Left" and D to "Aim Right" in Options > Controls > Vehicle movement.
Then upvote this ticket: #6112 ;)
I suggested something similar in #3752
duplicate of #7257
Not random.
At least in SP, you can always reproduce the issue by opening and closing map while standing up in one of the following adjusted stances:
low stand, high stand, step-lean left, step-lean right.
Already brought up in #7717
See also #8664, #4626, #4629 for further reference
I agree with wok here.
Imho the silhouette&arrows thing doesn't suit the overall minimalistic/futuristic interface theme very well.
I would like to see something more abstract either similar to wok's attempt or this -->
duplicate of one of these: #1194, #3029, #7120
related to or duplicate of #8658
duplicate of #7257
That's right. ToggleRaiseWeapon is kind of glitchy.
Pressing it to lower the weapon while moving (no matter what the speed: walk, combat pace, run, sprint) always causes a temporary stop of the character.
Also, in combat pace you can't use it to raise the weapon back (need to press Fire, which causes a temporary stop as well)
See also #4626 and #4629
The insta-shake upon adjusting stance is a feature, but i think it looks quite unnatural.
imo, something more gradual, subtle and not so immediate would be better.
I agree with pops.
If this is a feature, it's quite unpleasant to the eye and should be tweaked to look and feel more natural.
duplicate of #8299
See also #96 and #5489
I can reproduce this by opening the map while standing in sidestep lean.
Repro steps:
- Character in Stand up stance
- Adjust stance to the left or to the right (Ctrl+A or Ctrl+D)
- Open and close map (M)
- Prone healing animation is triggered
- After the animation, character ends up in middle crouch stance with lowered weapon
laywiin, can you confirm?
duplicate of #893
I think the crosshair should be hidden while running (just like during sprint) and only show up in walk and combat pace speed.
Also, when running or sprinting, "Fire" key should turn out to be disabled if pressed.
Anyway, i think this is related to #833
i don't see why we shouldn't be able to do so.
if i can pull the trigger while running with my rifle lowered (shooting at the ground) then i want to be able to pull that same trigger while crawling sideways.
duplicate of #739
Doesn't happen with rifle. It seems a pistol-only bug.
duplicate of #739
see also #1817 and #5604
Confirmed. The combination of Combat pace + Adjusted stance breaks the toggle crouch on-the-move functionality.
See also #3029.
duplicate of #2699
The character appears to go prone instantly as soon as the map is closed, then he automatically stands up and goes back to middle crouch.
This was already reported in #2028, but without specifically mentioning the stance problem.
duplicate of #2268
related to #9727 and #10726
duplicate of #3884
still true in 0.75.108659
related tickets: #446 - #3994
duplicate of #858
duplicate of #2907.
related to #2905.
reproduced with sarlac's steps.
the problem is with the zoom function of "Lock or Zoom" key.
See also #1530
Well put.
I agree.