Tested with pistol.
Moving diagonally with pistol causes player unit to go standing from prone.
Tested with pistol.
Moving diagonally with pistol causes player unit to go standing from prone.
Move diagonally ("W+D/A" by default) and try to sprint while armed with a pistol. The player unit will stand up.
I also opened up a ticket about this.
But this ticket did not show up in the search, I tried different filters.
I filtered "diagonally" under "any" status, this ticket didn't come up.
Advanced or simple filters did not change any result.
But, I tried now something I never did before, i changed to "reviewed",
status and it showed up, with some more tickets it didn't show before.
And when I changed back to "any",
allot more showed up under this filter, including this one.
I don't why it happened, but it did.
Just thought you should know.
MadDogX, you should probably close mine, again.
Sorry mate, I hope that from now on, it wouldn't happen again XD
Issue closed as obsolete. If you encounter this problem again, please create another ticket. Thank you.