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- Mar 6 2013, 4:33 AM (628 w, 5 d)
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Upvoted. I find that these walls, especially the one in the second picture, are some of the most common points of cover that I use when I'm out in the open.
Thanks, edited
Can confirm
Interesting proposal
I've had this exact problem as well.
So instead of the damage happening gradually after receiving fire, it receives X amount of fire and then bam, it's damaged? Because I agree, that does sound flawed.
Is the issue here that the damage from small arms is inconsistent? Because unless BI is taking artistic liberty with the helicopter armor, the helicopters should be susceptible to small arms fire. Using the UH-60 Blackhawk as a modern example, small arms will rip right through the body of it.
@Electricleash this is exactly what I am experiencing.
@Iceman I haven't tried it yet. Will I lose my campaign progress if I revert? I'm not too keen on replaying the preceding missions on veteran again.
A bit after the fact, but I found a workaround: launch the mission from the strategic map and you spawn wearing survival fatigues.
^I was unable to reproduce the moan today, but if the attached video was shot yesterday, then I guess its still there, though not as prevalent as it was before.
Related to
Honestly, uparmoring the Tempest trucks to the repair truck standards wouldn't throw off the balance at all, and therefore, should be implemented. If you're worried about these trucks being overpowered compared to the AAF and NATO, don't use them in your missions. You still have the CSAT Zamak that you can use instead.
This seems to be a universal issue with weapons that have multiple texture options. For instance, this
Yeah, the AI don't seem to follow disengage commands.
Well from the first campaign episode it was described verbally from the quartermaster NPC and it went something like this "I gave you the recommended load out, but if you don't want it, your old stuff is in that crate over there." unfortunately it seems there's a bug where your old stuff isn't transferred to a crate.
I'd consider this a priority due to the helmets and armored vests you can find, that are then just replaced by a tactical vest and bandanna when you do a regular mission.
Based on your feedback, I've decided to edit this ticket to ask for the missiles to do more hull damage, because what I've found is, unless you're in an AH-9 or PO-30, it takes 5-8 missiles to kill you while you're in the air, which seems to be a bit much.
I'm pretty sure you can retexture these vehicles yourselves with some scripts anyways.
Confirmed for fixed.
confirmed for crashing when adjusting sampling on Win7 64 bit GTX 770 16GB RAM AMD FX 8320
Upvoted, been waiting 12 years for this.
happens with changing the sampling as well.
This is a much missed feature from OFP.
that's the point of this ticket.
Duplicate of/related to
The osprey would make sense, seeing how they've already included a wreak model for it. The devs said they're finishing up on the new CAS planes and said that more vehicles are in the works.
Update: DnA posted in the dev changelog thread on the forums yesterday that a fix for this issue will be released on Monday. Feel free to close this ticket.
because they haven't made them yet.... also this post belongs on the forums and not the bug tracker.
I find it a weird 'feature' I consider it a bug.
The real life Lynx rifle actually looks like that, with the trigger guard not attached. I made this same thread a few months ago and it was closed because the rifle actually looks like that IRL.
It would make sense to have a variety of flags for the BLUFOR, because the faction is NATO, not America.
exact same thing happens when hosting as well
This issue has been reported before and closed before due to it not being an issue, however you and I like many others deeply miss our aviators. /upvoted
Ah ok, that had appeared to me as some sort of screw for the lens cap that I was thinking was there. Thanks for the info.
It would be nice. This was a feature in Operation Arrowhead. At least for flashlights it was.
I've OC'd my CPU, however it runs stable under stress tests and I'll be sure to get the dxdiag soon, but I'll be out of town for a few days.
The picture does give off a Skyrim-esque vibe that could be turning people off. I do think the night sky should have more stars though, I've seen more stars IRL just a few miles outside Houston's city limits.
i think this is a dev wish to implement it but it was really flawed when they released it so hopefully its being polished right now.
Movement sounds were tweaked today, but when I checked on this issue, it was still present.
@big Oso I thought I was the only one. The sound of a grown man panting in my ear is very creepy and uncomfortable. I didn't notice it until today when I loaded my character up with a ton of gear and he started breathing super heavy after 15 seconds.
Yeah the cut off is annoying. /upvoted
yeah its like this for all weapon/sight combinations, its just not as noticeable with other sights. It'd be so much more realistic if there was a red orchestra style zeroing, where all it does is manipulate your sights in such a way that forces you to increase the rifle angle in order to place the sights on your target.
Oh man, didn't even realize that I had wrote 6.8 instead of 6.5. Dyslexia's getting the best of me it seems.
Really simplified, its because the 100rd. 6.5 mag behaves like "X" when used with the MX SW, and the 30rd. 6.5 mag behaves like "Y" when used with the MX SW. What should happen is they should both behave like "X" because its the same caliber fired from the same weapon under the same conditions. However since the creation of this ticket the bullet ballistics and penetrations have changed, so this all may be a moot point now.
What I had observed was that when using the MX SW, the bullets fired whilst using the 100 round magazine behaved differently than when the MX SW was firing the 30 round magazine. That prompted me to make a ticket asking to make the ballistics uniform for the weapon; it shouldn't matter what type of magazine is loaded as long as its the same caliber and fired from the same rifle. Today the ballistics of the 30 round 6.5 stanag were adjusted to behave the same as the 100 round 6.5 stanag, thus eliminating the issue.
This seems to be fixed in the latest dev build, 30rd. 6.5 and 100rd. 6.5 have same ballistic properties.