Related to Blackfoot and Ghosthawk
(other helis aside from LB not tested)
-6.5 and 7.62 deal no dmg to mainrotors what so ever although 7.62 goes through according to tracers
-Ghosthawk cockpit is sometimes not even bullet resistant
I had tests where 6.5 mx killed the pilot on the first shot at the front glass
others where it didn't do anything after 30 shots
-6.5 miniguns deal quite significant damage on engines where 7.62 lmgs can shoot a metric ton at these and not make a dent
(eventhandler dammaged shows vital hits after 300 sometimes after almost 1000 shots 7.62 shots with 6.5 minigun after <30. The damage occurs only after the armor is broken basically, but then with values that the last 2 bullets deal all the actual dmg to kill off the engine)
7.62 miniguns on the other hand are performing somewhat like 6.5 miniguns.
This damage model is basically a boolean you either ate your threshold with no consequences and then the next 2 bullets cause all Damage there is to make
Its nice that you made the Blackfoot Cockpit and vital parts finally bullet resistant, but i have to ask myself why was this thing as susceptible as it was to small arms to begin with.
Also there is only 1 Rotorblade on the Ghosthawks tailrotor that has an actual hitbox: