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- User Since
- Jul 30 2014, 4:09 PM (552 w, 5 d)
May 11 2016
eventually you are right a bit unpatient.
Watch the resolved section, how many tickets are worked at every day also with stucked players. Actually it can happen that one ticket of 10000 can be losed, so just bump it up and they will see it, no need to be sarcastic and personal against the admins here which do a pretty hard and good job after all.
I'm with you, I liked them better before of course, but a reason to pick them up ist because they protect the ammo or medical resources. For example when being shooted or punched by zeds. Even when your clothes become ruined, the Amobox or the 1st aid kit can prevent the loot in it to get ruined, so you can still use them. imho
found a smoky heli yesterday, it had loot. some boots and 8 45 .acp rounds, one blue helmet and that's it.
still the truck should be persistent... guess someone found it and took it ?
even if it's wrong, this has nothing to do with profit...
The Truth ist, that over 50% of the servers are crap because of admins.
Myself have also a server, and seriously I also ask for money (not active but on the messages of the day) for the simply reason, that I couldn't run it on my own.
But kicking and banning is against the rules... I really hope they get somehow stopped...
The problem has been fixed internally, and will be fixed on steam soon!
So it's fixed but only for the next update.
boah this is really weird :-/ and why it's happening only to you...? did you try with some other gun?
c'mon Colonel, I prefer such bugs than sneaking zombies^^
just tried to manually reset persistence ufter update of vilayer.
Cherno Police station with no loot at all, after reset there was one paper and a medical item, that's it. so something spawned, but I guess it's still not working how it should... but I think this should be a ticket by vilayer and not here:-/
yes I understand the idea, that when your gun is in your hand it isn't in the backpack. but still this is a problem, as you say that he drops the gun on the ground if there isn't any place...
yes I was wondering, why something disappeared of the ground, couldn't find it in the inventory. Later as I dropped the vest I found every Item that I thought it bugged away.
same here, didn't see one yet. But a friend told me he saw one. So eventually they are really low in spawning.
I had some berries and apples yesterday evening after update
they are playing the missing sounds from last version;-) I prefer having more noises than not at all.
Yes have this problem too. Battleeye doesn't like team Viewer but, I can start dayz even when TV runs in background
same with potatoes and tomatoes.
Got also killed (actually killed myself by a misuse of a landmine).
Before trying with it I striped everything on the ground. after death I walked again to my body, my body and 90% of the loot was gone. Only the backpack was there. clothes and armes where gone.
yes some are whitelisted, some are protected with a password and so on...
Things that even shouldn't be possible... I just ask me where they get their servers... On Vilayer I don't even have any of this options.
Thanks for both links. Guess these are quite good news. The Twitter Statement does only apply to Arma3, so in fact it's also nice to hear but nothing to do with DayZ imho.
But with the Forum some of the question here have been answered:)
try to wring 5-6 time to wring. of course when you do you should stay on a place where it's not wet
you have to empty your hands, as warcryr wrote. Some Patch ago you were able to wring out your clothes even when armed, but this bug has been fixed, so actually it should work when you have empty hands. Works for me anytime with empty hands.
Great and funny:)
Every Wednesday during patchday, the tents get wiped.
You receive a message off battleeye everytime you play...
okey then it would be cool, if you get "killed" by Infected human, that you think you die, but in fact you are unconscious and you come back as infected alive human.
the result is the same.
to fasten up, you forgot if, 1st or 3rd person server:)
I really guess your router or a firewall is closing a port or something like that...
confirm and add the issue hanging with it, that then the eating sound or drinking a soda sound is played twice
if it would be the game, everybody would have...
take out the mouse and plug in again. sometimes it happens, but when you press some keys or log out and in again its okey
and the truck bug is still reported and has nothing to do with the problem you had.
The Information if your problem is resolved by the parameters above would be much more appropriated and appreciated.
I was able between berenzino and solnichny to climb nearly on the top
Please write and upvote here, as it is already known and as a primary report.
Under User Interface you have to change the resolution
well I see the problem in trying to prevent this.
I also would like to be only able to use ingame communication, like ingame voice and or walkie talkie. that would be very interesting and immersive... but yeah.... I don't see how you could prevent this...
I had this problem too, for me it was a clean install of battle eye with newest Nvidia Update that helped out.
then why open a new ticket and not push the old one?
WEll if it's a public server we can't do anything about it...
The Log files are only for private server...
I will look into it. But we killed 2 deers
Me with a Mosin (2nd hit) and everything was right. My friend killed also a deer I'm not sure I think it was the shotgun with 6 shots but I am not sure. He killed the deer with the first shot and everything was okey with that
no, on every server you will get a BEC Message in Dark RED on the lower left side of your screen that tells you that every Wednesday Persistance object are wiped.
So if you want to keep your tents you have to take it with you every Wednesday. That's the only way to keep this items at the moment.
maybe you can check this ticket
well if it is a private server, since the newest update, they receive logs about kills totally legal. If you got banned from their server (so it is private) they know exaxctly who killed them, and who they killed, so they banned you
i think it's a pitty that only private server have received such logs.
It would be so usefull even on public server where most player usually play, and I guess where most cheater are... we don't have any power on the server...
confirm this one. Ate the sardines the way they were and became sick^^
it is a problem. Our server on vilayer sometimes acts the same, we have a public hive. You really have to wait, if the server gets stuck, I have to restart it manually again. Then it works.
I managed to change the frequenzy, but never was able to be heard by my mate...
yep its bugged, I guess they are working on it
imho this is correct how it works. Try to dark black your room. Try to turn on a flashlight, maybe of your handy. Keep it down in your hand = Room brightening up you can see better.
Now try to get your light near to your eyes = You wont see anything, 'cause everything will look black again even when the light is turned on
play hardcore or on server where only 1st person is enabled and you will be fine
Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree.
For the Badmins, they can also be reported on the dayz forum, and then their server is closed.
bad at least the number of hacker will go down very fast, and that is way better!
yes and get banned, because battle eye things you have a file on your pc and never get unbanned again?
Your idea is right don't get me wrong, but with Battle Eye inpossible to do
post it here please and upvote since is already acknowledged
the server should be offline right now 'cause of weekly maintenance, so the central hive is down, no zeds, no loot no save character... Strange that you can find server at all...
I didn't have any crashes, but I noticed that sometimes, after scheduled restarts, the Servertime is reset, so instead of night time it looks like the server time is set to 12:00
When I restart the server manually the time is set correct again to
try to get the startoption -dologs
THen you can upload here the crash log from dayz. That surely will help the devs...
Try it here, since we already have a big ticket about
zombies are dead a long time ago... they are cold even when walking around
on every server is not right, since on mine there is, and on many others too.
But if you encounter some which still have this problem, try to contact the admin, they should get in contact with the support, as during the update something went wrong with a file.
The support has to update it manually, the admin has to uninstall Persistence, reboot, shut down, reinstall persistence and then everything is fine again.
as always... If you get the message wait for host, just leave the server because it's not started yet. If you connect you receive a new character.
- I don't think Eyefinity is supportet at current state, since AMD Cards do have problems at the moment.
- What are you expecting with your hardware?
I have a 4770k @4ghz 2x GTX 780 SLI @ 1200/3300mhz
play on a 1440p Resolution and get about 15fps on cities. 40-50 on other places maxed out.
can you tell, how you did it? XD
jop same here... fire full clothed, and freezing...
same here, the solution was to get in the tent out of the rain, place the fire right in front of the tent door and ring everything out... without I was cooling off even when sitting in the fire...
the rule here is, if you have a wait for host message, just leave and search a new server.
yep it's this way since 0.51
Not really a bug, like Blues Adam and haco said before.
of course it's annoying to encounter hackers all the time, but hey it doesn't give somebody the right to be so rude. Everybody knew what he was especting when buying the game. Just wait until it's released when you can play this way.
Of course I am everytime angry when I get killed unfairly, but hey... Just respawn and start again, whining around won't help anybody, and I don't even talk to the hacker even if they laugh after killing you, just because they don't deserve my attention.
So let it be and wait... The devs are aware and working on it...
There is so much code that will be added in the next year that it's useless to close every hole now, because some will get closed automatically, and other will be opened... Guess only during the last few Beta weeks for release they will really be able to release a patch where will make hacking way more difficult
oh dear... again really?
As Foolee already said, there are sure some problems, but what here is descriped is just not true, please close here.
0.52 Stable it's also bugged, I edited the Game Version to 0.52 Stable
edit: Of course I mean Drown, thanks for notice it:)
It's not always easy when English isn't your main Language;-)
THe LRS looks always pristine, even when attached on the rifle, or did they fix this in 0.52?
word, nothing to add more than a like
Did you check the file from steam?
any error message?
any Logfiles that could help?
Try to reinstall?
Try downloading experimental and then redownload stable?
Maybe one of this points can help you
it works. the only thing that changed is that you can't hhold a thing in your hands and search. if you take away you melee or weapon it should work.
very lol :)
I was there today server time about 12:00 - 14:00
Didn't see those red lines:) The one with the Ufo let me laugh;-)
Anyway, i don't have it...
Win7 64bit
Nvidia GPU
- oh wait you wrote 0.52.
I don't have it on 0.51. I will might have a look at it in Experimental later
i don't think that the problem is of not spawning food, but more that things like books and Backpacks that are note picked up don't despawn.
So there are always more of this items, and food that is lootet very strong is hard to find.
activate in the start options -dologs
Then when the Game dumps, it generates a log file that you can upload here:)
why only 3 slot?? Buy a 20l canister and try to pack it in a backpack?!
even if a mountain backpack you will have really hard, and not much will have place in it after that...
I am mostly the same idea like you , but this time I disagree... Of course the 3Vs will receive a own container where you will be able to pack the canister, bur I don't think that it should be smaller than now.
As the devs said, the Truck is not persistent, so with every server reset, the trucks despawns and respawns in their spawn locations (not always on the same point)
the grass wrap has disappeared. you will have to search for nettings... and that won't be very easy...
Yep so do i, everytime we logout crash...
i will upload the dumpfiles
the wipe is already announced for the end of the year. But I don't know how it should help...
I searched for the last week and never found one piece... I walked from the Nord East down the coast and came in Karmenka and started again.. a whole week... Found nothing!
i checked about 200 boats and found only one time... there were 2 pieces but mhm...
yeah, i walked from cherno to behind balota, but still havent found one...
Experimental i found 3 in 10 Minutes...
Yeeah really good point.
Also the street at night are sometimes brightened from street lamps, so there is electricity. Maybe on the streets could be working red / green or yellow blinking traffic lights with some auto crashes :)
Immersion pure:)
I totally agree. we also have a server at vilayer, and if someone gives me a name and a location and precise time I report it to BEC. But it would be fine, if we already know who it is, to ban a name.
of course it sounds cool and great, but I really don't think the engine it's going to work with this features...
do you have msi afterburner, or the new version of EVGA Precision Tool?
My wife can't start the game if this tools are activated, even if with me it's not a problem at all.:-/
Guess this is intendet, since the car doesn't have a container to store loot, your gun will probably be thrown to the ground the moment you get in the car, like when you want to eat something.
But since the car was above the gun on the ground you didn't notice it.
actually I also found in 0.51 that the trees are looking a bit weird...
Momentanly I feel like the only dumps I receive is when closing the game, and sometimes when leaving a server...
But no Dumps for me ingame while playing for a while now.
Then i add a crash that just happened:)
Hello Andy and JStewart
Since very much Dumps are fixed, i think we can close here:)
Thanks for your help as always and keep going ;-)
Didn't know exactly which files you need, so I attached every file in it:)
shouldn't be to wrong:)
Yesterday we had less dumps, we could even fight against zeds again, thanks for that:)