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- User Since
- Jan 23 2014, 3:24 AM (579 w, 5 d)
May 11 2016
I just found a lootsplotion at NWAF in one of the tents. Also 3 helo crash sites at NWAF too which made it really weird. I was the only person on the server at the time.
On some servers the helis have been changing location every ten minutes or so, instead of the 4 hours it is supposed to be
I had this happen a couple of days ago. I set my kitted akm down to drink ( I did not use hotbar) and when I was done drinking I went to pick my akm up, and it was nowhere to be found. I ran back quite aways where I came from hoping it might have warped behind me but never found it. It never reappeared where I dropped it like this problem used to do.
I have had this happen to me three times now. First time was in Russian heli for cover and it was suddenly gone, almost getting me killed. Then on two other occasions American helis just disappeared while I was looting. One of the times there were two helis close to each other and both just poofed away and the smoke slowly went after that as well. mine was on 59 stable branch though
My combat knife went from pristine to damaged skinning one cow. Then went from damaged to ruined skinning one more cow.
I just found a lootsplotion at NWAF in one of the tents. Also 3 helo crash sites at NWAF too which made it really weird. I was the only person on the server at the time.
That was funny. I wish you had tried to drink it then relog just to see what happened. MMMMM, satisfying and tasty tents.
If you read the status reports that are put out quite frequently you will find your answer.
restarts no longer flip them back over because of persistence. After the set amount of time being left alone, it will be reset to a spawn location again.
I have found 2 per server sometimes, but never all 3. Most of the time only one per server though. And 90 % of the time it is a Russian helo.
read the devblog. there are no zombies atm for a reason
Maybe if you put a quote from the TOS so we know what you are talking about. From reading the TOS I really don't see where you are getting that they can't watch a video of you to kill you. Twitch is not a third party program that alters the game to hack.
How was the door locked? You walked out the front door and got shot. Door was wide open. And he never said he used hacks. he said he stream sniped. That is not hacking. It is against the rules to use third party programs to cheat, but I am not sure how much cheating it is when you openly broadcast what you are doing to the world. Do I think it is wrong, yes. Is this hacking or cheating, not in my opinion when you just openly broadcast a stream like this. You got trolled. It happens to every twitch user at some point. get over it.
I had a very similar issue the other day but with 0.57. I had a mosin in my hands and climbed into a guard tower. It dropped the mosin on the ground as it should and was there visibly and I could see it when I hit tab as well but could not interact with it. I rejoined the server hoping I could pick it up, but it was gone. I was the only person on the server.
If you don't like this, then only play on private shard servers. There are plenty of them out there.
You can also fix this without having to relog. Just eat or drink something and then you can use ure hands again.
I agree with OnionOfSHame and I love DiGiaComTech's idea to make this server dependent. Maybe you could also meet your friends half way in a different town so it wont take so long to meet them. Or get a truck and have one pick you up. We all want to play with our friends but just running and gunning in Elektro is not the point of this game. Not to be one of these people, but maybe you should play CoD instead.
sounds like you got sniped by a silenced weapon
I am still getting a new character every time I log into a server. I have yet to get any character back.
I had a similar problem with the longhorn but on 57. I had it in inventory and started to pick up some medical supplies. As I did this the longhorn disappeared from inventory but was still in the hotbar. When I pressed the hotbar button it equipped it in my hands. When I pressed the hotbar button again it dropped it on the ground.
I added 4 pictures. If you stand right at the wood walkway and look across the road at the treeline, there is a knotch in the hill where the orange trees are. Not far up in the knotch is one orange tree which the roots are mostly out of the ground. If you happen to be above it and slide down into the tree, you will get stuck for a bit, then it will shoot you out so fast you hit the train tracks and get thrown into the air and land on the road and die. I know it is not a big issue, but thank you for your time.
I can confirm the SVD is spawning. I just killed a guy and took one off his body.
I have found no M4's as well. Plenty of Augs. I have also found no AK style weapons at all either.
I just had the weapon drop bug while jumping a fence as well. It dropped my gun on the ground and had top re log to put things in my hands. I'm just happy nobody else was around.
This was due to either high ping or bad desync. You will not get your stuff back when this happens
This ticket can be closed. It was a server host issue with GameServer in my area and has been fixed.
Nope. Just a cooking pot. already looked in it and it was full of beans.
This happens sometimes. Usually if you go outside the building for about 5 seconds and then go back in you can pick up the problem items.
I have this problem right now but not on experimental. It is a normal private hive server. There is nothing. I made it from Berezino, to Dubrovka, to Gorka, to Polana, to Shakhova, to Guglovo, to Novy Sobor eating apples and berries before dying of starvation. There was NO LOOT. and I mean nothing. No food, no clothes, not even useless items like wrenches and hammers. Not even boots. Nothing.
It's not that I didn't know what you meant, I did, it's just that saying "Beartrap into hands bug" and nothing else with no other information and assuming that they know what you mean does not help. And if they do know what you mean, then adding another ticket for one that already exists doesn't make sense.
What is the bug. You didn't describe the bug. What is happening when you take the bear trap into your hands? This might help get the problem fixed.
This one happens to me all the time. I have learned to carry an extra pair of boots because of this.
Have you tried building a fire? You might just be cold. Or if you ate human meat this can happen as well. But by the video it looks like you are just cold and it is not telling you.
It might be the ramdisk thing in a way. I had steam on a portable SSD and got VAC banned. It took me forever talking to them to finally get a nice person that said I was banned because I logged on from too many IP addresses too fast for them to think I was not a hacker. I was in school and had to keep moving computers. So if your ramdisk may in part be the cause if you are using it and changing computers quite often.
I f you would read the dev blog you would know that the loot thing was unintended. The devs listen to what we say and take some of our advice. But there is also an endgame that the devs are trying to reach and the users don't know every detail of that. And please don't compare this to 9/11. That was just wrong and ignorant.
It took me a while but I found two blaze rifles. Both were in outhouses. The rest in you list I have not found since 0.55
I noticed the same thing. I also cannot find cooking tripods either.
I logged in to be right where a v3s was. This forced the v3s underground and then back up shooting me in the air killing me. Bye bye M4 and so much gear. that guy had been alive for about 3 weeks. Trying hard like you not to dwell on it but still annoyed.
This also happens if you hit too many zombies.
Some would say doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is call insanity.You keep trying to play the same was you were before and it didn't work. Time to switch strategies like I have. Learn whey buildings you can shoot through, learn how to 360 melee HS. Or take the easy way and lock yourself in a building. zeds will go away after 10 seconds. The mechanic is not broken. It is working as designed. Some CHANGES to the mechanic may be needed later, as they keep doing. If you doubt me get in and I will give you my mp5 and show you how its done. i am using a revolver right now and can 2 shot kill any zombie, or 1 to the head
They don't run at the speed of light. They run at the same speed you sprint at. So I guess you also think that you should run slower. And we are not talking about movies here. There is nothing to accurately base off of what a "real" zombie would do. If you wanted to go with movies, then we should base it off of the first movies with zombies where all they do is kinda shuffle around so slow a crawling baby could get away. And dispatching them is not hard. I can still hit them in the head one shot with fire axe or any gun and kill them. I used a trumpet earlier today and shot several zombies in the head and killed them in one shot and that's just a 22. We should not have to say this, but this game is Alpha. That means changes happen. This is not the first time they have made changes to how the zombies react and their speed.
The point of the game is to survive zombies and people. With the zombies like this, it is more of a challenge and to me makes the game far better.
I too found this funny. What was even better was when I placed the wood in the fireplace as you would an item to cook and it got ruined and then I tried to put in in the fire to burn and it wouldn't.
I like this idea since it is more realistic and true to life. And after crafting is added you could mode the straight bolt to a bent one that would break after a while, but after you bend it you could add pu scope or LR scope
Multiple posts for the same problem are not needed. Please stop wasting the Devs time.
Multiple posts for the same problem are not needed. Please stop wasting the Devs time.
It might help you to get an answer if they knew who your friend was to look up why he was banned. If they don't know who to look up, then they will delete this ticket. Steam ID is a good way to let them know
This happens when you drive the v3s under water and get out. After a while it will appear on top of the water but as happened with you, when you go near it, it falls back to the bottom of the water. You are correct that they do not spawn there.
Finally got out. Had to relog many many times. Please disregard.
I did both updates and Dayz will still not open. Tried restarting steam and verifying game files and still cant open dayz
UPDATE: I went to the folder steamapps>common>dayz> and opened the dayz executable from there and dayz opened after 2 minutes. from then on the dayz icon on desktop has worked to open dayz
I just had a V3S glitch underground. I logged off and then back on and it stayed at please wait forever then finally said my character has been lost and it notified a system admin. Please re log. Upon re logging it loaded me a new character. wtf mate. hours of work gone because I bumped into a sign going about 10 khp
Happened to me today. I just had a V3S glitch underground. I logged off and then back on and it stayed at please wait forever then finally said my character has been lost and it notified a system admin. Please re log. Upon re logging it loaded me a new character. wtf mate. hours of work gone because I bumped into a sign going about 10 khp
Satandalone has not been around for 5 years. It was released in December of 2013 so saying 5 years is ridiculous. Unless you add in the time the mod has been around.I don't care if you don't play mod. Maybe you should play Minecraft. It is more of your style. Less thinking involved.
Buying an unfinished game then complaining. Sounds like you should go back to arma III or CoD. And learn to speak English. Your grammar is terrible. And 300+ hours is not a lot for this game. Most of us have over 1000 hours with standalone not to mention all the hours in the mod.
I thought this was just a freak accident that happened to me. The exact same thing happened after I hit a fence and got my truck stuck. Turned the engine off, opened door, clicked get out and BAM, you are dead. Went back and no body there but a truck on top of a truck right where I died.
wouldn't this in real life get you very sick since there was fuel in the jerry can originally? I realize this has nothing to do with the original problem but I would think you would not want to do this in the first place
never mind. glitched myself out. you can close the ticket.
hey joe, go back to the forums and stay there. this is the place to ask for features. That is why for the category you can click on feature request.
"public server"
how is this public? just because there is no whitelist or password required? it says no enter. that means DO NOT JOIN THIS SERVER
also it is a privately owned server which means they can kick you if they want for no reason
And sometimes the vehicle is there too as was in my case a couple of times.
when you made this ticket, for the category, you should have selected "player stuck"
Waaaaaa I clicked agree but still want to complain all the time. Be nice and maybe things will get fixed. this is why this is an ALPHA game. This is the kind of stuff they try to fix in alpha games so when it is ready for mainstream sales it doesn't happen. You know the game has problems yet you just wine like a baby and don't want to help. Go back to sucking your moms tits and get of you puter man. Or better yet learn to code and get a job and fix the problem yourself since you seem to think it is so easy to do.
also if you hit a guard rail going really slow it still flips you over and gets stuck
go to steam library, go to dayz properties, click local files tab, and verify integrity of game cache. this usually fixes this
you need to cut 2 burlap sacks into strips and combine them with 1 netting to make the new gun wrap
stop making fifty million tickets about the same thing
stop making fifty million tickets about the same thing
stop making fifty million tickets about the same thing
Learn some proper grammar man. I wanted to shoot myself trying to read this.
stop wasting the devs time...
stop wasting the devs time...
stop wasting the devs time...
stop wasting the devs time...
Same as issues 20286, 20223, 20165, and 20246.
same as issues 20239, 20052, and 20257
you cant find stone knives. you have to make them. Search the ground for a small stone. hen you get it put it in your hand and look at where you found the stone. There will be an option to make stone knife.
i have found amphibia mags but never the gun