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Too many Items deleted
Closed, ResolvedPublic


now on the end of the year i was VERY unhappy with DayZ.
First my tent was deleted on persistence. But its okay. It was Wendsday.
But there was two complete MP5 with arcoc and 30er mag deleted out of my vest on my Body. I think it could be because it was the 6st vest layer. But how should i get all my stuff out of my tent? And no massage that my vests + MP5 will be deleted also!?!
Then i would like to search for new MP5s and then a vest with granates (pl.) and my first aid back was deleted by new order of my backpack. WTF!!!
Now after searching i look in my yellow box and my last 30er mag was deleted out of the box. And no, we were all the time alone on the Server. So no hacker. We locked the Server.
You you kidding me by deleting all my stuff? This is a loot game and if realy not okay if all my stuff will be deleted all the time by the game.
So now the next year will come and: FIX THIS BULLSHIT of deleting all the time the items out of my inventory! How many hours will be lost by this Trainee code!?! Yes... this will make my angry.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Play dayZ and try to save your loot versus this game!?! You Need no opponents.

Additional Information

Steam Version 2014-12-31

Event Timeline

Bohemia edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Dec 31 2014, 9:58 PM
Bohemia edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Bohemia set Category to category:items.
Bohemia set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
Bohemia set Severity to None.
Bohemia set Resolution to Duplicate.
Bohemia set Legacy ID to 1033819543.May 8 2016, 9:07 PM

Learn some proper grammar man. I wanted to shoot myself trying to read this.

Bohemia added a subscriber: Bohemia.May 8 2016, 9:07 PM

heirfuhrer: Thanks for your comment. This will get us further. And also the Content depents on the text.
So please, do it! Thanks, shoot yourself

This is alpha as you clicked 'I understand' to.

You can and should expect your stuff to disappear from time to time as they make changes, up to and including your entire character. These guys are working hard, and don't need this type of stupid ticket clogging up the queue. Your message is simply ranting, quite rude and not even comprehensible. I would hope and expect they close this ticket without further action on their part due to your douche baggery.

So, k bye!

hey haroldstoneworthy,
i tested dayZ now over 1000 hours (transform it in monay (1300 hours * 18€/h = 23400€ NETTO)) and posted (i think so) more bugs, glitshes, damn cheating sides, graphic error as you or your guy posted before in this ticked to help the devs to make this game playable.
We all know that this is an Alpha so we test this bugs, glitshes etc to Close them.
So over 1000h i know whats pssible about bugs etc.
But the most bugs are VERY old or came back with update.
But you are not able to test and Play if your stuff get deleted be no real reason.
And stuff get deleted by now order of your backpack IS A BUG -.- It is an very old bug btw.
Deleted Stuff from the 6st layer (without any warning) is also a bug.
Btw haroldstoneworthy: Your only ticked you help was "you stuck in a house". So this is only for yourself and no help for other Players by posting real bugs.

Yes i was stuck in a house and needed support, your point? That doesn't change the fact that your comments were not comprehensible and very rude. If this is how you provide feedback to the devs, its no small wonder that issues you have reported have not been addressed yet.

Also, if you are saying that your level of feedback is worth 18 euros/hour, you are incorrect. In fact if you were under my employ as a software tester and you began behaving in this way I would fire you on the spot.

Hello again nerobp,

I'm sorry, but at this point we'll have to let go of your participation on the Feedback Tracker.

While we do appreciate players being passionate about the project and the development of the game, we do not at all appreciate comments like "So now the next year will come and: FIX THIS BULLSHIT of deleting all the time the items out of my inventory! How many hours will be lost by this Trainee code!?!". Especially not on a subject that has already been filed several times before.

"But the most bugs are VERY old or came back with update." - This is not at all uncommon during development.

"But you are not able to test and Play if your stuff get deleted be no real reason." - Loot is not difficult to get hold of and testing is not necessarily limited to just items.

"And stuff get deleted by now order of your backpack IS A BUG -.- It is an very old bug btw." - No argument here. However, there is no reason to deliberately file a duplicate ticket on a known issue.

"Deleted Stuff from the 6st layer (without any warning) is also a bug." - This is not a seperate bug. Once the bug related to stacking clothing inside other clothing is fixed, this would no longer be an issue. Also, deliberately exploiting broken game mechanics in order to gain an ingame advantage will not be tolerated.

"heirfuhrer: Thanks for your comment. This will get us further. And also the Content depents on the text. So please, do it! Thanks, shoot yourself" - Comments like these towards other users on the Feedback Tracker will not at all be accepted. The Feedback Tracker is not to be used as a forum and verbal attacks on other users will not be tolerated.

Again, we thank you very much for your previous participation in testing, but for now it is time to part ways.

If in the future you have any kind of support related issues (stuck characters for example), please feel free to submit your requests to the following email address: [email protected]

Ticket closed as duplicate of #14583 and #8070

Kind regards,