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- Mar 6 2013, 5:02 PM (628 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
Fast roping is already confirmed, just not in yet.
After reading everything on Dslyecxi's page I really would love to see every single feature he talked about. It is all possible even at this stage of development! Come on BIS let the community help the game!
@thebigj do not insult him on the tracker, its not what it is for besides using the term "bambi" makes you sound very young as well.
Again with the goddamn mod excuse, YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE TO MOD AS MUCH AS YOU DO ON ARMA 3, THAT MUCH CONTENT SHOULD BE IN THE BASE GAME, for example magazine repacking is a friggin mod WHY IS IT NO IN A MILITARY SIMULATOR?! Good points good sir and I agree with most of them.
No AD to be fair it is an excuse, he can spell better that a lot of other English people nowadays.
Duplicate post.
What do you mean? Where have ACE said they are not doing a mod because from my knowledge, they are.
Yes, THIS!
Yeah, give them another idea on how to make more money from you. You want ARMA 2 stuff then play ARMA 2, You wont have the stance system (unless you download SMK's animations) or some badly done physics elements but mods make up for everything else.
Because it is ARMA 3.
No it does support it, I think the same way A2 supported it and the water is just a object which you can elevate, etc.
Yeah, typical BI just letting modders finish their game.
I also have an issue where if you fly over Altis the terrain loads slowly, even with high view distance and it is definitely not my PC, It is ARMA. And by slowly I mean the land appears but it is just sand and no buildings or foliage, etc.
I'm sorry you are a fool.
Also @Lambduck you do know that the Alpha was meant to be about infantry hence why all the vehicles were brought into Beta to fix those too.
Really @gutsnav because the last beta release only involves UAV's so I have no idea where you heard that.
Its true the Damage Model/Realistic Armor Simulation is bad right now it does not work how it should.
Wind is in ARMA, it always has been but it never really affected anything it does direct smoke and I think water but not on bullet ballistics but it may have changed for A3 I have not noticed.
No no he means where is it in the Animation Viewer, and as far as I know it was the same animation used in VBS2 which is different to DayZ's.
So far it looks like the DayZ Standalone is seeing and getting many of the features people have requested for the ARMA series since OFP which is just rage inducing.
I am pretty confident I saw it back in Alpha?
Thanks for mentioning the diver drop ProGamer and also I did check out your mod but it would be nice for it just to be included in the main game.
What not the running vault that is already in the games animation files?
It looks like the second one as far as I recall I may be wrong.
Let me just make this clear so certain foolish people do not misunderstand, I am not asking for this game to become DayZ I just hate it how features are being added to it which ARMA 3 could use.
Hell yes, we need this and on another note that last picture of the dog with its limbs stretched out like that is ridiculously dangerous because there is the worry of ripping their heart in two ; _ ;
Fast roping is already confirmed, research before you post.
I still do not know why this was voted down? it is real technology and it is used inside of vehicles and even the fact that I have to mention this saddens me but it is not overpowered at all.
I was thinking he may have came from being a DayZ player but I was not sure.
What? You are a fool, how would it turn into CoD if I wanted to add a real piece of technology military's use today. You sound like someone new to the ARMA series. It is a lot easier to actually look at a map inside the vehicle in first person mode than having to open the map up yourself which causes the vehicle to stop. Also if you play on Expert like I normally do then friendly units or enemies are not shown so they would only be shown inside a vehicle.
This is getting damn annoying now how everyone keeps saying "Oh you can do this and this with mods so the DEV's do not need to worry" sometimes the features people ask for should be in the game already without having to mod like shooting out of vehicles and other times like the people I play with, trying to convince them to get more mods is just a hassle and it would be nice if they simply brought the map over anyway.
I would not care if they were the same from A2, as long as they were there and stuff like the weapons were customizable like the current ones.
In real life after you use a weapon enough you get a rough idea of where your weapon is pointing, shooting shotguns and air rifles which offer a good enough weight makes me support that and it is the best way to replicate that but I do agree that if people want to turn it off, let them.
Yeah I had this when I dropped divers off of the MH-9, I made a post on here about it: 0011786. Then again as far as I am aware the engine died instead.
I would really like the ability to use binoculars when turn't out.
Agreed, possibly just make the spectactor cam which use to be the bird instead become splendid cam?
Something tells me that ARMA 3 is going downhill. It is worrying that a simple feature like this is already in previous games and as far as I know the animations are in already yet still not implemented.
Screw if it is not futuristic enough, t'is a beautiful helicopter.
I would like to see most of the animations you/others requested and yeah the Vehicle Entering animations are not that bad.
Blackout from G-Forces in ACE was incredibly annoying, for once it is a part of the realism I strongly disagree with.
This is a duplicate of my ticket good sir. ID=11141
I mainly upvoted this because even though there will be more vehicles I know already, I REALLY WANT a Police Car with working sirens so I can make a certain video.
FIXED - Can a moderator or someone with the power close it?
Sort of but this is separate software.
Yep getting the same issue, also problems with TrackIR where the body now moves not the head.
It would be nice but it would severely cripple performance.
Second, this was poorly requested and already asked about 90 times so do check before posting.
It was just an animation from ARMA 1
Give the Officer a classic M1911A1 just to make him look well classic!
I have already requested the camo/dye changing.
This is not needed, Fastroping has already been confirmed.
The confirmed features list?
The issue I have is placing waypoints there, for example if I set 2 way points and make the last one a cycle way point instead he will run on the opposite side of the road I told him too then stand still when he gets to the end and spin around for about 5-10 seconds before looping back.
Exactly, If the animations are in then do it! but I do think it is already planned hence why other vehicles are getting animated doors added.
Yes, YES, YAAAAAS! I would love to be able to down the ramp on the Merlin and walk inside (Possibly linking to the post about standing in moving vehicles like cargo helis and planes!)
I do STRESS that the ability to change from the new one handed to the two hands on weapon with Tactical Pace key would be incredibly nice.
My point is, they should bring back the A2 one and have the ability to toggle between them with tactical pace.
No that is a awful idea!
Also thanks for whoever linked the pictures.
Exactly but I would still like to have the current ones just to add some variation, possibly add a little less swag to the walk.
I also have an issue where there is no option to close the back left door.
Hell yes, it will make playing a medic actually enjoyable rather than a rifleman just being able to do more healing.
It should implement a LAND WARRIOR esque system though.
You can say mods can do that but we should not have to mod if, if any thing bring over the ArmA 2 weapons and update them for the weapon modifying which surely would not be that hard to do and it would be good if an insurgent faction or faction which is meant to be poor or something to have them using old weaponry. Like the Takistani's using Lee Enfields, etc.
What are you talking about, it can't be done without engine support of course it can? Night Vision is already in you simply remake it except with the Thermal effect.
It does not matter anyway, the highest voted feature requests have note even seen a test so it is becoming useless to ask. Apparently the new wastelander players get their hidden player name or some shit. Yet the loyal ARMA veterans playing since OFP don't get a basic running vault even though the animations are in game. Seriously BI it is getting stupid now I can feel a slight bit of mainstream creeping in and it is worrying!
The LAND WARRIOR system should definitely be in no doubt about it.
It's not stupid at all I thought every vehicle would have incorporated something along the lines of the Blue force Trackers for ViaSat shown here :
Wait, they are not planning on making the interiors? My hopes for this game are getting lower and lower.
I have a feeling the lack of 3D interior on the current APC's are just temporary or they better be.
It would also be nice to have VBS2 features like the ability to drive a truck onto boat transport and do beach assaults or if they were added take them from air craft carriers like shown here:
Actually bullets can rip you down as well as the shock from a plate carrier getting hit with a high force.
I do have a post about Clothing, Weapon and Vehicle dying and camoing and one of the ideas I posted was adding grass to helmets which was in a screenshot of A3 so I do agree.
By the way guys just like p00d73 said, Blufor/Nato does not mean US Army.
I definitely agree that the animation for building destruction could use some work, just simply like Blastcore FX's for ARMA 2 where chunks of building fly out but they are not physical they are just large particle effects.
After reading everything on Dslyecxi's page I really would love to see every single feature he talked about. It is all possible even at this stage of development! Come on BIS let the community help the game!
@thebigj do not insult him on the tracker, its not what it is for besides using the term "bambi" makes you sound very young as well.
Just remember Goose he is using Blastcore FX.
Oh I agree with smaller explosives and having things like detonating cord, etc.
If this was the case they would most likely have to re-make both maps entirely with new higher destructive count buildings, sorry I do not see something like this happening, If they did do this it would take up valuable time in which 10 or so more features could be implemented.
I would love this game to have the Antanov Mod from ARMA 2's style of vehicle loading, I.E. nearly any vehicle which fits can be driven in the back of a cargo plane or helicopter, loaded up and flown somewhere then unloaded and especially having the feature of dropping it mid air! Hell yes upvoting.
I do have two pictures but it only let me upload one.