i noticed that when u spawn a blufor officer... his HAT! has NV attached like a helmet would do.
surely this guy wouldnt have NV on his head with a cap??
i noticed that when u spawn a blufor officer... his HAT! has NV attached like a helmet would do.
surely this guy wouldnt have NV on his head with a cap??
go to editor
place officer
i think it looks wierd, the whole outfit looks odd... officers should have a pistol or a SMG
stupid question:
is an "officer" never a fighting unit? if he isn't a fighting unit, he really would not need nvg and assault rifle. pistol or smg would be enough.
Officers in A2 where just fancy Drill instructors. Now they look like some soldier ofduty hybride...
Mass closing ancient tickets with no activity for > 12 months; assume fixed or too trivial.
If this issue is still relevant in current dev build, please re-post.