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- User Since
- Aug 5 2013, 11:51 AM (607 w, 22 h)
May 11 2016
Was an issue with a particular build. Was fixed
Was a temporary issue
Fixed right after christmas
This was recently fixed. The tolerance was too low.
Was a temporary version issue.
Fixed. There was a long standing issue which caused a freeze only in that particular location. The root cause was found and fixed. This likely fixed a few other bugs too.
Done, will be in the next update
Yes, definitely agreed. It gets confusing. Will add.
Was added :)
Joystick support has been overhauled and thus resolves this issue.
Firstly, refrain from swearing or you will be banned. Secondly, an issue with steam has nothing to do with Take On Mars. I will restate that the game is still in early access at this point and that there are many issues that will eventually be fixed. We are a small team, so issues take time to solve.
Closing the issue as evidently there is no issue on our end.
Hi, sorry but I'm not sure I completely understand the problem. Is it that the power plant achievement does not work? Or that it is set at too high a value to achieve? If the latter, then that is because it will be possible to complete in the manned section, where you generate much more power.
This is no longer an issue since the addon has been changed. It should no longer re-flip at the moment
That is only what it appears like - the shadows are not perfect, and hence do not start at exactly the edge of the object, making it appear to be floating.
Yes, that would be desirable, added to the todo list. Cheers
Fixed, will be in today's dev build
Cheers for the report, just fixed the bug. Will be available in tonight's dev build.
Fixed a long while back, but the new notifications system resolves this issue. Popups are no longer used.
Fixed and should be available in today's build. The issue was that they tried to very precisely land at their target location.
Fixed, will be in next build.
fixed some time back
Yeah, annoying, fixed. Available in today's upcoming build
Nice catch! Fixed, will be available in today's upcoming build.
Colliders were implemented a while back :)
Yes, definitely true.
Changed colors, fixed. Available in today's upcoming build.
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Fixed today
resolved this issue, was caused by a new function which in certain circumstances could throw a NULL pointer (causing the crash).
Fixed, a new dev version will be up soon.
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Fixed several versions ago.
Cheers for the report. Tried it myself and it appears to be an issue. Assigned to myself.
Fixed, good old Ruda raised the height a little, enough to stop it from colliding so problematically. It should be already available.
Ouch, that's nasty. Found the issue and fixed it, available in tomorrow's development build.
Hi, that is an unpleasant error. Practically no info from it.
Could you please try running TKOM windowed? You can do this by opening the following file in a text editor:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\YOUR STEAM ID\244030\local\ccsettings.xml
Then change:
Please let me know if it helps.
Glad the issue resolved itself :)
Fear not, future plans involve introducing certain things which generate a lot of power. Additionally, once power simulation is not tied to being in the location, this achievement will be easy.
Fixed, now it is taken into account. Available in today's upcoming build
Yes, I very much agree. I personally am in favor of having it indicate that keys are doubly mapped, but let you do it anyway, for example.
Yes, this is planned
Unfortunately this would completely change the idea of the Real Time mode and the intended difficulties associated with it, so this will not be changing. For those who want to change time, Game Time will allow this.
Parts quality has been removed as it is not required
Should be fixed in today's upcoming build
Tested this and it occurs. Will need to address this.
Fixed, found the bug, easy fix. It will be in the next development build
Those are good suggestions. Definitely taken into consideration, hopefully to be implemented soon.
Good idea, never occurred to me that colordblind players could have such a problem. I will add an option to make them non-transparent to help you guys out.
Hmm, did this happen only once or is there a way to repeat it?
Could you please try this again if it is still an issue?
Yes, definitely desired and now planned.
That looks damn nasty. Could you please try the following and see if any of it helps?
a) Change the 3D resolution slider from 1x to something else in the options menu
b) Change the normal resolution from 1920x1080 or what you have to some other value
c) Turn off aero theme in windows
If none of these help then we'll try something else. But please let me know if these helped in any way.
Already implemented a few days ago :)
Check the NAV tab, at the bottom you will see a button which says CONNECT. This connects you to an areostationary satellite, which is a satellite in a synchronous orbit with Mars above the said location. Using this satellite you can zoom in on your vehicle and anywhere in the map to great detail. Enjoy!
The old part failure system has been removed, so this will not re-occur. Additionally the airbag system was tweaked a little, and is a little more bouncy :)
Actually this is already the case. Try aiming the laser at a camera and do 2 analyses of it. You will see it breaks the camera. It will not do damage to "tough" objects such as wheels, arms and so on.
Fixed in today's version
Fixed, panels now fold up and must be unfolded after landing. Available in today's upcoming build
Yes it is disturbing, though low in priority due to the purely visual nature of the issue and the amount of work that will be needed to address it (animate the solar panels)
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Hopefully will be fixed soon
Could you please retry this? This should not be a problem any more
Thanks for the note Bardosy, there must have been several changes in the past which fixed it.
With the addition of steam workshop related things, deleting your own presets has been added, as well as sharing them on steam!
Drivers did it it seems :)
Fixed a while ago, but added a new camera to the descent stage, so that you can at least see that.
Done. In today's upcoming build
Added an indication of what instruments can complete what tasks - the task has it written on itself in the map (Mission Details)
Available in today's upcoming dev build
Yep that's a bug, cheers for the report. It should only drag on the floor if damaged, but not get stuck to the floor.
Most probably due to the problem with the 3D resolution slider - try changing it in the options menu from 1x, and please let me know if it helps
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Interesting idea. Obviously should be very very rare, but meteorite impacts on Mars are relatively common. On Earth they occur daily, but most burn up in the atmosphere.
The mouse cursor disappears in the control room if you give it input from a gamepad or keyboard. I have adjusted it now to only use the gamepad or mouse, so that should solve the issue.
Please try tomorrow's development build once it is available and see if the problem persists.
Great, glad the issue can be resolved for now. I'm closing this to avoid build of of issues, as the joystick controls/pedal controls will be sorted separately.
already bouncy :)
Well today we increased the size of the airbag collider, meaning more bounce :) Next we will increase drop height, so you will be waiting a while before the bounce-mania stops :)
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Fixed btw :)
The legs have been replaced with fixed ones, issue fixed
We actually tried different sizes but this was the only size that meant you could actually see them orbiting, yet did not distract your view of the globe.
I agree with the shadows but those cannot be changed, only switched off, as they are generated from the model itself.
Either way, thanks for the report!
Ok cheers, will look into it again
In today's development build this should be fixed. The options menu setting now affects the vertical axis.
Joystick support was overhauled, this issue is thus resolved.
After careful evaluation, the system will be re-worked, this means it will not work in the way it does now. More info soon, though this will be addressed come next month.
Implemented as stated.
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My apologies. Just added the dev build to the project choices
Just to note, you have access to the development build, it is accessed via:
Hmm, looking at that part of the code, it appears it was trying to create the render screenshot, but probably was not able to.
Is this happening with every photo you try to take or only in a specific circumstance?
Also, are you running Steam with reduced rights? Perhaps try running Take On Mars with admin rights to see if that helps.
Please let me know on the result.
Solar panels now recharge according to incident light angle. Chemical batteries are just that - chemical and cannot be recharged. They are one use. The vehicle itself always has internal, rechargeable batteries.
Available in today's upcoming build
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No longer an issue, the part failure system is being overhauled.
Does this still occur? The old part failure system was completely removed, so this should not pose an issue anymore. The new part failure system will be a little more intelligent.
We will gladly adjust the values, but I would first like to know some things:
a) Is it happening directly after landing with no apparent impact?
b) Is it happening after many impacts into rocks and so on?
c) How far do you roughly drive before the issue crops up?
Please provide the information above. We are planning on introducing difficulty levels, so damage level will be part of it.
this was implemented some time ago
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Fixed the issue. Will be available in today's development build and in the next major update.
Development build may be accessed through:
To confirm whether the issue has been addressed in the build, check the change log, accessed in the main menu using the "View Change Log" button at the bottom right of the screen, there you will see a list of addressed issues and their feedback tracker ID number on the right.
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The issue was already fixed and will be available in today's development build and in the next major update.
Development build may be accessed through:
To confirm whether the issue has been addressed in the build, check the change log, accessed in the main menu using the "View Change Log" button at the bottom right of the screen, there you will see a list of addressed issues and their feedback tracker ID number on the right.
I would kindly ask if you could upload you savegames, then I could load it up and check what is going on.
Save game data is found here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\49738971\244030\local\USERNAME
...where USERNAME is you windows login name. Before zipping and uploading, please delete a folder inside that:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\49738971\244030\local\USERNAME\savedata
(this will reduce files size significantly as photos you take are in that folder)
Finally found the problem - the game in game data was packed, which it must not be. This should be fixed in today's development build, eta about 2 hours.
Are you using the development build or the standard build?
Development build may be accessed through:
If so, please try today's development build, available in approximately 2 hours. Hopefully the issue will have been solved there.
Great, glad the problem is solved. The 3D resolution bug is a separate issue, handled elsewhere, so closing here.
Fixed the issue, airbags left to bounce a little more, then deflate more slowly. Will be available in today's development build and in the next major update.
Development build may be accessed through:
Very strange, would you please upload the crash.log, found in your userdata (mine is here):
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\49738971\244030\local