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Crash On Disconnect
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When "disconnecting" from a vehicle and returning to Mission Control, the game will crash.

This began as a random occurrence --crashing in one instance but then behaving normally once the game was restarted and the same steps were followed. However, now I get the crash whenever I disconnect from a vehicle and the Mission Control screen is attempting to load.

If it helps, I have uploaded a short video of the crash to YouTube: {F33157}


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Disconnect from vehicle and return to Mission Control.

Additional Information

This is a transcript of the error notice given after a crash.

Unhandled Exception

Program:...s\Steam\steamapps\common\Take On Mars\TKOM.exe
Reason: Access violation. Illegal red by 1015b4de at 1bbe4000

[enf::MeshObject::PrepareMatrices]: ??? addr:0x1015b4de
[enf::MeshObject::RenderLOD]: ??? addr:0x1014b217
[enf::MeshObject::RenderGroup\: ??? addr:0x1014c0bf
[enf::World:RenderEntities]: ??? addr:0x100c8a80
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x004b2eb0
SymGetSymFromAddr:487, addr:0x0041d088
SymGetSymFromAddr:126, addr:0x25ff004a
SymGetSymFromAddr:126, addr:0x3603adfa
SymGetSymFromAddr:126, addr:0x3603adfa

Event Timeline

Netherwulf edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Netherwulf set Category to category:bugs.
Netherwulf set Reproducibility to Always.
Netherwulf set Severity to None.
Netherwulf set Resolution to Open.
Netherwulf set Legacy ID to 1114162787.May 9 2016, 9:49 AM
Dram added a comment.Aug 6 2013, 2:25 PM

Very strange, would you please upload the crash.log, found in your userdata (mine is here):
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\49738971\244030\local

Bohemia added a subscriber: Bohemia.May 9 2016, 9:49 AM

Hi guys. This old bug still occurs, in version 0.9.0107:39176

I've uploaded my own crash log "NEW crash.log"

This bug keep reappearing, preventing me from playing the campaign.

Does not occur in survival or MP modes.

Repro 100%, meaning that it will occur in each and every playthrough campaign within launchging the fiorst 6 probes or so. Does not mean taht each and every probe disconnection will cause a crash, but its bound to happen within the first few probes sent.