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colours inverted on exit or alt+tab
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When exiting the game, or alt+tab out of game, all my screen colours are inverted.

On exit: ctrl+alt+del, open task manager, colours return to normal, close task manager with no changes.
On alt+tab: colours inverted, return to game, colours return to normal. Haven't tried ctrl+alt+del after alt+tab, I assume it would fix it like when I exit.

Whenever I pasted screenshots into msPaint the pasted pic had normal colours, so included pic is photo of screen taken from phone (apologies for flash flare in middle of pic)


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Exit game, or alt+tab out -> colours inverted.
Ctrl+alt+del then cancel -> colours return to normal.

Event Timeline

Bohemia added a project: Restricted Project.May 9 2016, 9:51 AM
munki edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Aug 11 2013, 8:18 AM
munki set Category to category:bugs.
munki set Reproducibility to Always.
munki set Severity to None.
munki set Resolution to Fixed.
munki set Legacy ID to 775059949.May 9 2016, 9:51 AM

Can you please attach a dxdiag report of your computer for checking (no sensitive personal information will be collected):

  1. Open the Start menu.
  2. In Windows XP, click on 'Run'. In Vista/7, continue to step 3.
  3. Type 'dxdiag' (without the quotes).
  4. Press Enter.
  5. In dxdiag window, click on 'Save All Information' button.
  6. Attach the resulting file to this report.

Thank you.

munki added a subscriber: munki.May 9 2016, 9:51 AM

It seems that your graphics card drivers are almost 3 years old. Please try updating your graphics card drivers and see if the issue persists.

munki added a comment.Aug 15 2013, 9:15 AM

Also, now I know how to keep my drivers up to date (also had to visit nvidia website for their drivers)
Thanks mate!

Dram added a comment.Sep 10 2013, 8:26 PM

Drivers did it it seems :)