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Game crash on Gravitron
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I click play gravitron, toggle full screen. gravitron ,screen is black and nothing comes on it, hitting space crashes the game as did pressing direction keys = aswd


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

as above

Additional Information

Problem signature:

Problem Event Name:	APPCRASH
Application Name:	TKOM.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp:	51f2ad4a
Fault Module Name:	StackHash_5861
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp:	00000000
Exception Code:	c0000005
Exception Offset:	PCH_56_FROM_ntdll+0x0002E1A4
OS Version:	6.2.9200.
Locale ID:	2057
Additional Information 1:	5861
Additional Information 2:	5861822e1919d7c014bbb064c64908b2
Additional Information 3:	f3d5
Additional Information 4:	f3d5be0cad2787556264647dc02181c3

Event Timeline

Bohemia added a project: Restricted Project.May 9 2016, 9:50 AM
iidannyboyii edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
iidannyboyii set Category to category:bugs.
iidannyboyii set Reproducibility to Always.
iidannyboyii set Severity to None.
iidannyboyii set Resolution to Fixed.
iidannyboyii set Legacy ID to 3830117777.May 9 2016, 9:50 AM
Bohemia added a subscriber: Runibl.Aug 5 2013, 6:58 PM
Dram added a comment.Aug 6 2013, 2:36 PM

Are you using the development build or the standard build?

Development build may be accessed through:

If so, please try today's development build, available in approximately 2 hours. Hopefully the issue will have been solved there.

Hello, i have been using the development build, had a friend just try the same thing with gravitron, and he crashed also.
I look forward to the upcoming patch then, thanks :)

FredyC added a subscriber: FredyC.May 9 2016, 9:50 AM
FredyC added a comment.Aug 6 2013, 3:29 PM

I can confirm this. With version 0.8.0170 it crashed even before "entering fullscreen", it froze immediately with game machine still displayed. With version 0.8.0172 it goes further, but still freezes upon turning whole screen black.

Not very helpful crash report...


BALTHAZAR, 06.08 2013 15:25:57
Unhandled exception

Program: ...\!steam\steamapps\common\Take On Mars\TKOM.exe
Reason: Access violation. Illegal read by 0 at 0

SymGetSymFromAddr:126, addr:0x00000000
SymGetSymFromAddr:126, addr:0x00000000

Same thing happens to me with the new dev build.

Same for me.
Version 0.8.0172 dev build.
Uploaded a screenshot of the error message above

Kreggy added a subscriber: Kreggy.May 9 2016, 9:50 AM
Kreggy added a comment.Aug 8 2013, 4:21 PM

Using dev build 0.8.172.
I get the same error message upon starting Gravon.
The camera swings around for around a second, then the game freezes - the console monitor keeps black.
Upon pressing space i have a CTD.

I am using Windows 7 Ultimate x64.

Btw I noticed the last entry in filesystem.log with a timestamp 2 seconds before the time stamp in crash.log:
16:19:27:0952 R 1000e94 :sounds/music/mainmenu.ogg

Maybe that helps?!

Same happening to me

Dram added a comment.Aug 8 2013, 4:44 PM

Finally found the problem - the game in game data was packed, which it must not be. This should be fixed in today's development build, eta about 2 hours.

Confirmed, working fine now with the latest dev build.