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May 10 2016

Demongornot added a comment to T82562: Incredibly low FPS when in multiplayer servers. When the status "reviewed" will change to "resolved"?.

Copy of my message post here :

I think you use mods, for idk what reason some mods cause really bad performance in multiplayer, for me it work well, but i have trying to play with a friend, he have installed 1 or 2 mods i don't remember and the game was totally unplayable cause of the bad framerate, he have try in the editor and it work without problems, and back to the same server (if i remember it is but i'm not sure about) and the game get good framerate when mods was deleted, try it, if its the cause, try to find wish one cause this by delete only one (just rename the mods folder or put the main folder of the mods "@modsname" inside another folder (like "save") and try each one by one.
Anyway if the problem come with the mods (if after delete or move all main mod folder inside another folder for example it stop to lag in Multiplayer) you can give more information to the dev team and get your problem solve !
And sadly if you can't play without mods at least you will still be able to play.

May 10 2016, 11:07 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T80711: Easy way to significantly improve the clunky action menu.

My damn ticket is NOT a duplicate of this one...
Here they talk about menu itself, i talk about this ticket (and i mention it for avoid that people told me that its a duplicate for nothing) just cause my idea work WITH this one, is related to and NOT duplicate at all !!!
I talk about using MOUSE CURSOR to click on the menu rather than using the incredibly stupidly bad mouse wheel system and using the mouse cursor to interact with ENVIRONMENT...
Told me HOW it is related with this ? where even a single time the world "mouse" is write except for talking about the mouse middle button ???
My idea is RELATED to and NOT duplicate, i have just mentions this ticket just cause it have to work with and not against my idea, idea that can even work WITHOUT this ticket, i ONLY talk about this idea cause its a great one, everyone want and need it and it fit perfectly with my own of using mouse, but its not the same thing at all, its like make a duplicate of a mouse car steering control issue with someone talking about no force feedback for joystick/wheels for cars steering, it make no sense, it don't make me want to write any other ticket, anyways Devs don't care about feature that 90.18% of people want to be changed since the first Arma, so it is useless to write ticket for wishlist.
I have expecting a lot of Arma 3 and we get nothing...Sad.

May 10 2016, 10:04 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T80711: Easy way to significantly improve the clunky action menu.

Please STOP with round and other radial menu idea, or ONLY if it come with an option to disabled it.
It look arcade, it is arcade and for a lot of people it is horrible to use (probably the same pain that what we have with the actual) and a lot of time we choose the wrong action, the mouse is weird and bad to use with this and their is a lot of others problems...
When i game use this kind of menu i play most as possible without it and i'm far to be the only one that hate this.
Simple menu like this but WITH CURSOR ok, and even a need and direct interaction with environment (push, drag and move object, open door, take weapon etc).
But the menu that magically choose it by mouse movement its a pain...
You have the time to be killed 20 time just for change weapon.
Optional only !

May 10 2016, 10:03 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T80711: Easy way to significantly improve the clunky action menu.

I think one of the best solution can be CLICKABLE menu but certainly not the commo rose, we never be able to find the interaction we want before 3 hours of try and it need constant actions.
A key that open toggle off on (with both press to enabled and press again to close or press to aim with weapon for example) or press release that permit like the inventory to have interface that can permit to do A LOT of things, clickable menu with both Context action sand Self actions/abstract action and also click on the environment directly, if we are close enough, we click a door it open it, same for windows, hatch, it can permit to click on a lot of things, useful for take some object and can also permit to move object !

My idea here work with the ticket and both tickets here : (mine) and this one :

May 10 2016, 10:03 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T80711: Easy way to significantly improve the clunky action menu.

I have link your ticket in my one :

May 10 2016, 10:02 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T70216: Additions to Turning out.

I think it must be related to this ticket :

The real issue is the leak of EVERYTHING in armored vehicle.
No 3D interior, a single hatch/periscope and nothing else.
Look at Steel Beast Pro PE
We have possibility from the tank cabin to use a bench of periscope and also a bench of position with the hatch
Look the video at 3:10

May 10 2016, 5:04 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T70041: Allow reverse thrust or backwards movement on ground on airplanes..

Careful people careful !
First their is a small amount of fighter able to do it, the most common is on big plane like C17 or civil like liner -> Airbus/Boeing/TU etc.
Also the thrust reverse is NOT using for make the aircraft go back, it is only using to slow down the aircraft and most of the aircraft must NEVER use the thrust reverse at 0 speed, that why 747 landing video show every time that the thrust reverse is closed way before the aircraft was stopped, something like 70 knot, depending of the aircraft.
So yes for thrust reverse but NO for make it automatically appear to every aircraft including those who don't have it, the sim is already way to much arcade and unrealistic for vehicle, mainly aircraft (both airplane and helicopter), i hope their will have a limitation like damaging engine if use too long at 0 speed for aircraft that should not use it at 0 speed, i don't want to see happy stupid people ruin the game with backward flight using reverse thrust or someone use it for drive around with reverse thrust for 3 hours just for trolling in a serious server...
For aircraft like C17 with reinforced engine able to run on dirt and the C130 with the prop that can do the same and perfect for land on less jet engine friendly environment, yes, but other aircraft no...
I'm not sure about it but -> i think the C17 is made for be able to perform it because it is supposed to land on place that their can be no pushback vehicle, it have to be able himself to do it.
A pushback vehicle/option will be nice for others !
+1 and vote up for this feature but only for realistic implementing.

May 10 2016, 4:57 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T69900: Multi-Purpose Key -command bar.

I have never have or see this, i have no idea of what it is but i think its a background software in your computer and it don't come from Arma, just saying, need more information !
Try to look in the task manager, and try to see if it happen with other game/full screen software.

May 10 2016, 4:52 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T69865: Customise your clothes for you soldier in the options.

Total equipment (including gear, weapon and clothes) in profile for default preset when allowed and able to load/edit it from editor will be nice.
Mainly in editor, i hope we will be able to choose any object without limitation or need to use command/script line, will be useful for a lot of things, including making missions !

May 10 2016, 4:51 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T69865: Customise your clothes for you soldier in the options.

And again this not mean that we can't have it, actually we have no way to choose what gear (not only weapon, things like chemlight, grenade, map or not, what kind of binocular and more) we want, this is not cause you don't want this that it mean that it don't have to be done, a lot of people want the possibility to choose more than clothes, and i have already several month ago talk about this in wishlist, cloth + gear + weapon + attachment.

Anyway if BIS implement this (i don't think they will anyway) and lets us able to choose what in our backpack vest and other, you can only if you want choose only the cloth and lets the rest of the gear by default.

May 10 2016, 4:51 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T69865: Customise your clothes for you soldier in the options.

AD2001 what is your problem ? People like you who prevent game to evolve, what you think about and what you really want ?
If you don't want Arma to change, go to play Arma 2.
I understand what the ticket is for and i don't talk about change it, i talk about improve it.

+1 RcColes anyway mission maker can choose it.

May 10 2016, 4:51 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T69865: Customise your clothes for you soldier in the options.

And what if YOU want to NOT use only it ?
Lets people play like they want, its one of the first and the most important rule of video game, more freedom the game give to player more player like it.
Example : I don't know a lot of people that play GTA game without using cheats.
Game dev was smart enough for lets player have freedom between missing and have fun with cheat, mission maker are not a god or omniscient, they can do mistake or not balance correctly the mission anyway.
GTA Without cheat and freedom would never have known a big success...
Skyrim is another example, even mods itself that we have on Arma 3 is the example, no one is identical and think the same, and a lot of people don't match with mission marker mind or other, liberty, we already miss it in every day life, don't put less of it on video game, we play video game for having fun, do what we can't do in real life, for be free, not for be overloaded by restrictions...

If someone want to play like the mission maker want you to play, then he can, if someone don't want then he have not to be forced to it.
And anyway someone that know how to editing a mission and don't want to play like the game maker want, he can, it will basically change nothing about this, but customization can change a lot of things, even fix leak of feature from vanilla game.

Imagine if Arma was not a Sandbox, the game already have a bench of useless and finally unrealistic restrictions.

May 10 2016, 4:51 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T69865: Customise your clothes for you soldier in the options.

@AD2001 who care ?
If FOR YOU it is not a good idea, then don't do it, it is not cause you don't like this that if mean that everyone must deal without, mainly when nothing prevent you to not use it.
For single player its your and only your choice, no one can take for decision for someone else about how we want to play and anyway with mods or pbo editing it is easy to change the default equipment of a soldier.

For multiplayer most of them use VAS, if someone want to take a regular riffleman and change it into a terminator, no one can prevent him to do so with VAS.
Even without VAS it is simple to find big weapon from dead corpse, and anyway the server admin can authorize it or not, and the restrictive mind of someone who don't allow custom riffle have great chance to match with the fact that he will not want player to have custom clothes.

More restriction we put on the game, more issue it create.
If you want we can ask for triple save :
Gear + Clothes + Weapon mods, Gear + Clothes + Weapon vanilla, Vanilla Clothes only.

May 10 2016, 4:51 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T69865: Customise your clothes for you soldier in the options.

+1, ability from profile menu to not only choose our head and our voice but also our default gear.
Like this :
Or like this :

Possibility to access to this mode that allow us to select and save in multiple save slot our cloth gear and weapon including every object that we can put in our inventory, every compatible attachment in our weapon and more.
A system that look like one the in the video for the gear and also look like VAS (Vrtual Ammobox System) for other object, number of magazine and other.
2 different version, one that show and save vanilla things only and another that permit to access and to it with gear from mods.

Possibility in the editor to spawn with the saved gear we want, possibility for some mission that allow custom equipment to spawn with mission default gear or with our own selection.
Same for server, possibility for server admit to enable or disabled the custom gear save spawn and depending if it is a server that allow mods or not possibility to disabled or enabled custom gear with mods.
The solution that i describe here talk about an interface that permit to allow or mods mods, it can also do it for vanilla feature :

Way better than VAS and don't require it.
Less mods and script and more vanilla feature = better game.

May 10 2016, 4:51 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T69861: Ability to carry cheamlight.

About VIP Strobe is a nice idea but it more an helmet mounted feature :
Check my comment 2013-07-06 02:49

May 10 2016, 4:50 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T69861: Ability to carry cheamlight.

I agree with IR chemlight but please don't forget about helmet one !
IR chemlight is more for marking target and Helmet one is more for identification.

May 10 2016, 4:50 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T69861: Ability to carry cheamlight.

I agree, but they can do both, for time management its better to do several modification at once on a single thing rather than one one day and another another day.
And thanks !

May 10 2016, 4:50 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot updated subscribers of T69861: Ability to carry cheamlight.

Unlike some (and i say some) smoke grenade that have way too hot temperature to be taken, some other stay cold and same for some flare (missing thing) and chemlight that we must be able to ignite without throw, first use = ignite it and when we have it on the hand (weapon lower) we can throw it and with action menu be able to perform following things : pickup and keep it on our hand (weapon lower or no weapon) and for chemlight only (we can't do the following thing with a flare) attach it on our vest, possibility to put it inside our backpack where no one will be able to see the light and possibility to throw it again like we want and how many time we want !

G = Ignition, if we get it in our hand G again = throw (if we have another weapon it mean normal use of G)

In our hand we have 2 possibility with menu action (+ possibility to throw it with G) : Attach it in our gear, put it in our backpack to avoid someone to see it (if we take one form the ground that are at a really bad place)

If attach in our gear we have 2 possibility, if we have no weapon or weapon lower we can take it in our hands, or put in in our backpack.

If in our backpack we ave with action menu possibility to put it attached on our gear, take it in our hand if we have weapon lower or no weapon or put it on the ground by simply grad it from our backpack like another object.

If we have a chemlight in our hand and weapon lower and we put back weapon on combat position it will automatically be throw it above us or attach it to our gear (dev choice) same for smoke and flare that can't be attach, they will automatically be throw on the ground, i mean just lets it fall.

Also real life chemlight have a way longer life than the one in the game, as a civilian i can buy some that produce light like the one in Arma, probably some brighter and they can run for 24/48h, seriously increase the chemlight duration will be nice, 1 or 2 hours, and it will still way too short and a possibility for the inventory to have different icon and name :
Standard, Ignited Full (mean full luminosity), Ignited Half (half luminosity, told us when it come to half of his time duration) and Ignited Weak (will stop soon to produce light).

@xRoadField : you can take my idea if you want !

May 10 2016, 4:50 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T69748: Radar can simultaneously lock multiple targets and simultaneously launched several missiles.

Dr Death you need to learn to read.
I have NEVER talk about multi lock, for F-16 it is not possible to multi lock, but for the latest upgrade that using the AN/APG-80 wish is AESA he can do it, you don't know how lock for a radar work, i know what process the radar do from the wave emission to the FCR computing process.
First if all, even with a mechanical antenna IT IS possible to shoot on several target SIMPLY cause TWS mode (the mode that allow several missile launch) DON'T lock any target, and advantage is cause the radar don't focus on a single target you can TRACK several of them and don't give them any possibility to know that you launch your missile until he use its own on board radar, AIM 120 while semi auto DON'T work with radar, even the old AIM-7 in the latest version use datalink system radar than radar array that only be here for lock it.
TWS mode can without any problem track up to 4 target on the F15C and 8 on the F15E, F-16 is not made to be a fighter, its more a multiple focused on air to ground with air to air capability.

You don't seem to know a bit about it like Raoul and you talk about it, today you don't need a lock anymore for shoot a target, you can even use the TRACK mode of your TEAMMATE radar to shoot a target, the F35 is even able to shoot a target on his 6, even 2 target its not a problem for him at his 6'o clock...
Today you don't even need a radar to shoot, and this is even since a while, and you talk about need to lock several target at time.
Yes mechanic antenna can't lock several target at time, but electronic scan radar antenna is completely different and can without any issue LOCK several target, today lock is useless, radar is powerful enough and give enough scan rate and precision to don't need anymore to lock.
On electronic antenna multiple lock and track are only software issue, on mechanical antenna it is a hardware issue, but still TRACK several target even if he can't lock several at time.
And again you don't need to LOCK for shoot a missile, its the typical thing that someone who don't know a bit about radar say.

Simple example here in Falcon BMS :
Dual target track and double AIM 120 launch, in this video both AMRAAM was launch BEFORE the PITBULL point, wish mean only guided by the aircraft, two missile clearly NOT in fire and forget situation launch on several target, it mean :
Multiple missile launch on multiple target is possible.

Ok for he old first variant of the F16A it is probably now possible or a pain, idk i don't like the falcon, but with standard (Blk52) it is possible, and its not the latest upgrade.

Also i have send SEVERAL link taken from OFFICIAL aircraft and radar builder, but maybe you, that don't know the difference between track and lock know much than them.

And again, a bench of situation provide to use several missile on several target, mainly on situation where in front they have more aircraft and where you can't leave the fight, you are forced to engage BVR ok multiple target.

If EVERY country today made the multiple target acquisition and engagement mainstream it is not just for say : i can engage more aircraft than you.
Aircraft and radar (hardware and software) designer and strategic command know their job.
And if it is presented like an (incredible alien feature that can almost not exist) it just for the eyes of people who don't know a bit about radar or fighter/multirole and don't know that its possible since several decade, its just for make them think that the country they living in have the best technology and that no one else have it but in fact even previous generation of potential enemy country can do the same.
But again maybe you know more than politician about politic and what to say/show to people and maybe you know more than aircraft/radar designer and builder and strategic command that ask for a precise functions/possibility.

Or maybe you have try Falcon BMS but you still a noob that can't start the aircraft from ramp, so you take of from air only and you try to lock multiple target (with mechanic antenna ?) without even know how to engage TWS mode.

And you don't know what is identification in a radar, identification mean that the radar have enough data to say what kind of aircraft it is based on the wave and signal return, and even without it we can know speed, altitude and heading, after 2 or 3 burst of wave the aircraft can know it, and it need less than a micro second to do so + the fact that he scan several time per seconds.
Just know if it is an allied or an enemy don't require a lot of technology, even liner aircraft now have their own onboard radar for avoid collision (TCAS), IFF system is what determine who is friendly and who is not (FOE identification) and civilian aircraft have transponder system wish is more basic but work the same way...

For anyone who know a bit about aircraft what you are write is completely funny and not serious at all, the 2 technical term you have (tried to) employ is totally wrong on what you talk about...
Talk about multiple engagement and make a judgement on it without know a bit about radar, aircraft, BVR fight or anything else you have talking about is the stupid thing, multiple target engaging is using in real life since a while.

Even the F14A who was old and retired today was able to do this, it was the first and he entered in service in 1970, he was able to track 80 target and able to lock (really lock this time) and shoot with 6 missile at time on 6 different target at a ridiculously high range that even today still huge for moderns missiles...

Today aircraft can engage ground target with fire and forget + laser guided munition and still be able to perform in the same time multiple air to air launch on several target.

I will stop here, but i have show you proof, explanation and evidence, if you still maintain it, well it is your problem not mine you will just look and probably feel stupid.

Dr Death & Raoul
Talking about something we don't know at all and stay a lot of bullshit and maintain that you're right and that things must be like YOU want, IS trolling.

@Raoul how you know that it is not used in real life ?
Do you real all combat report, all training, follow all red flag event, know every classified incident ?
I don't think so.
If you are in a F15E and you facing against typical today enemy, it mean not superpower vs superpower but superpower vs country with limited things, you have greats change to facing against 6 Mig21 that are here for a mission, it can be a lot if things, with your F15E you have great change to kill all of them in a SINGLE pass before they can even dream to be at range for shoot you, things like this happen sometime, modern aircraft face against old one that can't do anything in BVR and probably don't expect to be shoot down by any aircraft.
Mainly today with stealth aircraft like Rafale, F15SE, F22 or F35 or the futur SU50 that can penetrate in any country who have old air surveillance radar, you don't use radar at all for stealth and you can with any other sensor find interesting target, it is even the role of the F22 Raptor and what he is designed for, penetrate in hostile area/territory without be detected, eliminate all air threat/target and maintain domination of the area.
Also in some occasion you have to waste a missile just for protect yourself or for strategy that need to you make the enemy goes defensive for the first missile and after burn of a lot of speed and altitude be completely take by surprise by a second missile that come some seconds after.
The behaviour i described is what happen almost EVERY DAY in DCS or BSM when player facing player, even a bit of this are gently done by AI and that what you can find in almost EVERY BVR PDF toturial, look one for the F-Pole or AIM7+AIM120 guide or even TWS silent strike.
And that what is also a little (and i said a little for a bench of reason) what real jet fighter learn.
If avionic become realistic and radar need TWS mode to do it, no noob will do it, and like you said, noob can change target using the unrealistic keyboard button (no real aircraft have a simple button that just select the "next" target, for secondary yes but not for primary, even in the F35 who are easy to use (but complex with a lot of stuff) it is not like this at all.) to lock the next and shoot a missile, lock the next and do it again, it is finally the SAME thing without even anything to prevent him to do it, no difficulty, only 2 buttons.
You don't know what dev WILL do, their is a difference between what we say and what we do, and Flaming Cliff don't have any clickable cockpit and use it without any issue.
I talk about realistic thing cause it is something actually using in real life, simple as that.
And if people downvote it is cause like you their have closed mind and rather than check if aircraft can do it, just think that its a arcade lover who just want to destroy everything and just believe that it is not possible and downvote like a stupid.
And i know about the rest of the issue for aircraft, but the ticket here don't talk about it.

And that why radar need to be review, not only add TWS or any multiple tracking mode, but really review and work more like BMS or Lock On.
Even this little and free flash game handle realistic radar system :
SAM simulator.

Anyway i don't want to argument anymore, i have already said everything possible that can make anyone who are not stupid what it is really cause i have give here real proof and evidence even from official source, so if you want to keep told that something possible in real life is not it is your problem not mine, and i have done enough wall of text like this, cause sadly waste my time to do it is the only way to make people like you understand, but even when it is simply explained you don't understand.
So good talking realism hater, i won't answer you anymore, don't waste your time to answer me.

May 10 2016, 4:47 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T69748: Radar can simultaneously lock multiple targets and simultaneously launched several missiles.

@CXN2615 obliviously you do, but Raoul1234 clearly don't know a bit about about aircraft, radar and missiles, i don't think he play DCS or BMS4 at all, you say that it is IMPOSSIBLE to do it now you change your mind and try to make me believe that you know it but it is "just" useless...
You are a troll, you don't know a bit of what you talking about and you are a liar, you have say so much error for have a chance to make me believe that you know what is the TSW mode or what is an Amraam, and if you play DCS is for sure at noob way and you don't even know what is a BVR fight or what it mean, and useless to google it for try to make me believe that you do.
You are just a troll that downvote for nothing.
And i have never talk about the USE of engaging 10 target at time, and multiple target launch still be something that REAL LIFE pilot do.

The only realistic sim is DCS and BMS/falcon, FSX is unrealistic, even for civilian only and with PMDG and other it still unrealistic and bad...
In both F16 and F15C i have find a bench of situation where multiple missile is really useful, mainly for prevent dirrect shoot of Russian IR missile wish is really not forgiving at all.

Example :
You are in a F15C, you are alone, no wingman, full AMRAAM config + 2 heater, you spike 2 bogey at your 13 FL 250 speed 400.
Distance 95, formation of 2 SU27 with 2 fox 2 short for personal defense, and 2 long range per aircraft and mainly air to ground with bombs and rocket.
You reduce your radar noise until you know you get spike by the Flanker and you still aware cause they can lock you with thermal, you take altitude and cruise at FL320/350 and mach 0.85 or depending of your fuel level max throttle without afterburner.
You get spike and they try to lock, you use ECM and try to lock them, they probably use it also, they will launch missile before you, you are a god damn Eagle driver you can't go back, you are forced to facing them, you begin to zig zag in case of the famous long range IR missile, your take a trajectory with high angle for the F pole, when you are close enough for shoot your missile you face them disabled ECM (you get probably lock at this point) you go ahead of them climb fast as possible and planed to go down, you use your TWS mode to lock both of them, you launch your Amraam higher as possible like FL400 and then with 2 Amraam launch you dive faster as possible without loose the lock.
Now you are happy to launch 2 Amraam cause they see you perfect obliviously a maneuver after missile launch, but they don't have any missile departure warning yet, so they get really nervous and it force them to focus on both RPO and radar, you can't notch cause you can't get 90° angle, but you still be in look down for them and with lower altitude their missile are less effective, and them if you can keep the lock they will finally get the Amraam on their RPO when it goes pitbull, you can now notch them and hope that you wont get hit by an heater, if they only use the radar you have the advantage, now you keep their position in mind.

And that why multiple missile are useful:
Rather than facing two of them your force them to do defensive maneuver, so you can focus on a single of them now, and your Amraam probably save your life against 2 bogey cause of the surprise effect of the Amraam, you probably have 4 left, the only job you have is to dodge long range missile, but Russian missile are far to be quiet but their are really effective, so its hard to dodge but you can detect them in your RWR, both bogey detect the Amraam only when they are pitbull, it mean close and they got a lot of energy if the Flanker don't try to do defensive maneuver in case of, and they are really confident cause they are 2 vs 1, but the surprise effect of an apogee hard dive without any info about a lock will totally change their face from happy to see a noob climb and get easier to shoot to missile to really worried about a stealth launch and probably notch and for sure a look down situation.

With a single missile launch it is better to use an AIM-7 Sparrow but while engaging a single target you can easily get kill by the the Flanker 2 who don't facing any threat, also TWS + AIM-7 well...It is not the best thing, but AM 120 Amraam + TSW feet perfectly together, and with 2 target you better have to track both of them on your radar for check if one of them will engage you or not.

Amraam is your best friend and can save your life and even he is useful for dogfight, when your facing several enemy it is a really bad idea to engage only one of them, the other will kill you so easily cause you are not a threat for him.

And this is one of the various example of the use of TWS mode and several Amraam launch, quiet approach and confusion, surprise effect and finally not get kill by the one you don't engage that will engage you while protecting his friend.

It is the difference between major advantage if you know how to BVR and impossibility to do anything cause they will for sure take advantage, of course with 2v2 or 3v3 and more multiple target engagement is useless, and of course same for 1v1 where it is impossible, but you still be able to do something with multiple target engagement.

If you are in the Flanker with a teammate against 2 F15 for example you can use your radar and launch 2 missile while your teammate stay close of you for radar plots mixing and use only thermal sensor and music off for him of course, you keep having the advantage of 2 vs 2 missile facing and you can shoot sooner with Russian and get closer of them cause of the defensive maneuver, an extremely aggressive strategy even at 1v1 or 1v2, but when you get close enough and reduce the threat of missile facing you and you brake the formation the can take by a huge (giant) surprise to the F15 formation that don't facing at you cause of your own missile, but with your teammate reveled you have the best advantage even, and with single missile at single target it is not possible.

This is another example, i will stop here cause i have write another wall of text.

But the fact is that we can have the use of multiple missile launch on multiple targets, even if you have not find a situation where you have it, after all you can't experience everything.
And the point is :
Not matter if we have the use or not, if we want REALISTIC thing we must NEVER limit real life feature
It cause leak of bipod and resting (ridiculously necessary for this kind of game), incomplete inventory with no lower attachment when other game have total weapon customization with internal part changing, it create a game like Arma that don't handle weapon jam or part broken, double bullet introduction and other weapon failure, it happen a lot in real life and way more restrictions including the magical ridiculous radar.

May 10 2016, 4:47 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T69748: Radar can simultaneously lock multiple targets and simultaneously launched several missiles.

I totally agree Heruon, with actual arcade/unrealistic it will be worst, that why i talk about more realistic avionic something like Lock On for flight model and avionic/weapon use, and it is not the hardest or the longest thing to do for dev, i have already see amateur software/sim handle it perfectly...
Avionic must be improved and automatically add radar/TGP/Sniper pod and other sensor slew and also add realistic multiple track and no more multiple track.
I have already upvote the ticket you show me since a while !
But thanks dude !

May 10 2016, 4:47 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T69748: Radar can simultaneously lock multiple targets and simultaneously launched several missiles.

Arma helicopter are unrealistic, even TOH have disappointed everyone that have wait for the simulation that BIS promise...
Gunner control all weapon is stupid, gunner control gun and missile, pilot control unguided rocket, cause we need to move the helicopter to use them unlike missile and canon, the gunner can use gun and missile while pilot use rockets.
Also the mini radar is completely stupid and unrealistic, good for low realism level but that's all, the interface for the Comanche is also really bad.
And ok helicopter is not 100% bad but need to be seriously improved for a lot of things.
Airplane in previous Arma game was one of the worst i have seen, its totally unnatural and unrealistic, i perfectly handle DCS A10C warthog and P51D Mustang wish is not the most simple aircraft to handle, but i can't flight any aircraft in Arma without crash for stupid leak of realism in flight model, flare are useless, chaff are not available, ECM are not here, radar for both aircraft and helicopter work in a ridiculously bad magical way, no possibility to slew them for correct target lock, no RWR, not even ejection seat or possibility to choose payload, and don't dream, Arma 3 aircraft will be THE SAME unrealistic bad thing that what we have in Arma 2, even ground vehicle (who are the closest thing to infantry and important in balance) have completely unrealistic system, arcade ridiculous thing and leak of feature, all, the wrong aspect are modeled and no part of the real thing is available...
That why everyone i know that love aviation don't want to play or hear about Arma, cause it is ridiculously bad for flying machine...

Since when the AIM 120 is firing and forget ? its the only multiple lock and shoot Fox 3 missile of the US aircraft, you almost never do multiple target shoot in short range and in long range it is SEMI active.
Stop to talk about what you don't know and go check with god damn information or buy Falcon 4.0 and add BMS on it and try it you will see about multiple lock system and it use the SAME avionic than the real one for user side.

F-15C can lock and shoot at 4 target at time, over the range that the missile can use his inboard radar, during this time the radar use datalink system for update target position, the aircraft really guide them, and until the AIM 120 reach the PITBULL point, and i talk here about the OLD F15C now the F15E do better and the F15SE will be more better, same for lastest upgrade of the F16 and the stealth F18, same for the F22 Raptor can shoot up to 8 target at time, and it still classified (probably more even if he only have 6 fox 3 missile and 2 fox 2).
Firing 10 target at time require 10 missile, some aircraft can carry up to 12 AIM 120.
Are you brainless or you simply don't understand things ?
I have show you OFFICIAL video of the real radar/aircraft builder who CLEARLY talk about shooting several missile at time at long range.

US have AIM 7 today not use anymore cause its a Fox 1 it mean continuous radar look needed
AIM 9 short range IR missile (fire and forget, you almost never need to shoot them on several aircraft or you are in a bad situation cause its for dogfight)
And AIM 120 AMRAAM that are semi active and mean before it reach its own range he use aircraft radar and several can be shoot on several target
It mean NOT fire and forget missile and it mean NOT single target, wish mean multiple guided missile on multiple target
wish mean i'm right and you're wrong, i love and read about aircraft since i was so young that i don't remember, i know a bit about helicopter, but i know a lot about aircraft, mainly US one, but yes you think you're right, i'm sure you don't even know what a radar display look like before i show you the video.

Thanks Kol9yN and sadly with people like them only wall of text can do something, and even they are not able to understand simple thing and real proof from official source....

May 10 2016, 4:47 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot updated subscribers of T69748: Radar can simultaneously lock multiple targets and simultaneously launched several missiles.

Are you crazy people with all your downvote just because you thing that its not possible, you don't know a bit about aircraft, before downvote for nothing use google.
Aircraft can since more than a decade track more than a single target and shoot it, F15C, F16, F18, French Mirage 2000 for example can detect up to 24 target at time (expect for Red Flag you will never see that much aircraft on a battlefield) and can lock 8 of them and the on board computer and the FCR can determinate the 4 highest priority target and shoot missile in short salvo.
SU27 is more limited and can engage only 2 target at time, but SU30 can detect 15 target and track and engage 4 of them.

And all of this aircraft are now OLD, modern jet fighter do way better today !
And Arma 3 is supposed to be over 2035...
Arma 3 already have a SERIOUS leak of technology, including technology that soldier have on them (today modernization of army provide for EACH soldier new system with a computer and a lot of system including for everyone head up display, GPS position and teammate position tracking/showing, target identification and sharing, optic system providing night vision, thermal sensor, possibility to send image of something to the HQ and possibility with the head up display or the screen on the arms (depending of the army) to shoot the weapon hiding from a cover.
Example here with French Felin :
Why i talk about the FELIN ?
Cause technology that soldier have in Arma 3 is late next to the FELIN, the FELIN is the first of a modernization program that will be done for a lot of country, this is not a FUTURE thing that come latter, it is already using on real battlefield, and this is not only for some soldier, its for all the soldier of the army !
In 2035 the FELIN and equivalent will begin to be old and probably a lot of upgrade will be done.

And the fact is that Arma 3 is way more late about vehicle, mainly aircraft (airplane and helicopter) than what he is for infantry...

Aircraft can since a while lock, track and shoot at several target at time, and modern aircraft, including actual like Rafale, F35, F22, F15E (SE), SU35, Mig35 and the futur SU50, the J20, and other aircraft will perform way more.

Example here with the SU35 :
Real example here at LONG range :

Example here with the Rafale : showing briefly radar capability and all main and new system of the aircraft.

Now demonstration here with the F-16 Raytheon radar :
The video is from the OFFICIAL youtube channel of Raytheon.

Same here with F-35 radar :
Both video aare from the official channel of Northrop Grumman

So yes aircraft can lock track and shoot several target at time, since a while.
They can today using radar from other aircraft with data link system.
They can track air and ground target at time now, Air to ground OR Air to air only is not finish, F35 for example (even if i don't like this aircraft) can track simultaneously air and ground target and the pilot have the total freedom of wish target he can engage.

The AIM 120 (who getting old) have datalink capability, providing the possibility to lock and shoot several target, the missile will be semi active (guided by the aircraft) using the position data from the aircraft computer, when the missile is close enough he use its own onboard radar to lock and track the target, 4 missile can be fired at time, and its only for the old F-15C, aircraft like F35 or F22 can shoot all missile at once on more aircraft at time that the number of missile that he have (6 120 and 2 AIM-9).

Aircraft like F35 can easily use fire and forget AND guided air to ground missile and bombs, like LGB (laser guided bombs) that need a constant track on the target and still using air air mode for several missile launch on several target.

And something also important, RADAR is NOT the only one tracking system of the aircraft, almost all modern aircraft (except F22) have optical AND infrared system.
A last example here for the F35 :

So please people before downvote just because you think that its not possible about that you don't know a bit about, look for information.

You have 100% clearance for using the information and link on my commentary in your ticket for prove that you're right about it !
Upvoted !

Arma is way too much arcade about vehicle, even some arcade game are more realistic about some part of it, Apache Air Assault is 10 time more realistic than Arma for flight model and helicopter system/operation.
Of course simulation like DCS A10C or Black Shark and other or like BMS Falcon is not possible i know, but something like DCS Flaming Cliff or even the old Lock On (LOMAC) is really needed, unrealistic and completely wrong and stupid aircraft and ground vehicle interface completely kill game balance.

May 10 2016, 4:46 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T69748: Radar can simultaneously lock multiple targets and simultaneously launched several missiles.

Raoul read what i have write damn it.
I don't care about HAWX and i don't play it, Arma is too much arcade and need to be review, since 15 year multiple target engagement is mainstream for radar, missile and avionic, today its a normal thing and in 2035 some pilot will not even thing about single target only limitation.
YOU are the troll, what we want here is to make Arma become more realistic and you, you don't know a bit about radar or own they work, just read this you come here with no idea of what you talking about, you spawn several message rather than use edit functions and you want a realistic thing on a realistic game to not be implemented.
If you want an arcade game with ridiculously arcade radar system go play to Battlefield 3 and lets serious people who come in Arma for realism have the realism that they look for and that NO OTHER game provide, their is a bench of game with arcade aircraft/radar rather than try to destroy the only one who are supposed to be realistic, go see the others, i'm bored about people that prevent Arma to grow, cause of this we have a lack of feature for almost everything.
The fact that aircraft are completely arcade totally unbalance the game and put more limitation/prevent improvement will NOT help the realism.

If you want realism think and look for info before say stupid things, if you don't care about realism, go away and leave Arma to people who want realism or play with noob level.

May 10 2016, 4:46 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T69709: Dynamic interaction with players and objects..

Can be related to this one : and this one
If devs accept my idea of new action system that allow us to use clickable menu + possibility to interact with environment with open/close door, vehicle interaction and more and possibility to move object directly with mouse.

Maybe we can hope to have a STR game system for AI control using multiple unity selection with mouse drag in commander view or with this idea.

May 10 2016, 4:45 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T69709: Dynamic interaction with players and objects..

Or possibility to disabled it from server side...
Script or mods mean a really poor multiplayer compatibility, if its a mods cause of the actual way the game and server handle it we are forced to disabled a bench of mods everytime we come in a server and if it is a script we are limited by only the server who use it.
Maybe if the devs want to use this king of mods system :
Yes, it will automatically disabled it for server that don't use it.
And again it will still highly limited by the fact that the server admin know or want or not this mods.

Less mods and script we have and more vanilla feature we can get and better it will be, mainly if we can disabled it for single player (bots must use it) or multiplayer (from server admin).

May 10 2016, 4:45 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T69709: Dynamic interaction with players and objects..

Player AND object, we must be also able to move so object that, put a quadbike back on his 4 wheels and push boat, push a small (or light weight) object that stuck the way inside an house or a building or any other kind of manipulation.

About player to player interaction, possibility to flatten ground someone (for avoid him to get shoot, kill by grenade or explosion or even save him from a mine), drag or carry people (wounded or legs broken people) or just gently push or even combat interaction that allow to push hard.
Help someone to walk by taking his arms on our shoulder, or take him by the arm to drag/push him into a cover.

MOAR people and environment interaction, something better than just open a door, possibility to move things like Skyrim (for example) !

May 10 2016, 4:45 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T69567: Character prone issue fix and game improvement idea..

Done, completely edited and rewrite for avoid a wall of text.

May 10 2016, 4:40 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T69567: Character prone issue fix and game improvement idea..

And it is sad, but i don't see the point to talk about an idea and give almost no information just because devs are too lazy to read it rather than implemented themselves correct feature in the game.
But i will rewrite it in a shorter version...

May 10 2016, 4:40 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T69567: Character prone issue fix and game improvement idea..

In fact i give more information about already existing bug and a way to fix them, the part 3 explain how to fix both issue 1 and 2 that are already know.
I can rewrite it for explain that the main thing i explain here is for fix several bug already know and add a missing feature in the same time...

May 10 2016, 4:40 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot edited Steps To Reproduce on T69567: Character prone issue fix and game improvement idea..
May 10 2016, 4:40 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T69563: Action menu improvement and mouse manipulation.

My ticket is 20 days old, it is not cause of him i have create it, but i have editing it, first cause it was 2 times bigger for nothing before and also cause almost everything he said on the video was on my old ticket and regarding the fact that the other ticket (0010726) now talk about what Dyslexci video said i was in need to update/editing it for avoid duplicate.

May 10 2016, 4:40 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T69563: Action menu improvement and mouse manipulation.

Haha np, if you want to, just be careful to small details, date, editions and things like this, it is always a small details that detective look for, and never trust in coincidence :D

May 10 2016, 4:40 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T69563: Action menu improvement and mouse manipulation.

Not really, i just remember another ticket cause my system is heavily related to it but that's all and i want to avoid to be set as duplicate so i explain that it is a different things.

My ticket talk about a mouse interface, you press a button and it enabled you to click both contextual and self action menu (one of the example why i have to talk about the other ticket) and also with the same menu you can use your mouse to click on object and manipulate them, action menu and object manipulation is not two different menu that i talk about, i talk about a single one that permit both things.

May 10 2016, 4:40 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot edited Steps To Reproduce on T69563: Action menu improvement and mouse manipulation.
May 10 2016, 4:40 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T69537: asthma inhaler.

In real life we can run (i don't talk about fast run or sprinting, just run) for 40Km or so, and in military training they run for 40Km or more depending of the army/country with all gear/equipment on them.
In Arma running for less than 1Km make the soldier completely exhausted, even without equipment, and exhaustion in Arma = hard to aim, it is really unrealistic.

May 10 2016, 4:39 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T69495: All new weapons accuracy needs fix.

This issue is also present in single shoot mode ?
(If it is a bug you need to give more precision in the description of the problem)

May 10 2016, 4:37 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T69495: All new weapons accuracy needs fix.

It is not an accuracy problem, the croshsair is here to simulate what people do while shooting WITHOUT aiming with iron sight, it fact it was not supposed to be show on the screen and you have to try to judge of where your weapon is aimed and its normal that bullet don't go on the center of the screen.

May 10 2016, 4:37 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T69469: Separate Keys for Various Throw Items.

Impossible, your system can't handle a lot of things, including change of grenade type.
Multiple frag grenade type and multiple smoke color/type like Wallside say but also chemlight and other object like this.
If you want it to be more safe use G for change grenade type and CTRL or what modifier you want + G for throw it.

May 10 2016, 4:36 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot updated subscribers of T69455: Mods and server..


Maybe, i don't know, it still a simple example, BIS can have their own on work in partnership.

The only work it will require will be to class actual mods, its the moderator that post mods on Armaholic page, they can easily and REALLY FAST choose the category while posting it.

Mods are recognized directly by .key for authentication and .pbo for the mods itself, when you have a non signed mods (no .key) and you join a server that don't accept mods or don't have them you get an error message that told you that you the require key and you need to restart the game and manually disabled mods one by one and try again, and i have say TRY, not able to join it.
I actually have a lot of mods on a @Mods folder (not a good idea to put them inside addons folder) and they are perfectly recognized buy the server.
And i think it will work the same way inside Addons folder for avoid illegal game modification, and anyway in my idea i talk about a solution to improve security.

And the difference between 0006428 and mine is huge, i also talk about mods downloading but not only, i talk about mods management, server side and client side, difference between SP and MP mods, possibility to DISABLED mods when server don't accept them and a lot of things.

And thanks.

May 10 2016, 4:35 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T69455: Mods and server..

I talk away way more things and way more possibility than 0006428 who only talk about 15% of what i have described here, i talk about different mods system, mods interface for server and client side, smart use of Armaholic and more.
Related to maybe, duplicate i don't think it is a good idea, i'm not sure that dev read things set as duplicate...
What TL;DR mean ?
Also what you mean by sum it up ?

May 10 2016, 4:35 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot edited Steps To Reproduce on T69455: Mods and server..
May 10 2016, 4:35 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T69455: Mods and server..

When people downvote please explain why.
This is an important issue that can only give better experience with everyone, i don't see any reason to downvote it, so explain why.

May 10 2016, 4:35 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T69437: [ Requesting ] a Selectable Level of Wounds from No Blood to a Realistic Wounding System.

+1 Plutoto and damn both other ?
Are you never see a game adding feature AFTER it was release ?
No one force it to be release FOR the final version and also it is an IMPORTANT thing, cause the actual unrealistic wounding system that simply destroy the game balance is stupid for a simulation/realistic game.

May 10 2016, 4:35 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T69089: Suggestion about the Context Menus (left click and scroll down/release left mouse button to select).

Nice idea but only (like you said) if the button are customization or maybe the middle mouse button, cause when we open the menu by mistake (happen a lot) and we get an enemy next to us, we are happy to keep our shooting capability.
But the idea is great and can permit a lot of various actions lot limited by a single menu only available with up/down mouse scroll.

Look at VTS Gesture mods :
I think it show exactly what kind of mouse click menu you want !
It can exist 2 different form for this :
Like the VTS Gesture one who only handle mouse position (nice but not the best cause it is really fast but way too much leak of precision sometime)

And another like the inventory (or any mods that add new feature with clickable interface) that permit to use the cursor (way better cause it is intuitive, easy to use, fast and give a lot of precision).

Personally i prefer cursor rather than "mouse drag" but i think both are great, and all 3, vanilla with mouse wheel (who will never be delete i think) mouse drag and cursor must all be available with an options to choose the one we want !

May 10 2016, 4:22 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T69085: Easy way to significantly improve the clunky action menu.

My damn ticket is NOT a duplicate of this one...
Here they talk about menu itself, i talk about this ticket (and i mention it for avoid that people told me that its a duplicate for nothing) just cause my idea work WITH this one, is related to and NOT duplicate at all !!!
I talk about using MOUSE CURSOR to click on the menu rather than using the incredibly stupidly bad mouse wheel system and using the mouse cursor to interact with ENVIRONMENT...
Told me HOW it is related with this ? where even a single time the world "mouse" is write except for talking about the mouse middle button ???
My idea is RELATED to and NOT duplicate, i have just mentions this ticket just cause it have to work with and not against my idea, idea that can even work WITHOUT this ticket, i ONLY talk about this idea cause its a great one, everyone want and need it and it fit perfectly with my own of using mouse, but its not the same thing at all, its like make a duplicate of a mouse car steering control issue with someone talking about no force feedback for joystick/wheels for cars steering, it make no sense, it don't make me want to write any other ticket, anyways Devs don't care about feature that 90.18% of people want to be changed since the first Arma, so it is useless to write ticket for wishlist.
I have expecting a lot of Arma 3 and we get nothing...Sad.

May 10 2016, 4:20 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T69085: Easy way to significantly improve the clunky action menu.

Please STOP with round and other radial menu idea, or ONLY if it come with an option to disabled it.
It look arcade, it is arcade and for a lot of people it is horrible to use (probably the same pain that what we have with the actual) and a lot of time we choose the wrong action, the mouse is weird and bad to use with this and their is a lot of others problems...
When i game use this kind of menu i play most as possible without it and i'm far to be the only one that hate this.
Simple menu like this but WITH CURSOR ok, and even a need and direct interaction with environment (push, drag and move object, open door, take weapon etc).
But the menu that magically choose it by mouse movement its a pain...
You have the time to be killed 20 time just for change weapon.
Optional only !

May 10 2016, 4:19 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T69085: Easy way to significantly improve the clunky action menu.

I think one of the best solution can be CLICKABLE menu but certainly not the commo rose, we never be able to find the interaction we want before 3 hours of try and it need constant actions.
A key that open toggle off on (with both press to enabled and press again to close or press to aim with weapon for example) or press release that permit like the inventory to have interface that can permit to do A LOT of things, clickable menu with both Context action sand Self actions/abstract action and also click on the environment directly, if we are close enough, we click a door it open it, same for windows, hatch, it can permit to click on a lot of things, useful for take some object and can also permit to move object !

My idea here work with the ticket and both tickets here : (mine) and this one :

May 10 2016, 4:19 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T69085: Easy way to significantly improve the clunky action menu.

I have link your ticket in my one :

May 10 2016, 4:19 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T69019: Joystick Saitek X52 Pro not A3 compatible.

I play with my X52 Pro and two POV button are not recognized by Arma 3.
The main one is, but others are not.
I need to create custom keyboard command in my profile i think to get them to work...

May 10 2016, 4:17 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T68900: Horrible game performance in multiplayer.

Duplicate of this ticket

May 10 2016, 4:12 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T68900: Horrible game performance in multiplayer.

I think you use mods, for idk what reason some mods cause really bad performance in multiplayer, for me it work well, but i have trying to play with a friend, he have installed 1 or 2 mods i don't remember and the game was totally unplayable cause of the bad framerate, he have try in the editor and it work without problems, and back to the same server (if i remember it is but i'm not sure about) and the game get good framerate when mods was deleted, try it, if its the cause, try to find wish one cause this by delete only one (just rename the mods folder or put the main folder of the mods "@modsname" inside another folder (like "save") and try each one by one.
Anyway if the problem come with the mods (if after delete or move all main mod folder inside another folder for example it stop to lag in Multiplayer) you can give more information to the dev team and get your problem solve !
And sadly if you can't play without mods at least you will still be able to play.

May 10 2016, 4:12 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T68823: Weapon recoil based on additional stamina..

Related to :

I have write a huge and long comment about recoil, how it must work and why the one in Arma is actually false.
Link to the comment here :
I have explain how real recoil work with all process.
And recoil must be completely reworked and reviewed cause it is actually totally false.

And i totally agree with your idea, shooting is exhausting, mainly with heavy weapon and depending of the stance but also of the use of bipod/resting.
What must affect it :
Weapon weight
Weapon caliber
Recoil value of the weapon
Resting/bipob use
Use of handgrip and other lower attachment (Inventory system need to be reworked and add of lower attachment including different hand grip/bipod, mix of both, grenade launcher, shotgun and other things)

Upvoted !!!

May 10 2016, 4:09 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T68693: Aiming Up While Prone.

@Killzone_Kid This is exactly what my ticket talk about :

@AD2001 The game is already ultra limited/featureless and we already embody a robot rather than a human with real ability (jump, climb, jump to ground and a lot of things like this) i don't see why we should limit or refuse more thing, i don't see anything that can prevent someone on prone position to just turn around and aim up, mainly when you are prone and that an enemy come to shoot you from the back, rather than the magically and ridiculous ground rotation my idea is visually more realistic and also for gameplay side more realistic.
The High prone/sitting stance must NOT be the only prone stance where we should be able to aim and shoot up, read my ticket !
I hope someone will make my ticket related to this one.

May 10 2016, 4:05 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T68693: Aiming Up While Prone.

If you are interested i have find a way to fix this issue without put limitation to player aiming angle and look realistic :

May 10 2016, 4:04 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T68610: Continuous Horn Sound.

Or he can just continuously use the horn by spamming the button and its even more boring the repeating horn than the non stop one, anyway for spamming VOIP is already a spammer paradise.

May 10 2016, 4:00 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T68610: Continuous Horn Sound.

Short version with delay can't fix any "horn spamming/trolling issue" ruin immersion and create really bad sound for some vehicle like the Strider and get really bad effect for truck.
A lot of game handle this possibility.

May 10 2016, 4:00 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T68236: Feature Request: Driver and Gunner Position Vehicle Interiors for Armored Vehicles.

+1000, see tank inside, be able to embody the loader and while the gunner shoot see the incredible canon kick back inside the turret or even don't need the unrealistic interface that show speed on the top left corner but use real speed gauge, or even be able to use the side hatch and way more things like possibility to get clickable cabin for MORE REALISTIC possibility and less bench_of_keyboard_key_needed and including the possibility for the community to make mods it and give way more advanced functions.

May 10 2016, 3:47 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T67931: Rolling with collimator focused.

I think i understand what you mean, anyway the prone system need to be completely review :

May 10 2016, 3:36 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot edited Steps To Reproduce on T67575: Peripherics, joystick and vehicle controls imputs.
May 10 2016, 3:25 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot edited Steps To Reproduce on T67539: Weapon attachments compatibility way it work.
May 10 2016, 3:24 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot edited Steps To Reproduce on T67526: Realistic health and injury.
May 10 2016, 3:24 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T67146: Suggestion: Reduce recoil with lower stances.

I agree.
Weapon's recoil itself can't change but the body position affect the kinetic transfer from the weapon to our body and we are able to compensate more or less the recoil depending of our stance.

May 10 2016, 3:08 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T66499: Why change to pistol when picking up rifle?.

I agree that this is annoying and unrealistic cause its true, if we take it, it mean we have it on our hands, but anyway like Khan say it will be fixed, thanks dev !
Same for the two other fact say here, not able to move while change weapon, my airsoft gun have the same shape and height than real gun, i have no military training and i'm able to change them while moving, even while running and same for pickup object in my pockets, in Arma 3 the character can't move while in the inventory or the inventory will be close, we have too much unrealistic and gameplay non friendly restriction.

Same for the auto reloading who prevent us to take more mags before it finish to reloading, a user side possibility is to first take ammo by slide them from the source to our inventory and after only put one of them into our riffle by sliding it into the riffle mag position.
The real solution will be the possibility to take all ammo at once, so the reload will not hinder anyone.
The other possibility is that the weapon will be only reload when we leave the inventory.

May 10 2016, 2:44 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T65741: Add volumetric light.

Example here with Crysis 1 :

Crysis 2 :
A good one here :
Sunset :

Far Cry 2 :

Far Cry 3 : (not sure if it is in game screenshot or art screenshot)

Skyrim :
(not sure if it is vanilla or mods light occlusion and other visual stuff)

Guild Wars 1 :

The Last of Us :

Real life :

In forest :

The famous horse sunray :

In city (sorry i don't find a lot if them) :
Not really a sunray from object but dirrectly form the sun :

Inside :
Sorry image under licence for full resolution :
Nice one but sadly a little too small :

From clouds : (a huge one)
Don't forget clouds shadow :

And finally important thing now that we have scuba, sunray underwater :
And the final best one (winner of a contest)

And a mountain one :

I really hope to see all effect, different kind of lightray and sunray.
The correct dark shadow and also the soft one perfect and beautiful example here :
And all other beautiful effect that the sun can do !

Sorry for the wall of link, but i hope you will really enjoy the images ! =)

May 10 2016, 2:11 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T65549: Speed of sound simulation missing - vehicles.

Thing like Doppler effect, speed of sound and also distance/attenuation.
But devs can you please also considerate the environment sound distortion, reverberation and other things like this brilliant mods do :

Also please tweak things like tire sound, its horrible, car horn and the Gatling sound, rather than put a sound per bullet, a general single sound when we shoot, it will be way better !

May 10 2016, 2:03 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T65006: In "Preview" mode from "Editor", if killed more then 3 times, the "restart" menu disappears must "alt-ctrl-del" to kill game.

Same here, i have die and restart 10 time and unable to reproduce in DEV 0.61.106178

May 10 2016, 1:44 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T64875: Kill / give damage to the player who is inside a house that collapse..

+1 i have search if someone already report this (and you do) cause inside Building who collapse on us, we don't die or even be hurt.

Reproduce ? : Go inside any house, put an explosive charge and move far enough in the same house, blow up the charge, the building will collapse on you and you wont die.
A video of this bug here.

May 10 2016, 1:40 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T64792: Dynamic mod downloading and loading.

Kocrachon take a look on my idea (the link just before your message), on my ticket i explain an idea that don't use at all server bandwidth or server perf consummation to do it and give to server creators more control on mods.

May 10 2016, 1:37 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T64792: Dynamic mod downloading and loading.

Related to mine :

I hope mine WON'T get closed and ignored cause i give way more idea than here and i talk about important things that really miss.

May 10 2016, 1:37 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T64458: Helmet-mounted flashlights..

+1 it will be nice and the dilemma of light vs laser is in fact an issue, the tactical laser pod that we have in the game is, in real life a system that include laser IR + visible laser + flashlight + IR flashlight, it just (again) a leak of feature, like left + right attachments possibility.
I don't dream (i don't expect anymore to see much more feature in Arma 3 now, it is full of leak of feature and restriction), it will be "nice" if we can get a single flashlight model with a single mode, but several mode will be nice and useful, also the IR spot/strobe that permit FOE identification is needed.

May 10 2016, 1:25 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T63774: Unreal Explosions In ARMA 3.

+1000 Cook Off is missing so bad, it also must count as a possible shrapnel.
Particle miss so much, mainly with a particle settings in graphic options :

And explosion itself can be way better.

May 10 2016, 12:57 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T63743: Add realistic body armour..

In the past COD was realistic, including real history fact (even people in the family of a guy i know) recoil, ballistic and realistic damage tolerance, now COD is the less realistic gun game ever, and we already have loose some feature since Arma 2... :/

May 10 2016, 12:54 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T63743: Add realistic body armour..

Raoul, don't care about, they want a game where shoot on the arms or the legs kill in one shot (cause they are too lazy to suicide/respawn by choosing another role or "don't want to wait...In Arma the game where you can walk 1h before see an enemy, even if i have explain that it will change NOTHING for them if they want to keep playing in arcade/fast respawn way, too selfish to understand) and 5 hit in the chest and up to 3 hit with sniper riffle (Marksman Is a sniper, not a 50cal but still a sniper with weapon designer for a single shot kill even through body armor).
I trust in BIS and i'm sure except for low difficulty options it will NOT happen.

Their are not totally wrong, body armor must be implemented in a realistic way, but don't worry dude it will be more realistic that what they mentioning, and with realistic injury beyond it it will be perfect, its true that M9 can't pass through and smaller caliber need several shoot, but MP7, standard assault riffle and sniper can easily pass through in a single shot most of the time, except in rare occasion if we are lucky or the guy with the heaviest body armor only.
Devs will never loose their first client/community just for some arcade lover that want just BF3 with bigger map.
But its true that healthpoint system is unrealistic and bad.

@Fireball sorry for the wall of text, anyways i wont debate anymore with Scril and GeneralScott, don't worry, anyway it make me loose to much time to give them a lot of argument that they don't even read/care about and maintain that their are right, i have never said that body armor realistically implemented is a bad idea, just that the way it is described is not realistic based on what happen in real life and regardless of exceptions that the game will anyway handle...
I want body armor to be implemented REALISTICALLY, but not in the way that make shoot in arms kill in a single shot (stupidest idea ever) or more stronger than Iron Man.
@All Period.

May 10 2016, 12:54 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T63743: Add realistic body armour..

Don't worry dude, their is nothing else to say with moron like them, they will talk alone or troll with another who want a great game like its supposed to be.
I apologize for the wall of text.
Its just hard to be short with stupid people like them, even with 2 tons of example/explanation and 100% valid argument they still think they are right.

May 10 2016, 12:54 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T63743: Add realistic body armour..

Guy, you are scary...

You think other weapon like assault riffle are not made for penetrate armor ?
What about the M16 at the video start ? for you its a weapon that don't exist that it ?
And YES the MP7 is a SMALL weapon, that why its a SMG and not an AR.

And that was not commercial, its a bullet penetration testing area, made for research new weapon/bullet and better way to kill and to COUNTER any armor plate and UNLIKE other video from youtube it is a REAL military weapon with REAL military ammo and not practicing/range one like you apparently think that military have.

But i'm sorry i still wrong and everyone who get dead cause of the bullet pass through the armor plate like a knife in the butter are also wrong, forgive them for die in a wrong way that defying your divine knowledge.

And i think everyone who will read this will find that YOU suffer from an extreme amount of stupidity and i have nothing special.
Anyways i'm bored to talk with a moron.

@GeneralScott, its cause of people who want arma to be arcade/not realistic that Arma is not more realistic, no one except guy who always want this SIMULATOR to be a game, yes it is a game, but it supposed to be a realistic one, sadly that not what we get cause people want a stupid game where several bullet on the head do nothing.
And wow wow wow stay calm dude, i have on ANOTHER TICKET talk about the fact that its stupid to get shoot and have no problem at all, if you are happy with a game where when a guy get shoot except a vision color change he get NOTHING, go to play BF3.
Some server DISABLED the respawn, what you prefer ? have a chance to be bring back to the fight simulating a reinforcement and just for SOME MINUTES have to use laser designator for example for commanding an airstrike or guide your allied to make them safely rescue you, or you prefer to be a seagull ?
I don't talk about much more complex system than what ACE bring to Arma 2, i just want it as vanilla for Arma 3 and don't worry your arcade mind will be safe cause you can still play with minimum difficulty options.
Arma 2 handle the fact that when you get shot on the legs you can't run and in some case you can't even walk, i just wonder to see IMPROVEMENT and not REGRESSION from previous game.
So it is not cause you are mad against me just cause i don't lets you want a realistic idea and possible feature to not be including in the game that you have to come here for show how mad you are against me just cause your selfish ass want to get a game like you want regardless the fact that this game is initially made FOR realism and that the reason why BIS also made a professional high cost and realistic military simulation, cause it is what they want, everytime they talk about Arma they talk about realism and fidelity.
If you are not happy to see a feature that will CHANGE NOTHING for your moron selfish mind go to play in another game or suicide yourself everytime you get hit.
Get hit on arms or legs must done single shot kill, haha seriously ? you realize what you just said ? even Scrim will approval that what you say is stupid, it don't work like that and it will NEVER work like that, and its not cause you DON'T want or like to wait until someone rescue you that you have to be selfish and think only about your little ass and want the game like YOU want, if you don't want to wait, them go to play on server where you can respawn like you want with low difficulty level.

From one side : Someone who want the game to be unrealistic in a closer possible way of the arcade
On other side : Someone who want the game to be unrealistic in the most exaggerated way on the restrictive and featureless side.
That why Arma don't get better than why he must be at least, cause of people like you who want the game to be unrealistic, restrictive, too arcade or featureless.
Their is no good and just way, only 2 extreme that the REAL community that want the game for what it is supposed to be have to deal with.

So yes i want REALISTIC armor, and i'm sure BIS will find REALISTIC value rather than arcade one proposed by someone who are afraid to die in a video game.
And yes i want a realistic game where a simple bullet on the arms don't kill you when a bullet on the body armor don't make you any effect and where headshot kill (i agree) but where things like bullet in non vital area don't magically kill but in a realistic way create negative effect on character and i also sure that BIS will NOT based their work on someone that don't want to wait when he is hurt even if i don't stop to say to this stupid moron and selfish brain that he can still play with low settings level of difficulty or play inside server where respawn are enabled and where he can still suicide himself if he his not happy to wait SOME MINUTES (cause i don't know why you maintain that it will make you want hours, its not longer than respawn at the base, wait for an helicopter to come take you, and put you on the LZ, except that you just wait the helicopter to come, STILL DO SOMETHING until he is here, create REAL COOP and withing a single minute when the LZ for extraction is safe by the coop work of the guy that secure it, you put your selfish ass on the helicopter, flight to the base and hit the respawn option on the medical area).
And again YOU play only in server where people freely respawn and a LOT of server DON'T have any repsawn, it is not cause you don't play inside this server that they have to be forget with all people who playing in, its a complete moron and selfish attitude.
Unlike you i have accepting the thing that i don't like with the game and i deal with or play with mods/difficulty level that handle it/server who play like this but NOT try to change it, i even defending or upvoting thing that i don't like but i still think its important/realistic feature, it is not people like you that can do it, its sure, you want WHAT you want LIKE you want and WHEN you want and you even want other people to play like YOU want, regardless if you can still play like you want without affecting other people, no, see other people get happy with a more feature than you its too much for your selfish moron brain, you can't accept it.

Anyway moron like you boring me i don't want to spend/loose my time to talk with 2 error of the nature that want come to something not like they want and rather than accept it want it to change for become how THEY want even if it is NOT how the game is build for and that REAL community don't want it, and mainly when this STUPID moron can't understand that with some difficulty options everyone can be happy, but no they want a game to be 100% LIKE they want, regardless if it affecting feature or difficulty level that they don't even care about/play with.
It is cause of people like you that we living inside a bad world.
Anyway, bye.

May 10 2016, 12:54 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T63743: Add realistic body armour..

Ok i'm wrong.
If fact you are stupid and don't understand at all.
So yes the earth will admit that weapon are not made for kill and not design for facing against enemy who have body armor, of course yeah everyone know it.
And of course everyone know that 10 people who get lucky over Tens of thousands is only me that get wrong.
Of course the only explanation left is that the over 70000 soldier dead are just unlucky, get armor plate made in China or suicide themselves for not offending the enemy to not die when the armor work like it have to and save their life, of course everyone know it.

So stop to be stupid, i have not only show ANIMALS get shot i have also show a video of the LITTLE MP7 that PENETRATE easily a body armor and i talk about the fact that it is totally stupid to said that the body armor save life when only 10 example are here compare to Tens of Thousands for those the body armor don't save their life, but yes i still wrong, you right, the whole earth is wrong next to you and statistic don't exist of courses.

So rather than talk about what make your unrealistic and stupid arguments and idea valid, open your eyes and think about how many people get kill cause of bullet penetrate EASILY the armor plate and rather than try to told to ME that i don't know what i talk about realize that you don't know much more.
Since the begin you have NOT said a SINGLE valid argument, i don't need to know what i talk about, i just need to observing that weapon can penetrate through body armor and that a lot of people with body armor get killed by bullet who penetrate it.

Don't need to be a Genius or to know aeronautic for understand that an aircraft in flame and in thousands of pieces on the ground, can't flight anymore and just have crash, and you maintain that an aircraft who fall on the ground with high velocity will not explode and people inside won't get hurt, it is EXACTLY the same thing that you try to say, i have show you a lot of example and give you valid argument and the only think you keep doing is to only said that you are right, i'm wrong and i don't know what i takl about, and its supposed to be me who act like a kid ?
C'mon be serious a seconds and realize that you only say bullshit, anyways i won't loose more time.

You are EXACTLY like this guy
It will not surprise me of you agree with him haha, you have the SAME logic.

May 10 2016, 12:54 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T63743: Add realistic body armour..

I have already check both link.
Like i have already said : how some RARE and ISOLATED LUCKY SURVIVOR can be taken as a real and serious proof next to how many people the body armor was not enough to kill them, your both link ONLY show lucky people.
Example : on a carrier aircraft one day a crew member was stuck inside a jet engine, he survive cause with a great luck he don't pass through the blade.
But all other people who get stuck inside jet engine was all kill and even vaporized and more people that you can think was sucked inside jet engine, only one, maybe 2 survive over a lot of other killed.
With the same logic than you, if i show the example of the survivor one it mean that a realistic game of ground crew operation must lets us survive if we are sucked inside a jet engine.
Over the huge number of people that get killed you show 10 person, the official number of soldier who die in Irak is over 70000 and you still argument with 10 people case...
Some of them are even hit in non vital area and for other we CLEARLY see that the bullet only BOUNCE in the helmet/vest cause of a low angle trajectory on the impact point.

I have never look for SAPI plate but i'm sure it work by absorbing the impact and take a deformation for avoid the bullet to penetrate and to transfers too much kinetic energy to the soldier.
It don't mean that weapon and bullet are not more advanced than this and MADE for pass through it, don't forget that weapon are for make WAR, WAR against SOLDIER with WEAPON and EQUIPMENT and not nude or civilian people, no need to be a genius for understand that, mainly when a lot of person WITH armor plate get killed and that a video of REAL MILITARY weaponry and body armor show that even one of the smallest weapon with one of the smallest caliber that a soldier have expect with a pistol pass EASILY THROUGH the body armor, not one, not twice, but for EACH shoot.

And like i have said : it is NOT cause in some rare occasion the body armor plate have save some live that it mean it will always do it mainly when its some RARE and ISOLATED result compare to maybe 1000 time more for those who don't get saved by this.
Even in your image it show that when the bullet have not penetrate the soldier have a huge impact on his body and he probably pass out or still unable to fight for a time, in Arma when an headshot don't kill the soldier (AI or player) still 100% able to fight, it is TOTALLY unrealistic, this + more stronger armor will mean that the result will be maybe worst than what we see in unrealistic game like Battlefield 3 or other examples.
Of REALISTIC wounding and INCAPACITATING system was implement yes, it will be a pleasure for me if a REALISTIC body armor value was implemented, but the way you described it with 3 shot and only knock off, even for a SNIPER RIFFLE (Marksman) it is unrealistic and bad.

So yes i hope the dev will do research and look also for realistic wounding system and not : not hit -> wounded/tired -> Dead like atuall and add REALISTIC value and not what you described that are unrealistic and except some really rare case like Arma also have sometime is totally not what happen in almost every situation.

You look intelligent, or at least not stupid and you can understand things, it mean that for you the fact that you don't understand me don't mean that you don't understand anything, it mean that you don't want to understand it, only few people don't understand me.
And i judge about what i see, and i see that you want a game where we get hit several time without problems before get only knock off, it is unrealistic, it mean that you want to play on a unrealistic way, not need to be a genius to understand it, and i also understand that i'm sure that you know what i have already told you several time :
You CAN'T want a realistic thing based on something that happen almost never, you perfectly know that the number of people that any body armor have save is ridiculously weak next to the people killed without get help by the same armor plate, it mean that you perfectly know that it almost never happen and it mean that it is unrealistic to add it as a standard, and if you don't understand it it mean that you don't want to understand it, and except on woman i have never see this attitude on man, it mean that you want this even if it is not want majority want and what the game is created for.
And don't think that you get upvote cause people what it like YOU want.
Half of the upvote you have is from people that want Arma 3 to be arcade for play with less difficulty and the rest its from people that have upvote for REALISTIC armor without even real the unrealistic value you have write.
I don't care about how you play the game, but you clearly show how you want to play it, in a unrealistic way.

May 10 2016, 12:54 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T63743: Add realistic body armour..

The only thing you have just done here is to talk about something else for avoid the main subject and try with personal attack cause you know that you are totally wrong and you have nothing to argument (its not better than argument like a 4 year old child).
And you don't know neither, you are not a solder about what i know and a friend on me that have REALLY go to OP in a country in war and have all this family in the military service agree with me when we talk together about military things.

I'm really bad with human interaction cause i'm autistic, simple as that, i don't think like other people, i see more the reality and i avoid all the useless thing that regular people do/think and make them wrong on some point, and i can analyse a lot of thing and almost everytime when i talk about something i don't know or that i only know the bases i never wrong, cause its how i work/think and i don't talk about something i don't judge correct/true.
Also i'm dyslexic and English is not my first language.
I don't care about how look or what you think about the things i write, i still be able to told what i want and the only reason why someone can't understand me its cause the person its too stupid to understand or cause he don't want to understand.

If you are a weapon specialist/engineer or the designer of the SAPI plates i will listen to you, if you are not, i will based my judgement on WANT HAPPEN in REAL LIFE rather that what YOU want to see or what you want to show us for having an unrealistic game just cause you are bored to get kill by a single bullet without be able to fight back, bots already need several shoot to kill them, it men the only reason why you want it it is for YOUR character, it mean that you get killed and you want it to stop, basic psychology, so play better and stay hide rather than run everywhere on the map and your issue will be fixed, you are not supposed to take ANY shoot at all.

So comeback and rather than turn around and avoid the subject comeback with VALID arguments and PROOF/EXAMPLES and i will listen to you, anyways their is nothing else to say.

So YES for realistic body armor to be implemented, but certainly not in the unrealistic way you describe/want to.

May 10 2016, 12:54 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T63743: Add realistic body armour..

I perfectly understand that you want Arma 3 to become less realistic more easy for YOU to play cause you don't want to be kill everytime someone shoot at you, you CLEARLY want it, you talk about several bullet and just a knock out effect, i clearly understand what you expecting and WHY you expecting it.

YOU don't understand that weapon don't work lie Hollywood movie or game like Battlefield/COD/CS and other, a bullets its a bullet, its a sharped really high velocity (over the speed of the sound) high density object, you don't seem to realize the damage it make.
Example here with the biggest one, the cal 50 : look what happen to the poor animal who get shoot by this : they LITERALLY explode, you have to understand that even small riffle caliber is not 10 time smaller than this.

If the bullet don't penetrate or a not deviated it mean it transfer ALL this energy to you, you GET knock off, even an airsoft gun can pass through a can, its plastic, not not sharped and its low velocity but still be able to pass through heavy can or glass and destroy it.
You have to realize that the recoil effect that you take when you shot its a SMALL amount of the energy that the bullet receive, when a bullet is stopped by an hard material it transfer ALL this power except the small amount that are use for literally destroy the bullet.
Take a heavy hard metal plate, hard and heavy enough for the bullet to just crunch on it, attach it to you and get shot, i'm sure you won't stay up cause of the inertia transfer.
So it is totally unrealistic to expecting 3 shots before get knock of.
When the bullet penetrate (body armor or your body itself) or bounce in your body armor you absorb the bullet energy and you get hurt.
Its easy to show example of lucky people that survive, but i can also told you about some medium armor vehicle (like the new one we have here) that get destroy by simple assault riffle like the AK-47 with shoot on the fuel tank area (with VEHICLE ARMOR)
It is extremely rare that a body armor avoid a bullet to penetrate.
And if a bullet can't penetrate on a first place, why it will penetrate on another area, it mean that you have to shoot at least 2 time at the SAME impact point to get the bullet to penetrate cause their is no reason that an area stop the bullet and magically another don't stop it, do you really believe that its possible ? i think all dead soldier don't think so.

When a bullet hit your helmet you have to get REALLY lucky if you survive, cause in almost every condition when the bullet don't penetrate and hit you with enough velocity to kill you, you get your spin broken, and if your survive cause the bullet bounce on it or penetrate enough for absorb the kinetic energy you have something like 85% of chance to pass out.

Over 70000 soldier get kill in Irak and the body armor don't save them, now told me on all the survivor how many survive to shoot with their body armor that save their life, you will said that the vest is from 2035, but the weapon is ALSO from 2035, body armor can't evolve much more than weapon, we already mastering great material for body armor and the new equipment that country have like the French FELIN is the SAME that will be using in 2035, but the weapon and the bullet will evolving, weapon ALWAYS evolving faster than armor, imagine if weapon will be useless against armor ? then why make a war, it is useless to fight against someone that you can't hurt.

You really thing shotgun are weak ?
Look this : they even penetrate WALL
IF you think your body with a SMALL armor plate even heavy and hard is stronger than a wall, wheel try to take an armor plate and run against a brick wall until you broke it.

Don't try a comparison with civil weapon/ammo used on civil/military body armor, it is TOTALLY different.
Civil weapon are more weak than military one and when you buy a weapon it is most of the time a CIVIL version and CIVIL ammo.
Also CIVIL armor are designed for SURVIVE to CIVIL shot, it stop it, military are trained to survive and avoid to need their body armor to do their job, you need to read about Stopping power.
Even if you are not dead weapon are DESIGNED to neutralize target with a SINGLE shoot, and weapon designer, engineer know about body armor and they completely take it on the equation when they design weapon for kill or at least neutralize target at the FIRST shoot, make weapon who need several shot to kill or neutralize target is completely stupid and useless.

Look at this :
MP5 with 9mm pistol of course don't penetrate body armor, but like this video show M16 and even the MP7 penetrate body armor without any problems, it even completely exit on the other side of the MILITARY helmet.
And if you look, you will see that its a TESTING armor, it mean supposed to be stronger than the one soldier have cause its made for testing bullet, for next weapon/ammo type and it have to be efficient against existing and FUTURE body armor.

So yes i know what i talk about a minimum and you don't, you just based on some lucky survivor and you want to game to change and become UNREALISTIC.

Based on your mind, some people already survive to a free fall from airplane, even a woman from 30000 feet, do it mean that in Arma we have to survive on 10Km high free fall just because based on a minority of lucky people it happen ?

Weapon are MADE FOR KILL and in designed for work actual and even next generation armor like it was ALWAYS the case.
Politician care more about enemy soldier killed than their own soldier dead, why we don't all have Kevlar/carbon/titanium armor ? simply cause its a cost loose compare to a weapon that can kill SEVERAL enemy unlike body armor that can save a SINGLE soldier, weapon even take from dead guy can be use again, body armor can't.

You talk about body armor that permit to avoid penetration, and its what i talk about, i just ALSO talk about the fact that even without penetration can have huge chance to be hurt or to die.

If you want to prove me wrong you have to do better than just use for excuse that "i don't know what i talking about" cause for the moment it is what i think about you, you just talk about some RARE lucky guy, exceptions...And i talk about what happen almost everytime.

Marksmen need 3 shoot ? seriously ? they are supposed to kill with a SINGLE bullet, that the reason why they mainly use SEMI AUTOMATIC weapon, and the ONLY reason their weapon can be auto, its for protect themselves against CLOSE target, and you want it to not be able to penetrate armor on the first shoot ?
You are too much based on Battlefield 3 where even the more powerful sniper riffle need 2 shoot on the body to kill, that's all, but what you asking is definitely not realistic at all and will destroy the small amount of realism of this game.
More realistic value why not, mainly for bots that are ridiculously hard to kill, but if you want a more easy game to play, go to CS/COD or play with minimum difficulty level.

May 10 2016, 12:54 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T63743: Add realistic body armour..

Actually human injury and body damage is really bad implemented and already ridiculously weak, its nice to want you to don't die when you take a bullet (cause admit that you only do it cause you are bored to die cause of a single shoot)

But actually even the smallest caliber ever used in combat without any protection must kill with headshot.
Actually in Arma a civilian (no protection) can stand several shoot before die, i have just done this afternoon the support showcase, after some successful artillery shoot i have walk to the antenna without know that some enemy are here, he try to shoot me (before see me...stupid bots), i stay hide beyond a wall, i take my 9mm with suppressor and empty the whole mag on him, every bullet have hit i'm sure, and he get absolutely NOTHING and kill me with a single bullet.

Sorry but when i see bot that handle headshot and several body shot but still able to kill us, its clear that the LAST thing that we need in Arma its less effective bullets, maybe if bullet REALLY impact on bot and player YES, but when you hit someone, their is only 1% of chance that this guy will still able to kill you like if he have no impact, even if you are not physically hurt, you begin to realize what happen and you literally can't move, completely paralyzed until someone interact (strongly) with you.
Soldier that survive to shoot in the head is RARE and NO ONE of them was still able to fight after this, probably pass out, if the bullet don't penetrate and blow your head, their is a lot of chance that the impact force completely broke your neck and kill you, how many time this thing happen, even in the body or in the rear armor plate, if you take a shoot of a standard caliber you will probably fall to the ground and even if it not kill or hurt you you will pass out.

IF you want a game that you can take several hit in the face without die go to Battlefield 3 or play with easy difficulty options, but i'm sure people who want what this game is supposed to give = realism won't like it, damage is actually badly modeled i agree but need several shoot on someone to kill him maybe cause of the vest, but only if the game handle the fact that when you take a bullet you CAN'T just walk around and still be able to kill, bullet in the helmet = pass out with a SMALL amount of chance, cause mainly it must penetrate or broke your neck, shoot on body armor = hurt you or at least reduce considerably your ability to fight and if you are lucky and that the bullet don't penetrate your body and even exit on the other side.

The biggest factor that make all this guy survive is the luck, i don't like this logic of shot don't kill from BF3 or COD, their is a ridiculously small amount of chance that the bullet lets you able to fight like if nothing happen or simply reduce your ability, and in fact we are already able to survive to some shoot in Arma 3 (with the extended armor option disabled) and bots are ridiculously too strong and not affected by bullet hit, they are not even affected by exhaustion or suppression effect.

Yes for more realistic bullet penetration based on REAL DATA and not on some lucky isolated survivor a,d body damage, but increase the survivability against bullet ONLY if some effect like pass out, disorientation and other realistic difficulty are implemented, the game is already way too much arcade for a lot of aspect including human tolerance, mainly with bots that always survive to our shoot and still 100% operate.
Yes for realistic thing but certainly not transforming Arma 3 into a retard arcade game that headshot don't kill (already it) and not even knock of and where tank can survive 3 RPG shoot like BF3 and other game.
For player yes maybe, i agree sometime we must survive and still die when bot who are supposed to die or be out of fight still 100% operate, but i don't want to see player become bulletproof and bot become more ridiculously too much overpowered than they actually are.

Do you realize that you want shotgun and sniper riffle, two more powerful weapon except cal50 to not even penetrate gillet, it is stupid and too much arcade and unrealistic, shotgun have so much power that when one of them hit you even with a big armor with almost all type of ammo it completely destroy your body, in fact it can create an hole big enough for you to see through, marksman can't kill in 3 body shot will be ridiculous, and sniper riffle i don't see why they are supposed to be weak when we know that they are designed for SINGLE SHOOT kill including soldier with armor plate.
Weapon are designed for kill, and military one are not only designed for kill nude people, but also people with armor, and weapon was ALWAYS more powerful than what armor can stand, since the first war of the humanity it was like this, today : rocket/AT missile/tank shell can destroy a tank in 1 shoot, 2 shoot if the tank are lucky but crew have 90% of chance to be dead even if the tank armor have do his job, missile and AAA gun are more powerful than what aircraft can supporting, torpedo and air surface missile are more powerful than what warship can handle, and all of this including heavy armor of the vehicle, human are not inside exoskeleton and when they will do, weapon will be able to crunch it even for the first shot.

May 10 2016, 12:54 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T63740: Allow rifles to be equipped in both the primary and secondary slot.

The reference about my family is for SGTIce who begin to going racist, and in general racist people have a small sense of respect.

And in fact it can be true if Arma 3 will be perfectly balance and realistic, but its not, the fact that someone who take a bullet is only affected in visual effect, view with blind effect and difficulty to aim, its everything but certainly not realistic, exactly like the leak of interface, functions and system, vehicle are arcade at 100%, the way we use them is arcade and totally not realistic, the recoil itself and the way we shoot is totally unrealistic, in real life rather than have a small recoil and lets the weapon progressively aim up, we always, almost automatically balance the recoil and the aiming up effect but cause of this the weapon point a lot of time next to the target cause we can't perfectly in a really short delay between two shoot recover the exact position of the weapon.
Battlefield 3 recoil is even more realistic than the one in Arma 3, in real life a shoot don't make you aim up for a single inch, you really have the weapon who go up and with your arms and your body you absorb the recoil and lets the weapon back to the original position by quickly take it back to the target aim trajectory and when you have done to shoot your weapon is not aiming up, but it automatically go down cause the recoil effect finish and you still force the weapon in the opposite side and you have the weapon height who take for a single second before you react the advantage on you.
And when you shoot a shotgun or a sniper, you can't do it in stand up so easily, some shotgun have so much recoil that you are literally ejected backward and fall on the ground like this popular one
Some other have a recoil that make the weapon point up almost 90°, in Arma you don't see that, and its a major issue way more important for balance than people who will be able to carry 2 weapon at time.
A realistic recoil will be the weapon who go way more up at each shoot, return automatically at the position but with a deviation who always change and the goal of the player will be to compensate it and always move again the weapon to the target, in Arma the only thing we have to do actually its just to slowly move the mouse in the opposite direction of the weapon raising trajectory, two problems, first, we have a mouse, we don't just apply a single effect on a direction, we move something, and we don't yet have a space distortion desktop that prevent the mouse the go out of the mousepad, and second, its not realistic and we are not supposed to have a dump guy who can't compensate the recoil of a regular weapon and lets it go up, the real challenge must be to fight against the deviation of the weapon when we lets it back to the initial attitude and the difficulty of the view that shake and really fast go up (like it actually do).
Or even the fact that the guy can't hold his breath more than 5 seconds, sorry but even after make huge effort and be exhausted i can old my breath way more than him and with a correct pause time between two hold, i can do it a lot, like everyone, again a limitation unrealistic and who kill the realism and the balance of the game.

I don't see any problem with this, you can already take 2 weapon at time, just you can equip a single, and you can even have a rocket launcher + a weapon on you + the pistol + a weapon in your backpack, so in fact except the fact that you don't have to ruin the gameplay by need to access to your bag or magically loose every attachment on your weapon cause its on the backpack and the game load the default weapon without attachment, it change nothing, its just way better for people who already using 2 weapons at time.

In fact in a realistic simulation we can even be able to shoot with 2 gun in time, but no one talk about it, just have 2 weapon.
And if you want a limitation, why not a limitation that prevent to take a cal 50 sniper and a MG at the same time just assault riffle + 12.7 or AR + MG with or AR + AR or even any weapon + SMG or SG yes it will be realistic, and maybe take both weapon slot with a single weapon for some ridiculously heavy weapon like cal 50 MG (i don't even thing a beast like this will be available in Arma cause its too heavy for carry it in real life) or any other big weapon bigger than standard MG or cal50 sniper.
And i think 95% of the voter here don't care about your personal preference.
And i can also explain you all this with picture, sound and PDF doc.

Anyways its clear : the game CAN'T be balance if we begin to delete or limit thing possible in real life, its the reason why actually no game is realistic, cause dev see a potential feature and say : i don't think it will be balance.
What the result ? for something who can in fact be perfectly balance by removing this they are forced to change in a unrealistic way all the rest of the feature and bring the thing far away from the reality, its incredible that people don't yet get it : real life is the most balanced example that we have for everything, it in fact balanced way over the human comprehension, if we want a realistic thing, we must COPY real life but certainly not delete things just cause it "look" like a balance issue or adding a restriction that we don't have in real life.

I have exposing to you real fact and correct argument, but if you still don't want this feature do like you want, anyway i'm sure it will be implemented anyways or some shotgun/SMG or eve AR will be modified to be put in the launcher slot if its not or people will carry it in the back pack, in any case we will get 2 big weapon + pistol on us (even the grenade launcher on the AR can be see like a secondary weapon) and the only valid argument you say is that you THINK it can create balance problems, you don't even really say why.
The only issue with game balance i care about is exactly the fact that some feature who must be present is delete or some limitation is put, without realistic limitation and leak of real life possibility their will be no gameplay balance issue anymore, but by limiting a feature you are forced to compensate it cause it create a difference from the real life, that why you need tons of things for balance a game, not cause some feature from real life unbalance it, but cause feature from real life are not resent or totally wrong/limited/inverted.
And more you will want limitation that change the simulation and make it become way form the real world, more balance will be needed, all this balance will also create authenticity and balance issue and more the game will be close to an arcade game rather than a simulation.
I hope you understand.

May 10 2016, 12:53 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T63740: Allow rifles to be equipped in both the primary and secondary slot.

Boid you absolutely don't know me and don't worry i know how to use real weapon, i won't see you and your disrespectful attitude insult someone of my family but in my family we have some good shooters and my father have take the second place of the French shooting contest, and i am almost good has i was and we don't care about the fact that you don't want to see 2 heavy weapon + a pistol, if you don't like it, its simple, take a SINGLE weapon, how stubborn are you to still don't want a feature in Arma that you have yourself experimented, the worst problem of the simulation is that its a procedure simulation rather than real life simulation and the limitation in game/software is NEVER a good thing.

I'm sure they will implement this feature and if you don't like it, don't use it, simple as that, almost 95% of people here want this feature, the troll is mainly the one who come in a place where we talk about something and critic this idea, like people come in a youtube video about classic music (simple example) to say that classic music are bad...
And its not complicate to understand that we have more accuracy and its more natural, more fluid and we have shorter reaction with our own body than using a mouse.
It is not cause your vision of what a simple video game is a restrictive things where we can't do anything else than shoot that you have to imposing it to everyone, its exactly like people who prefer the Arma 2 body physic where we are like a whale on ground, if you like restriction, don't imposing it to other people, just do it yourself, lets people have more and use less than what you have.
And if you worry about multiplayer, simply find a virtual team who think like you and its done, but please don't impose your unrealistic (boring and stupid) restriction to others.

SGTIce thanks for your disrespectful comment, i can easily and without loose time see what kind of racist person you are.
First, yes, i know the distance of the city that i live in since over 2 decades.
And what about French Army ? its not cause French Army don't prove their "ability to fight" by stealing country and territory from other that it mean its a bad Army, except rape, steal, kill and torture US army do nothing else than French Army on others country.
I'm not the typical french who want to defend the honor of his army, i don't care about who have the best army, but we still have the FAMAS a nice weapon, French are part of the best shooter, we have the best tank on earth, we have one of the best aircraft ever who defeat every other aircraft actually in simulated engagement and we have the best pilot ever and actually the only war our country is implicate in is clearly for help the USA that want again to kill innocent people to stealth a country and oil and other NATO obligation.
And USA is just an example cause no one have a really nice army, per definition a nice army don't exist and we can laugh at every of them, simple as that.

And i have never say something against weapon in secondary slot, i have talk about ACE cause its an example of a "modders made" ability to rework totally the inventory system in a really more complex way than just allow weapon to use two slot, everything i said in this ticket from the begin is FOR weapon in secondary slot.

And anyway we already can put a weapon on our backpack, and its not really logic to put an M107 or a SMAW in a backpack, the only change from gameplay balance side will be that you will be able to change quickly our weapon and don't need to always take back and setup again all accessory and other limitation that the game can't handle without add this feature.

Anyway this discussion here full of racist, disrespectful, selfish and stupid people boring me, i wont answer anymore to your stupidity.

May 10 2016, 12:53 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T63740: Allow rifles to be equipped in both the primary and secondary slot.

My airsoft equipment are actually a full metal repplica of SR-25 with suppressor, huge handgrip, heavy bipod, big 3-9x50 scope that can perfectly be using on any real weapon, the weight of my weapon is basically the same than the real one, mainly with all accessory i have on it, i have military boots, a ghillie suit, not a toys, a real military one buy on military store, its a really heavy one, M9 GBB who have the same weight than the real one with holster, tactical vest with a big flask, first aid kit, and several heavy things i have voluntary put in it.
The only difference between my airsoft replica and real life weapon is when we shot and the magazine, in the way we use it, in the way we carry it, in the way we aim with and for the size and the weight are the SAME than real weapon, some replica are even make by real gun factory and sometime they are so much realistic that without shoot, look mag or the barrel hole's size a real military with experience can't notice that its a replica.
AND i have no training and still do way better than the guy in Arma 3, and a friend of my was on one of the best part of the French Army, the Chasseurs Alpins, and he agree with me, the guy is actually ridiculously too much affected by fatigue...
Don't forget that weapon in Arma have realistic specification, but its WAY more easy in real life to compensate movement than using mouse, and when even without by exhausted he embody a stupid unable to be a minimum stable, adding it with the fact that you are exhausted really fast and more exhausted you are and in a too much way it affect your aiming it result an useless, stupid and unrealistic difficulty, simulation or not we still play for pleasure and not for fight against an asthmatic guy with Parkinson's disease.
And anyway Arma don't simulate weight reparation, you can carry the weight where you want the result is the same in Arma 3.

And its not that hard to allow weapon to be use in main and "launcher" slot, exactly like you can create a weapon and just change a SINGLE setting that will make it considerate by the game as a launcher, you will still be able to use it like regular weapon and use attachment and use another "conventional" weapon in primary slot, nothing else, just that rather than do it, just maybe 2 code line to change for allow it and some other to add on actual weapons for make them able to be set in slot A / B or B / C.
So maybe you think that create animation, recording voice and create a 3D body with equipment and handle a difference height and make this character having different physical characteristic like weight, size, strength, tolerance to fatigue, to injury and way more things is more complicated than just change some minor parameters to allow a software to do what he can even already do.
Even ACE add 1000 time way more complicate feature into Arma 2 than what is needed for allow the game to do what it can already do, download some weapons mods and you will see that some heavy M107 and other sniper take both primary and secondary weapon slot, you can't have a M107 and a rocket launcher, but anyway you can sill carry the rocket launcher in your backpack and its not realistic compare to having it on your back while you have the M107 in your hands.

May 10 2016, 12:53 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T63740: Allow rifles to be equipped in both the primary and secondary slot.

Female soldier require much more than a simple 3D character who will use the same animation than male.
First : female and male have different body, different bones, different tolerance and different way to move, you need to recreate a new 3D character and almost all animation with it, you also need to recording new voices and fix compatibility problems with a character who have a different size.

Weapon on secondary slow don't require any big modification of the game structure, its just a problems of ID that allow weapon to be set in a position rather than another, it can also allow SMG to be equipped as pistol or/and secondary/primary weapon, but bigger than SMG can't fit in pistol place, MP7 is almost too big but a simple UZI or M93R is not and can fit easily on the leg with adapted holster.

And NO !!!
No more fatigue, the actual soldier are ridiculously weak, i have not make any sport or exercise since 2 year or more and i still have way better tolerance to effort even with my full heavy airsoft equipment compare to soldier in Arma 3, i have try several mods this afternoon and for check my weapon i have simply run from initial position to an ammobox and go to a vehicle to take my distance with my bots that i have kill and for run 20m its become almost impossible to aim a target at 200m with full equipment cause he is exhausted, he is not able to hold his breath more than 5 seconds who are ridiculous and i have try a lot of time but hold breath don't cause a major difference its ridiculously unstable when we don't hold our breath.
Their are supposed to have military training and year of activity, i spend almost all my day on my room and and the only exercise i do is use the stairs for go to eat and i'm physically more trained than them...
So please NO, no more negative effect on fatigue, its actually ridiculously too much, i feel like i playing with asthmatic guy who carry brick and metal or a neutron star in his backpack...

Edit :
I have just try again and i have more stability and can more easily put my scope cross on the target in stand up position 9x zoom and aim something like 1500m away tree and breath ridiculously hard that almost make me pass out cause of hyperventilation than Arma 3 soldier on kneeling position at 200m after run less than 50m and spend most of the time to drive, take object in the virtual ammobox and take a good cover behind the car...

May 10 2016, 12:52 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T63740: Allow rifles to be equipped in both the primary and secondary slot.

Some example here of soldier who have several primary weapon : Grenade launcher + riffle same shotgun + riffle sniper + riffle

It this image they are soldier in REAL LIFE operation, not in training, no airsoft.
Look this video
If this guy will be stuck to use a single weapon at time he would have had been killed with all his team, of course we don't talk about using 2 weapon at time in 2 different direction, just have 2 on us, exactly like real life military do.

Just having the weapon in the backpack is way too boring and restrictive :
The time you need to put/take the gun in the backpack + the place it take mainly if we are medic or repair specialist + every time you change your primary gun you get the pistol in hand + its unrealistic + its boring.
Grenade launcher (flares gun and others), sniper riffle, rocket/missile launcher, SMG and other personal defense weapon, shotgun are all a good reason to lets people use 2 weapon slot, even for 2 riffle with a specialized one and a single purpose other.

May 10 2016, 12:52 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T63740: Allow rifles to be equipped in both the primary and secondary slot.

True, some soldier have an assault riffle on them and a SMG, MP7, P90 or MP5 for example, but also possible with a shotgun for close combat and still have an handgun, and if we are able to carry a big launcher i don't see the problem of having 2 weapon in our back and a gun in our holster, useful for sniper who can have a big sniper in the back and a SMG in case off or an assault riffle for middle range engagement.

And for information my custom loadout in some server who allow mods its a sniper M107 + a FAMAS, for close/medium range target i use the FAMAS and for long range the M107, i put one of them in my backpack bag (sadly its not realistic for the M107 who must always stay in our back) but i confirm that the weight is already influencing our fatigue.

May 10 2016, 12:52 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T63138: Add switch modes for a Laser and the flashlight.

+1 like i have said in my wishlist, some tactical side attachment work as : IR Laser, Visible laser, and two different flashlight in a single module, even the airsoft replica of the real one do the same !
Possibility with the light key command to switch between mods for any "side" attachment (like the NVG/IR optic) will be nice !

May 10 2016, 12:31 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T63002: Sophisticated considerations on how to get rid of the blurry mid range textures.

+1000 it is useless to make a new game engine including a new graphic engine if the texture was not optimized at all.
Even a mods on the first week of the Alpha was create for fix it (so it is NOT hard or long at all for dev to do it)

May 10 2016, 12:25 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T63002: Sophisticated considerations on how to get rid of the blurry mid range textures. :
ARMA 3 will be using the newest version of Bohemia Interactive's own Real Virtuality game engine. New features compared to previous ARMA games include
It is a new engine, graphic, physic for sure, not sure for sound and AI, they just use same setting than Arma 2 until the final settings for the new settings was release.

And mods cause issue with servers anyway.

May 10 2016, 12:25 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T62773: [VIDEO IN DETAILS] The AI can't hit the player if you keep strafing in one direction and keep staring at the enemy..

+100 IA are bad, at close range it can't kill us cause of the slow turn rate and at long range it kill us cause of the unrealistic accurate aim, not affected by recoil, suppression effect or injury...

May 10 2016, 12:15 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T62693: Advanced Combat Radio Environment (ACRE) integration.

+1000 a coop between BIS dev and ACRE creator that can permit to use ACRE as a default VOIP system in the game WITH DIFFICULTY OPTION for disabled it if someone what it to be disabled for simple player or for some server not hardcore.

And it will be a way to stop the AI message spamming, also the possibility to turn on or off the military radio style voice distortion, for sure i will use it and use radio distortion !

And it won't need a lot of work, ACRE itself is a really nice thing that work well, rather than use external audio interface like TS it just have to be integrated with the VOIP system !

May 10 2016, 12:11 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T62693: Advanced Combat Radio Environment (ACRE) integration.

I know it can't work as a simple copy and paste.
But , i think BIS team have more possibility, knowledge and resources than the team who create ACRE.
Also BIS team only need authorization from original creator of this mods.
And Arma have a working VOIP system that work well.
they can copy the interface of ACRE and link it to channel control.
Distance are including inside ACRE, and VOIP will work at 2 thing, direct communication (always) and ACRE like (if we talk inside the radio someone next to us without radio have to hear us), frequency will not be hard, maybe a sub channel system, each radio = they own channel, frequency = who can hear who in this channel, it don't need to be a total rework of the channel system, just a system that control it, mainly if we want to keep the actual for less realistic radio options.
Anyway the team who have created ACRE can't do anything except give to BIS team the source files

May 10 2016, 12:11 AM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T62481: No Shadows In Overcast Weather.

Shadow AND sunray, can be related with :

May 10 2016, 12:02 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

Demongornot added a comment to T61959: AI reflexes are extremely bad even at max skills.

Rather than rotate magically in the ground they must use something like this :
Also close quarter skill is missing, no way for them or even for us to use wall like a lot of game do, like Splinter Cell Rainbow and a lot of others, they use 1% of the environment possibility, get hide beyond a wall and shot us from cover, use roof (we can't climb on anything anyway) for sniper, create REAL ambush and stuff like this, no surprise effect, when they see us even if we have not see them they rather than come closer quietly as possible and shoot us from short distance they just shoot from ridiculously long range, and they perfectly aim, if we put weapon with 0 bullet dispersion i'm sure they will perfectly perform single shot kill on everyone, not affected by suppression or injury (like i have already say, and that why i want a realistic wounding system).
Bot are really bad in Arma 3, even the path finding is sometime catastrophic...

May 9 2016, 11:37 PM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T61959: AI reflexes are extremely bad even at max skills.

AI need both more reflex and less god power.

They turn ridiculously too slowly, sometime when we are ridiculously close to them they can't see us.
But they can also see us while we are at too long distance with suppressor and subsonic bullet (they are not supposed to be able to know where the shoot come from) they shoot in full auto without any leak of precision, even at long range (i can understand it for MG guy that perform suppressing fire) they are not affected by suppression/bullet stress and no fatigue or injury decrease their skill/accurate.
They need to be completely review and more human.

May 9 2016, 11:37 PM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T61802: Add ability to climb onto/over objects.

This shot and simple 1 minute video completly destroy the "realist" idea of Arma 3
This proof that the soldier that we handle in Arma 3 is not able to do 10 percent of a real military parkour training.
I'm bored that always a simulation is just a procedure simulation with NOTHING realistic, i admit that the "free jump" feature is not a good idea but the JUMP OVER feature is needed, the actual "step over" is ridiculously too long and unrealistic.
Even when we climb a ladder we can't shoot while be in a ladder, i'm sorry but in real life i can use both feet and a SINGLE hand to stay on a ladder and if i get a weapon i will be able to use it, the ladder animation is also really horrible.
We need MORE human character.
Even when we fall (from 1m or so) its is the most HORRIBLE and RIDICULOUS result i have ever see, no animation of the guy who bend his knees, it touch the ground and stay straight like a wooden log, this is a ridiculous visual effect, and way more ridiculous is that he have a delay before start to move again, like a robot who can't bend his knee and who restart after the vibration of the motherboard who crash his system.
I'm bored to control a robot with unrealistic restriction.

May 9 2016, 11:23 PM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T61372: No sounds of mortar in flight.

Mortar definitly do a sound, look this real life video :
You can clearly hear the sound of the falling mortar

May 9 2016, 11:03 PM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T61372: No sounds of mortar in flight.

I have test mortar today and i agree, no sound of incoming mortar...
And you can do it simple than switching :
Crate a player with a mortar bot under his command, order the bot to aim at you and he will firing at you

May 9 2016, 11:03 PM · Arma 3
Demongornot added a comment to T61369: Realistic Wounding System.

I don't talk about wounding system from mods, i'm the first that hate things that must be in the game and who are only available from mods.
Like i have said, dismembering and others feature of a realistic wounding system must be integrated into the main game but NO visual gore, it will limit the costumer range by needing to increase the minimum age.
Anyway the main issue is that when you shoot someone in the the arms, he have NO difficulty to kill you, member disabled and dismemberment but without visual effect of this (anyway the gameplay result is the same than what we get with disabled member), dismemberment will be just another value that said that your arms/legs can't be fixed cause it is not only broken but gone, people can survive to dismemberment and sometime even still be able to fight, use explosive device, use some gun with a weak recoil or use anything that don't need 2 hands/legs.
But they can't add visual gore effect, that why modding community can be nice for this.

The game really need realistic body damage, a weak body like it is in real life and a realistic protection : Not the value that the guy described cause sometime 10 bullets can't penetrate but some time a single one can and can kill the guy inside.

And also a new modding system that permit for mods that don't change the gameplay (those who add visual effect only or things like this) to be available on every server :

And a system like the prone mobility like i have described, prevent a heavy wounded guy to move but still able to shoot at 180° and more while be unable to move
(cause i see coming the wounding issue that keep us only able to shoot from a single direction + the fact that cause of the injury we become unable to move).

I already see people complain about the fact that they don't want to wait 2 hour without moving.
First :
We don't care about this, if you want you can use the respawn button and don't prevent cause of your selfish attitude for people who want it to have it, cause a huge amount of server play with respawn disabled, and a (fix simulate the fact that we are another soldier) can be easily done, also it is only for SOME MINUTES, and its probably the time that we can get the best action of all the game.
Get shoot next to an enemy base, try to slowly crawl to the closest cover, check for enemy and try to kill them (cause after all we are next to the enemy position), if we don't see any on them try to use a FAK to stabilize ourselves, throw a lightstick or a smoke for cover and identification and ask an immediate back up -> up to 2 minute maximum depending of the enemy next to our position.
Wait the helicopter and try to kill enemy that coming dangerously close but try to stay stealth as possible, wait the helicopter that land in a safe area closer as possible (beyond a little hill or anything that prevent him to take direct enemy shoots) 4 minutes until he do (Arma map is not giant compare to real life or sim like DCS for example, helicopter cross really fast the map).
Crew get out of the helicopter and run to your position with some rifleman and a medic that come to fix you with a correctly implemented medical interface, like the image of this ticket show, they secure the direct area and the medic try to stabilize you much as he can for avoid you to die in the chopper (some people can't be move, the medic in a rescue mission have for goal to do it, stabilize the guy enough for make him movable) up to 2 minutes.
After this is secure everyone get back on the chopper or only you and the medic and the rest of the team finish your initial mission.
Helicopter back to the base and land on the "medic area" of the base that make you able to respawn while simulate a new soldier coming for example from the sea.

Up to 10 minute of gameplay that provide several action and a lot of things to do, in Arma you need more than 10 minute most of the time after land on the LZ for find your first target/see the first enemy...It give you one of the most realistic, immersive, advanced and finally fun/awesome experience of the game and force a real coop for a lot of persons.

Also when enemy take you in ambush and that EACH bullet you shoot count but rather than save your life by prevent a guy who get shoot on the arm to aim with perfect condition (no more than what we get with the ridiculously fast exhaustion of the soldier) or another one to run on a position that give him a good advantage when he i shoot on the legs.

Member injury/disabled and/or dismembering is important of all this aspect, actually the unrealistic and arcade system of the guy that feel ok until he die is a HUGE gameplay unbalance issue, one of the most important, mainly when we know that the god like AI that don't feel any exhaustion, don't care about suppression is also not affected by bullet hit, when you are alone facing 10 enemy.
That why a realistic wounding system is important, and with this a realistic medic system, visual dismembering is only eye candy and can easily without any issue be created by modders, but the value of it need to be here even if it is not visual at all.

May 9 2016, 11:02 PM · Arma 3