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- Mar 7 2013, 9:33 PM (625 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
The view changes so the little red dot on the GL stays centered.
I appreciate the attention and extra money Bohemia received thanks to DayZ's popularity, but I'm disappointed by the fact they are willing to sacrifice ArmA3's identity just to please the newcomers, whom will eventually move on to other games anyway.
The reason why ArmA3 stands out is because it is unique, but balancing would turn it into just another generic, homogenized shooter, that is unable to hold the interest of newbies and alienates the older, loyal fan base which supported the series since OFP.
New guys, if you don't like the game stop playing it. BF4 and the new CoD comes out soon.
I upvoted it, because I agree that balancing is harming the game, however the grenade throw is much better than it used to be. Sure it needs further work, but it's fine.
Also, please don't tie the turn in/out function to the commander. I know it's probably to prevent AI from turning out in combat, but it is annoying when playing COOP. For example, I'm a driver and I can't see well, so I want to quickly turn out to check the surroundings, but I can't because the commander is turned in.
Actually the first person player model is the same as the third person one.
Not futuristic enough >:P
Moreover, if the outfits, harnesses and helmets could be worn by female civilians, the same way as male civilians, no mods would be needed to create female soldiers. This could solve the whole female soldier debacle.
Everyone could have his/her cake and and even eat it: there wouldn't be female soldiers, so the game would remain authentic, but they could easily be created, so those who obsess over gender politics in gaming can knock themselves out.
simulate trashy drivers and small stuff droping off vehicles
This is why I love this game and the modding community. You can do even small stuff like this.
so i don't know why are you guys down voting this
Some new to the series would do anything to spite "milsimmers".
Agreed, the old animation was much more realistic. Also, the fire selector is in the wrong place too.
I don't understand all the down votes. I'd rather have existing weapons over the fictional MX series.
Why not. Having options is always good. Maybe someone wants to play some global warming doomsday scenario.
They look better this way, with retracted eyepieces.
Upvoted, but only if it is an addition and not a substitution for the current NVGs.
Please don't encourage BiS to do some more "balancing" and screw up the game's realism even more.
This would be a great feature. Small things like this can increase immersion.
I wish they would get rid of all stencil shadows, they look terrible in my opinion.
Yeah the collective is incredibly unresponsive.
You should be able to slow down a fast moving helicopter without gaining altitude by gradually lowering the collective, however it is delayed so you quickly gain a lot of altitude exposing yourself. Right now, if you want to slow down, you have to do it way before the LZ, but then you are too slow upon arrival and an easy target for nearby units.
It would be nice if you could add flocks of birds flying up from trees when startled. I think this was a feature in the SLX mod.
The M136 worked the same way in ArmA2 which was in the present, fortunately ACE fixed it. If a launcher is disposable now, it will be disposable 20 years from now on, so upvoted.
Yeah, I guess you are right.
These ones are definitely rifle mounted lasers:
The dot at the end indeed seems smaller but still bigger than the one in ArmA3.
I get what BiS is going for with the IR lasers, in real life particles found in the air can distort them and make them look thicker, as seen on this picture:
However, the in game effect doesn't look good and makes them useless.
I think the IR laser effect overall needs some work to make it look more authentic. It needs to be a little bit thicker, a little bit transparent and the dot at the end should be bigger and visible from a greater distance.
Some real life examples:
It's probably not a bug, but BiS' "balancing", but I would really like it fixed.
It's like 90s all over again.
Please remove the part of Fallout 3's intro, where the guy says war never changes.
What Kol9yN said.
I agree, soldiers shot in the leg should limp if the damage isn't big enough to force them to crawl.
This feature can be seen in VBS2, I hope it will make it to ArmA3 as well:
I hope they will be able to fix this.
May 9 2016
Take it to the forums.
Might be because of performance savings reasons.
I have also seen flying Ifrits.
I wouldn't say it's too 'arcade' but the movement indeed feels too fast. The difference between tactical pace, jog and sprinting is barely noticeable, while walking is super slow.
Sounds good. What does it mean if a ticket was assigned?
I agree with everything.
The new showcases demonstrate perfectly how over powered the enemy AI is compared to the player and friendly AI.
AI spots you easily through everything, be it fog, vegetation or distance. Their accuracy is brutal as well, even at far distances. They not only managed to spot me, but hit me as well from the air base, on the "SUPPORTS" scenario, despite the fact I was behind a stone wall, near the starting area. This was on Veteran difficulty.
I have hard time completing the 'NIGHT' scenario, even on regular, because it takes ages to eliminate AI near vehicles, thanks to the absolutely useless optics and the fact, that AI have no trouble tracking me in a dark, foggy valley.
The 'COMMAND' showcase is a testament of how inept your team mates are. They get slaughtered, because they simply refuse to use cover and they seldom feel like engaging enemies unless you specifically tell them.
Same goes for the armored vehicle in the 'COMBINED ARMS' showcase. Most of the time the enemy AI immediately destroys it with a rocket. It's almost like they can predict where it's coming from. Unfortunately same cannot be said about my simple team mates, who don't even bother to put a rocket through the enemy APC, even if it is happily mowing their team mates down, just about 100 meters in front of them. Even if our APC survives it doesn't really want to partake in defeating the enemy attack. It just loiters around, only opening fire if some enemy dude walks directly into it's line of sight.
The superhuman AI, with all seeing eyes, equipped with seemingly recoilless superweapons is annoying even in multiplayer.
Please make them a bit more human and less Terminator.
You can't really use night vision with scopes, because the goggles are too bulky, so you can't line up the sights. Please Bohemia change it back so it is realistic once again.
No you can't run and shoot in real life, even if you try it, you wouldn't hit jack shit.
It would be nice if injury had more adverse effects.
As a programmer, user interface designer and gaming aficionado
Sounds legit.
Sounds good but I'm afraid even low quality grass would impact performance way too much.
There are skeletons and caves in this game? Awesome.
I really don't get it either. If a launcher is disposable then it is disposable. What's the point of making them reusable when the game will probably feature reusable launcher models like ArmA2 did with the SMAW?
Something really needs to be done about the flight model.
I hope this gets picked up.
The ability to lower binoculars like weapons would be also really nice. That would make moving around with binos in hands much more comfortable, useful and safe.
Yeah, I opened a similar ticket just minutes before this one, however this one is better documented.
It is a very annoying issue because the player is locked in place during the lengthy animation which can result in death. I barely use binos in ArmA2 because of this, I hope it finally gets fixed like the grenade throw.
Good point.
Obvious troll is obvious, stop feeding it.
Don't worry, this ridiculous social justice fad will fade away soon. Until then, the best course of action is ignoring it. It's not like you can convince PC maniacs their views are mostly irrational, so don't waste your time arguing with them.
I just can't wait for the inevitable Patricia Hernandez, SJ warrior article on Kotaku :/
I have experienced this issue, however my game has yet to crash.
The game sometimes freezes on the lobby screen, I can move the mouse cursor around but the UI doesn't react to my clicks. Freezes also occur during game, they usually last from about 30 seconds to 1 minute+, after the freeze the game returns to normal. This issue does not seem to be related to graphical settings and complexity of the scenario, the game froze even when I was standing around, alone on the tarmac, waiting for a pick up.
This must be implemented.
I agree the weaponry is currently a clusterf**k.