Confirmed, this is not just a visual glitch, those jumping vehicles can hurt the player and/or kill him.
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May 10 2016
I experienced the same, the first few days after Altis was released the performance was good. Especially switching to units further away was almost instantaneous, now it freezes the game for a few seconds until the area has fully loaded (depending on the view distance). Using UAVs and UGVs is really frustrating now.
How about bells to every full hour? Even OFP (2001) had that and it added significantly to immersion.
Today experienced heavy stuttering while flying around in the new jet, uploaded .rpt and DXDiag.
Edit: One thing I noticed in particular was, that at some point last week the game would freeze for a few seconds when you switched from one place to another, using autonomous vehicles for example. The higher your view distance the longer it freezes, because the game wants to load everything before it continues to run smoothly.
Using UAVs, UGVs and potentially team switch is a real pain now. Before the update that did this (I think: Thursday update 29.08.2013) the game would just continue running and load the missing objects while you looked at them, causing pop-ups but I take those over this stuttering.
Page file set to 8 GB, .rpt-file attached. Sorry, named my files wrong. :(
I will if I encounter the issue, it seems to have been related to the mission.
Confirmed, happens in other vehicles too.
Then I suggest you change the ticket name and description to something more suitable. :) Underwater bases sound like Bioshock, but imagine the inside of a submarine, a Seawolf maybe, staging for an underwater insertion using the SDV.
I wouldn't ask for underwater bases, but for an "ocean cutter". Unless you can script this already somehow, then the ability to create a dry spot under the sea level would be a good addition.
I think I have encountered a related issue:
Maybe they can ask the DayZ devs to help out or carry some stuff over. Same goes for the rain which looks much better in DayZ.
So, we have it but it is broken atm. Shall we make a ticket for this or do the devs know? Known issues doesn't list it.
I think the issue you described is the result of the old "sink-in-the-ground"-grass simulation and the reduced terrain geometry at longer distances.
Two things that are hopefully high up on the to-do-list of the devs.
Agreed, this instant kill detonation has to go. However I'm pretty sure there was already a ticket for this.
That's normal AI behaviour, I believe there's an internal score counter and once your score hits a specific negative/low value, the AI considers you enemy.
Killing friendlies is of course wrong and the player is rightfully punished for doing so. Destroying empty vehicles is questionable (a court-martial would be in order here I guess). But crashing an unmanned vehicle shouldn't count as friendly fire at all.
In a similar case the pilot gets blamed for the casualties when a chopper gets shot down. People get auto-kicked from servers because of this.
I crashed two Darters in a row and the friendly (?) AI killed me.
It seems your game is broken then, I can land very accurate hits over a km with any HMG.
I'm kind of happy with the latest announcement regarding SFX, with my limited knowledge of the technical aspect. I didn't read anything about sound occlusion though, one thing that Arma 2 delivered if not perfect but believable.
I get the same issue when I switch from one profile to another. Only a restart fixes it.
Can easily be reproduced by repairing a vehicle as a repair specialist and entering the vehicle while the animation is played. Refer to issue #9439 for a repro mission (would also be nice to see that ticket getting assigned)
Being unable to fire through windows is one thing and as far as I know the collision inside buildings is very accurate.
Outside is a different story. And many objects behave similar, rocks in particular.
You don't understand, please try to reproduce the problem first before implying that people are too oblivious of a weapon's barrel being obstructed.
Confirmed in current DEV build [114529].
Out of all that the most annoying thing is that tanks lose their momentum as soon as the tracks leave the ground even if only for a fraction of a second. Cruising along in a MBT at 60 km/h, then suddenly a small drop in the ground and the tank gets superglued to it. Come on!
Sadly many of these issues are probably impossible to fix with the current engine.
Fully reproducable with all tracked vehicles, on road and on the airport runway.
Tested with today's DEV build [114862].
gutsnav, that's exactly what I dislike about the current vehicles and choppers in ArmA 3, all have 2-4 crew slots and 8 passenger seats. A little variation should be there.
Downvote, simply because you fail to describe the feature you want in the title.
I cannot reproduce this, switches to full-auto after pressing "Next weapon" once.
Yes, it's a bit inconsistent atm. I'd like that feature.
Armaverse, the old ARs were phased out because Blufor military came to conclusion that the M4 sucks. Seriously, give it a rest. BI won't put a weapon in the game simply because it's someone's favourite. If it's in the game then as a antiquity or collectors item (gold M4A1 anyone?).
Not needed, mods will do that.
ArmA2 didn't have that many weapons. OA, BAF, PMC, ACR contributed a lot to the total amount.
I noticed this too, I thought the per pixel shading of the skybox introduced a few days ago would fix that. I think it might be WIP.
Signed. Especially the bugged helicopter HUD and the absence of some simple directional infos as a driver or gunner bother me.
Confirmed. Also noticeable when using some sort of PiP and looking at weapons, or with the helmet cam feature.
Afaik the slight tilt of the main rotor is correct however when the choppers hover IRL, the back is "hanging" down. So the rotor is horizontal while the floor inside is tilted.
Yep, it has been like this since the beginning of the alpha, at least the new vehicles have "real mirrors". But their positions need fixing/adjustment. And the offroad's left mirror is not acting as one. ;)
Offroad: inside ok, outside not ok
Hunter: camera ok, mirrors not ok
Ifrit: not ok/not visible at all
Strider: ok, but stretched image
Zamak: ok
HEMTT: big mirrors ok, small mirrors not ok
Then I suggest you change the ticket name and description to something more suitable. :) Underwater bases sound like Bioshock, but imagine the inside of a submarine, a Seawolf maybe, staging for an underwater insertion using the SDV.
I wouldn't ask for underwater bases, but for an "ocean cutter". Unless you can script this already somehow, then the ability to create a dry spot under the sea level would be a good addition.
Known issue and a duplicate of #9802.
What were those mods? I always disliked the standard ArmA 2 gunners motionlessly sitting in their seat looking like they're holding a gamepad. My guess is that they left out stationary weapons where ever possible, because those animations would be difficult to make.
That animation you're describing is the high prone position and it has been changed to a bend forward sitting position. But I don't know when.
VLC doesn't crash for me but the video stops working and only audio continues. However this isn't really an ArmA 3 issue now, is it?
Confirmed, this should be an easy fix.
Maybe you can edit the ticket to include all vehicles and all turrets.
So what are we speculating about here? What is the exact wording used by DnA in the Interview? Maybe some Dutch people can translate.
Related if not duplicate of #664.
Since it is technically a boat it should slightly drift, but it moves sideways even at low speeds. I have difficulty describing it, it looks like you are making doughnuts in the water. To reproduce, do the steps above but just steer in one direction (left or right) with normal forward speed. Then go to 3rd person and tell me it doesn't look wrong.
Afaik this is caused by cheating script kiddies. They can even display a "mission failed" screen for individual players. I came across two just yesterday, after my buddy and I took them out, we got the "mission failed" message one after another. The only thing you can then do is disconnect. I really hope Battleye can prevent this in the future.
Don't worry, feedback is needed. But most likely 50 percent of all tickets are duplicates.
And I suggest using the filter options. Duplicate of
Another one of those bugs that was fixed in Alpha and reintroduced in Beta.
For the same reason the Fennek was degraded to a simply MRAP: Armaverse.
As for the additional fire power for Opfor, we haven't seen everything yet.
Stop answering this troll ticket, everything has been said.
It's just a matter of damage, with a .50 cal it takes two shots to detonate a tripwire mine.
Upvoted, hopefully there's a large military cargo plane in the retail version. I'm in favour of the Airbus A400M, by the time any air force actually gets it, it'll be 2035... :D
I agree, a HEMTT with almost no load should be able to continue driving, with reduced handling maybe. As soon as load bears down on all axles it should be difficult to move. This shouldn't be too hard to achieve with PhysX.
This is the corresponding forum thread, maybe add the link to the description.
Wow, I didn't even know that was possible. With the diving feature this would turn Altis into a whole different map with many more possibilities.
The issue is listed in the known issues, so I'm pretty sure this is not final.
He wants something like an online whiteboard for the mission editor. It's a good idea, I wonder if it's feasible.
I was hoping for the sensor mast to be usable when I saw the Strider for the first time, since the Fennek is an awesome recon vehicle. It's a bit sad to see it was degraded to a simple MRAP.
IRL the sensor can extend 1.5 m, that's 3.3 m above ground.
Please add a bit of functionality to this vehicle, since it seems to fulfill multiple roles in the green army. (MRAP, APC, etc. ?)
Related to the ticket I just created for the Marid. This seems to affect all amphibious vehicles sooner or later. #9769
+ if shot rabbits are included
I have the same issue. Uploaded my DxDiag file.
MRAV/Ps are designed to protect the crew, so a large enough explosion should immobilise it. However an APERS shouldn't be able to do this.
The MARVs need run flat tires! The wheels are too vulnerable as they are now. What we need are three states for tires:
Inflated/intact - Full range of movement
Deflated, run flat tires only - decreased top speed, steering affected slightly (only certain military vehicles and armoured civilian cars)
Destroyed - very limited speed, steering requires constant adjustment
Please Devs, this needs some love.
Quick question: Are you using the NVidia driver 320.18? From your dxdiag file it seems so. There are several reports that that driver causes massive problems. You might want to downgrade to the previous version, until they have sorted out those problems. Even if that means not being able to fully utilize your GTX 780.
Actually, the Ifrit was also recorded while in 3rd person, you can hear me enter but I immediately switch view. Just before the engine starts you can hear the grasshoppers. :)
But I understand that this is quite subjective and also depends a lot on the hardware and periphery used.
It seems the latest DEV build fixed this issue (for me). Can somebody confirm?
Our samples sound pretty much alike and to me it's pretty obvious what's amiss. The swelling and subsiding sound gives me a headache.
I uploaded two sound clips:
The anomaly is noticeable when the Ifrit accelerates and when the MH-9 starts up. Or is this a desired effect?
The distortion occurred for me after last Monday's dev update, maybe it's got something to do with "FIX: APOLimeiter effect for sounds". Just a wild uneducated guess.
Duplicate of #7381
Related to #8938.
No, it's possible on stable branch. I'll update the ticket.
Issue persists in latest stable 1.54.133570.
Surely someone else must think this is an exploit?
The action is not working properly.
Issue persists in latest stable 1.54.133570.
Still not working as intended. This is a 16 months old ticket.
Still present in latest DEV build / stable branch.
Still present in latest DEV build.
Yesterday I tested it with the latest stable and tactical pace lasted for pretty much 3 seconds, so this is limited to the DEV build, if not introduced in it.