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[DEV] First mission loaded after game launch has some lights not working properly
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When a mission is loaded after the game launch, some light sources are missing/not rendered.

In the attached repro mission, Agia Marina is dark and the Marid's headlight don't work. In the "Night" showcase mission the lighthouse doesn't light up the environment, while a truck placed close to the insertion point has visible headlights.
Load any mission a 2nd time and everything works properly. {F20633}


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Repro mission, or just create a player unit in the vicinity of Agia Marina.
Issue appears only when first mission after launch is loaded.

Event Timeline

pops edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jul 3 2013, 2:31 PM
pops edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
pops set Category to Visual-Environment.
pops set Reproducibility to Always.
pops set Severity to None.
pops set Resolution to Duplicate.
pops set Legacy ID to 4180670183.May 7 2016, 3:15 PM

Thank god that I found this!!! I thought it was my hardware lol
I went to the southern lighthouse in one of my night missions and it was completely switched off. :-s

I tried reloading the mission and it does work the second time like you said.

By the way this is happening in the normal BETA build for me.