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- Apr 3 2013, 5:34 PM (622 w, 4 d)
May 11 2016
Tell me if I am wrong, if I am wrong I am REALLY sorry for wasting your time :/
May 10 2016
It is an option to disable blur if you go on advanced settings.
Shotguns were removed because of technical issues.
There was benelli and KSG, there was also a XM25 before that one was removed too.
Questions should be on the forum, not here as this is just issues only.
Hope you understand Rogue, it would have been awesome but sometimes it just has to be this way.
Impossible to control the Jet properly, I can see a huge difference since Arma 2. I can't fly up before I get into 350 mp/h.
Obviously the people don't want this so moderator or whoever can close this.
For example above.
I am just giving examples as it was hard to DESCRIBE the idea. Beside finishing missions we could have achievements (This is not necessary I just think that it would maybe be fun?)
Examples: "Get a long range kill" etc.
I said it in description that it sounds stupid too, because this is just a tactical shooter not an "ACHIVEMENT" game.
It's the difficulty, and yes I do agree that the armor needs a rework.
This must be a troll post..
Troll post, I am laughing so hard at people thinking that he is serious LOL.
It's the same with RPG and NLAW.
Heh, works for me :/
Reminds me of this.
This was an duplicate to my issue as I made it a day before him.
Did you mean that the update have already come? If so, then it's not fixed. I just checked now on the DEV build.
Hmm.. Try do a fresh install with no mods or anything.
Then you can try again because the issue is not happening to me.
Video is private.......
Agree. It just.. teleports up and down. Same when aiming with the grenade launcher (red dot) when zeroing
Yeah it's fixed. This can be closed.
Thanks for correcting me, I just noticed that I forgot to put a extra number on the RPM.
The camera was only shaking so yeah thanks for the informations.
/Changing my vote.
Video is private.
SMG on 9mm is most likely no recoil. Especially the Scorpion EVO.
Here's a example:
Sorry but I downvoted because the fact most SMG's may have no recoil at all. But I do agree that the recoil should push the arm a bit since the SMG's shoot most likely 100 rpm(correct me if I am wrong, I am no gun expert).
That doesn't change the fact that you licked the tires!
I can't believe you actually noticed that.
"I am going to lick the tires" *notices the bug*
Close this, it was just problems with the addons I added when it was alpha.
They have a FPS counter on the Beta if you go to video settings.
That... was a incredibly good idea.
I think what he meant with the "ACOG" is the other sights. I call it ACOG myself as it looks like the ACOG so.
I kind of facepalmed that you got this from DayZ...
But I do agree there should be furnitures on houses, it's kind of stupid to see empty houses everywhere.
I Used MX 6.5, and to people that downvoted, you could just tell me your opinion.
*EDIT: By the way, I used whole 5 magazines on the front window without dealing any damage to the front. I don't really doubt that is a bug.
That is the F2000... As the other guy said that is the monolith grip you are talking about.
*EDIT: By the way:
Well I can agree, but I do not agree with all battlefield weapons :P
AUG had the most fail reload animations, they just press a button instead of using the charging handle like everyone does.
There you see why the TRG-21 have switched ;)
*EDIT: I see why you find this difficult. The 5.56 magazines are in the special weapon box, not in the normal ammunition box. And the name tag for the 6.5 of TRG-21 should be removed.
Agreed, managed to find an well hidden enemy which was far away from me.
This is a duplicate, don't remember the issue number but still a dupe.
I had total 10gb video clips and when I used sony vegas it lowered it to 100-600mb
Are you guys dumb? It is NOT a mistake by making it 5.56, but it was a mistake that it uses 6.5 supressor etc. Also the developers had in changelog: "TRG now uses correct 5.56x45mm ammunition".
Search in changelog before saying things like this.
- Add a unit
- Edit the unit on the section "men"
- Select "sniper"
- Have fun.
Remember that Opfor and Blufor sniper have both different weapons. There are no crates yet, god knows why?
Are you kidding me? I am the only one who haven't recieved the newest update yet on Steam?
Duplicate of #0008299
This can be set to resolved as the gun is using 5.56 now ;)
^ Explains.
I posted a issue about this too, found out it was the extended armor. The extended armor turns off when in the hardest difficulty.
Are you kidding me? This request or whatever it is, is quite unnecessary issue.
You haven't seen the beta OR the full version yet. And they have shown gameplay of EBR with sniper scope (not ARCO or the other one). The snipers are coming.
If you see the weapons there you see ONE of the snipers, other sniper are called GM6 Lynx. This should be closed since we do not know anything that could be in beta or in final.
EDIT: By the way, the picture shows the anti-material sniper rifle "GM6 LYNX".
Duplicate to a similiar thread "invisible fire".
Duplicate, but still more votes than the other. Moderator can choose what to do with one of these threads.
This is getting out of hand. Since everyone is disagreeing it seems like it's up to the moderator/developers to this.
In my opinion it would be more realistic jumping down instead of using the ladder.
That doesn't change the fact it's incredibly stupid you can't jump down?
It was in arma 2 mr obvious. It's not incredibly stupid IN arma 2 so piss off your opinions.
Can't believe people are downvoting this when this is a "SIMULATOR".
You could do this in Arma 2 but now it's no longer possible because it's more "realistic" like you say Mr death?
It was possible in arma 2. Falling down would be your own fault and floating over the room would make itself "unrealistic". Stupid or not, but as I have seen it this game is a simulator and is supposed to be realistic.
This is a duplicate to a other issue. Tried to find it but was out of luck.
Just played and recorded randomly in wasteland and this happened.
Played in latest patch in DEV, since it happens so often I don't think it's the wastelands problem.
Oh yeah, I used the camera.sqs
I don't think the sqf exist anymore or will have it on full release.
Use exec "camera.sqs" for now.
0.57.105007 but I think I misunderstood the situation. I though you got problems running this script so forget what I said >.<
I had no problems executing the script, show more details?
Appreantly I forgot the "THIS" on the beginning so if a moderator sees this just close it since I got it fixed.
Yep... Though this was my own problem, looks like I am not alone.
To be honest, it is quite the same like this one
The reason you have to shoot more than once to kill someone is because of the "extended armor". If you try put the difficulty to the hardest and try one hit with your gun there?
Just tried this myself and it made the exact same silencer voice as the gun itself.
*EDIT: Happens on both Katiba and MX
Show us the location of the window on map on a screenshot?
Would apperciate that.
Why is the video you have sent goes to one of angry joe's reviews?
Have you shot with a 6.5 cal weapon before?
Have you ever gone prone with a LMG or MXM before?
The problem is that Arma 3 have chosen 6.5 instead of the popular 5.56x45mm rounds. If you could compare SDAR and MX you would see a big difference. Also the recoil of the 6.5 is high and you have to live with it unless you are prone, crouched or on other positions.
Down voted.
This is true and found out in the vehicle showcase. Since NO one found this out before now I think it's supposed to be like this. They need to fix/change this, have to calculate myself which is quite annoying.
You do know this is Arma 3 Feedback tracker right?
This issue has nothing to do with Arma 3.
Duplicate to another report issue.
100 Rnd magazine is now only used in MX SW.
So this can actually be marked as fixed.
Can be reproduced, this glitch is quite annoying to enemies.
The falls needs to be made to a animation. You are like standing in the air..
Agree, took time before I really could get that optional objective done without the boat or chopper spots me when I am under 10 meters down. When I was going to land behind rocks they just randomly started shooting at me, they couldn't of course move since I sabotaged them. Fix the spot system please.
Hmm, this extended armor is quite annoying since it's on the servers.
Maybe the extended armor should be disabled on the server since it's quite annoying that even a rifle doesn't one hit? I didn't know about this option before now and I don't suggest putting the servers difficulty on Elite since the Al's would be powerful.
By the way I was behind a player sniping, I shot him two times in the head and stopped because that is supposed to be instakill. He ran away and later on I got killed by that guy.
It's alright for me, wasn't sure how the title was going to be named.
People cry because this feature will allow bunny hopping. Still this is a simulator and you can't even jump over objects and instead you have to use the V command which takes a lot of time.
1+ Armapirx
May 9 2016
Just played and recorded randomly in wasteland and this happened.
Played in latest patch in DEV, since it happens so often I don't think it's the wastelands problem.