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May 10 2016

ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T78341: Madrid can't get out of water, possibly other amphibious vehicles.

I was thinking of the manual switch myself as I was reading this, but also poster has a point regarding the AI. So I actually aggree with the whole let both work at the same time when in the water, and let only the wheels work once it touches land.

May 10 2016, 8:49 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS edited Steps To Reproduce on T78277: U_IG_Guerrilla_6_1 has no wound textures.
May 10 2016, 8:47 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T77993: Absence detonation of explosive objects! (3 video).

it is natural to expect that, shoot at at something explosive, and it should explode, but in reality, it depends on the properties of the explosives, most explosives are pretty safe and require a special primer to detonate the explosives. A mere bullet wont just set off explosives. However I would say it's safe to assume that one explosive can set off another.

That said, maybe it is because bullets can make vehicles explode, that you expect it should make everything you shoot explode. BI should still fix that -sigh-

May 10 2016, 8:40 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T76363: A-164 Cannon sound persists after done firing.

not enough votes for it Demongod, but you can have one of mine, we also have this very same issue. It truelly is annoyuing as fuck, and you make a valid point about it giving away position. I am sure the fix must be something one of the devs can fix on a coffee break, so it needs the love.

May 10 2016, 7:58 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T74097: simulSetHumidity should effect bullets.

Well i think the point being really, why not just have humidity and wind and all other factors not considered yet affect bullets. =)

May 10 2016, 6:58 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T73876: PROPOSAL for improved armor penetration system without changing vintage system setup.

Well I do hope this gets considered, does seem like solid idea... Is it even possible to script a demo?

May 10 2016, 6:53 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS edited Steps To Reproduce on T73561: uniform weight and inventory size exploited.
May 10 2016, 6:45 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T73334: Switching between range-finder and AT launcher bug.

I have had this like 3 times, but not related to switching to the launcher, I have had it when switching to primary as well since I hardly play with AT and still get it, unfortunately I cannot give exact repro steps as it usually happens on a time when I do not pay too much attention the combinations I press, and it's during stressful situations. trying to reproduce on my own leisure, I have not had success yet, but this problem does exist and is a pain. much like the stuck running anim, pressing v resolves it at that point of time.

May 10 2016, 6:38 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T73008: Heavy stuttering when flying/driving through towns/villages.

Same here, I've upped my FOV to 90 and even payed with 100, send to slightly improve it, but still, too much fps drop and stuttering, but what's the chances this will get fixed? Voting up anyway

May 10 2016, 6:27 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T72905: Random crashes while playing [w/ crash dump].

this happens to me pretty much only for MP, not very frequent, but it happens... Also it seems other players i pley get affected at the same time! sometimes not everyone, once played a server with 30 something guys, and everyone crashed excpet for myself and another person. it is strange though

May 10 2016, 6:24 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T71979: Rain is not interacting with evironment.

Rain sure needs more emphasis in ARMA, just the filter effect doesn't convey much really.

I agree that the droplet effect on screen would be nice, seeing the droplets on screen, and also the weapon textures could also have a wet glint and water droplet textures too, and vehicle windshield would have the same effect, which in this case would also trigger wipers automatically (I do not want to be looking for a key for this), this will all be great immersion =P

Honestly I would just be happy if the player, vehicles, buildings, objects, ricks and plantlife etc all could have a wet look overall, as well as every object and surface. For players, this can happen over a period of a minute or two after the rain starts, the wet look can fade in, but for swimming, really only has to be applied as soon as animations switches to swimming animation, then voila. It doesn't have to a very in depth, and resource hungry effect at all. skip the fancy gimmicks, we dont really need them as we wont be paying attention to that level of detail, as long as the effect is there to satisfy logic, because currently, the current rain implimentation just feels very off and makes no logical sense.

This effect should easily be applied too. since vehicles and players have damage layers, create an additional layer for wet, and for muddy. Wet texture can be applied during rain, or when in water (swimming) and muddy can trigger during rain when kneeling (legs get muddy tex) or going prone (stomach, arms and face get muddy tex) or rolling (full body gets the muddy tex)... For vehicles, the same really, during rain the vehicle will get a wet with a specular glint, when vehicle drives in the rain for a min or so, it will turn into muddy texture where mud is likely to occur and gather on the vehicle. I am sure this should be totally do-able, but will just require some additional effort by artists.

Also to note, during rain, there shouldnt really be much dust kicked up from chopper downforce, or vehicles traveling on dirt, it should rather have minimal mud splatter kicking up. This could be majorly beneficial to those who can actually strategically use the rain to an advantage.

May 10 2016, 6:00 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T71535: Make the ground textures darker by rain.

Just the ground??? Is that all???

Rain sure needs more emphasis in ARMA, just the filter effect doesn't convey much really.

Honestly I would just be happy if the player, vehicles, buildings, objects, ricks and plantlife etc all could have a wet look overall, as well as every object and surface. For players, this can happen over a period of a minute or two after the rain starts, the wet look can fade in, but for swimming, really only has to be applied as soon as animations switches to swimming animation, then voila. It doesn't have to a very in depth, and resource hungry effect at all. skip the fancy gimmicks, we dont really need them as we wont be paying attention to that level of detail, as long as the effect is there to satisfy logic, because currently, the current rain implimentation just feels very off and makes no logical sense.

This effect should easily be applied too. since vehicles and players have damage layers, create an additional layer for wet, and for muddy. Wet texture can be applied during rain, or when in water (swimming) and muddy can trigger during rain when kneeling (legs get muddy tex) or going prone (stomach, arms and face get muddy tex) or rolling (full body gets the muddy tex)... For vehicles, the same really, during rain the vehicle will get a wet with a specular glint, when vehicle drives in the rain for a min or so, it will turn into muddy texture where mud is likely to occur and gather on the vehicle. I am sure this should be totally do-able, but will just require some additional effort by artists.

Also to note, during rain, there shouldnt really be much dust kicked up from chopper downforce, or vehicles traveling on dirt, it should rather have minimal mud splatter kicking up. This could be majorly beneficial to those who can actually strategically use the rain to an advantage.

May 10 2016, 5:48 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T70914: Solution for lack of Tank Interiors + badly simulated CITV.

Okay I will be honest...

Something I like about the current setup is that if everyone is forced into FPS view, then the driver has to depend greatly on the instructions of the commander, since comander can turn out and have a better view. The same with gunner, the rotation of canon is slow, so gunner cant be looking around fast, so also yet again, dependant on the commanders role.

I like this suggestion, but I feel it may take away from the dependancy of the commanders role with the 7 view ports, however I would say 3 view ports should be sufficient. Front, Left and Right. That I think will fairly be a win/win for both dependacy of the commander and more situational awareness for the driver.

voted up for it anyways =)

May 10 2016, 5:29 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T70259: Having a "favorites" section list for multiplayer.

Yeah this is a useful must... Not really crazy having to filter keywords, if i can just bookmark favourite servers.

May 10 2016, 5:05 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T69434: SUGGESTION for Reloading Missile launchers + Disposable Launchers.

voted up

I dont mind more realism, as long as you dont get stuck in a slow paced animation when shit hits the fan.

Something that bugged me for years in FPS games, the reloading animations especially the heavy machine guns, the reload animation is like some dude reloading on a sunday afternoon shooting session, like "check out the detail and effort that went into the reload animation" and all while you are in the thick of a fire fight...

And then gears of war came with that reload system. Which I love and wish all FPS games had it. Press reload once, and the slow taking your time animation plays, cant go wrong, but in the thick of action, you have the option to speed reload as if you were in a stressfull situation.

Now i know I went off topic a bit, but my point being, I am all for realism, but do not get me stuck in a god damn reload animation in the thick of action... You have no idea how i am thankful that BIS ditched the shitty launcher shoulder when going prone, I died so many times trying to go prone after taking out a tank and that damn animation got me killed.

otherwise, upvoted =)

May 10 2016, 4:35 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T69330: Realistic/Cost-Effective 2035 Technology .

No, not the only reason... Yeah, i know a lot of people have a big issue with the theme of being set in the future. Personally i like it, but hey, it could be worse. The devs however, they probably already thought of it, or maybe will consider it... So don't worry too much.

May 10 2016, 4:31 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T69330: Realistic/Cost-Effective 2035 Technology .

lol it happens more than you know. So many other people just read the title and already have their mind set without having to read further. Just gotta live with it I guess.

May 10 2016, 4:31 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T69330: Realistic/Cost-Effective 2035 Technology .

As stated in your other post about the tactical glasses:

"Honestly, I think the most we would see in terms of game changing revolution tech for warfare would be something like google glasses, but for the military.

So much is already possible, target aquiring, gps with maps for navigation, seeing what another soldier sees via headcam etc. Practically your entire map interface with briefing and more can be smartly displayed in front of you. I imagine that might be what the additional attachment on the tactical glasses are for?"

As for your liquid vest, very doable, it is just cornstarch and water. It is liquid but on impact it is solid, so I can see that going a long way towards armour.

And thermal becoming a standard, well I am sure it will be available, but battery power would limit it's use, much like NVG, however ingame it seems NVG is unlimited, and that will make thermal unlimited, and no one would probably play the game normally.

May 10 2016, 4:31 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T69330: Realistic/Cost-Effective 2035 Technology .

They predicted we would have flying cars by the year 2000, were they right??? Just because they say this and that in the future, it doesnt mean it will be a fact. They also counting on other stuff that cant be predicted like the cost of manufacturing said tech etc. Shit like that costs moola you know, and on top of that you still have to pay soldiers a salary and cater for other costs etc. Honestly now, that will not be a standard. As mentioned in your other post, the cost really will have the final say, and even then, they will try cut down on cost as much as possible, so only certain tech will be feasable.

Dont take this wrong, I love the future setting, and I am glad BI chose the future setting, because the whole modern warfare really starting to get old, much like the WW2 themes did. Sci-fi and future really inspires creativity because of its unknown, so also nice to see another perspective.

Lastly, most of these things if they are appealing, will have a mod, and the devs have alot to do, so adding this will not be a likely feature.

May 10 2016, 4:31 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T69287: (Realistic) Battlesuits... no, seriously..

Well the ticket might not belong for the devs, but I'm sure a Modder would find it appealing =)

May 10 2016, 4:30 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T69287: (Realistic) Battlesuits... no, seriously..

Honestly, I think the most we would see in terms of game changing revolution tech for warfare would be something like google glasses, but for the military.

So much is already possible, target aquiring, gps with maps for navigation, seeing what another soldier sees via headcam etc. Practically your entire map interface with briefing and more can be smartly displayed in front of you. I imagine that might be what the additional attachment on the tactical glasses are for?

But we will see. If not, it would make an awesome mod =P

May 10 2016, 4:30 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T69287: (Realistic) Battlesuits... no, seriously..

Scott, it is obvious why it is being downvoted, and that is because this, even as likely as it stands, would not be a standard in warfare, mostly due to cost really. If tech like this ever hits the battlefield, it would be limited and more secret than whatever resources you posted. Also when it will probably then just be testing for more years before it actually becomes affordable and gets used in production on the battlefield, so that stretches the time frame far past 2035 before it even becomes an option.

Truthfully speaking, a new alternative for batteries has already been anounced, and it is a "stable" form of nuclear equivelent power packaged to the size of your finger. (ofcourse much more testing will need to be undergone etc so we wont see it for years or decades to come) but the point being, the cost.

In 2035 you will just have a bunch of operatives testing it on the battlefield most likely, so as far as this request goes, your best bet would either be a DLC expansion to copy Crysis and attract those fans to arma, but I doubt BI would go that way, so safest bet would be a mod.

May 10 2016, 4:30 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T69049: Change binocular handling.

have to agree with this, I do rather despise not being able to lower the binocs without unequiping it and having to sit through animation of unequip and re-equip.

Unless it is possible (without a mod) and I dont seem to know about it.

May 10 2016, 4:18 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T69039: Combined arms showcase: objects/structures on hilltop float (terrain: standard).

Let the mods decide, they will add the relevant relationship where it's best suited.

May 10 2016, 4:17 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T69039: Combined arms showcase: objects/structures on hilltop float (terrain: standard).

it isnt really a bug hey, it's just the nature of LOD for the terrain complexability, and it wont really change. This is why there is a ticket to disable the Parralax mapping, or seperate it from the terrain detail so that you wont get that 5fps perfomance hit, as well as getting rid of that crappy warping in the ground effect.

refer to and to cut out the POM and then we can all save 5-10fps whilst having more complex terrain to eliminate these floaty objects, which can btw be used as an exploit.

May 10 2016, 4:17 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T69039: Combined arms showcase: objects/structures on hilltop float (terrain: standard).

That is most likely your terrain detail settings, you shouldnt be dropping it below high, otherwise you get THIS in the distance.

Look at it again, and then change your terrain settings and you will notice.

Personally I have this issue too, since I despise the parralax mapping and only way to get it off is setting terrain to standard and lower.

May 10 2016, 4:17 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T68974: Ability to Make flat parts for bases in the editor..

Not entirely crazy about the new pic, but got me thinking... Different shapes and sizes yeah? The more variety we have, the more creative we can be. Also different materials? Could be concrete, could be excavated dirt, could be rocks piled up and top layer gravel. So choice of shapes and properties of material, etc.

Also, i think this ticket could be related to the 3D editor tool, because you will most likely require a 3D perspective to place it perfectly according to hight that suits the mission maker, and not necessarily what the engine or editor thinks.

May 10 2016, 4:15 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T68974: Ability to Make flat parts for bases in the editor..

I would be rather disappointed if the devs don't go about this. Such awesomeness can come from something this simple. Lol imagine rts like building over time and requiring the necessary resources, man power and budget... Some in depth logistics. But that's pushing it too far i guess... But could make for an interesting mod.

And to think you wanted this request closed!

May 10 2016, 4:15 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T68974: Ability to Make flat parts for bases in the editor..

Yes yes YES!

You are effing awesome bez! That is really all that is needed for base building on all terrains. This obviously will also have kill all trees so we don't have branches clipping out. But i think your examples provide the exact explanation. Much easier and cheaper than editing the terrain itself.

If the ramp and stairs can be modular, we coups also create custom foundations, make our own harbours, and such.

Gosh, this is almost mine craft lol

May 10 2016, 4:15 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T68974: Ability to Make flat parts for bases in the editor..

Great example, but can you make another example maybe, but covering a custom size amount of terrain for placing objects like structures and buildings etc. like say you want to make a camp 50mx50m and also a ramp for vehicles, but you want to make the camp somewhere in the hills, where there isn't steady flat surfaces. So you can place slabs of concrete or place a flat plain of dirt (excavated foundation).

May 10 2016, 4:15 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T68974: Ability to Make flat parts for bases in the editor..

no keep it open and lets see what comes of it. ticket is barely open for a day and already the upvotes are in favour.

May 10 2016, 4:15 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T68974: Ability to Make flat parts for bases in the editor..

Agreed. It would be amazing, but unfortunately ARMA editor doesn't work oor that. But still doesn't mean its not possible. I saw a video a while back of vbs where you could add or subtract terrain. Probably a separate tool or something.

Either way, the point is really to be able to make flat surfaces. This can be done in other ways too. Cheap ways, but still useful, like concrete slabs being laid down, or excavated sand piles flattened . (not literally excavating of course, but like modelled in as an object placed on the ground to better fit in naturally). Its just an alternative.

May 10 2016, 4:15 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T68974: Ability to Make flat parts for bases in the editor..

I think the option of creating a slab? and placing multiple slabs together to create this flat surface however big you want it to be?

I know VBS has a tool for editing terrain, so I dont see how this is not supported in engine. Besides from the editor changes are made prior to game, not during gameplay so the map can be downloaded prior to joining server, or if the map data isnt too big, it could be transferred and downloaded when joining the server?

Just my thoughts

May 10 2016, 4:15 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS edited Steps To Reproduce on T68764: Horrible effect on 3D scopes.
May 10 2016, 4:07 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T68693: Aiming Up While Prone.

Vote up, not just for the unnatural look, but using third person, this can be exploited to see beyond obstacles you otherwise aren't suppose to see. I get that third person assist with your surroundings and with limited peripheral, but lying behind a rock and tilting the cam to see what's happening other side that rock without poking your head out is just as unnatural.

So i would also like to see restrictions put on the cam tilt up and down when I'm prone.

May 10 2016, 4:04 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T68672: 3D Scopes Are Incorrectly Implemented.

Agreed that would be nice so +1

Though I dont know about the PIP, it looks like crap, heavily pixelated, no shadows, and limited view distance. A better option would probably have to be a reversed way, leave it as is, but make the view around the scope a PIP zoomed out to default FOV, and then will most likely have to blur it to hide the PIP because it would look like crap.

The you face the bunch who are going to complain about the blur...

So until PIP gets improved and optimized I dont think this will be a viable option, but then again, i think the real problem with PIP is having to render an image in an image (duh), and ARMA being so resource intensive, I think the problem is hardly anyone will really ever enjoy using scopes in that fashion due to performance issues.

As it is now, it is okay, it's a step up above the previous method so it is already a win. Maybe in the next ARMA release, hopefully then they have an NEW engine designed around the new tech, not this recycled one that just gets add ons.

May 10 2016, 4:03 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T68548: Where is Altis?.

gumgum dude, whats the point giving you the whole game before it is ready??? You are even lucky to be able to play alpha and beta, not many other devs allow it, and you only see the game when it's done...

just be patient man, be patient. it is better than nothing.

May 10 2016, 3:58 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T68548: Where is Altis?.

LOL I also never heard that Altis would be in BETA, I suppose if anything a very special handfull of people might get to "test" it during BETA for release but as far as I know, BIS did say No altis untill full release.

LOL at gumgum for having a tantrum.

May 10 2016, 3:58 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS edited Steps To Reproduce on T68491: Better Blend of Mixed Shadows.
May 10 2016, 3:55 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T68486: [Feature-request] Prone-to-run animation.

Sounds good

May 10 2016, 3:55 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T68465: Optic stances Icon?.

lol so I see, looks like I misunderstood you as well XD

Ah well, not everyone is good with words, especially english, english isn't my mother language either.

But I see what you thought as well, but yeah, clarification is all that is needed in the end =)

Zumzum, you better update your description for clarification, it would do you a world of good. Also, throw in the suggestions I made, and any you have, and keep it updated with any other suggestions made, would make it easy for the devs to not really have to read through all the comments when all the relevent info is right there in the description.

look at this ticket of mine , and what I did here. how I kept all the suggestions and solutions neatly in the description. Also notice how my idea changes over time as people suggest positive feedback. Things arent always going to be the way you want it to be, but it will be something atleast, could be beter, could be worse, but thats life.

May 10 2016, 3:55 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T68465: Optic stances Icon?.

The reason why it's getting downvoted is because most people have already trained themselves on what I have described above. So your problem does not necessarily impact anyone else. and you are creating more work for the devs for no real reason.

Also, what will the icon indicator look like? Where will it go on screen? You need to provide suggestions in your description so update it, and everyone reading it will then have a better idea what they are upvoting or down voting.

Now I already mentioned a work around I would like for this to work, the reset view, but also I can provide an alternative.

What if the indicator is integrated in the crosshair?? afterall you are always looking at the crosshair, so it would make sense. I would have said if you have red dot, then you would have a dot in the centre of the crosshair... but oooh boy, that would start a whole other argument about pinpoint aiming that is already a BIG NO NO... You could maybe change the crosshair look, for example if you have red dot set as the default, then the crosshair will 4 dots, and if you have scoped as default, then have 4 lines (as the current crosshair is) make up the crosshair. That is a small change, and even I would be okay with that.

So you figure it out, draw a picture if you have to and upload, if it isn't a big detour for the devs and doesnt impact anyone else's immersion,. then you wont get so many downvotes.

May 10 2016, 3:55 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T68465: Optic stances Icon?.

Meinsweeper, zumzum is referring to "dual" sight, the RCO that has both the scope for mid range and red dot ontop for close range.

And zumzum, meinsweeper seems to be thinking of two different sights, I have no idea why he doesnt know of the RCO has both.

Buuut anyhow, personally, I dont think an indicator is really necessary. Currently it does come down to discipline, keep your sights always on close range (red dot), and only switch to scoped when you engage in long range, afterwards immediately switch back to red dot.

Something else, I would say by default red dot should be the option, which has been fixed few moinths back, but it would also be nice to have it reset as well. for example if you use scoped view, and dont aim down your scope for about 2min, then it will reset to red dot.

May 10 2016, 3:55 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T68383: When aiming or zooming in the trees are begining to shine strangeley.

I have seen this, I think it's a nice touch, only applies to leaves that have a glossy finish, doesn't apply to all leaves.

May 10 2016, 3:52 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T68378: Glass fragments disappear.

Yes and that already happens with the pane of glass, when it breaks, it is replaced by a broken pane of glass, and then on top of that the shards particles are created to represent the visual apearance, and as soon as that particle served it's purpose, it gets deleted.

So you can look at it as a little calculation. lets say "0"(zero) represents a balance of performance, your frames for example. You want a constant framerate, so if your average is 60fps, then that represents "0". And lets say a particle represents 1, and 1=5fps (exageration but just an example). Now when you add anything, you need to subtract it again to uphold the balance. So you have 0, now a window breaks, glass pane gets replaced by an alternative model, because it is replaced and not added it remains balanced, it still equals "0", This explains the buildings too.

But now a particle is created and now you add one.
Now your performance is unbalanced, so then particle gets deleted
Now it is balanced again.

Now your suggestion is to replace a particle with another, so replacing that particle with another particle will resemble this equation:
And thats the problem, unbalanced performance. So now add 5 more broken window particles.
Now you lost 30 frames
Also you have to add the dust particles, the explosions, the smoke, and so many more happening on screen, and this is why intense action or even just a few smoke grenades can really kill performance.

That said, in my example i suggest something of a loan. where you can set a limit, maybe adjustable based on spec. 10 - 1000 particles. So using a 100 as an example, you can keep the additional particles created on screen, until their life (based on time) expires, or when the limit of particles are reached, whichever comes first.

Take for example (another exagerated example), your average is 110fps, and you dont mind it dropping to 60, because 60fps is your minimum, the difference is 50fps, devide that by 5, 5fps for every 1 particle, so then you know that your maximum amount of particles you can run in debt is 10 particles.

look at this ticket, this ticket is based on a similar concept, though not specifically around particles, but your view distance.

So if you plan your settings and adjust your max particle limit, you can essentially set a limit to how much of your resources it can use based on your rig and preference without killing performance.

May 10 2016, 3:52 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T68378: Glass fragments disappear.

Well i would imagine first google and see if you can confirm indeed if window shatter particles are indeed a particle effect, i believe it is, and if you can confirm it, then do a search for the ticket, once you get the ticket number, edit your ticket and add the ticket number in the relationship.

I have never done this, so this is just guessing, but you can also just update description and paste link to that ticket about smoke passing through walls, and the next moderator maddog or so will do the relation for you and probably close this ticket, or something like that.

May 10 2016, 3:52 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T68378: Glass fragments disappear.

Well that is a great example for use of broken glass, but now I must ask. If the glass particle gets deleted, what's the point spawning it again, only this time to just lay there? It will still have the same effect of adding more particles to the environment that will slow down performance over time, especially when particle intensive effects like a smoke grenade is thrown. Perhaps a number of maximum limit of particles should be set, like for example 100 particles, when the number exceeds that limit, it will only then start to delete the previous oldest ones to be recycled for new the newly generated ones?

But, as far as the ticket goes, the particle falls through the floor, so with above mentioned applied, they just need to make particle effect stop when it hits the floor, then it can remain there for minutes, up till hours, until the particles need to be reused.

Does that make sense?

May 10 2016, 3:52 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T68378: Glass fragments disappear.

True that, i can agree with that. The reason i would assume why it just falls through is the same reason why smoke passes through walls. So by fixing that, they would be able to make it stay on the ground for a few seconds. There is a separate ticket for the smoke one, so this could essentially just be related to that ticket then.Perhaps search for the smoke ticket I'm referring to and make this ticket a relation, or I'm sure a moderator will do it.

For that i will change my vote up, because i would like to see smoke actually contained in a building.

May 10 2016, 3:52 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T68378: Glass fragments disappear.

That is expected.

I think it's because it is a particle effect, which gets created when the window breaks, so it gets deleted so as not to bog up performance. It does however serve it's purpose which is to indicate that the window breaks, after that it doesn't really have any other purpose so no real use really to keep it around, otherwise it will just build up and impact performance.

May 10 2016, 3:52 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T67111: Animation lost : Prone to Sprint (double forward).

sounds good

May 10 2016, 3:07 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66954: 3D optics peripheral vision problem..

You mean special invitations? Id be honest, i would agree, but also no use making something a large majority won't like, which you won't know what that large majority wants because they aren't involved. The devs aren't just making a product for the minority. Take performance for example, if these special invitations go to ARMA vets, then all of them would most likely have insanely powerful rigs, and performance complaints would hardly be an issue and over looked.

But that said, I'm sure the devs aren't clueless, they would obviously realize whose just being a troll and who are serious. Do don't sweat the down votes, the reason why this isn't really likely to go anywhere is more about the performance issues than the votes. Though most down votes related are because of the performance issues involved.

May 10 2016, 3:01 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66954: 3D optics peripheral vision problem..

Agreed that would be nice so +1

Though I dont know about the PIP, it looks like crap, heavily pixelated, no shadows, and limited view distance. A better option would probably have to be a reversed way, leave it as is, but make the view around the scope a PIP zoomed out to default FOV, and then will most likely have to blur it to hide the PIP because it would look like crap.

The you face the bunch who are going to complain about the blur...

So until PIP gets improved and optimized I dont think this will be a viable option, but then again, i think the real problem with PIP is having to render an image in an image (duh), and ARMA being so resource intensive, I think the problem is hardly anyone will really ever enjoy using scopes in that fashion due to performance issues.

As it is now, it is okay, it's a step up above the previous method so it is already a win. Maybe in the next ARMA release, hopefully then they have an NEW engine designed around the new tech, not this recycled one that just gets add ons.

May 10 2016, 3:01 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66926: Effect of night vision devices (NVGs).

LOVE THE STALKER NVG! That would work amazingly!

May 10 2016, 3:00 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66926: Effect of night vision devices (NVGs).

yeah agreed the default FOV is horrific. I use to toggle zoom out, but then discovered since I tend top srint alot, I assigned zoom out to sprint, gives me wider FOV when sprinting, and when I sit put, returns to normal, though I can still press shift to zoom out even though I am not sprinting and sitting still. seems to be a great work around.

Reason why i think change in FOV will work on NVG is it would change the distance visibility so you wont be able to easily see much further.

May 10 2016, 3:00 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66926: Effect of night vision devices (NVGs).

agreed. I would think either change the FOV to something bigger, this would make seeing into the distance harder, and also NVG's I dont think renders depth of field, nit sure about the blur. But otherwise just really limit the view distance by fog perhaps?

May 10 2016, 3:00 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66924: Confusing door symbol.

Well i said cross hair "to" the door knob, not precisely on it... I didn't mean to simulate opening a door lol

Point being that if the area of selection is too big and you have two doors together, you might have the selection jumping between one another and will have to face the door in an awkward manner to get a stable selection. But if you decrease the area of selection to something smaller like quarter of the for size and place that area where the door knob is, you just point at the door knob and the option is there.

Just an alternative option, becaus,e maybe let's say you standing at the door, primary function would be to open close the door, but if you want to do something else like switch weapon quickly, you might end up opening the door in adversely because you stood by the door.

May 10 2016, 3:00 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66924: Confusing door symbol.

^ good suggestion

Or make it that you can only interact with door if your crosshair points to the door knob?

May 10 2016, 3:00 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66830: Helicopters not interacting realistically with water.

How about getting helicopters to react realistically to physics in general, especially on ground before focusing on water? When a chopper gets hit by explosives or even gunfire in mid air, it just drops, like the force of an rpg has no effect on it, it just falls right side up to the ground, and then... It bounces... Like a ball.

How are you all making a big deal out of the interaction of water, but not everything else?

May 10 2016, 2:57 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66830: Helicopters not interacting realistically with water.

Wel that experiment isn't quite realistic, while the model helicopter, it's size and weight is scaled down, water isn't, and neither is a whole bunch of other variables. But you are right, it isn't the same, but it's very similar, so it's not necessary to simulate such small difference. Fact is water can be as hard as concrete, once it settles and the water tension broken, it will then sink.

I still think more effect could make it a little more awesome. When i chopper hits dirt or water, some particle effects surrounding it to simulate dirt or water thrown up from impact. This could make it feel a little more dramatic. Watch helicopter crashes in YouTube to see what i mean.

May 10 2016, 2:57 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66830: Helicopters not interacting realistically with water.

I saw a ghost hawk bounce like 50m high in game last night after crashing into the water when i shot it down... 50 meters! Needs fixing lol

May 10 2016, 2:56 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66830: Helicopters not interacting realistically with water.

agreed! got my +1

But I would like to add to this, the same should go for tree tops. I mean the tips of tree are the weakest, yet you just touch the tip and you go down in flames, I mean seriously.

It should be much like described with impact on water, touching the tips of trees should do little to no damage to the hull (body of the chopper), the more impact you make with trees, and lower you go, would knock your heli over, like a roll. If the rotors touch the tips then you loose control and sever damage to main rotors, then instead of just touch and your heli is fucked.

just my 2c

May 10 2016, 2:56 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66711: Can't even start arma 3 anymore.

Hey Jlaporte, same here problem was solved for me on last week thursdays update!
I don't know about being a Nvidia update because I did not do any other update other than the daily dev build.

see for my ticket.

***Also it is running better, I had clocked my i5 3570K cpu to 4.7Ghz via ASUS software, not manually, and finally I am getting ARMA3 on Ultra at around 50fps average, 30fps lowest (helicopter showcase. Still feel it is rediculous clock for ARMA3.

May 10 2016, 2:52 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66711: Can't even start arma 3 anymore.

Agreed... It's life over two weeks now that i can't play =( when do we get to play again?

May 10 2016, 2:52 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66711: Can't even start arma 3 anymore.

Jlaporte,.I'm having the identical problem. I start ARMA up, and a few minutes in it crashes, even idling in the main menu crashes, it use to mainly occur during helicopter showcase, like immediately, other showcases i can play a bit before it crashes...

It makes me sad =( lol

May 10 2016, 2:52 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66711: Can't even start arma 3 anymore.

same with me, except i get to atleast be in mainmenu for a few minutes or start a showcase then its crashes.

May 10 2016, 2:52 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66677: trees and objects out of place since update.

this ticket can be closed, tried to close it myself, but access denied =/

May 10 2016, 2:51 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66677: trees and objects out of place since update.

okay i havent noticed the same issues in latest dev build, except 1 tree... but kinda hard to get co-ords, my game is still crashing unexpectedly with blue screen now related to, and sometimes just an error message that something went wrong... Will look more into it when that issue is resolved.

May 10 2016, 2:51 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66677: trees and objects out of place since update.

Well deadfast, good place is to start by infantry showcase, that screen was taken right where you start. But anyways found other rocks and stuff too, haven't reinstalled yet so will get you an answer with map grids soon, though i do want to help resolve the issue, i really don't have the time to go through the whole map.

May 10 2016, 2:51 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66677: trees and objects out of place since update.

Sorry I had more pics, but seems I cant find them now =/ but theres one that shows exactly what I mean. Kinda hard to get more pics since I am experiencing crashes.

May 10 2016, 2:51 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66676: ARMA3 crashes when playing any showcase.

Okay so this problem seems to be resolved for me with latest dev build EXE rev. 05900.

Today I have started playing my showcases, and no crash in game yet, However I will be doing more testing, only played and completed 2 showcases, still 2 more to go, but definately looks promising. Finally I get to play arma again =D

Thanks in advance, will confirm later.

May 10 2016, 2:51 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66676: ARMA3 crashes when playing any showcase.

Confirmed, all is good! Thank you for fixing this, much appreciated for the hard work you guys put into this iteration of ARMA! Keep it up =)

May 10 2016, 2:51 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS edited Steps To Reproduce on T66677: trees and objects out of place since update.
May 10 2016, 2:51 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66676: ARMA3 crashes when playing any showcase.

Still happening, I was playing infantry showcase, and then quickly got up to do something, pressed escape to pause game. When I got back 5min later the game was frozen, pressing ctrl+alt+delete to go to task manager revealed it crashed again.

Mods: A3
Distribution: 0
Version 0.59.105592
Fault time: 2013/05/22 18:05:04
Fault address: 00442194 01:00041194 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe
file: showcase_infantry
world: stratis
Prev. code bytes: 0F 7E 84 24 94 00 00 00 8B 8C 24 AC 00 00 00 5F
Fault code bytes: 66 0F D6 00 5E 66 0F D6 70 08 5D 66 0F D6 68 10

EAX:00442280 EBX:00000020
ECX:00000000 EDX:00100000
ESI:00000001 EDI:0202F140
SS:ESP:002B:0202F140 EBP:478F9DE0
DS:002B ES:002B FS:0053 GS:002B

***PS updated the ticket description etc.

May 10 2016, 2:51 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66676: ARMA3 crashes when playing any showcase.

Okay seriously, I am, getting rather frustrated now. The game wont stop crashing, no matter what. New updates don't fix this... It's been about two weeks now that I don't get to play or test out new updates, and it is depressing honestlty.

May 10 2016, 2:51 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66676: ARMA3 crashes when playing any showcase.

Who voted down??? If you dont get the same issue, it doesnt mean you should vote down, just means you arent affected and you are lucky... real facepalm that one.

Anyway I think this ticket can be related to as i get the same error I use to when it crashed upon closing arma3. This obviously occuring after the issue was supposedly fixed? Just guessing. Still getting it, no matter what I try.

May 10 2016, 2:51 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66676: ARMA3 crashes when playing any showcase.

Okay tested with todays update, still crashing for me =( only played infantry showcase, as soon as I get orders to find and take out spotters, then it just freezes up and crashes... -sigh-

May 10 2016, 2:51 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66676: ARMA3 crashes when playing any showcase.

I cant get the other one uploaded, slightly too big, but let me know if you need the other file, and I will make a plan.

May 10 2016, 2:51 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66676: ARMA3 crashes when playing any showcase.

okay I just completed a fresh install of windows 7 pro 64, and also fresh install of Arma3, both standard and dev build crashing =(

So dev build crashes upon startup, non dev build will startup but crash some time into the game with a blue screen. Managed to play infantry for almost 10min and then BSOD.

uploaded the DxDiag text file too as requested

May 10 2016, 2:51 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS edited Steps To Reproduce on T66676: ARMA3 crashes when playing any showcase.
May 10 2016, 2:51 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66633: Minigun visual effect.

very creative suggestion =) indeed it would be nice!

May 10 2016, 2:50 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66624: Make it possible to jump down instead of using ladders.

Id suggest a faster way to get down a ladder is to just slide down

May 10 2016, 2:49 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66597: duration of respiration under water.

agreed with Heruon, almost exactly what I was going to say. Let this play out as the stamina does. If you under water you have X amount of time, but as you swim around, that time shortens. best way to tackle this problem fairly.

Also any chance of getting boyuncy implimented depending on weight of gear? I would imagine if you are fully stacked with gear that you would most likely find it hard to surface and probably drown. So if you end up in water somehow you will have to shed weight (gear) to keep above surface.

May 10 2016, 2:49 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66595: Stencil Shadows should be fully replaced by Shadow Maps.

this is a tricky one. I am voting up, but cant say I am entirely happy with the soft shadows.

For one, stencil shadows and shadow mapped shadows mixed seem to give some depth in some shadows, for example player shadow is hard edged, and tree shadows are soft edged, this kinda adds to the look and feel that the tree is higher than the character. And also, the shadows maps edges kinda look crap, i mean on hard surface geometry, like walls etc, though it seems to look fine with ATOC. and lastly, there is a distracting border between high rez and low rez shadow maps, seems to appear about 40m infront of the player... unless you run ultra shadows.

But I will upvote for performance sake... it matters more than graphics.

Is it possible to use stencil shadows on the GPU though?

May 10 2016, 2:48 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS edited Steps To Reproduce on T66562: another retarded AI issue.
May 10 2016, 2:46 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66561: Add falling animation.


After all the renovations in doing the animations, this is probably the single most important one! I know it contributes nothing to actual practical game play, but it reallly just kills the imersion... I am not usually one to use immersion as a form of reason to do something, but this, this really just is that important.

Priority on this should realistically be high =/

May 10 2016, 2:46 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66560: Player "slide".

I had this before, so for that i will upvote, but I did not know how i did it though, but I will try your steps to reproduce and see if that is how it is done, and update when i can.

May 10 2016, 2:46 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS edited Steps To Reproduce on T66498: allow to choose fixed refresh rate with resolution.
May 10 2016, 2:44 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66496: Supressor on rifles have no sound..

I have actually noticed that, but i think that's a sound generated by the bullet itself, likewise you can actually hear the bullet pass or make impact. But the suppressor should generate a sound as well coming from the muzzle.

May 10 2016, 2:44 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66496: Supressor on rifles have no sound..

can be overly exploited in mp for sure, so I am avoiding wasteland and any other PvP until this is resolved lol.

May 10 2016, 2:44 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS edited Steps To Reproduce on T66496: Supressor on rifles have no sound..
May 10 2016, 2:44 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66490: Pistols are too good!.

look pistols arent the most accurate weapons, everyone knows that, they are for short range. But carefully placed shots can still be pretty accurate. Short range can be anything up to 50m. So it sounds about right. Im not saying perfect, but roughly. This game is by no means a perfect simulation, more of an estimation.

Besides, you were shooting at stationary targets I bet, try and pull off the same on moving targets. chances of hitting a moving target, let alone getting a headshot at 40m is not as simple.

May 10 2016, 2:43 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66490: Pistols are too good!.

first people moan pistols were too weak (I was one of those, because they were awfully weak requiring more than 1 magazine to kill) and now pistols are too good?

I dont know about the dispersion, careful placed shots will most likely almost land almost spot on where it did before. Try shooting rapidly perhaps for variance in dispersion.

And its good that they kill with 1 shot head shots... like it should =)

May 10 2016, 2:43 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66488: When i close the game after playing i get this message after Arma 3 has crashed.

confirmed! Great stuff, thank you BIS for getting around to fixing these issues.

Also, rather random, but during gameplay, also noticed during check point save the screen doesnt pause anymore? Saving happens unnoticed? If this was not intentional, Which I guess was not looking at dev changelog then dont change it, I like it!

May 10 2016, 2:43 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66488: When i close the game after playing i get this message after Arma 3 has crashed.

Squelch i actually do have a separate ticket, i use to have the issue of crash when closing ARMA 3, then at done update, it started crashing ingame too, septate ticket made for that, but i bet its related. Also uploaded all my files, but i treat both calls as the same, because both have the same result... Crashing.

May 10 2016, 2:43 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66488: When i close the game after playing i get this message after Arma 3 has crashed.

Okay, still crashing for me =( only played infantry showcase, as soon as I get orders to find and take out spotters, then it just freezes up and crashes... -sigh-

May 10 2016, 2:43 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66488: When i close the game after playing i get this message after Arma 3 has crashed.

Going home in an hour, will test... Excited to finally get to play again =P

May 10 2016, 2:43 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66488: When i close the game after playing i get this message after Arma 3 has crashed.

Funny you would mention that champy, i agree, been having issues with my usb headset at the time the crashes start happening, now i have a constant unknown usb drive error 43 popping up... Wonder if its related?

May 10 2016, 2:43 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66488: When i close the game after playing i get this message after Arma 3 has crashed.

yep... still getting it

May 10 2016, 2:43 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66488: When i close the game after playing i get this message after Arma 3 has crashed.

also getting it since yesterdays update. Also noticed the main menu intro level (rotating map) doesnt appear to happen anymore, getting loads of errors suddenly after yesterdays update.

May 10 2016, 2:43 AM · Arma 3
ShotgunSheamuS added a comment to T66486: Heli co-pilot is visible without legs and torso but with armor, helmet and face.

noted, just witnessed in game.

May 10 2016, 2:43 AM · Arma 3