I expect this to get a lot of downvotes by people who wished A3 wasn't in the future, but here goes. This game is set in 2035. We already have military exoskeletons capable of hauling hundreds of pounds; our only limitation is battery technology. We can be sure dozens of new, powerful battery chemistries have been developed in 22 years time, and can also be equally sure someone has combined those with an armored, lighter, stronger version of the exoskeletons under development today. Soldiers in suits would be able to carry more, run faster, farther, and longer, all while firing heavier weapons with less recoil and being able to see the world in thermalvision, identify the exact location of enemy fire via sound signatures, etc.
All of this we can already do today except for that elusive battery chemistry, which is certain to be developed in over two decades time. When one thinks about it like that, it doesn't seem unrealistic at all that some special purpose units would be equipped with armored exoskeletons 22 years into the future. They would be exceedingly expensive and valuable, but would make up for this by being much better than a naked soldier in terms of armor, firepower, and mobility.