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- User Since
- Jan 26 2014, 8:46 AM (577 w, 1 d)
May 11 2016
we tested it you need at least 4 fires next to each other.
Rule number 1 in Dayz, don't get attached to your gear..
you used a cheat in game, your gone..
I think you meant to say DROWN?
you need to raise your ping, if your ping is set to low itm will just toss you in a random server not with your friends(just set your default ping to 200)
report them to the providers not here
He does not have the key mapped correctly he needs to assign the 2xW for the run key. This option gets reset from time to time on updates..
If you are joining a private shard server you will get that message every time, if its one that you have been on before you will still get that message because you are not logging in the the central hive. Join and see if you really did get reset or this the central hive message then report back.....
If you are in a server and it restarts WAIT till the server time is updated don't just jump back in. The server hasn't had time to sync with the central hive(ever shut down Dayz and seen the sync message in steam?) it will reset you almost every time if you jump back in before it has time to sync. The servers that have SSD drives are good about not resetting your character.
Heres how you get your character back.
- If you get Testing 1 2 3, log out the instant you see that .
- shut down the game and go in to steam and verify your game cache
- When that is finished restart steam and 95% of the time you will get you character back.
- If you interact with the environment like get hit by a Zed or open a door and so on you will not get you character back ***
If you are in a server and it restarts WAIT till the server time is updated don't just jump back in. The server hasn't had time to sync with the central hive(ever shut down Dayz and seen the sync message in steam?) it will reset you almost every time if you jump back in before it has time to sync. The servers that have SSD drives are good about not resetting your character.
Heres how you get your character back.
- If you get Testing 1 2 3, log out the instant you see that .
- shut down the game and go in to steam and verify your game cache
(img )
- When that is finished restart steam and 95% of the time you will get you character back.
- If you interact with the environment like get hit by a Zed or open a door and so on you will not get you character back ***
If you are joining a private shard server you will get that message every time, if its one that you have been on before you will still get that message because you are not logging in the the central hive. Join and see if you really did get reset or this the central hive message then report back.....
Yes you can, use the #1 or 3 on the number pad.
Is this a private shard server? If so they can make up their own rules its there server. Public servers can not impose these types of rules.
Its not a bug, you need 100% roll of bandages any less will not craft a splint.
or post processes cant remember
thats ambient occlusion not HDR
Its part of the ragdoll, it should do that..
Same here, waiting on a hotfix...
Video or it didnt happen..
There is a hotfix from windows for this, It fixed mine..
loot spawn is broken, they already know it..
Added another screen shot, I can give you the server info if needed..
Follow up It happened again last night and i have it recorded this time if needed..
You got caught cheating in one of the games that uses BE, doesn't have to be DayZ, could be one of the Arma games as well. Its a global ban not just a DayZ ban. Time for a new account and spend some more of that hacker money. BTW this forum can do nothing about your ban so that is all I have to say about that.
You can't throw item out the window either ie. grenades and so on..
You do know that the Zeds in game right now are just a placeholder for the ones that are coming right? Devs are working out the navmesh and the glitches before they introduce the real zombies. Then the fun will begin, right now there are 2500 or so Zeds on the map at restart this number will grow by up to 10X by final release. So again just report bugs and glitches with the game not your opinion on how to deal with Zeds..
We know how to deal with the Zeds
THIS is a forum for BUGS not your how to kill zombies thread. Go to forum for thais type of post.
They are gone, rule number 1 in DayZ don't get attached to your gear....
Really? Get bent, you are the fools that fuck up the game...
Delete the config file restart steam and the game.
located here C:\Users\***\Documents\DayZ
Your flashlight is there and so is the battery, take off pants and put back on they are there..
DayZ Rule #1 Don't get attached to your gear..
They are gone after the restart, known bug. Persistence is broken right now.
They and all items will be wiped in the next patch anyways....
sound team is working one all the sounds. Known bug or should i say bugs...
Already reported,
these servers arent ever updated correctly, been like this for months
already reported... Please search before posting........
Already reported... Double post....
They have never worked since the beginning, already reported, they will be working when they implement sickness..
Rule number 1 in DayZ
Don't get attached to your gear..
Your config file is jacked up. Replace text in config file with this.
Remember it's a alpa game, there are more things to come like knives.. Hence the word is "knives" PLURAL
Even your 1st link says BAYONET not knife
And the 2nd says KNIFE
Just don't be mad BRO if you want the knife the offer still stands little man..
Why you so mad Bro??? I bet you die a lot don't you? I will leave a combat knife in a building on my server and post the location here for you to have so you can make your gear complete. Just because you cant find one doesn't make it OK for you to lash out at everyone because you are feeling down, Its ok, don't cry we will help you young man..
I want to point something out to you. would you stick the Mosin or the SKS bayonet in said slot in your boot, of course not its a bayonet not a knife. You do know what a boot knife it right(i will post a pic for you)think things out next time before you post. AND DON'T BE MAD BRO......
Does that look like a bayonet(I don't see a mounting hole do you?)
Does that look like a bayonet(I don't see a mounting hole do you?)
Its a bayonet not a knife, the combat knife works fine.
Sorry it got posted twice please see #0015240
May 10 2016
The hit box is off, they are working one it there are many reports on this. (works better in 48 build)
Only works in exp branch right now..
already reported.. but i have run across this bug before as well..
False, pain it one color the add the other color still works on Mosin also works on AKM butt stock, SKS never was able to be painted camo..
I have almost the same thing, with gun in hand crouch to look under a bed or a object when you lean left or right and boom he tosses the gun. I lost 3 sks's in 15 minutes.. :-(
pick it up and put it back down, its a bug there is stuff in them...
GET A F-N MIC IT'S 2014.
I will blast you for not talking in game.. you type to me you get killed..
You are getting there after some one has picked it up, there are not a lot of weapons spawning so the players have to interact more.. voting down(not everyone gets a gun)
They will be added after they debug the town.. Just like all the other towns..
M4 ammo(223) can only be found at chopper crash sites(choppers are not spawning right now) I find 45 ammo everywhere. mist be you....
They are not in any of the builds right now.. Will be in the next exp patch...
There are already many post about this, they know the melee is broken and I have heard its fixed in the internal build(not sure when this will be pushed out) This isn't the 1st time this has happened and I'm sure it will not be the last(welcome to alpha bitch)
True I check 3 servers and all were dry of loot, I think the restart function was reset with the patch.
Its fixed in the exp branch..
LOL, really? its a alpha, should have read about the bugs before you spent your cash..
already reported 100000 times, read before you post and vote up the prior thread..
You have to eject the round you chambered then put the mag in..
It's easy just drag the vest to your body and change vest to gain access.. nothing to fix..
already reported, please search before posting(fixed in the next internal build)
You must be new tot he game, this is already in place..
Only need to post this one time...SPAM
already reported.. please use the search function...
Only need to post this one time...SPAM
take the hoodie off and put it back on, it will fix it.. plus this has already been reported..
already been reported please next time to use the search function
already reported many times, please read before you post..
You have to contact Battle Eye, they just had a wave of global bans for people removing or altering files in the game. Again you have to contact battle eye....
was just on the exp 46 servers and found loot in the wooden floor tents, you just got there 2 late..
Not every building spawns loot, But both of those building do spawn loot just not every time..
already reported and fixed in the internal build, please read all the reports so as not to make a dup report..
Already reported, please read before making a dup report..
Dude really? Just go cut down a ashwood tree and get one, it is a survival game not a hand it to me game..
You have to contact Battle Eye. Google it. The are issuing those for a number of reasons, esp hack, hacked mags or ammo. If it was a BE ban you have altered the game in some way. goodbye..
Upgrade your server version, this has been fixed in the later builds..
Has nothing to do with flying, you were in desync and walked off the building..
The bipod is no longer able to be used on the mosin since there is no rail system for it, Its gone forever and is not coming back...
He is under the floor, you can still crawl under from the back of the hangar. Was already reported(thought they fixed it)
this is a bug that has already been reported and is fixed on the exp (46) servers, wait for the next patch..
It is fixed in the EXP branch, 45+ but it is a zombie game get used to it after they rework things on the simi new engine there will up to 10x the amount of zeds..
this is 100% true, Ill make a video it happens every time.
Its to stop the people from combat logging, If you get cuffed role play it out..
How are you playing such a old version of the game.. they have fixed the hangar issue by removing it all together and in 48. the looking through the walls has been fixed as well.. Upgrade your game and move on..
Do you have a screen shot of this?
When they get it in place the loot will respawn on its own, this is why servers now will restart after a few hrs so the loot will respawn until the new system is in place.. This has been covered many times before, please keep these post to bugs only..
Already reported, please use the search function next time..
Already reported, please use the search function next time..
You were in a HC server, and the prone is broke they already know that and are working one it..
I reported this and they have already fixed it..