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- User Since
- Mar 22 2014, 2:57 AM (573 w, 6 d)
May 11 2016
I have noticed the same thing. I was out alone in a large field and heard loud gunshots. I assumed it was one of those lame haxx0rz flying around under the map or something, but later i realized that it was a sniper sitting on top of a building far away.
I don't get it. Why does it have to be so hard to reintroduce features that existed and worked well many years ago?? In the mod there was all sorts of vehicles and spare parts, and they never got stuck in objects or went teleporting all over the map...
Yes, this is extremely annoying. And there are also other problems with the zombie sounds now:
- The sounds are way too loud, and too close. If a zombie is 20 meters to the left side then the sound should not be almost equally loud in the right channel, because it makes it sound like it is really close.
- They keep making sounds even when they are dead. The sounds always play all the way to completion.
- Zombies now make all kinds of zombie sounds, with different volume and different voice. The female zombies sound like the male zombies and vice versa. This is really confusing when you can't hear if there is one or two zombies around the corner.
The static gunshot sounds are also really bad. If i hear a shot then i want to be able to quickly find the direction by turning a bit.
There are flying hay bales, lumber, trees, buildings, railroads, all over the map. Wouldn't it be best to just assign weight to each object and then the physics engine could solve the problem by itself by letting them drop to the ground?
And... being able to shrink skulls (put skulls in barrel, add water and some chemical and boil them) and then combine them with rope for a skull necklace...!!!
This would be totally awesome!
The biggest problem is not the sprinting speed, it's the complete lack of inertia - you can run at full speed and then change direction instantly. This makes it almost impossible to hit someone who is running around.
Finally fixed. I had to wipe my settings folder and then go through all possible graphics settings combinations.
Found out that Dayz shows non-existent AA options, so some of them breaks the graphics. After a number of different settings and restarts of the game, it now works (kind of, i sometimes have to toggle AA on/off to make it work).
Graphics: Radeon HD68xx
Driver: Catalyst v14.12.
Resolution: 1920x1200x32
Yup, this is annoying as hell.
I have found amphibia mags in various military places - tents, jail buildings, etc.
Happen to me at green mountain, i had to roll and vault a lot before i finally got out from inside the wall.
15 months later, same problem. Gonna be a long time until beta, i guess... :(
Happened here, right now:
lastMPServer=""; lastMPServerName="[Addut] Finnish Game Addicts";
i can see a player stuck in running animation, i can't interact with anything, but still connected. I can walk around.
No, it's not a network problem, at least not on my side. Everything else worked perfectly (i have 100/100 mbit fiber, no network problems for at least 4-5 years, no noticable packet loss etc), no problems with other computers/phones/media players/file server etc connected to the net.
This happened on at least 3 different servers the same day. When i think of it, i noticed that there were no zombies when this happened. It's like the servers stopped sending data, but my client still thought it was connected.
4 fps? More like 1 fps. And then all zombies get weird shapes, square-ish like some kind of minecraft nightmare with arms wiggling around in weird angles.
Sometimes it does something completely different, like throwing away the weapon. Slightly annoying.
This bug has killed me a number of times already.
"Hide body" was removed a long time ago, Johnny. We need it back.
I have the same problem. I looked carefully to see if it makes any difference at all. It doesn't.
This is not just Australian servers, i had the same experience on a danish and a german server.
This is so annoying. Needs more status icons.
This happens a lot now. Extremely annoying.
Sometimes i can hear them around me for up to 10 minutes before they start hitting. Then it's all over.... just wait for death and then respawn.
This is super annoying, but can be "fixed" by hold gun in attack position...
And i am on a hardcore server, newly added house beside some garages out in like nowhere, up in the north...
My steamid is STEAM_0:1:163261
If you throw a flashbang and watch it from a distance, you can see a small flash but there is no sound. Also, zombies are immune to it :(
Will this ever be fixed? 17 months has passed now, and this still happens all the time...
May 10 2016
Yup, this happens almost 100% of the time since the last update.
Happened to me about an hour ago, i was at the base southeast of Vybor in the jail building, upper floor between wall and beds. Middle of the night - pitch black, low pop server, crouched.
I ate a can of whatever, and just when i was done it said "my leg is painful". Crack. Dead.
I didn't move at all, so i don't think i glitched thru floor or anything like that. Bug or hax.
What is OP??
This happens in lots of locations, and it's impossible to tell if you are about to run into someone or if it is your own footsteps echoing. Makes it really hard to play because i have to stop and listen for potential enemies all the time.
"Got the same with a NotaCola and bandages, also with painkillers."
Why would you want to eat bandages? :)
Yes please! I have always found this lack of realism to be quite annoying. If u change zeroing, you don't see any change in the scope, the bullets just hits differently. The scope *should* visibly move up/down.
This is what Einstein called "Spooky action at a distance". You have created quantum entangled shotguns...
This is super annoying. Sometimes it takes up to a minute for the items to get into hands...
How is this a bug? Try walking up the stairs with a broken leg in real life... :)
Try this:
- Move as close to the outer wall as possible, then log out.
- Log in again and run forward and vault as soon as you are connected (press WW V WW V WW V WW ...)
I have tried this before and it worked for me. There is some small time window where you can move a little bit while it is connecting.
Only 9 hackers in 460 hours, that's less than 1 per 50 hours on average. Lucky you!
I was killed by hackers yesterday. They could see me from a distance when i was prone behind a wall, i could see one of the stop and look at me and then they all came my way. When i was hiding in some buildings they immediately went to the building i was in and ran up the stairs until they were just below me, etc. They clearly could see through walls and stuff.
Two days earlier i was killed by a guy who just walked through the wall and axed me.
And so on...
Probably Mosin w/ LRS... It's basically suicide to be in the airfield towers, they are almost always sniped.
I have found food in 00009 and 00010. Very rare, though.
May i suggest a change to the title of this issue? Something like 'A better way to handle inventory slots' would be be more general and allow for an expanded discussion on this subject.
The correct way would be to substitute pockets for slots, and then give each pocket a volume/weight capacity. Then it should be possible to put any amount of items in there as long as the total weight/volume is not exceeded for that pocket.
You could put a screw driver and some shotgun shells in one of the pockets in your pants, a can of beans in another, or two tuna cans (since they are flat and takes up less volume), lots of bandages in a leg pocket, etc...
You would have to put one big object in a pocket and then fill it up with other smaller items. Harder to keep track of stuff, more realistic.
For pockets without a zipper or button, things could fall out when doing hard maneouvers like hitting the ground, vaulting, etc (small things more likely to fall out - like 50x .22 bullets... so that would create an incentive to keep thinks in their boxes).
When clothes are damaged, some pockets would be more damaged than others. The more damaged, the more likely bgger things will fall out of it (because there are bigger holes in the pocket), even if it has a zipper or buttons.
Happens to me also. Extremely annoying. If the central server can't be reached, then the game should just say that and return to the server list. NOT create a new character and then overwrite the other one.
happens all the time since last update
You don't get tired from zooming, you get out of breath from holding your breath for a long time. Right mousebutton is usually bound to both Zoom and Hold Breath. Binding Hold Breath to another button solves that part of the problem.
You can ususally take stuff on top of the lockers if you have enough room in inventory or on your body. I.e. if you have full inv and a hat on, you will not be able to take a helmet. Drop the hat and you will get the "Pick up helmet" option...
If inventory is full, then it would be better if it said something like "Take in hands" if your hands are empty, or "Inspect helmet" if not.
Unfortunately it's hard to report that, because when u have joined a server there is no way to see the name of the server... and who can remember the name of the server after joining it, when servers go up and down all the time??
Ideally the ordering would be user configurable, so if you think that "pick up" is bad (because it makes it easier to pick up stuff by mistake and wreck your carefully thought out inventory management) then you could put "inspect" first.
And if you prefer to just drink sodas (or desinfectant) right away, then you could put "Use" first in the list....
I actually don't think this is a bug, but it is a bad default action in the UI.
Being able to discard things is useful, because you can make sure nobody else can use it. If you discard all the 7.62x51 you find then u make it much harder for people with a Mosin or Blaze to find ammo, which might save your life.
However, the default actions in the UI is horrible. Let's say you are in a hurry and just press middle mouse button quickly to pick something up and instead you end up discarding ammo you needed, or stopping to drink a soda by accident when you are being chased by zombies. Or the worst of all, "oh a disinfectant spray, lets pick it up" <click> oops "Drink disinfectant"... (yes, i once did that mistake).
Dangerous actions (eat/drink/empty etc) should never be the default. Instead the order could be changed to "Pick up, Inspect, Take into hands, Use/Eat/Drink/Empty/etc". That way, "inspect" would be the worst case - and you can just hit Esc to get out of it immediately so it's not deadly even if you have a zombie jumping at you. Take into hands is more dangerous since it interferes with weapon handling and other stuff.
In jail building, just now:
"My leg is in extreme pain". Pants and all items ruined.
The only thing i could do was to crawl to a ladder, climb up and fall to my death to be able to respawn...
This still happens on 0.49.
*Sometimes* the items appear in a room close by, or on the floor below, but not always. When they disappear outside i guess they get stuck underground.
Probably they fall through the floor most of the time. Every time i accidentally glitch into (and get stuck in) a building i find lots of equipment on the ground under the building.
All these seemingly trivial (but annoying) bugs seem to take forever for them to fix...
Wouldn't it be easy (or at least not that hard) to just write a script to check the position of all items (and optionally adjust them), instead of asking users to specify the locations of each one of the thousands of misplaced ones?
for item in (haybales trashbins trees stumps bushes ...)
if (item.position.bottom > then print "Item $item is floating in the air, fixing it" item.position.moveBottomTo( fi
Ok, it has to be a check to see if anything else is under it and if the ground is uneven and so on, but you get the idea...
The right click and space bar system is a bit broken. It would probably be better not to have two separate modes, but one mode with multiple steps/variations instead.
A quick fix could be to have a small icon show which settings are active, because in some cases/some stances/some items you don't see any difference between optic/not optics and attack/not attack. Or it should revert to "normal" automatically when switching weapons/items, and/or it shouldn't be possible to enter "optics" with e.g. fists...
I think this also has something to do with "attack mode" (space bar) and "optics mode" (right click). When the problem starts, i usually (at least sometimes) can fix the problem by hitting spacebar and/or right click before trying again.
The right click and space bar system is a bit broken. It would probably be better not to have two separate modes, but one mode with multiple steps/variations instead.
A quick fix could be to have a small icon show which settings are active, because in some cases/some stances/some items you don't see any difference between optic/not optics and attack/not attack. Or it should revert to "normal" automatically when switching weapons/items, and/or it shouldn't be possible to enter "optics" with e.g. fists...
Wow, this is really old... and still not fixed. :(
I usually have to press TAB for inventory, then drag and drop the weapon into my hands. It's the only way when the quickbuttons stop working.
This is really annoying. After a whole year this seemingly small bug is still not fixed.
I guess cattle prods and other useless stuff was more important.....
Same for me.