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- User Since
- Sep 23 2022, 11:01 PM (127 w, 3 d)
Tue, Feb 11
Fri, Feb 7
Solid ideas. Most players only know about the "big green circles" or the most common hidden spots. This would encourage them to go out a little further and explore. Knowing these locations also gives an advantage for Deployed radios as many spots are great for a quick setup or even setting up a command truck since they will now need supply.
I got some footage of this bug as a 3rd party. Not only does the group lose their backpack, the pack remains in the world for the whole match. It can't be disassembled or destroyed. I spent some time hunting through Morton looking for deployed radios as US was continuing to assault. I ended up finding 4 of these packs that could not be disassembled or destroyed in different locations.
Jan 31 2025
Jan 14 2025
Jan 11 2025
I have this happen to me a lot. To the point where my squad mates tell me not to throw grenades. I generally try to spam click and get off as many as possible and this seems to be the biggest trigger for the issue. It's also worth noting that when you "fix" the issue your character will pop the pin back in, which almost makes me feel like the client is seeing the pin in, but the server is seeing the pin out? i don't know how to explain it but but i do know that it's gotten me killed many times. If i don't have something to drop off, or i also found that you can get in a car and it will also reset it FYI. But often times i will just charge in as the grenade will still go off after you die.
Jan 10 2025
Jan 2 2025
Jan 1 2025
Some additional content that is only available through specific means. You can get the UK59L by finding a FIA armory truck in Conflict, but as far as i have found no FIA troops carry this. Personally i think this is a shame. The gun is actually really good and has a high level of utility combining a scope, bipod, high ROF, and 7.62x54
leads to a very effective weapon despite the small box size. It's also content that is just "left on the table".
FIA load-outs could really use some love in general. A guerilla force that has very limited logistics would likely use whatever is available including enemy equipment.
Some additional things of note while playing with explosives:
Dec 20 2024
This has been posted on before, but it's one of those small QoL issues that would be nice to not have to think about. if I'm quickly trying to take mags or rearm off a body/vehicle i suddenly pick up extra things i don't want because the item position in the inventory moves on it's own while i am looting. Why?
Oct 17 2024
Desync and lag can be mitigated but ultimately we are playing on networks and just "fixing" it is a broad desire. All games have compromise in the way they handle their networking. I would be hard pressed to find a game that has the level of simulation that Reforger does that doesn't also have syncing issues.
It's on a timer. I made a post about this as well early this year when they switched radios to supply. It should take longer to despawn with supply in it but it still will go after a while. How much supply = time and at what thresholds will that change the remaining time (if at all) are questions i would want to know. I have not timed how long it takes, maybe a dev has given that timeframe but i am not sure. I do know that interacting with the vehicle should reset the timer. What the game defines as interaction is a third question. Does that mean starting the car? opening a door? moving gear/supply in and out?
Oct 16 2024
Keep in mind this is fixed in Experimental. While i would hope exp is coming to stable soon, obviously BI has Frostline as a focus right now. Exp is pretty dead right now, but i do recommend still checking it out. Some great changes especially around ammo types, terminal ballistics, weight impact, and of course the suppressors.
Oct 3 2024
Reviving this thread to advocate with the above posters for a first person only server or more than one. As has been said this creates a more "hardcore experience" that encourages players to compete within the game and world rather than by using perspectives to gain additional information they would not otherwise have without risking their head.
The biggest custom servers advertise as being more "hardcore" or "Simulator" but in reality they make the game much easier in almost every way except one. First person. Having an official server that is locked in first person gives more of that competitive edge without much of the added fluff or simplified systems that the custom servers can't seem to run without. I think there is enough players who enjoy the official or "vanilla" experience but would gladly take the added challenge and "fairness" of locked first person view to populate these servers. Maybe i and others advocating for this are wrong, but i struggle to see the negative side of having the choice, especially when many official servers don't fill even during peak hours.
At the very least why not gauge interest with the players themselves? Have a poll on your discord, YouTube, or other communities.
Sep 20 2024
Sep 7 2024
Yeah this applies to the SU under barrel grenade launcher as well. Playing exp yesterday was... interesting. If you are quick with your keys or bind fire and reload to the same key you get a very effective semi automatic grenade launcher that will can dump as many rounds as you can hold, and will put the fear of god into anything it's aimed at. Highly recommend using it before it get patched.
Aug 29 2024
Yeah this is one might work itself out in the future, but i feel we still need QoL changes. Older players like to make fun of these guys. Often referred to (affectionately) as; Rambo's, Couches, Loot bugs, Free gear delivery, and other more colorful names from the old internet. You do see some of those veteran players running cost efficient kits and often if i loot someone who looks like he knows what he's doing i often take more caution compared to to the Loot kits. I also love to see a good loot bug if I'm honest. No better feeling then looting an expensive kit as a default Mobik. Getting a M60 as SU, or a RPG as US holds significant value.
Aug 24 2024
Any Dev comment on when/if this is going to be fixed?
The cat is out of the bag and as has been pointed out many times the teams that use and abuse this have a massive advantage, pushing up to opfor MOB and taking front line points advantage.
This kills supply as a resource, disrupts match speed, massively inflates bases, and gives you a speed and momentum that can't be matched unless you do the same thing.
Aug 15 2024
To compliment variety in FIA appearance i would also like to see some changes in tactics. FIA tactically are a mild threat. They are very predictable, vocal, stationary they are in the same places on the map every single round and often the only question is whether you kill the rocket man before or after he gets the shot off.
Aug 14 2024
i like this idea for camo nets or even small supply stashes or small defensive positions. It's also featured in the art work of Reforger itself if you look at the main menu we have a very detailed picture of a soldier on the radio surrounded by detailed gear with his jeep out in the woods and a small camo net set up.
There are models for unbuilt camo nets and empty sandbags in game already and this could be a good way to hide a gear stash in the woods or a small supply stash.
I would like to see the idea of a FOB or small squad sized regroup point expanded. Having a car and radio set up is a great step in this direction but being able to attach or build additional smaller scale resources like ammo/meds/gear would help give even more ownership and independence to squads.
Aug 12 2024
This has continued to be one of the biggest issues with combat ops being more popular. Combat ops Everon has a lot of flexibility in what you can do and create. Set up custom bases add AI, create extra objectives, utilize supply and fuel as a resource , whatever you want within the confines of game master really... But it all goes out the window the second you exit. Please give us the option to save a campaign and load it. Your player base will thank you.
Aug 3 2024
As Speedwaystar shows it's a pretty well known issue. No idea when/if devs are planning on fixing it. It's not just rocks either, you can find all sorts of broken spots that will show odd behavior. Getting stuck in containers, inaccessible attics, inside of walls, even just teleported outside of buildings entirely. Most of the time it's just comedic, but there are a few spots where you can get that most players won't be able to find you and in which you can still cap a point.
Aug 2 2024
I like the ideas of having bushes shuffle around as players move around inside. I feel like bush movement (ideally), progressive sounds, and posture are enough to balance them. Slower movement speed is reasonable but at a standing posture. Crouched movement should impact the bush less and prone has the least impact on both movement and sound.
Jul 28 2024
This is still one of the biggest detrimental aspects of the game in Conflict. There is not a night where vote kicking is not blatantly weaponized. As of this writing i am on LA conflict Everon 22:00 PST and the entire night last been nothing but vote kicks and constant accusations and arguments. Recently I have seen some action at times where i will see longer bans and clearly something is happening but it isn't enough. The players that do this are relentless. They will continue until the server is completely disorganized or the game dies. Often changing gamer tags and gas lighting other players.
Having some extra support on this issue would be greatly appreciated, as it's something we the players are experiencing continuously.
Jul 26 2024
I believe this might be fixed finally. I had no issues staying in a squad at all today. I actually saw radios up and people using them.
Anybody else still getting it?
Jul 24 2024
it's disappointing that this is still such an issue. Many have reported on it including myself. Issues like this break the overall gameplay arch and trivialize key systems and play styles that contribute to the overall game. Some of the longer standing completely broken bugs like this really do have a bigger impact on the game then it sometimes might seem.
I have reported on this in the past as well. It's not just this building. You can do this in many different places, including getting inside of inaccessible attics. You can also have a radio set inside of a building that will spawn you outside of it. It's rarely used and abused right now, but the second radios starting getting more serious use and more competitive players start finding more interesting places it's going to become a much bigger issue.
Jul 17 2024
One of thing i tried to talk about in my overly long post above is the connection between the character in the game and the player as the controller. How i as a player act and how my character reacts are different. We as players are not military personal. Some of us are, and some of us were, but i will make a large assumption in saying that 'most' of us are not. We vary in age, abilities, skills, language, culture, and even control method or platform. How we as a player react and the choices we make dictate the experience of our character in the game.
Our character experiences all the consequences we as a player give them, both good and bad. How we value that character is largely up to us, much like how in DayZ we can choose how that character progresses by the actions we choose. We can choose to play as a Soldier or as close as we can, or we can jump in a chopper with an Australian who is blaring AC/DC and doesn't seem to value his life (or ours) in the slightest. We can watch in horror, or in hilarity as he loudly states "is that an enemy choppa? I'm going to ram him!".
Or we can join a mil sim server where everyone has a rank, they intend to play the game in that way, and they have built the server with mods tailored to exactly the experience they as a collective want.
There is no wrong answer. Arma gives you the freedom to experience it how you want.
The balance is between the freedom of the player and the limits set to the character.
Jul 15 2024
Experienced this as well and have reported on it. I was never able to fully reproduce it and experienced the same inconsistency. I suspected synchronization as a culprit as well, which is a difficult to pin down and something that is appearing at least for players to be affecting multiple systems.
Jul 13 2024
I did some further testing in GM mode instead of Conflict. Razor wire does function in GM, in that it will remain where you place it. Unfortunately it appears to be indestructible to using explosives, melee, ore small arms, though you can still drive into the wire to destroy it.
Jul 12 2024
This is one that has been reported on for awhile now and never changed or fixed. Razor wire should be one of the top things you build as a defender if it worked where you needed it. Doorways, gaps, bushes, common entry routes, and even just gaps in other compositions. Razor wire is cheap, quick to build, noisy, and has high utility against basic infantry intrusion. But the limits in where and how you can place it just lead to it never being built, that and the fact that it still breaks itself after 30+ seconds.
As Chaos points out it has no negative effect on players and is easily mounted.
Cuts would offer a risk reward scenario as well as a tactical one for the player. Do you choose to try and get through the wire, or do you avoid it? With the current attack/defense meta being a glorified cat and mouse game, razor wire would add a lot of depth to that as well since you could set it up in known positions and again common entry routes like doorways and fence gaps.
Razor wire still does not function in Conflict. I just tested this today as of 10 minutes ago.
When i first built the razor wire.
Turning around after i heard it fall apart.
Jul 10 2024
To me the audio is what Arma uses as suppression. When i hear shots going over my head and landing right next to me or an RPG/40mm going over my head I'm not going to peek because i know they have me pinned. I know that one or two hits is all it takes. Getting off the x or popping smoke is going to give me a better chance then trying to be that guy who thinks he's the main character. My experiences and how i react or how quickly i react dictates my response, if i even have a chance to respond.
Jul 9 2024
This is one of those small QoL things that would help the player base in the day to day. Not only would having this info help the player but it helps when inviting or joining a friend.
if i want to join a friend i can right click join, but if the server is full it will kick me out before i know what server. If my bud doesn't remember if he's in NY or LA or which WCS server than we are stuck trying to figure that out or play trial and error. Having the info solves that.
It's very annoying i agree, i posted in the above thread and have posted my own issues with the system. i would not go so far as to say they are not going to do something about it as i think they have some bigger and more pressing issues to work on.
Some things to help in these situations.
Work as a team to route out the enemy it's much harder to try and kill 2 or three guys than just one. Try and keep a general reference of the build circle in your head and start checking the perimeter. What are common spots you know? where would you hide if roles were reversed? Did you check the water? Did you look in the bush or just walk through it? Did you look up high? Often players will only look within their horizontal range and forget to look in towers and roofs. Do something unexpected, Drive a car around the point, try to bait him out by leaving the inner perimeter, grenade a random building or shed.
I don't think the current system is final and certainly hope destruction adds more depth to the current attack/defend meta. The cat and mouse spawn camping has been stale for awhile and i feel the devs can do much better.
Jul 4 2024
Even US servers were just pain last night. i was playing on NY servers and two crashed around the same time at just after midnight PST. We watched a whole group of players get kicked and sure enough 30 seconds later CTD. Joining the next server another NY within minutes kicked with a shut down error for the server. Low server frames all around and intermittent packet loss. LA everon yesterday felt like the whole match was running at 20 server frames.
Customs seem to run better on the performance side. We still had a big crash that killed the server but the performance was much smoother on WCS.
Jun 29 2024
Consistent issues ever since the patch dropped to stable. Maybe it's just me but the desync and lag is unplayable at times. This seems to have followed from the last exp patch that was released. Everything from driving, to supply, to hit reg, just feels off.
Official LA conflict Everon, 8pm PST. Just a mess to play on. Server frames and packet loss were all over the place but what i see and what my squad mates see is not the same. including some pics from tonight and last night.
BTR missing both guns
Random sighting of a heli pilot flying without a chopper.
Jun 26 2024
Are there plans to be able to refund or replenish A.I.?
it does feel that sometimes i will find random A.I. in out of the way places and it's like finding a lost camper, you don't know who's it is and they don't know who they belong to and they don't know where they are going.
The other point is on combat losses as having a squad of one guy isn't exactly combat effective, especially as having to wait for him to die really just encourages the player to execute their own men.
Jun 25 2024
Would be cool. I imagine setting up ambushes and AA positions on common routes, or even trying to transport a construction truck and build some AA on a island. It would make little sense but having like a bonus point out on the 'Isle d' Erquy' that would require chopper insertions to cap would be fun... unless you are the guy needing off of it. The islands themselves are pretty cool. Lots of hidden little detail and extra attention, especially the beaches.
Jun 24 2024
I agree the Monti - Entre battle is half the game for many players. I like the idea of making it a mil base or giving it some importance. I toyed with the idea of slapping the power plant where the barns are, as the power plant building would at least have more interesting cqb than the 3 story, plus it would hold value when (if?) power grid becomes a thing.
I do think it's part of a bigger issue of the south getting no action past Tower Ragina and mostly being a pve area and the same with the North to a lesser degree and both north and south have cool unique places that just don't see players ever. But i won't digress any further.
Jun 23 2024
Reviving this.
Experimental these days at least on NY conflict Everon is almost nothing but vote kicks constantly throughout the match. We even figured out certain players were doing it and would watch the kicks start again after they rejoined. I invite anyone to please come play around peak hours and watch the mess in person.
A few pics from tonight on NY conflict Exp. Was lucky enough to find the matching gun from the BTR that was missing, as well as it's entire contents.
Performance today on NY conflict exp was especially bad. Gear state was inconsistent between my whole squad. To the point where i had lost first and could only use reverse. The second my bud jumped in he could drive and shifting was fine, but when he then grabbed a command truck he would lose first and would be stuck until someone else jumped in the drivers seat. Getting back in i still did not have the ability to go forward. The laggy supply that had been fixed also appears to be back and often you will have to sit a good 10 seconds waiting for the supply in the vic, supply point, or the Command post to update to what it actually is. Getting in and out and opening doors is wildly inconsistent. lag spikes and low server frames were also creeping in and requires drivers to be extra careful. Trying to pull bodies out of vehicles is often impossible.
Jun 22 2024
Desync is one of the biggest issues in the game for me. It's just frustrating as a player to have to constantly second guess if what I'm seeing is the same as what the server sees, or what my homie sees.
I know it's not a easy thing to track down, but it is something that players experience all the time.
Jun 21 2024
Glad this was brought up. It has grown in popularity. It actually works better with a truck as the loading and unloading is quicker and you can try to drive off with the haul. I know of players on both sides that use it but the "strat" is getting more popular.
Jun 20 2024
Jun 18 2024
I have not had it happen since last exp patch even tonight i built a couple in odd spots and had no issues. That said i have seen A.I. get stuck in that position this patch mostly FIA. Not sure what triggers it. Is that a pre-placed MG emplacement? or player built?
The NSV also still does not have functioning tracers neither the 4:1 or full tracer boxes work. These are getting built more with the armed choppers flying around, it would be nice for players to have a little more help knowing the lead.
Jun 17 2024
Had it happen in the exp as well just last night. The only consistent thing that i can find is when big fights are happening or about to, and you try to spam grenades as fast as possible.
Just spawned at Entre knowing the other team was at 90% capped. Started trying to chuck both my RDG's as fast as possible at the command tent. first one goes out and the second one stuck. I ended up just trying to surrender before getting wasted by a guy... who was empathizing with me and complaining about the bug... Before sending hot 5.56 right into my brain.
Jun 13 2024
"But if the game crashes (which it does a lot atm) you lose your loadout and have to manually setup your kit all over again."
Jun 8 2024
Can confirm i was on this server as well, it was the Everon NY server late last night PST. Unsure how or what they were doing to make it happen but if it goes into the wild like that it's fairly game breaking. Including a pic of the first radio set up on Entre. We attempted to destroy it and shoot it. Wish i had more to post about how to replicate it or details. Supply did not seem to matter, no matter how many times we killed off the squad and took over the house the second we left they would come back.
Jun 5 2024
Jun 3 2024
Not modded, current exp version
Well i attempted to test this further but i can't reliably replicate it. Testing in GM and i had no issues filling. Testing in Conflict at first i did have the issue and the can would not fill from a built fuel supply point. But after using a world gas station to fill i had no issues. Going back to the built fuel supply to see if it only applied to built compositions seemed to make the issue disappear entirely. If i find anything consistent I'll update.
Jun 2 2024
Jun 1 2024
May 31 2024
May 28 2024
i would love to see more variety in vehicles especially tied into rank. US has a pretty good advantage in lower end vehicles right now. Humvee's are easy to drive and hold max of 300 supply in the covered version, while they do chug gas that is hardly a concern to most use cases or to those who can source it. Soviets don't really have an equivalent and are stuck with using the UAZ/UAZ-452 Ambulance for everything short of truck sized actions. Even getting a simple Reskin of the UAZ-452 or as it's affectionately known as "Bukhanka" into a general transport variation would be great. They are used for just about everything.
Not to undercut PR9INICHEK's request as i would love to see A Shishiga as well.
May 18 2024
Well the issue is bigger than i thought. I was able to get into a drivers seat with another player at the same time and we were driving the same truck. It appeared to be joint control at least from my POV. Should i open a second ticket?
May 17 2024
{F3995936}Desync has been a big issue on exp and stable. Not only RPG's but various different actions seem to be getting "stuck". on exp I'll include a pic of a PKM appearing stuck in my hands from a mounted UAZ after i dismounted, though on my character i have a 74. I have also had the grenade bug a few times where trying to throw grenades either smoke or frag near other players cause the grenade to get "stuck". The only way out of the bug is to be to fall from a small height which resets the character state. i have also been trapped in a truck with no way to exit nor will the Truck move.
i believe all of these issues are related and what players are seeing on their client sides are different from the server. The issue is also present on Stable, but i feel that Exp has been worse in my recent experience.
May 11 2024
Well i think it goes back to rank dependence right? Right now Light vic is far less useful than it used to be. Heavy vic offers more utility in almost every way for very little extra cost, including being far easier to place defensively and build around. Heavy vic can get any vehicle and make full repairs, so really the light vic yard only serves to increase cap time or be used if you don't have the supply for a big one, which you are almost always better off waiting till you do have it for the above reasons.
The rank progression is a key component to the overall progression and it encourages players no matter what stage they join the round to gain rank. It would be nice to see changing up rank requirements and structure progression within experimental
May 10 2024
I have thought about this issue as well and have reported on it. I think it's just basic human nature to want to get geared and get out. The Problem currently is that only one of those plans can happen on the start of the round. I always try to get a light vehicle up first with a radio, and often the difference is huge. People quickly catch a ride and we get a quick start especially since we you'll have enough to get a UAZ/Jeep right off of the start. This can often make or break a game depending on your MOB spawn. If your team has a far north or far south spawn, speed and mobility are key to not getting trapped. Unfortunately i have also been kicked or yelled at for "putting up the wrong thing first", even when communicating my intention.
May 4 2024
Another thing that might help is adjusting spawning to not use your Rambo (saved) kit. It's kinda ridiculous that you can just keep sending in wave after wave of geared guys (with tons of rifle grenades and RPG's), while if the defenders are being smart they will save supply by using default kits and recovering gear from the battle.
I am also uploading a pic of a "radio group" somebody made to increase their spawns. While the positioning is terrible if I'm honest, the idea is solid.
Apr 30 2024
I have posted my concerns about this as well and feel it still needs refinement. One issue is that FIA counts as enemies, this in theory is fine, the issue is that FIA can often get stuck in odd positions. A good example is the St. Pierre Coastal point. FIA can get stuck in the water or under the map and this prevents the point from being able to be built on.
"Enemy in the area" does work both ways, one tactic that the defenders use now is to often check build privilege as a sort of radar to know if someone is hiding or nearby. I really don't think this mechanic is all that much better than the previous solutions and both present their own issues.
Apr 29 2024
Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but i believe 3rd/1st person perspectives are camera views for the most part. They don't have individual arm and weapon models for first person like in many other engines. Maybe this has changed in Reforger but it's true of DayZ and previous ARMA games to my understanding. This does create some issues with FOV and perspective, but also simplifies things especially considering the scale that ARMA strives for.
Apr 24 2024
All around good points.
Number 2 especially would be a great QOL change. it's incredibly annoying having to micromanage the last spawn to make sure it gets picked up, often we will just change squad and get a new radio rather then waste time trying to recover something that holds no value.
Number 3 i feel is subjective. I don't have an issue finding radios and i notice the static sounds from a good distance, moving your head around makes it easy to pinpoint with some light tracking.
Point 4 I'm fine with as it promotes teamwork, but it does make it challenging to use if you don't have the numbers which can lead to frustration for smaller groups trying to do smaller actions while staying together.
Apr 20 2024
This is more of an annoyance that creates confusion. Often time depositing your gear before getting new gear should be the expectation, it also helps save supplies and encourage "tidiness". Right now most players just ditch things on the ground which wastes supply and resources. The control hint on the armory tells you that you can deposit, but it isn't clear that when it's full it won't take the gear back, which leads players to either not bother or just assume it's broken.
Personally i would like to see a more nuanced approach that takes player behavior into account. Having the gear in a small radius automatically be deposited after being dropped or set on a timer. You could even mark a zone in front of the armory to further encourage player behavior. If the armory is full than the timer will take things back in if space becomes available. It would also be nice if you could deposit gear from other factions. You don't need to be able to get that gear back, but transferring to convert into more supply would be a nice way to recoup some losses after big attacks or defenses.
Not sure how feasible or useful that idea is, but the current system is not clear and that is the main issue.
Apr 17 2024
Reviving this request as the game is becoming more popular and the sooner this feature is added the better. Watching some of the popular streamers trying Reforger out and the biggest complaint is easily the frustration of spamming refresh and trying to snipe an open slot on a desired server, especially when trying to join a friend. This is a feature that helped DayZ immensely and i know i and much of the community would appreciate having a server queue.
I have experienced this as well. I can report more on it later, but it is an issue on official servers as well. I usually play LA conflict Everon and it happens consistently especially after the round has been going for hours plus. Servers in general struggle the longer the match goes, with low server frames and packet loss start creeping in. Things like building animation and progress will also struggle and often it will end building % progression and stop the build requiring you to initiate the build again which is frustrating. While this is a separate issue i do believe it's tied to server performance.
Apr 11 2024
I can confirm this as well. You have to go back to your gun to use the sights on the mounted MG. It's an issue on vic mounted weapons as well.
Mar 30 2024
I have not run into too many people completely tearing down recently capped bases, but obviously that's just my experience. Generally a well built defense serves the new owner as much as the old. If it's just a sandbag city then that might be different. I find bunkers and defensive positions to be a better use than 25+ sandbags. Sandbags i find more useful to plug doorways/walls, or completely shut out those long barracks that are all over Mil bases.
Mar 28 2024
We had a guy last night spawning at bases and disassembling radios on points being attacked, before killing himself and doing the same thing at other bases. Took a few people noticing before he was finally sent back to the lobby. But not before he got in plenty of counter vote kicks and attempts to muddy the waters. Very annoying to say the least. It also begs the question why we are able to disassemble comps while under attack but yet still can't build? the way it works only benefits people trying to disrupt the game.
Reviving this as players are still very much struggling with supply cost and burden on team. With the higher player count in the latest patch and the limited amount of players even aware this tracker exists feedback here might not always be plentiful.
A little thread speaking about much of the same concerns. i know you guys are trying harder to engage the community especially on YT. Some videos or QA with the community and again some encouragement to the player base could really help.
The vote kicking system is a struggle right now, this is a issue that unfortunately follows the genre. Some things that would help:
Had it just now in the first game after the patch. Doesn't just happen with grenades, appears to happen with any item if you are switching around and things are hot and heavy.
Mar 15 2024
This is where i assume or hope things will be going eventually. Much like an RTS or even old school BF2 gameplay. As it is now we need some means of lowering defenders resources. You also cannot even disassemble if you are the only player on the whole objective capping unopposed. I still feel like this is unintended game play as sapping and disrupting radio networks is a null tactic now.
Having to spend 10 minutes to find an enemy is probably fine, there is some aspect of realism to having to physically clear out building and bushes.
The problem is it gives a lot of power to a single player. We have superiority to cap the point, but not build? doesn't make much sense. It also encourages players to hide as they no longer have urgency to stop the defenders from building. If i as a single player can sit in a hiding spot and stop the whole defender squad from reinforcing i will absolutely do that, if i instead am forced out to try and stop them building by actually engaging them then i share risk as they do by trying to build in a hot zone.
I think a good middle ground would be to allow building from the command post but with the blurred Arma vision, that way it can't be exploited to locate enemies.
This was an issue in the previous patch and easily exploited, having a UAV birds eye view was very powerful. Not being able to build while enemy players are on the point was changed to counter this tactic, but it has other consequences. I like blurring things out as a solution or just not showing enemies somehow at all.
It was insanely annoying to have enemy AI placed right on top of me when I was trying to take over a base.
This was exactly why it changed and i agree, but feel the current system is also lacking. I would advocate for a hybrid solution. A.I. can be spawned while under attack, but they can't be placed. Instead they spawn on the tent and you can then order them to a location to defend or investigate. This leaves a defender open to getting killed and encourages building defenses to not be so open. Again defenders should have to order A.I. to where they think an assault is happening or using their senses rather then just UAV vision or the game literally telling you bad guys are here. A.I. would then have to go to the location rather then just appearing out of thin air. As an attacker if you know A.I. is actively being called you have an idea of where from and you have the ability to break contact or flank to take out the player.
Mar 7 2024
Mar 2 2024
Feb 29 2024
Feb 16 2024
I have experienced this as well. took some time to patch up common entry routes at a coastal base that i figured would be attacked, well it never was. I ended up spawning back a indeterminate amount of time later to catch a ride, and noticed the wire was gone. Never did the base come under attack. While it's possible a number of things could have happened (team mates driving through or intentionally destroying it) i have yet to see wire stay up after being built.
While not directly related; wire has limited use even if it were working correctly. it's not physically long and requires multiple sets to be useful, it does not fit well in many places where you would want it (in or around buildings, patching up broken walls, filling small gaps from other defenses). Currently i don't use it at all as it does nothing except eat time and resources.
Feb 10 2024
Feb 3 2024
Limited building is a step in the right direction and would help. I think part of the issue is the current "Meta" is to build AI or tear down AI as fast as possible in high combat front line capture points (Entre Deux and Levie, looking at you). Limits would help with part of that problem but really we need some more depth in the attack/capture, defend/repel, cycle.
It doesn't run well when the you have 6 AI barracks up nor does it look good, much less fight good. Destruction would go a long way in helping implement a more interesting dynamic. Some changes to certain capture point locations would help as well. Many are just questionable and there are nearby locations that would logically make more sense and add more interesting combat.
Conflict has a great future but it needs some continued refinement and work, the first step in my mind is having consistent performance. Today i don't think i played on a server that wasn't having issues at one time or another, with one NY server that i honestly have no idea how it was still running the server frames were so bad.