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Bad servers?
Assigned, NormalPublic


Please provide the following when creating the Ticket:

Game Version number: Latest stable branch as of 12th June
Modded?: No
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Issue Description:
Horrible performance on all official EU servers since Thursday last week. Server FPS bobbing around 8-20 fps before it inevitably crashes. This cycle repeats itself aslong as the server is full, or close to it.
US servers dont seem to be affected.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Get any of your devs to load into a nearly full EU server. There you go. Problem reproduced.
May be hard to find a full eu server now because since thursday, people have given up hope and have just stopped playing.

Additional Information

Conflict Full - 11478076 (EU-FFM)
12:45 GMT+2

Dont mind my bad driving. 90% sure it crashed there on coincidence, my third crash today.
Have to load into a new one every time, before it crashes once the server is nearly full.

Could play on US servers as they dont have this problem, but then it seems average team IQ drops my 20 points.

Event Timeline

sonsoeg created this task.Wed, Jun 12, 1:05 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Wed, Jun 12, 2:27 PM

Third "server crash" today too.
Each time playing "Conflict Full" on "[OFFICIAL]" EU servers.

Same pattern :

  • Server not even full.
  • Server FPS going down (switching between yellow-red)
  • Small clearly rollbacks visible (when server FPS in red especially).
  • Server "freezes" 1-2 times with big rollbacks (even had a 2 minutes rollback once. Then usually the third time,, the server crashes and client is disconnected and the client is back on the multiplayer server search screen. Server not even visible on the official server list at that moment.
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.Thu, Jun 13, 9:28 AM

Hello everyone.
Would it be possible to provide as many server ID's where this occurs as possible? (server name/IP)

Every single EU server when it reaches max pop, all of them. Something wrong with the entire cluster.
Been like this since Thursday. Server fps on 8 fps for a while then crash, everyone moves from the crashed server to a new one hoping it will be better only for it to lag and share the same fate as all the other ones.


And many more. On Tuesday it seemed okay again, but all the problems started again yesterday.
No people play Eu official anymore because of this. Entire official EU base has been killed.

As Mischkov said, does not HAVE to be full, but when it goes over 30 ish, problems can arise

11478073 right now is the only populated official server in EU, and im on it.
Online: 36
Server FPS: 10

Horrible backlag while driving, all serverside actions jitter or take extra long to complete, unloading supplies, repairing etc etc.

My guess is it will crash in half an hour or so, unless more people join, then it will last even shorter with server FPS reaching as low as 5.

Then if we join a new one, it will be the same all over.

This is killing your playerbase fast as hell, me personally know 5-6 people that have deleted this game because of this.

Footage from 11478073;

I was wayyyy to optimistic in my message earlier. Server went down 3 minutes after posting my last.

40 players and it went kaboom, im no dev expert. But one thing is for sure, your servers are all potatoes. Fix it please.

Server is even gone from server list now, i refuse to believe you dont pick this up on some system

You need to fix this and put out some official statement about this if you expect people to play again. Nobody wants to play and work hard in a game for over half an hour before realizing whether or not the problem is fixed or the game will crash ruining everything

Joined 11027890 right now.
13 people online, incredibly, it was not lagging :)))

Still crashed out of nowhere though. Gone from server list.

Some additional info. Yesterday, I joined a EU official server, full 48/48 from the start : we were capturing our 4th-5th objective when server crashed after less than 30 minutes. Last 10 minutes vehicles were already not drivable teleporting back and forward.

So I decided to play on multiple US-NY official servers yesterday for testing with a client latency around ~85ms The result is nothing in comparaison with EU server :

  • server full
  • no freeze
  • no disconnection
  • no rollback
  • no server crash (server showing up with a red cross as not reacheable in the list after a "server crash" with client disconnection and back on the server list).
  • some spikes on server FPS but nothing in comparaison with EU servers. I can still drive at full speed around Everon without my vehicle being teleported back and forward.
  • even played for 6 hours long on a single server with no severe issues

this is a US server which is totally fine.

And this is a EU server, which dont work.
In my experience, Nitrado has NEVER been any good.
A: You cheap out on servers
B: Nitrado is scamming you
C: Someone messed up while working on the server cluster

They all have the same IP aswell but that shouldn't really matter.

sonsoeg edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Thu, Jun 13, 5:00 PM

Conflict Full - 11478076 (EU-FFM)
Tried again today. Server crashed right now 15 minutes into game :))
Good servers!

Problems still occuring. You took 1 day to ask which server we struggled on and we said all EU server. Why has this not gone to awating internal testing?

Geez added a comment.Tue, Jun 25, 10:59 AM

The responsible team has been able to confirm the issue and they are looking into it.

Geez added a comment.Tue, Jun 25, 11:21 AM

Can you please provide exact time of the last occurrence?

Mischkov added a comment.EditedTue, Jun 25, 12:23 PM

Server crashing?! right now :

Edit :
Server has been back online a few minutes later with a fresh new map. So it probably crashed when I posted this comment the first time.
"Everybody" moved to this server now that will be the one that might crash next :
[OFFICIAL] Conflict Full - 11478073 (EU-FFM)

Mischkov added a comment.EditedTue, Jun 25, 1:44 PM

Server crashing?! right now :

Edit :
Server has been back online a few minutes later with a fresh new map. So it probably crashed when I posted this comment the first time.
"Everybody" moved to this server now that will be the one that might crash next :
[OFFICIAL] Conflict Full - 11478073 (EU-FFM)

[OFFICIAL] Conflict Full - 11478073 (EU-FFM) : 2 FPS NOW !!! Probably crashed