Existing supplies on a base can be duplicated many times by placing a building while holding CTRL + clicking very fast (best reproduced by an autoclicker)
- Severity
- Major
- Resolution
- Open
- Reproducibility
- Sometimes
- Operating System
- Windows 11 x64
- Operating System Version
- 22H2 (OS Build 23585.1001)
- Category
- General
Join a conflict server
Spawn at an avaliable base with some supplies
Open the building menu in the command tent
Repeatedly build something while holding CTRL+fast clicking
Delete the duped buildings for extra supplies
As you can see in the video, I started with 587 supplies and duped my way to 1197.
It works best when server FPS is lower, but after some tries it can be done pretty much all the time
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honestly it's kind of surprising that this absolutely game breaking bug is still not fixed in
Hello klebold.
No fix has been released yet. Unfortunately I cannot provide any estimates as to when the fix will appear.
Average game start these time on official conflict servers...
Played a lot in the last weeks and one thing is certain : if a team use this exploit VS a team not using it, the exploiting team will always win. It has a huge impact on the game. I won't detail everything I've seen been done with this "infinite" amount of supplies, but it has a huge impact on the game and some people "smarter" than other with this exploit can just challenge with 1 or 2 teammates a whole 24 members enemy team.
Just more and more ppl use this exploit, 1-2 months ago it was used in one third or less of the games. Nowadays, I can't even remember a team playing fair without exploiting since days.
The games are turning into "which team will use this exploit in the most intelligent way".
A fix would be really welcome. Thx in advance.
it's disappointing that this is still such an issue. Many have reported on it including myself. Issues like this break the overall gameplay arch and trivialize key systems and play styles that contribute to the overall game. Some of the longer standing completely broken bugs like this really do have a bigger impact on the game then it sometimes might seem.
It is a huge problem now. And probably this glitch may be used to crash the game. Please take a look at this log file.
Please PLEASE can this be addressed as a priority. It's happening in nearly every game of Conflict I play on the official servers, and it absolutely ruins the balance of a match. A well coordinated handful of people can shut down an assault through duplicated supplies giving effectively infinite respawns.
Any Dev comment on when/if this is going to be fixed?
The cat is out of the bag and as has been pointed out many times the teams that use and abuse this have a massive advantage, pushing up to opfor MOB and taking front line points advantage.
This kills supply as a resource, disrupts match speed, massively inflates bases, and gives you a speed and momentum that can't be matched unless you do the same thing.
This is a constant issue on every game I play on official servers. I also have a suspicion that the reason so many games crash so often is directly related to this, whether it be because the server freaks out directly due to this glitch or if the abundance of supplies allows people to make far more vehicles and AI than they would otherwise be able to, putting strain on the servers that would be almost impossible if supplies were being generated and transported the way that is intended and not easily replicated at will.
It seems I was lucky and the last few months that I have been playing on official servers, this is almost unnoticeable.
It seems to me that this is not a very critical problem, since you also need to be able to use supplies.
You can also always unload supplies from the base you want to capture, from all its storages, and then the defenders will not be able to defend the base for long
Most likely the problem is related to low server fps and when there are improvements in this area, it will resolve itself
@Geez hi :)
Maybe you should hide this ticket from everyone so that as few people as possible know about these game vulnerabilities?
I agree that the problem is much worse when the server FPS is under 30, but that's usually the case on official servers :D
This problem completely breaks the mechanics of the game and kills team interaction. Please fix it as soon as possible.
This remains an issue and i cannot for the life of me fathom why. Make it so that a player has a 3 second cooldown between each time they drop supplies, not even the lowest latency server would be effected then. You dont even have to fix the underlying issue just make it impossible to drop supplies without waiting a few seconds inbetween and this exploit will be fixed.
It is at this point that i got teamkilled for not wanting to dupe supplies, people consider it "noob behaviour" if you don't dupe supplies.
I really hope you can fix it before christmass.
Keep in mind this is fixed in Experimental. While i would hope exp is coming to stable soon, obviously BI has Frostline as a focus right now. Exp is pretty dead right now, but i do recommend still checking it out. Some great changes especially around ammo types, terminal ballistics, weight impact, and of course the suppressors.
I get your frustrations this is an issue that has long been reported on, including the impact of the exploit hitting mainstream use. But ultimately the players that are relying on it as a crutch are going to be in for a rude awakening when they no longer have the ability to instantly get what they want.
I am checking Experimental and so far it look like supply glitch is fixed. We'll see how effective the fix is when it comes to Vanilla and more people.
Many of those problems, including:
- choppers, cars and trucks surviving multiple rocket hits,
- players invulnerable to bullets,
- duplicating supplies
are caused by desync and lag.
Until those two issues are fixed, there will be no real fix, but only by-basses.
Desync and lag can be mitigated but ultimately we are playing on networks and just "fixing" it is a broad desire. All games have compromise in the way they handle their networking. I would be hard pressed to find a game that has the level of simulation that Reforger does that doesn't also have syncing issues.
I do empathize with you that as a player these exploits and bugs that go unresolved for months if not years are the most frustrating experiences. Common known/and experienced bugs like the "grenade stuck in hand" or "getting stuck under the map into a wall while getting out of a car" bug are what players feel the most. While from a dev standpoint that might seem more minor or not common, the end user who is experiencing this it feels a lot bigger.
I again recommend just playing around in Exp, the more feedback that is generated on that branch the better it should be coming into stable. The new ballistics model especially is worth messing around with even in just GM mode. New API/Tracer rounds for the SVD/M21 care going to be interesting especially against vics.
Is there any situation in the game that actually requires supplies to be placed on the ground? What use does it serve?
Generally the players are taking supply from 1 location to another, placing them in storage areas.
Can it just be disabled, or at least a server variable to enable, or disable this?
Even if it will be impossible to place supplies on the ground, you could still duplicate them, simply by using vehicles as a point of transfer.
Supplies can be duplicated only when game lags.
I understand that it's almost impossible to fix lagging in online gaming. So BI could just by-pass the problem by introducing cool down time while supplies are being transferred.
I understand that it's almost impossible to fix lagging in online gaming
This problem absolutely can be fixed by making the increment/decrement changes happen inside a transaction. Whether or not the network stack needs substantial work to allow this is a different matter, but it's certainly within Bohemia's power to fix this issue, if they want to.
This problem absolutely can be fixed by making the increment/decrement changes happen inside a transaction.
That's what I mean by cool down time. Making the process of moving supplies from a vehicle to a storage point or from a storage point to a vehicle a bit longer, either by proportionally linking it with lag/desync in milliseconds or by adding some additional arbitrary time, could solve the problem:
- simple lag detection system would tell the game that after a batch of supplies was transferred it needs to make a player wait additional 10, 30 or 300 ms (or whatever it detects) before the next portion of supplies can be transferred
- or every time supplies are being transferred 200 ms are added before you can move the next portion of supplies.
today, one of the developers made promise to fix this issue in 2025.
We have to wait and see. https://discord.com/channels/105462288051380224/976019137606352966/1321105984327782442