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That's what supply glitichin leads to
Feedback, NormalPublic


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Modded: No

European official server.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
10.0.22631, 23H2, compilation 22631.4460
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See other tickets how to glitch supplies

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Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Nov 21 2024, 10:07 AM

Hey geez i know the team has alot on its plate but soo many people have raised this issue repeatedly for over a year now, can we please get some sort of fix for this. It leads to so many other issues when it comes to gameplay, i cant even describe the number of times ive gone to contest the enemy taking a FIA base and by the time ive arrived have been faced with a full complement of freshly made AI that i need to fight through. My own team mates who enjoy the supply and logistic side of the game are consistently finding that in the 10 minutes that they have spent finding a vehicle, travelling to a supply depot and driving to a base in need of supply someone has spawned in and glitched the needed supply. Its not fun to watch someone drive a truck into a base only to find they are not needed and call out on the radio if some other base does. Trying to take coastal morton becomes damn near impossible despite its many sightlines to the command tent when there is 3000 supplies worth of sandbags and bunkers between you and the enemy. If people want to build that base up than more power to them, it is extremely useful and very helpful to their team, but seeing 2 50cal humvees standing idle incase of helicopters with layers of sandbags for defence is something that should be earned through organisation and hard work not exploits. I get that this is an issue with server latency and that the underlying issues run deep, but even a stop gap measure would do at this point. We all understand the game isnt finished and there are ongoing issues that need addressing, its why we take time to raise concerns here, we want the game to improve and we want to help the team to achieve it, but this has been destroying game balance for a long time now and something has to be done. Is it not possible to add a timer that stops people from repeatedly dropping supplies? If it took two seconds to drop more supplies if you have already dropped supplies this issue would be solved for gameplay, there isnt a server latency high enough to be exploited at that point. This would completely solve all the issues to gameplay and would be far easier to achieve than fixing the server side issues. A simple update that changes the game on the players end making it impossible to drop supplies quickly and all these ancillary issues are resolved. No more game balance problems, no more skies full of hueys half an hour into a game, no more inpenetrable bases, no more game crashes due to a hundred AI troops that the server has to account for, no more teams of players running around with 300+ supply loadouts, no more players feeling like they wasted their time just because they wanted to do a supply run and play the game the way it was mechanically meant to be played. There have been so many tasks posted over the past year raising this exact issue and no one expects miracles on your behalf, but surely something can be done to if not fix it then atleast mitigate the worst of it. Maybe my suggestion is not possible due to the way the game is coded but something else might be possible and it doesnt necessarily need to be fixing the issues with the servers. There is a very specific series of steps that need to be done to achieve this exploit, any change to those steps would solve it.

I do not understand the need for supplies to be placed on the floor, what purpose does it serve?
Supply duping is the bane of our lives, hosting 2 very popular vanilla servers and need to be addressed urgently as it's an exploit which provides imbalance within the game.
This and supply lag from server uptime, really need to be addressed to this amazing game.