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After throwing multiple grenades they get stuck in your hand
Confirmed Internally, NormalPublic


This has been in since day 1 and I've tried to find a tracker for it but no one has put one back.

I have a video of this I will upload tonight and attach showing I couldn't throw a grenade. This video is from last build, but I encountered this issue within 20 minutes of playing on the current build as well.

I think this issue is caused by desync, the player side shows you throwing it doesn't leave your hands and it then stuck out of sync with the server.

The only way I have been able to resolve the issue was by random chance of falling off of a cliff on to another rock which the switch in animation allowed the grenade to be tossed.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Throw multiple grenades or smoke grenades in rapid succession and it will get stuck in your hand
Sometimes the smoke even goes off in your hands

Event Timeline

falcon91 created this task.Jan 12 2023, 6:59 PM
falcon91 changed Severity from None to Major.
falcon91 changed Reproducibility from N/A to Sometimes.
falcon91 changed Category from General to Gameplay.
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Jan 13 2023, 9:09 AM

I think this is fixed, I haven't seen it so far but will run a time with 30 grenades and see if it glitches again.

The issue with this is a desync issue though.

barf added a subscriber: barf.Aug 13 2023, 3:19 AM

hi this can still be reproduced on

to reproduce throw frags as fast as possible

A video fromn someone else:
Example video

As per Centipede's video I can confirm this is still occurring. Had a guy next to me have it happen last night.

Geez changed the task status from Awaiting internal Testing to Confirmed Internally.
Geez added a subscriber: Slimjesus600BC.
falcon91 added a subscriber: Geez.Nov 19 2023, 7:48 AM

@Geez this is still occurring in the live environment again, it also still happens in exp.


It's possible that all of these tickets are about the same issue and should be related


It's possible that all of these tickets are about the same issue and should be related

The grenade one is a sync issue with how fast the server records you throwing grenades, it's similar but not the same due to the way it occurs. The exiting vehicles one has a specific set of circumstances it happens with.

Still occurring as of 31st Dec, only way to solve normally (without getting lucky and falling off a cliff) is to respawn.

barf added a comment.Mar 3 2024, 1:57 AM

still reproducible on and happens just as frequently. i think network latency is involved.

but FYI a simple work around is to fall down or get shot etc so that the character animation is changed

Just had the bug, I was in combat. Threw grenades. And it got stuck! I couldn't do anything. And of course I was killed. Can the problem be fixed guys ? Thank you. Official server without mods. 40 players on admission.

Had it just now in the first game after the patch. Doesn't just happen with grenades, appears to happen with any item if you are switching around and things are hot and heavy.

david3331 added a subscriber: david3331.EditedJun 16 2024, 7:37 AM

grenade stuck in hand still happens in stable in conflict official with regular and smoke grenades.

I also had this a couple of days ago with Experimental version with no mods.

Had it happen in the exp as well just last night. The only consistent thing that i can find is when big fights are happening or about to, and you try to spam grenades as fast as possible.
Just spawned at Entre knowing the other team was at 90% capped. Started trying to chuck both my RDG's as fast as possible at the command tent. first one goes out and the second one stuck. I ended up just trying to surrender before getting wasted by a guy... who was empathizing with me and complaining about the bug... Before sending hot 5.56 right into my brain.

I know it's an annoying bug to track, but it's more well known and experienced in the community then how much it's reported on.

For those who don't know you can fix it. but it's situational. If you drop from a far enough height it resets your character to what it's really doing. This obviously isn't always possible especially if you can't do actions, but it has saved me before for what it's worth. Sand bags, armories, small ledges, and decent sized rocks will all snap you out of it.

Hey @Geez this is still happening I had it happen today when I was going at the USSR main base being a pest to them. After about 3 Frags the M67 got stuck in my hand, and then I had to fall off a stone or cliff to get it to, as Yama and past comments have mentioned.

I think this is a desync issue with the server, not recognizing that a grenade with a pulled pin is in your hand or it thinks you threw it. When it happens again I'll ask someone to tell me if they see a grenade in my hand, or if they see me with nothing. Iirc they see you with nothing in your hands.

Current live build

Two years for this bug

Video example from

Two years for this bug

Video example from

Two years since I submitted it. But this is a release day bug, so much longer haha. But it's probably low on their list since the map is being made.

byNautiic added a subscriber: byNautiic.EditedJan 11 2025, 8:34 PM

I have actually never encountered this bug on Xbox Series X, using controller. Playing 1.5 years.

And @Geez how come this is not listed under "Known Issues" if it is confirmed internally?

Also, linking T187632

I have this happen to me a lot. To the point where my squad mates tell me not to throw grenades. I generally try to spam click and get off as many as possible and this seems to be the biggest trigger for the issue. It's also worth noting that when you "fix" the issue your character will pop the pin back in, which almost makes me feel like the client is seeing the pin in, but the server is seeing the pin out? i don't know how to explain it but but i do know that it's gotten me killed many times. If i don't have something to drop off, or i also found that you can get in a car and it will also reset it FYI. But often times i will just charge in as the grenade will still go off after you die.

I have this happen to me a lot. To the point where my squad mates tell me not to throw grenades. I generally try to spam click and get off as many as possible and this seems to be the biggest trigger for the issue. It's also worth noting that when you "fix" the issue your character will pop the pin back in, which almost makes me feel like the client is seeing the pin in, but the server is seeing the pin out? i don't know how to explain it but but i do know that it's gotten me killed many times. If i don't have something to drop off, or i also found that you can get in a car and it will also reset it FYI. But often times i will just charge in as the grenade will still go off after you die.

As I said above it's a desync issue with the server, it can happen regardless of fast or slow throwing though. The server state see's we have nothing in our hands, the client state sees that we have pulled the pin but the command for throwing wasn't received by the server.

Yes, I can confirm this bug. It occurs after a few grenades on the official server. Experimental. It only helps to jump from a high object. The character then returns the pin. During this process - you can't jump - and you move like a snail. Even after you have “repaired” yourself, the character appears damaged. I run much slower and you can no longer throw grenades. I could only do this when I opened the map several times, ran around wildly, put down my main weapon and picked it up again.

3Dmonk added a subscriber: 3Dmonk.Thu, Jan 16, 8:27 AM

Just happen yesterday and it is same as a year ago. My workaround is to unplug Ethernet cable for few seconds, then the game start reconnecting to the game from a game menu and the stuck grenade is resolved.

Same behaviour

I have thrown 100 grenades locally no problems

I have thrown 100 grenades on the official Gamemaster server no problems (Latency 22 ms )

I changed my position several times and threw grenades all the time, so to say I did a stress test. I see that this was a US server and the latency is 130 ms.

That could be a reason ?

If there are any new developments I will write here again.

I have thrown 100 grenades locally no problems

I have thrown 100 grenades on the official Gamemaster server no problems (Latency 22 ms )

I changed my position several times and threw grenades all the time, so to say I did a stress test. I see that this was a US server and the latency is 130 ms.

That could be a reason ?

If there are any new developments I will write here again.

Most likely depends on the server performance

For those who don't know you can fix it. but it's situational. If you drop from a far enough height it resets your character to what it's really doing. This obviously isn't always possible especially if you can't do actions, but it has saved me before for what it's worth. Sand bags, armories, small ledges, and decent sized rocks will all snap you out of it.

@falcon91 hi 👋

Maybe add this workaround to a separate section - additional information?